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Comments Made by Prism
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Showing 651 - 660 of ~928
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Watching the fall of day
09/06/2006 12:32:53 AM
Watching the fall of day2nd Place
by Kivet

Congratulations on the ribbon! Beautiful sunset!
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Prairie lightning
09/05/2006 10:00:06 AM
Prairie lightning
by andrea22_als

Sweet shot! I love the colours in the sky and how the clouds seem to loom overhead. Just waiting to hear that boom echo across the fields!
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Stone Spider
09/03/2006 12:22:26 AM
Stone Spider
by Vapor63

At first I thought the door was snake skin with a spider on it but then I read your comments! Nice shot. Do you have any shots of just the door without the spider? Great colours for an abstract.
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Smile With A Piece Missing
08/11/2006 02:40:35 PM
Smile With A Piece Missing
by atupdate

Great clarity and focus in this shot. His expression is wonderful showing how excited and happy he his is about losing the tooth. Looking at your score, I would think a lot of people scored this lower as they didn't agree with your interpretation of the challenge topic, not much you can do about that.

IMO, the black and white works well for this shot. Suggestions on improvements, the backdrop should either be ironed so their are no wrinkles or scrunched so it is all wrinkles, voters tend to not like obvious fold marks. Moving him farther from the backdrop and changing your depth of field so that the backdrop is more out of focus is another way to handle that.

I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
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08/11/2006 12:27:35 PM
by madhatter

Like the composition with the pink flower against the dark mountains. Be careful of the blown highlights in the clouds.
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No Less No More
08/11/2006 12:22:20 PM
No Less No More
by dahkota

Very effective shot. Is this IR?
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long ago, in a galaxy far far away
08/11/2006 12:17:15 PM
long ago, in a galaxy far far away
by Knightmoves

Godd choice of subject and composition. I think the presentation would be helped by a slight rotation to the right, to bring the horizontal lines parallel to the bottom of the frame and make the sides equal distance from the bottom.
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Full Moon, Sunrise, Chatham Light
08/10/2006 10:56:39 PM
Full Moon, Sunrise, Chatham Light
by Bear_Music

The left antenna may have .25 angle to it but the lighthouse itself, going by the sides of the window housing looks perfectly straight to me. I like the pverall effect of the vignetting. I also like that your exposure keeps detail showing in the moon and still allows the shadowing around the shape of the lighthouse.
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Baker Beach By Night
08/10/2006 10:00:25 PM
Baker Beach By Night
by jdannels

Love the colour tones in this. A beautiful take on a much photgraphed landmark.
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08/10/2006 09:57:34 PM
by crazedfost78

I like the effect you have used on this. My only suggestion would be to clone out the dust spot that appears in the blue over the bird silhouette.
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Showing 651 - 660 of ~928

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