My submission to the Games challenge:

07/30/2002 02:20:05 PM · #11 |
Sounds like a very nice relationship. Enjoy.
Originally posted by myqyl: I must confess, all of my shots are a collaberative effort with my wife to varying degrees. She will watch quietly while I develop my idea, patiently let me shot it my way, then make a small suggestion that improves it 100 fold. She also is instrumental in picking the final shot and tells me when I've gone overboard with UnsharpMask... And all she asks in return is that I hunt with her in NeverWinterNights when I'm not obsessing at DPC... Well, that and direct deposit of my paycheck.
If you like something in one of my shots, that's her influence... If you hate the dof, I'm to blame...
We are about to head out to an 'old' site she said would be a nice place for a picnic... She said it right after she saw this weeks topic...
Ok, I'll shut up now :)
PS ~ She just read this and pointed out that she also spells any word over two syllables for me as well...
07/30/2002 02:20:37 PM · #12 |
The majority of the time I prefer to shoot alone. Though, I have gotten a lot more used to shooting with my friends and family around. It has a lot do do with the fact that they are used to me. They now expect me to take my camera everywhere I go and to freak out on something every once in a while. The part that I hate is when they are looking for photo oportunities for me and suggesting what to shoot. I try to joke and tell them to get their own camera and then they can shoot whatever they want or I will hand them my Canan Digital elph (my backup camera)and tell them to have fun and shoot whatever they want.
T |
07/30/2002 02:28:43 PM · #13 |
I have met up with several people from DPChallenge across the country - Had a great time every time at a simple dinner or drink just to share a common moment and be able to picture a face and hear a voice at the other end of the forums. - But to take pictures with someone else? BORING. It seems everyone processes creativity differently. What I find intriguing would not be interesting at all to others. Even to other photographers. My wife does help plan little getaways that keep her entertained and at the same time have interesting things to photograph. - I prefer to shoot alone - otherwise I feel rushed. |
07/30/2002 02:42:38 PM · #14 |
My thing is to shoot alone. I am a loner by nature and I enjoy going on photo shoots by myself. Even when I am at home, I can retreat into my own little world by photographing foilage, bugs, and anything else that I can capture.
Even though I usually shoot alone, I would still enjoy going out sometime on a photo shoot with someone also interested in photography. One of my coworkers does a little side photography of weddings and he told me I need to come along on his next shoot this Fall. I look forward to that because I haven't had any experience in that type of photography. |
07/30/2002 02:56:57 PM · #15 |
Alone as much as I can. Even for nature walks that start out with someone I end up meandering off. I get edgy when folks watch me do weird things..and taking photos too ;-) |
07/30/2002 02:57:00 PM · #16 |
Whenever I grab the camera the word goes out, ‘watch out dad’s got the camera’, and every one disappears. They don’t want me to take their picture or have to hold a reflector for fifteen minutes, ‘sorry dad I’ve got soccer practice’. So I generally shoot alone.
07/30/2002 03:08:19 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by Gotcha: I have met up with several people from DPChallenge across the country - Had a great time every time at a simple dinner or drink just to share a common moment and be able to picture a face and hear a voice at the other end of the forums. - But to take pictures with someone else? BORING. It seems everyone processes creativity differently. What I find intriguing would not be interesting at all to others. Even to other photographers. My wife does help plan little getaways that keep her entertained and at the same time have interesting things to photograph. - I prefer to shoot alone - otherwise I feel rushed.
I don't think that shooting with another person is necessarily boring, but it has to be the right people. Barbara and I happen to have photographic interests/talents that complement each other well. When we get together to shoot pictures we generally have a lot of fun bouncing ideas off each other and helping each other tweak the composition and technical/artistic aspects of our shots.
Of course, a lot of people wouldn't enjoy that.
08/04/2002 06:56:40 PM · #18 |
Sometime's I shoot alone and sometimes I shoot with a very good friend of mine... We both have differnt backgrounds and differnt oppinions/views and differnt camera's (I have a Minolta Dimage 7i and my freind an olympus E-10) so even when we go to the same place we come back with different photo's... and when we photograph the same thing it's interesting to who got the better shot and how... Yesterday we ended up stalking white doves around the local park, tring to photograph one in flight.... I ended up with a lot of wings (and one wing per frame only) and he ended up with one good shot ...
Still I enjoy shooting on my own and taking things at my own pace.
And now I have my own camera there's no fights over who took which photo's.... LOL :-) |
08/04/2002 07:05:43 PM · #19 |
My room-mate and I share the same olympus c-2100UZ,(but not for much longer as we fight over the shot). We love to shoot together. We both have very different ideas. She enjoys shooting flowers and macro and I like shooting people and scenes. It's fun because we both post on DPChallenge so we talk about the challenge all week long and feed off of each other's ideas. |
08/04/2002 08:49:26 PM · #20 |
I like people with me, so I usually try to find a place to shoot that has something else going on to entertain them, too. Ex. a city park nearby, the beach, .... I tried going it alone today... got lonely. I have to work on that, because even though I like company, I find myself stopping before I want to so as not to bore them too much.
08/04/2002 08:53:40 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by arnit: I was just wondering if you prefer taking pictures by yourself or with someone. Do you sometimes shoot with someone who has an account on Dpchallenge?
Kristinn and I shoot alot together.
I enjoy the company of someone who can put up with me. I take my camera EVERY where, whether alone or not. I mean EVERY WHERE...stores, malls, church, Dr.'s office, strolls, hikes, etc. The few times that I've left it home, I regretted it. The one place I am most reluctant to take a camera is the beach. Now why'd I go and say all that?????
My Photos
08/04/2002 09:03:00 PM · #22 |
Originally posted by timj351: The majority of the time I prefer to shoot alone. Though, I have gotten a lot more used to shooting with my friends and family around. It has a lot do do with the fact that they are used to me. They now expect me to take my camera everywhere I go and to freak out on something every once in a while. The part that I hate is when they are looking for photo oportunities for me and suggesting what to shoot. I try to joke and tell them to get their own camera and then they can shoot whatever they want or I will hand them my Canan Digital elph (my backup camera)and tell them to have fun and shoot whatever they want.
T LOL...Just today someone said to me "there's a shot" as if I have trouble textfinding textsomething to photograph. My trouble is the opposite, just passing a possible op. It's funny cuz the ones who "direct" never have a camera in hand. They leave their own safe at home. Lots of my friends also have piles of undeveloped film in drawers. Anyway...they're good for a laugh. My Photos
08/04/2002 09:56:41 PM · #23 |
well, i prefer to shoot alone so i don't feel someone's waiting around for me to finish and i rush. having said that, i dragged my husband all through the area today hunting for something old ... and now my software to download pictures from the camera isn't working anymore, so now he also has to give up the evening with me while i fix this ... you guys better give me high marks for my submission if my manage to recover it in time for the submission deadline! :)
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