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DPChallenge Forums >> Administrator Announcements >> Bugs? Yes, we have those
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 186, (reverse)
12/04/2002 04:50:55 PM · #1
We're pretty positive that there will be problems in and around the site in the next few days. If you come across a bug or have a suggestion please post it to this thread so that we can keep everything contained.

Thanks for your support,
12/04/2002 04:56:31 PM · #2
Hooray! I can't wait to explore!! Am I the first to post a message on the new site?? Huh, huh?
12/04/2002 05:03:26 PM · #3
The 'reverse' thing seems somewhat variable and the 'reverse' checkbox in the profile doesn't seem to do a whole lot.

the 'Thumb/ name/ off' option for previous entries doesn't do anything ? Or is that because nobody has a 'previous' entry as of yet ?

12/04/2002 05:05:07 PM · #4
User preferences, Date of birth field: Could you put a suggested format there ? would help people to know if the 'standard' was dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy or even ddMmmyyyy or some other common understanding.

All done, try it out.

Message edited by langdon - fixed.
12/04/2002 05:08:15 PM · #5
The # of Forum posts per page option in preferences doesn't accept anything you put in it.

It won't let me save my preferences even if I leave that field alone.

I'm on Netscape 7 on a Mac w/ OS X.

Rob 8)

Message edited by author 2002-12-04 17:09:21.
12/04/2002 05:24:26 PM · #6
Hmmmm, maybe i'm just missing something, but when I went to the voting section, the header said "images rated" and then shows the images that i have NOT scored yet.
12/04/2002 05:26:16 PM · #7
I like to have my rating hidden in my page, so I don't see how am doing until de end. for some reason I can't do it in the new format even if the option it is checked in my preferences page.

hope this is temporarly.

thanks and congratulations, great work!

12/04/2002 05:29:10 PM · #8
Doh, I can't vote on Blue because I'm not a member yet?

Let me repharse...

Going to blue..at the top it says "Click here if you want to vote" which takes me to the members sign up

If I click on the photos I think it lets me vote >;(

Message edited by author 2002-12-04 17:30:27.
12/04/2002 05:29:57 PM · #9
i can't vote anymore? I thought I still could???

...nevermind...now I can...before it took me to 'Become a member' page..

Message edited by author 2002-12-04 17:31:30.
12/04/2002 05:30:12 PM · #10
hmm everyone should be able to vote on blue. It is an open challenge
12/04/2002 05:34:44 PM · #11
in here lies the confussion:

You cannot cast votes in this challenge, only comments are allowed. Click here if you're interested in voting.

Any idea what this means?
12/04/2002 05:35:32 PM · #12
It's being sorted out as we speak
12/04/2002 06:01:56 PM · #13
Mind you, this is not a complaint by any stretch... But the Date of Birth field keeps subtracting about 11 years off my age... I don't mind, but my wife is annoyed when I keep calling her a cradle robber :)
12/04/2002 06:08:02 PM · #14
Originally posted by myqyl:

Mind you, this is not a complaint by any stretch... But the Date of Birth field keeps subtracting about 11 years off my age... I don't mind, but my wife is annoyed when I keep calling her a cradle robber :)

12/04/2002 06:24:35 PM · #15
The comment field on the past challenge photos (ie photojournalism) looks more like a forum post field...it even says 'Post Reply'

12/04/2002 06:26:30 PM · #16
Originally posted by zadore:

The comment field on the past challenge photos (ie photojournalism) looks more like a forum post field...it even says 'Post Reply'

Comments now use the forum engine, so you can use forum code in your comments! Maybe I'll reword that button for image comments...

12/04/2002 06:28:29 PM · #17
Originally posted by karmat:

Hmmmm, maybe i'm just missing something, but when I went to the voting section, the header said "images rated" and then shows the images that i have NOT scored yet.

Me too...
12/04/2002 06:32:50 PM · #18
not a bug...just a suggestion...why not kill the list of 'guests' online in the 'who's online' page...who cares how long they've been on...just put the total number of guests.

12/04/2002 06:33:16 PM · #19
Not a huge deal, but it seems that the number of comments received for each photo on my Profile page states one less than there actually is. Like for my last entry it says "comments" - 12 when it should say 13.
12/04/2002 06:36:04 PM · #20
Originally posted by greenem2:

Not a huge deal, but it seems that the number of comments received for each photo on my Profile page states one less than there actually is. Like for my last entry it says "comments" - 12 when it should say 13.

I am having the same thing on mine. Mine says 2, when I swore it should have said 3. And I thought I was just going crazy...lol

12/04/2002 06:47:08 PM · #21
Originally posted by hbunch7187:

I am having the same thing on mine. Mine says 2, when I swore it should have said 3. And I thought I was just going crazy...lol

Fixed. Sorry about that.

12/04/2002 07:09:21 PM · #22
How about this. I have already voted, but am now going in and commenting. It used to show my original vote, now it doesn't. Then when I do update my vote/comments, the site takes me to my photo. Now, it's not that I don't like looking at my work, but I was kinda expecting to be taken back to the voting page, it's just an extra step, but after two vote/comment updates....it's getting tiring. Swash
12/04/2002 07:12:10 PM · #23
Originally posted by Swashbuckler:

How about this. I have already voted, but am now going in and commenting. It used to show my original vote, now it doesn't. Then when I do update my vote/comments, the site takes me to my photo. Now, it's not that I don't like looking at my work, but I was kinda expecting to be taken back to the voting page, it's just an extra step, but after two vote/comment updates....it's getting tiring. Swash

Try this not-so-documented feature... click the comment icon from your vote thumbnail list page. You can add comments without having to go through all the vote mess again! This was specifically added for the users who vote/comment just like you. Hopefully, that'll make things easier.

We'll add some documentation to this later.

12/04/2002 07:21:19 PM · #24
O.K. I get it, but might I suggest....Could I see a fuller view of the shot while I am in comment only mode? I would like to see the details of what I am commenting against. (the thumbnail is just too small!)

Thanks for the tip! It does work as advertised!

And great work on the Site! It really is much better, more responsive and just all around great features!!! Thanks for all your hard work!
12/04/2002 07:21:43 PM · #25
could just be me, but it doesn't seem like the cookies are sticking too well. i've had to re-login every time i've come back.
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