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Registered UserAPogoBumInMD

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Comments Made by APogoBumInMD
Showing 41 - 50 of ~51
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Just Stones
08/22/2006 03:35:29 AM
Just Stones
by kevrobertson

Excellent shot! I hope to see it in color. My untrained eye is pulled to the distant mountains. Great capture of depth.
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Cold Creek Tank #2
08/22/2006 03:30:41 AM
Cold Creek Tank #2
by Blackbox

154th place!?!?! totally and utterly DISAGREE. No expert here, sorry, no advice on cropping, saturation, opening the f-stop etc... I saw it, I clicked on it, and it wowed me. Had I voted... 8.
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Golden Reflection
08/22/2006 02:40:18 AM
Golden Reflection
by jusdino4it

I guess for the competition and opportunity to get a better shot next time, the feedback received one may consider constructive. However, the fact that it looks soooo natural, unplanned, unrehearsed, my definition of raw, this is a wonderful shot. Absolutely beautiful. To me, if this were more planned or editted, it may have lost that natural beauty. Im partial to those shots that capture nature in its purest form. Had I voted, this would have received a 9.
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Fire on the Water
08/22/2006 01:27:10 AM
Fire on the Water
by HikerDude

This is a great capture. Was wondering how much (and HOPING it wasnt much) was altered and read notes to find there wasnt much alteration. Im sorry to hear the reason for the smokey sky but right above the sun the small cluster of clouds almost looks like handwriting. Im not a deeply spiritual person but the image reminds me of a possible higher power. As if a higher power (at risk of being critisized for saying His name in a public forum) said 'this is it, take it' and it was signed in those clouds above the sun. absolutely beautiful photo. My eye is not a trained one but I am qualified to love it. LOL Dont think it coulve gotten any better. Well done!
On da Beach
08/21/2006 11:47:25 PM
On da Beach
by huitzilopotchtli

Obviously I dont have a trained eye, but I cant imagine some of these pics got a higher score than this one. Its a beautiful shot. Im a sucker for a beautiful sunset/rise. I think the transition from color to color from top to bottom is simply breathtaking. Wish I had been there to see it for real. But the pic will have to do. It is now my fav desktop.
A Politically Incorrect Drinking Establishment?
08/18/2006 02:41:19 PM
A Politically Incorrect Drinking Establishment?
by ChrisW123

Excellent! I like this kinda stuff. I wonder if the stories behind these photos are posted after people leave their comments.....
...or another!
08/18/2006 01:34:31 PM
...or another!
by crabappl3

Very clever. I get it. Excellent use of the challenge with the perfect amount 'personality'. Im in agreement with everyone, as well as the author of the photo about the border.
Falling Rocks - Floating Sign
08/18/2006 11:39:04 AM
Falling Rocks - Floating Sign
by DigitalGravy

Impressive, especially with the story.
Pass on the Chili Dip (pun)
08/18/2006 10:31:35 AM
Pass on the Chili Dip (pun)
by Bullwinkle

Im no critic. Not a qualified one anyway. 'the snow isnt too white', 'good tones', etc. No clue what all this means. If its pleasing or intriguing, then i check out the pic. The title got me on this one. Very clever! I read one comment where they didnt get it, or was that a joke its self? What Im getting at here is the fact that the (pun) part couldve been omitted to make a more effective title. I mean we're all pretty smart, right? Otherwise, this is a great pic. Good cropping.... hahaha
Look Up Before Passing
08/16/2006 05:38:26 PM
Look Up Before Passing
by GolferDDS

i hope the photographer gets this message.... EXCELLENT! i live in this neighborhood and see many photographers at this site capturing the incoming planes. this photo captures everything about that observatory and the absolute amazement one feels when watching these huge planes come in for their landing. this pic is as real as it gets. when driving on that road and one is coming at you.... whoa!!!! takes your breath away sometimes. im glad i came across, if i had voted it woulda been a 10, not cuz it would be bias but cuz this is a great shot!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 41 - 50 of ~51

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