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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Question about In the Twilight
Showing posts 76 - 100 of 101, (reverse)
06/24/2002 04:15:29 PM · #76
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
Originally posted by hokie:
[i]Everybody here has a good point.

Regardless of the prize, rules are rules. I have seen some other folks get DQ'ed for simple edits or just goofy things and it would not be fair to them if we ignore one now.

It sounds trivial I know..but it's the only way to be fair to others in the past who may have been DQ'ed for trivial things too.

Just my opinion.

Agreed. Other photographers have been penalized for similar edits before.

Though we usually don't see eye to eye, I have to agree with Ryan here. "Absolutely no spot editing" is pretty clear.


I had a photo DQ'd because my crop tool ran one or two pixel outside the image area, creating a tiny black line and violating the "No Padding or Borders" rule.

If this photo is not DQ'd (maybe have NO 1st place instead of rearranging the others), then the Results page should at least offer a disclaimer to the effect that, although this photo was judged highest esthetically, it nevertheless violates basic site rules, and should have been DQ'd during voting. You could also "take away the ribbon" on the photographer's profile page.

I'm also in favor of all DQ'd photos remaining in the Challenge Results/Archive, with reason for DQ and photographer' comments (rebuttal?)included. Or, as has been suggested, allow the photographer the option of having their "mistake" exposed/explained. Remember, we learn from mistakes, and this is supposed to be an educational site, not the Stanley Cup Tournament.

If anyone cares, here's my DQ'd photo from "Games".
06/24/2002 04:24:42 PM · #77
Take a chill pill, KD. You were totally unknown to me until I read your last post, so none of my postings were directed to you (or anyone, in particular) at all. If you felt the need "to justify yourself" because of what I posted, than that is on you. I'm just stating my opinions, like we all are. It's OK to disagree. Relax.

Originally posted by KDJohnson:
I will state again..for the record..that I didn't get to vote on all of these due to time constraints and didn't notice this until I opened it up this morning. I did not have to "find" anything...because on my monitor at home (I use a Mac G4 with a Sony trinitron monitor), it was staring me dead in the face. I would send you a screen shot if that would help you see. I mentioned it to Terry and we both questioned it. I did a simple levels adjustment just to be sure I wasn't seeing things and there it was. Simple as that. I don't feel like I have to justify my actions to you (mpmgeegan) although it seems to be what I'm feeling I have to do. I did not set out to start a fire anywhere...as you seem to think I have. All I can say is..let's do our best not to judge each other as we are total strangers to each other and I'm not on this site to make enemies. I'm on to follow the rules while having fun. As we all should be. Whatever the outcome of this, I'll be satisfied with it...whether the photo stays or goes. And once again I will state that it is a beautiful photo. I have nothing against that aspect of it.

06/24/2002 04:28:13 PM · #78
Terry....could you please tell me where to get some "chill" pills? :0)
My pharmacy doesn't seem to carry them. Do I get those on the street?
06/24/2002 04:30:00 PM · #79
Originally posted by KDJohnson:
Terry....could you please tell me where to get some "chill" pills? :0)
My pharmacy doesn't seem to carry them. Do I get those on the street?

Check the freezer section. ;-)

06/24/2002 04:30:57 PM · #80
and actually..I just felt the need to try to be nice...because I don't like being mean.
06/24/2002 04:31:45 PM · #81
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
Originally posted by KDJohnson:
[i]Terry....could you please tell me where to get some "chill" pills? :0)
My pharmacy doesn't seem to carry them. Do I get those on the street?

Check the freezer section. ;-)


ROTFLMAO - I wish I'd thought of that.
06/24/2002 04:31:47 PM · #82
Originally posted by KDJohnson:
Terry....could you please tell me where to get some "chill" pills? :0)
My pharmacy doesn't seem to carry them. Do I get those on the street?

Valium, paxil, prozac, morphine, or whatever works for you.
06/24/2002 04:37:09 PM · #83
Did anyone else notice that the filename on the alleged original is P3019.JPG? All the other images on the site have an 8-character filename, a P followed by a 7-digit number (such as P0003018.JPG).

I still think there is more to this.

06/24/2002 04:40:14 PM · #84
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
Did anyone else notice that the filename on the alleged original is P3019.JPG? All the other images on the site have an 8-character filename, a P followed by a 7-digit number (such as P0003018.JPG).

I still think there is more to this.


lol :)

06/24/2002 04:42:00 PM · #85
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
Did anyone else notice that the filename on the alleged original is P3019.JPG? All the other images on the site have an 8-character filename, a P followed by a 7-digit number (such as P0003018.JPG).

I still think there is more to this.


Uh, just curious, Terry, do you feel there is a conspiracy behind the JFK assasination?
06/24/2002 04:42:11 PM · #86
after watching this entire saga unfold, I have to say that I too am in favor of DQ'ing this photo, as it was a clear violation of the rules governing spot edits.


I feel that this has been an instructional experience for all of us on this site. Especially, it encourages us to revise the aspect of the rules governing statute of limitations on Disqualifications. Since that has never been spelled out, it probably now will be.

Thanks to Sig for being graceful about his error.
06/24/2002 04:45:13 PM · #87
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
Did anyone else notice that the filename on the alleged original is P3019.JPG? All the other images on the site have an 8-character filename, a P followed by a 7-digit number (such as P0003018.JPG).


My Olympus uses this same filenaming scheme.
Letter = year
1st Digit = month (1-C)
Digits 2-3 = day
Digits 4-7 = photo number
So... P5180024 = frame #24 taken May 18, 2002.

06/24/2002 04:46:05 PM · #88
Originally posted by mpmcgeehan:
Uh, just curious, Terry, do you feel there is a conspiracy behind the JFK assasination?

If you wish to debate me on facts, I am more than happy to do so. Otherwise, this line of questioning is a waste of time.

06/24/2002 04:48:35 PM · #89
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
Originally posted by mpmcgeehan:
[i]Uh, just curious, Terry, do you feel there is a conspiracy behind the JFK assasination?

If you wish to debate me on facts, I am more than happy to do so. Otherwise, this line of questioning is a waste of time.


uh, it was a rhetorical question.

06/24/2002 04:49:16 PM · #90
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
Did anyone else notice that the filename on the alleged original is P3019.JPG? All the other images on the site have an 8-character filename, a P followed by a 7-digit number (such as P0003018.JPG).

I still think there is more to this.


That is becaus there allready was a file that I had edited the date out that had the original name and Frontpage renamed the original when I but it on the homepage.

Frankly im getting bitter defending this picture.
I am very contented with it and I´m starting to be sorry I ever shared it with you guys.
And accuseing me of posting a picture I did not take is ridiculous and has no ground.
06/24/2002 04:51:32 PM · #91
Originally posted by siggithor:
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
[i]Did anyone else notice that the filename on the alleged original is P3019.JPG? All the other images on the site have an 8-character filename, a P followed by a 7-digit number (such as P0003018.JPG).

I still think there is more to this.


That is becaus there allready was a file that I had edited the date out that had the original name and Frontpage renamed the original when I but it on the homepage.

Frankly im getting bitter defending this picture.
I am very contented with it and I´m starting to be sorry I ever shared it with you guys.
And accuseing me of posting a picture I did not take is ridiculous and has no ground.[/i]

Hey Sig:

You have every right to start getting pissed off. Now they are suggesting that your use of non-consistent filenames is somehow suspicious. How ridiculous! Your photo was awesome. Even if it HAD the date in the corner, I''d have still given it a 10.

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/24/2002 4:51:33 PM.
06/24/2002 04:54:33 PM · #92
Originally posted by siggithor:
Frankly im getting bitter defending this picture.
I am very contented with it and I´m starting to be sorry I ever shared it with you guys.
And accuseing me of posting a picture I did not take is ridiculous and has no ground.

Your point is well-taken.

I think at this point it's probably best to let this thread die and let the moderators/administrators make a decision. This will be my last post regarding this picture, though I reserve the right to comment on any decision once one is posted.

06/24/2002 04:58:12 PM · #93
thanks, terry, that was my suggestion: that there's nothing left to be gained from this bla bla, although people are certainly entitled to it if they want ..
06/24/2002 05:01:09 PM · #94
At least be happy we are agreeing that it is an exceelent photo. I wasn't even in the top one hundred this time. Please don't let this discourage you too much. This round will pass and I look forward to seeing more of your photos in the future. We just like to talk a lot.

06/24/2002 05:03:17 PM · #95
Originally posted by timj351:
At least be happy we are agreeing that it is an exceelent photo. I wasn't even in the top one hundred this time. Please don't let this discourage you too much. This round will pass and I look forward to seeing more of your photos in the future. We just like to talk a lot.


Yeah, Tim! What happened to you this time? You've taken three of my all time favorite photos on this site! But your choice of shadows...well, it just wasn't "you."
06/24/2002 05:26:44 PM · #96
I just got to check out this thread for the first time today. I too do not think anything will be gained by talking this to death in the forums. I think this calls for a moderator debate. I'll be going home in the next few minutes. Any mods. up for the discussion?
06/24/2002 05:34:53 PM · #97
mpmcgheehan...what is your problem man?

You need the chill pill cause you are picking on folks who are good people. Nobody is trying to do anything that isn't fair for everybody.

And sig....I am sorry you have got caught up in the middle of a technical snafu. There is nobody here that feels more badly about this than the folks right here..right now talking about this.

But...there have been DQ's for less and to let you go now would be unfair to the guys before you. For the record I thought your photo was one of the 10 best I saw last week and I STILL think it is one of the 10 best today :-)
06/24/2002 05:41:29 PM · #98
In siggithors defence I want to say that, like he said, he removed the date because the camera put it there and therefor he wasn't actually doing any spot-editing to improve the picture and he wasn't aware that he was breaking the rules that way.

I think a lot a us should be ashamed by the way that siggithor was attacked in this thread and still are doubting his picture.
I have to admit that I was doubting the integrity of the picture too after reading the first posts but realized that I was wrong once I read his explanation and looked at the originals.

Nevertheless it is a fact that any form of spot-editing is against the rules and that pictures have been disqualified for minor violations of the rules that the photographer was not aware of. I think it should stay up on the homepage as this weeks winner because it is a great picture that deserved to win, but like GeneralE suggested it should not be given a ribbon and be banned to the end of the results list with the remark that it has been disqualified due to spot-editing.

To siggithor I want to say that I feel sorry about the way he has been treated and that I hope he keeps on submitting in future challenges and get a lot of ribbons!
06/24/2002 06:00:47 PM · #99
Originally posted by hokie:
mpmcgheehan...what is your problem man?

You need the chill pill cause you are picking on folks who are good people. Nobody is trying to do anything that isn't fair for everybody.

Uh, I don't have any problems. What the hell are you talking about? I haven't picked on anyone.
06/24/2002 06:13:53 PM · #100
Originally posted by hokie:
mpmcgheehan...what is your problem man?

You need the chill pill cause you are picking on folks who are good people. Nobody is trying to do anything that isn't fair for everybody.

Yo, hokie, do you always have to post so arrogantly! God! And, in my opinion, you are all completely neurotic about this.
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