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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Tools of the Trade results...
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08/03/2005 12:09:22 AM · #1
well I thought I was atleast get a 6 on this last challenge, I admit it lost a lot of sharpness when I shrunk to 150k for DPC compared to original.

but I would enjoy knowing why 1 person thought my photo deserved a 1 and why 3 people thought it a 2, I am pretty sure it wasn't that bad!

//www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=209499 (to see score chart)

oh well, better luck next time but I feel I was jipped a little bit.

and original for example of quality loss:


what do you all think?

Message edited by hbunch7187 - Changed Huge pics to thumb/link.
08/03/2005 12:18:18 AM · #2
I thought your entry was great. I gave it a 7. Someone ALWAYS gives a good photo a 1. Who knows what's going thru their heads!!
08/03/2005 12:21:10 AM · #3
Originally posted by aboutimage:

I thought your entry was great. I gave it a 7. Someone ALWAYS gives a good photo a 1. Who knows what's going thru their heads!!

I think they are just angry at the world or something :\
08/03/2005 12:46:22 AM · #4

Hey! My highest score so far! Thanks guys! And some good comments too!

08/03/2005 02:08:29 AM · #5
kjennings, I have changed your large pics to a clickable thumb and a link due to their size. We try to keep the forums dial up friendly. Please post either clickable thumbs or links to the large pics in the future. Thanks.
08/03/2005 02:12:24 AM · #6
Ok. As I've said before, in my haste I entered the wrong photo.

Entered Photo

What should have been

I was just wondering if people got the idea what this was. Seven obviously was in time with Lance Armstrong's record seveneth Tour De France victory. A cyclist, his bike is his tool. Does this make sense? Any feedback would be great :)
08/03/2005 02:13:09 AM · #7
I was hoping to do higher, but I'm thankful for the comments and score
08/03/2005 02:28:21 AM · #8

This is my best showing for a long time and I guess a little humour helped me this time .
08/03/2005 02:55:29 AM · #9
well I thought I was atleast get a 6 on this last challenge, I admit it lost a lot of sharpness when I shrunk to 150k for DPC compared to original.

but I would enjoy knowing why 1 person thought my photo deserved a 1 and why 3 people thought it a 2, I am pretty sure it wasn't that bad!

//www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=209499 (to see score chart)

oh well, better luck next time but I feel I was jipped a little bit.


and original for example of quality loss:

what do you all think?

I liked it, I gave you a 6.

Message edited by author 2005-08-03 02:57:44.
08/03/2005 06:26:01 AM · #10
Thanks for voting on my first dpc challenge


Top 15 woohoo
08/03/2005 11:36:07 AM · #11
im irritated by my results, especially with the number of 1 and 2 votes?
I mean come on, this is why i never entered open challenges before.

08/03/2005 11:54:45 AM · #12
I am surprise that mine managed to make the top 100 with the score I got.
08/03/2005 12:03:49 PM · #13
Originally posted by swinging_johnson_v1:

I am surprise that mine managed to make the top 100 with the score I got.

I loved your image - I'm surprised it didn't come higher
08/03/2005 02:27:11 PM · #14
First, I loved my entry in tools, so the score did not matter to me, although making the top 100 was nice. I was thrilled my photograph manage to touch a few who commented and that always makes it worth the entry. What surprised me was the 1's and the 2's. Since it was a candid shot and a musician in action I had no control over the lights or his position on stage. And of course with basic editing I can not spot edit and in this case I doubt that I would have taken out the purple lighting. It is what was there and it set the mood. A candid shot is not staged, you have that second to capture it or it is forever gone. I never vote a 1 or a 2 without telling the photographer why and I have had responses from them and it has made a difference in my score. I guess I am beating the proverbial dead horse but I feel better now that I have vented a bit.

08/04/2005 12:17:34 AM · #15
Well, for it being my first challenge, I'm happy with a mid-4. I would especially like to thank those that gave it 5, 6, 7 and 8's! I'm glad that you were able to look past that darn dead pixel. This is the first time I have shot a black background and I didn't know it was there. Well, live and learn. No more black backgrounds for that camera. I guess that's just a good excuse to save up and get a new camera, right? And to the person that gave my shot a 9..my God man, what were you thinking!? Nah, seriously, thanks to all that voted on it and thanks especially to those that took the time to leave constructive comments.
08/05/2005 11:01:58 AM · #16
My best score yet in the mid 5's.

08/05/2005 04:31:01 PM · #17
I was pleased with the comments for my first challenge entry. I cannot believe that I did as well as I did considering six people gave me a 1 or 2 ! Thanks so much for all the critiques, I will take all comments on board!

Message edited by author 2005-08-05 16:33:40.
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