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Registered Usercresus

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Comments Made by cresus
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Her warm smile and love.
03/03/2006 12:29:22 PM
Her warm smile and love.
by parrothead

I appreciate the grain, but I think it's just a touch too much in this case (since you're trying to emphasize her smile and it's somewhat obscured by the noise in the shot).
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Clothes Makes the Man
02/28/2006 11:42:18 AM
Clothes Makes the Man
by codauber

Very clever...
The kids in America
02/27/2006 11:16:42 AM
The kids in America
by Philos

Greetings from the Critique Club

I think this suits the challenge quite well. It demonstrates the 'Smoking is Cool' mentality that prevailed in the 80's and the excessive make-up styles used then. My criticism for make-up and hair would be that it's too subtle. The 80s were known for drastic colors in both hair and make-up. Girls often had streaks of color in their hair as well as the use of non-conventional colors of eye-shadow. Also, the decade was known for 'big hair' which I would have to say hers doesn't make me think. In any case, on to the technicals.

Composition is quite good here. I'm distracted by the fact that some of her hair is cut off on the top. The positioning of her and her hand in the frame is excellent.

I love the lighting here. Great use of indirect lighting to lend interest to the shot by having her face and hand partially illuminated.

I would've preferred some more detail in her clothes. As it is, she's in black on a black background with no contrast between the two. Some dodging to give a little texture to her clothes would've been nice so there was a difference from the background and she wasn't a floating head.

Lighting or dodging on her jacket to bring her out of the background. More make-up and hair. She looks like she could've been pulled off of the street as it is and be only mildly out of fashion. The main selling point for the 80s here is in the pointy eyeliner. Don't cut off the top of her head...it's important since it's hair and makeup that sell the picture to the challenge.

I hope this was useful to you, and please feel free to contact me via PM if you have any questions regarding this critique.

Zeke Smith
Photographer found comment helpful.
02/25/2006 06:29:28 PM
by mlevy76

Focus on the eyes, not the nose.
02/24/2006 03:03:24 PM
by langdon

Pretty picture. Blue tone is very nice.

Whoever cleated that boat is asking for it to drift away though.
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Home time
02/24/2006 01:45:41 PM
Home time
by KHolt

Greetings from the Critique Club

This picture, as has been commented previously, is a great representation for this challenge. Only criticisms are basically things out of your control.

Nice off 2/3 placement of the shepherd and sheep. Excellent depiction of country life by inclusion of the house. I would've preferred less foreground distraction from the tree but in the limited time you had this is a nice capture.

Lighting & Camera Work:
The lighting in this shot is less than ideal since the subjects are all relatively dark as compared to the sky. I would've liked to see brighter subjects but again, in the limited time you had nice job. Exposure of the scene looks good. I think the focus should have been on the shepherd as opposed to the house.

I don't see any obvious signs of your cloning or dodge and burn. Sky saturation looks nice and isn't overpowered. Sharpness is a little low but noise levels due to high ISO may have prevented higher sharpening.

Obviously it's hard to have suggestions for this since it was taken spur of the moment. If it were possible to retake the shot under whatever conditions you want, I would say having a better lighting (like early morning while he's taking them out) so the lighting isn't so flat, and repositioning to remove the distraction of the tree and brush in the foreground would really help this out.

I hope you find this helpful. Please don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions.

Zeke Smith
Photographer found comment helpful.
sacred stairway
02/22/2006 09:26:00 PM
sacred stairway
by BrennanOB

Great shot...love the shadows and the sky.
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Devil's Bridge
02/22/2006 09:25:25 PM
Devil's Bridge
by LoudDog

Not a great lighting condition as the landscape looks 'flat'. No depth from shadows.
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Sharp and Delicate
02/22/2006 09:23:57 PM
Sharp and Delicate
by dahved

Very noisy. Nice diagonal leading into the focus.
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The Cross
02/22/2006 01:18:56 PM
The Cross
by Rossko

Really good except for how dark the top right is. It blends in with the top of the cross and makes the power of the shadow less.
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