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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> time capsule scores
Showing posts 176 - 200 of 204, (reverse)
08/12/2005 09:36:49 AM · #176
Originally posted by roadrunner:

im a bit shocked with how people are interpreting what they think 'meets the challenge' , gee i would've really thought anything could, it's the photographers imagination of his/her idea for a time capsule for future generations...

Perhaps I'm taking the challenge too literally ... The challenge reads "Take a shot that depicts an era in time. Your title should be the year that you are trying to capture for future generations."

So I haven't been too picky if the title hasn't been just a year. Low marks from me come into play if the image, IMO, does not show a specific era in time. To me that means the photo should take us to a specific time in the past. It should make me think about what was happening at the time, a certain event for that year, or a statement of the thinking or culture of that previous time.

Photos that could be interpretted as any year or time frame, regardless of the technical and artisitc quality, are scoring low for not meeting the challenge.

Message edited by author 2005-08-12 09:38:21.
08/12/2005 09:51:31 AM · #177
Originally posted by woutje:

Photos that could be interpretted as any year or time frame, regardless of the technical and artisitc quality, are scoring low for not meeting the challenge.

well thats what i was saying, so we must vote using the same system.... no matter how great the photo is, if it doesn't fit challenge theme then it has to get a low score... or whats the point in having a theme at all....
08/12/2005 09:52:32 AM · #178
On a side note... I am at a personal best and going for a ribbon! :p
08/12/2005 09:52:44 AM · #179
On an earlier thread peple were asking for clarification on weither the title should only be the date i.e. 2005 or the date and a short info i.e "2005 ... year of the apple core". None of the administration gave a defined answer, it was left open. I agree if the date is not anywhere then the challenge was not met. Otherwise it could have been. If prior to the challenge voting the administration would not define more fully I really think we all need to look at the spirit of the law. Lets be friends. BUT if the entry does have the date and it's a poor pic then so be it, a 2 is deserved.

Maybe if further threads asks for a little more description of the title the admin could help and not let the people who had the sun in their eyes, a rock in their shoe or blind and their seeing eye dog died not take it out due to a misunderstanding ecause of their bad day ;).
08/12/2005 10:15:32 AM · #180

"Your title should be the year that you are trying to capture for future generations."

Looks pretty clear to me what the title is supposed to be. I don't see where the confusion is.
08/12/2005 10:19:09 AM · #181
yer it's funny... mine has a name and the year and is a great shot... i don't understand how i get the ' great shot , beautiful image, lovely photo, but doesn't meet the challenge', and still end up with 4.8, to me i have the name of the photo, the year, and is great to look at.....go figure...

08/12/2005 10:19:28 AM · #182
"Your title should be the year that you are trying to capture for future generations."

SHOULD... does not say must!

ps. WHO CARES!!! It's just a title.. this site is about photographs!!!! If you hate the title then fine, drop it a point, but it shouldn't be a main critera in voting.

Message edited by author 2005-08-12 10:21:12.
08/12/2005 12:21:36 PM · #183
Hey, on a positive note for this thread and a different type of score ...

You have rated 295 of 296 images (100%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 117 images (40%) in this challenge.

I'm trying to make useful comments on as many of the photos as I can.
08/12/2005 12:37:50 PM · #184
I'm with Roadrunner. My picture has 9 comments, and every one of them are positive, even a few who say they gave it a 10. It most definitely meets the challenge. It has the year, and it does have a title, but it's at 5.0. I like the picture tho, so I'm trying not to get discouraged. Just wondering. I guess I'm getting a lot of 1's and 2's because it has something besides just the year in the title.

08/12/2005 12:52:46 PM · #185
Originally posted by roadrunner:

yer it's funny... mine has a name and the year and is a great shot... i don't understand how i get the ' great shot , beautiful image, lovely photo, but doesn't meet the challenge', and still end up with 4.8, to me i have the name of the photo, the year, and is great to look at.....go figure...

Modesty IS a virtue.
08/12/2005 01:02:03 PM · #186
Originally posted by roadrunner:

yer it's funny... mine has a name and the year and is a great shot... i don't understand how i get the ' great shot , beautiful image, lovely photo, but doesn't meet the challenge', and still end up with 4.8, to me i have the name of the photo, the year, and is great to look at.....go figure...

Mine has the year for title, I think it's beautiful, it meets the challenge and has 11 positive comments, but the average score it's 4.6923.

I have been tracking closely my scores in this challenge (on Excel, with graphs and everything). I have spotted several 1,2 and 3's on my score, and my question is? what make this persons to give me that score, even if it has everything to meet the challenge.

I propose that the system has a kind of lock when giving the scores, if you're giving someone a 1 or 2 score, MUST put a comment. Because the comments I have reflect me a good photo, but my score tells me another thing.

Sorry, but I'm getting disappointed, because all I get are low scores (my highest is a 5.408), but don't get the comments to do it better.
08/12/2005 01:08:36 PM · #187
I'm in the same boat, Netwalker. 11 nice comments, yet my score is barely staying in the 5's with a 5.01 score.
08/12/2005 01:32:20 PM · #188
Originally posted by JayWalk:

"Your title should be the year that you are trying to capture for future generations."

SHOULD... does not say must!

ps. WHO CARES!!! It's just a title.. this site is about photographs!!!! If you hate the title then fine, drop it a point, but it shouldn't be a main critera in voting.

I agree, I am one to be very harsh on photos that do not meet the challenge at all. But just because it does not contain only a year # does not just giving that person a low score.
08/12/2005 01:42:18 PM · #189
This is just a question and it is not my intention to get people mad at me....

I know that I have commented on all photo I rated a 1, 2 or 3 and I tried to be constructive and kept comments related to the photos not the photographer.

I know that I have been rated 1, 2 or 3 on my photo but not one single comment has been forwarded my way to tell me why it was rated as such.

Here's the question ...

Those of you who have commented about your photo getting rated low but no comments to help you understand the low rating, have you done your part and commented on all photos that you've rated low?

Just curious?
08/12/2005 01:58:17 PM · #190
Originally posted by woutje:

This is just a question and it is not my intention to get people mad at me....

I know that I have commented on all photo I rated a 1, 2 or 3 and I tried to be constructive and kept comments related to the photos not the photographer.

I know that I have been rated 1, 2 or 3 on my photo but not one single comment has been forwarded my way to tell me why it was rated as such.

Here's the question ...

Those of you who have commented about your photo getting rated low but no comments to help you understand the low rating, have you done your part and commented on all photos that you've rated low?

Just curious?

If I give someone a 1,2 or 3, sure I'll post a comment. But that hasn't happened in a while, for example, in time capsule the lowest I have given it's 5. I don't like giving 1's or 2's, because I consider that I'm not a master photographer that can asign them.

Message edited by author 2005-08-12 13:59:52.
08/12/2005 09:38:50 PM · #191
I hate long titles and I'll tell you why: for the most part, long titles for me tend to indicate that the image has been shoehorned into the challenge and needs a long title to make the challenge link. It`s even worse when the challenge title is included in the image title.

Why the heck does anyone have to say "I concur wholeheartedly in the affirmative by affirming my positive view to this" when all you have to say is "yes"?

A good, strong image should be able to stand on it`s own without a wordy title to hold it up. Nine times out of ten, if it needs an overly complicated title, it could mean that the image by itself is weak and unable to convey its meaning by itself.

Just a point a view. Flame away if you feel like it, doesn't bother me.
08/12/2005 09:58:12 PM · #192
Originally posted by Beagleboy:

I hate long titles and I'll tell you why: for the most part, long titles for me tend to indicate that the image has been shoehorned into the challenge and needs a long title to make the challenge link. It`s even worse when the challenge title is included in the image title.

Why the heck does anyone have to say "I concur wholeheartedly in the affirmative by affirming my positive view to this" when all you have to say is "yes"?

A good, strong image should be able to stand on it`s own without a wordy title to hold it up. Nine times out of ten, if it needs an overly complicated title, it could mean that the image by itself is weak and unable to convey its meaning by itself.

Just a point a view. Flame away if you feel like it, doesn't bother me.

My photography teacher (some years ago) told us something like that.

Some time ago in the forum they suggested that the title of the photos in DPC should be the name of the challenge itself. Maybe that way can't be some kind of influence by the title.
08/13/2005 01:13:48 AM · #193
Suggestion: on four consecutive challenges do not allow any titles at all, or the title must be the challenge title and nothing else ... no extra commas, periods, bold face, italics NO Nothing changed from the challenge title. Then lets see how on four challenges the scores and the photogs feel. Did that change the feelings of the photogs, the picture must stand on it's own. Why not give it a try, four challenges only takes two weeks. Thebad blood is not good for anyone, even the thick-skinned ones may be enjoying the conflict but how does it look to newbies?
08/13/2005 01:28:50 AM · #194
conversly - i think my image is horrible to look at (my excuse is in the EXIF info 2005:08:09 23:48:39pm EST VERY last minute shoot and no time to post process) BUT the title is year only and is extremely recognisable (fashion/pose/theme/hair & markup... the whole kit and caboodle) specifically to that year with all the comments in agreeance.
My image quality is on the crappy side, but the content slots very specifically into the challenge which is why i am holding a 5.4
08/13/2005 04:52:14 AM · #195
i wasn't expecting much from my photo. it's got a 5.4, right where it should be i guess, but 12 positive comments and it has even been added to someone's favorites (that excites me).
08/14/2005 10:33:01 AM · #196
I'm a new to DPC and a first entry into this Time Capsule challenge. I must say after reading through all the comments - some of the "should" of interpretations and other nit-picking does seem to be a bit much. I sometimes get the impression that some are here for just the competitive scoring and not for the simple joy of photography....just a newbies my first impressions....
08/14/2005 07:19:00 PM · #197
Originally posted by 4score:

I'm sure it will dive over night now....but what a ride! Started out at 5.3 and has been climbing steadily! WOOO-HOOO!

Votes: 23
Views: 32
Avg Vote: 6.0870
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 01:30 am

Votes: 250
Views: 311
Avg Vote: 5.9360
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1
Wish Lists: 0
08/14/2005 07:27:41 PM · #198
Well, considering I just stumbled on this website and tried the time capsule challenge, my current 4.9383 doesn't bother me. However, I was specifically told by one person that they would have given me a 6 but chose to give me a 4 because I put more than just the year in the title. The year is there, but I added 3 little words too much.
08/14/2005 11:29:59 PM · #199
Votes: 270
Views: 350
Avg Vote: 5.8444
Comments: 13
Favorites: 2

I was hoping this was another 6+ photo for me, I'm a bit disappointed, but the 2 faves sure eases the pain a little bit. =)
08/14/2005 11:34:05 PM · #200
Votes: 264
Views: 332
Avg Vote: 5.7159
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/14/05 11:00 pm

almost a 6...but close is only good in blah blah blah, you know the rest....one of my favorite dpc photographers gave me a great comment and a 10...so that made it all better

Message edited by author 2005-08-14 23:36:50.
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