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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Curves : Restrictions
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 40, (reverse)
04/02/2002 11:48:49 AM · #1
Are there any restrictions in terms of entry content ?
Are we allowed nudity ?

First type of curves that jumped into my brain - maybe
that just says a lot about me...

04/02/2002 12:32:55 PM · #2
heh, the thought crossed my mind, or maybe it was the sports illustrated calender in my room. Personally, I don't think nudity should be allowed, sure it can be tastefully photographed, but I dunno, is this like a family site here? It would seem that almost everyone here is an adult though.
04/02/2002 12:53:56 PM · #3
was the first thing that came to my mind too ;o) unfortunately, the look hubby gave me when i mentioned the curve challenge and how he'd be a good model nixed that idea so i guess i'll have try something else *sigh*

i think this is more of an adult site and the challenge rules didn't state no nudity so i think as long as it's tasteful versus shock-value (pleeeze!) it should be allowed ...but then, i'm not the admins; hopefully they'll clarify :o)
04/02/2002 01:13:45 PM · #4
There is no restriction on content other than the content cannot be blatently offensive, and we should probably clarify that in the rules. Submissions that promote hatrid, racism, etc. will not be tolorated. Nudity is certainly allowed, but crossing the line to pornography isn't. Use your common sense on this one -- it shouldn't need too much elaboration.

If you're unsure about your submission, contact us about it first. We'll adjust the rules soon to reflect this, but we obviously must reserve the right to disqualify an entry on the aforementioned grounds.
04/02/2002 01:24:56 PM · #5
That's resonable - just some sites have a blanket ban on 'artful' nudity as well as the more obvious pornography. Just wanted to check before I have to start buying my wife presents to convince her to pose...
04/02/2002 11:06:15 PM · #6
Art is in the eye of the beholder, as long as the photographer is proud of his/her art then there should be no debate.
04/02/2002 11:39:08 PM · #7
From the sound of it. I'll bet 15%-20% of the upcoming curves submissions will be of photographers' spouses.

* This message has been edited by the author on 4/2/2002 11:39:33 PM.
04/03/2002 05:29:29 AM · #8
I won't be included in that 15 to 20%. Middle aged nudity? Nope not gonna happen. Don't get me wrong. I love my husband, I just don't expect everyone else to want to see him.
04/03/2002 06:51:08 AM · #9
indeed, this was the first thing that came to mind, but now that I see that great minds think alike, I'm trying to come up with something different ; )
04/03/2002 07:03:02 AM · #10
I'm shooting my second mistress...
04/03/2002 07:40:32 AM · #11
Well...first thing that came to my mind too!hhmmm... now I'm off to find a new idea. Don't want to flood the submissions with tons of nudes.
04/03/2002 09:04:41 AM · #12
Originally posted by irae:
I'm shooting my second mistress...

Are you shooting or photographing your second mistress? Be careful of what you say in a public forum!

04/03/2002 09:06:55 AM · #13
yeah,thats right. you might need to shoot her sometime and you wouldn't it to be premeditated
04/03/2002 09:30:52 AM · #14
may i suggest private threats? i usually find those have the desired effect, without all the mess and legal hassles ...
04/03/2002 09:47:57 AM · #15
Originally posted by Maverick:
heh, the thought crossed my mind, or maybe it was the sports illustrated calender in my room. Personally, I don't think nudity should be allowed, sure it can be tastefully photographed, but I dunno, is this like a family site here? It [i]would seem that almost everyone here is an adult though.[/i]

Well chronologicaly at least. Sorry I had to.
04/03/2002 09:49:03 AM · #16
second mistress?

Makes me wonder if you shot the first one:)
04/03/2002 09:49:52 AM · #17
"First thing that came to my mind." Is that another way of saying cliche?


* This message has been edited by the author on 4/3/2002 10:46:05 AM.
04/03/2002 09:57:46 AM · #18
Originally posted by irae:
I'm shooting my second mistress...

What's wrong with your first mistress?
04/03/2002 10:00:03 AM · #19
Hey David, maybe the reason there aren't enough rats is because you ate too many of them.
04/03/2002 10:38:05 AM · #20
Mental note to self: Careful with the word 'shoot' around my fellow Americans. BTW, my first mistress has a lens, and isn't dead - just a little sick.
04/04/2002 10:05:01 AM · #21
I will be making my first post to this site in the "curves" challenge and I'm glad I read here first. My image will contain some female anatomy but It won't be considered "nudity" since no 'naughty' areas will appear in the photograph...

Originally posted by GordonMcGregor:
Are there any restrictions in terms of entry content ?
Are we allowed nudity ?

First type of curves that jumped into my brain - maybe
that just says a lot about me...

04/05/2002 12:59:23 PM · #22
Obviously, no one in this forum is a photographer. If nudity is the first thing that crossed your mind, you are in the wrong website !!
04/05/2002 01:18:00 PM · #23
Hey there Ciscokiddy, obviously you're a great photographer - pity you have not bothered to participate in a challenge or up to now not even bothered to comment on the several challenges that have been on offer!
put up or shut up! lets see how good you are.
04/05/2002 01:32:25 PM · #24
no, cisco. not nudity, per se. at least not in a sexual sense (i can only speak for myself here). but rather curves in an organic sense, including the curves of living human forms. if anyone else is like me, they started thinking about the curves of everyday objects, buildings, and then when it hit them about the curves of humans and other living things, it felt like this deep revelation that i was seeing it on this whole other level. it had nothing to do in this case with sexuality, really, just the abstract idea behind curves. then i started thinking about frogs and shoots of plants, and other things. then I saw other people had had similar thoughts. hence my post starting with 'great minds think alike ... '

so please relax - it's all going to be ok : )
04/05/2002 02:07:38 PM · #25
Even if nudity is the first thing that crossed most people's minds, that does not mean they are not photographers. It's just a part of human nature.
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