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Registered Userrosemckay

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Comments Made by rosemckay
Showing 11 - 20 of ~25
Image Comment
Hiding Place
06/13/2006 02:59:41 PM
Hiding Place
by jamfull

That is the most precious thing I've ever seen!
Bar Whopper
06/13/2006 02:55:51 PM
Bar Whopper
by Redmanrunner

In the Middle of Somewhere
06/13/2006 02:55:26 PM
In the Middle of Somewhere
by trumpetwalrus

The image looks overexposed and all the molted light makes the grass chaotic. You might crop the bright corner to improve the image and bump up the shadows under levels. It'll brighten the green and make the picture looks less overexposed.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Wild Pot
06/13/2006 02:49:36 PM
Wild Pot
by MaybeNextTime

This looks like a random snapshot. The guy is blurry-ish.
It's alive!
06/13/2006 02:48:31 PM
It's alive!
by zheka

06/13/2006 02:47:51 PM
by Nuzzer

This is cute! I love the idea and the only thing I might say to improve it would be that the light is maybe a bit harsh if you diffused it could make it better.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Fireflies in June (Secret Garden)
06/13/2006 02:45:53 PM
Fireflies in June (Secret Garden)
by notesinstones

This photo seems a bit under exposed in most areas. The lamps come across as blobs of blown-out light and they don't feel balanced. The large area of light reflecting on the tree in the upper left weights the photo unevenly and the patch of blue sky at the top corner doesn't relate well to the rest of the image. Maybe a different crop would improve the framing but I suggest using a slower shutter speed and a tripod to brighten things up.
Photographer found comment helpful.
A Father's Love
06/13/2006 02:40:32 PM
A Father's Love
by cowcollect

This photo looks grainy (like a polaroid or snapshoot). The starburst appears to be super imposed; and the contrast could be improved by using levels to make the darkest areas of the image darker. That would bring out more details in the fathers face and maybe help the image seem crisper. The DVD rack in the background distracts from the father and his baby.
Our Green Country
06/11/2006 02:17:51 AM
Our Green Country
by terje

Wow, this is stunning! I want to hike there!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Warren Zevon
06/11/2006 01:57:05 AM
Warren Zevon
by blad

Creepy. It looks like the house is smiling at you.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~25

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