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Registered Userbhowie

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Comments Made by bhowie
Showing 11 - 20 of ~47
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Sorry, busy
05/09/2005 05:07:44 AM
Sorry, busy
by mimid

The driver and unique shape to the taxi makes this shot. Colours are good, and movement creates interest. Perhaps just a tad to many blown highlights draw too much attention from the subject to different parts of the frame, but hard to control in shots like this. Solid entry...
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Albion River
05/09/2005 02:28:28 AM
Albion River
by doeboe616

Nice picture and interesting colours. Controlling the blowout on the house would have ensured a better score I feel.
Lights on the Hudson
05/09/2005 02:26:10 AM
Lights on the Hudson
by slingshot

The camera has moved during exposure???
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San Francisco
05/08/2005 10:47:18 PM
San Francisco2nd Place
by gaurawa

Good choice on the sepia. I would have considered cropping slightly more off the top. Some distracting lights in the detract a little from the overall feel. Otherwise an excellent submission - very well done. 9
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Study in Pastels
05/08/2005 10:07:36 PM
Study in Pastels
by joe_miner

Great colours and good exposure. Given there is no sense of pattern I think it could have been enhanced by a clear subject. I know it was probably unavoidable, but I do find the bright light distracting in such a prominant postion in the frame - but nevertheless you have achieved a good result. Well done.
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canal nights
05/08/2005 10:04:04 PM
canal nights
by plongcam

Very classy... Well done. I like the colours and the tones - the tilt to the image gives good dynamic feel and I think it works for this image. 9
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The evil night
05/08/2005 09:56:15 PM
The evil night
by umbro

I think that cropping the right hand portion of the frame would have enhanced this shot. A square format would also have helped I think. Overall a nice shot, good tones for the subject, and good exposure.
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The show is on
05/08/2005 09:37:50 PM
The show is on
by psychephylax

Ahh... My home Sydney! You get my vote on nostelgia alone! Can never see enough of the Opera House...
What I call a REAL fire!
05/08/2005 09:35:46 PM
What I call a REAL fire!
by Mulder

Toast! Would have been good as a triangle entry too!
Mt. Timpanogos
05/08/2005 09:32:23 PM
Mt. Timpanogos
by fifield

Nice image. I feel the exposure on the rocks in the foreground is slightly too high in comparison to the background, but the mountains look great in moonlight. Well done. 7 (Ã'm a hard marker!)
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~47

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