Author | Thread |
08/17/2002 04:31:23 PM · #1 |
As a new photographer, and new to this site, I would just like to say one thing. I am never going to be posting my photographs to this site any more. And let me tell you why: I know my submitted picture was not great, but I was expecting some criticism so I could increase my skills as a photographer. I was expecting some rude comments, and expecting a few criticisms that I wouldnt agree with. However, I have received 15 comments on my picture so for, and most have been insults. Not criticisms, insults.
Therefore, thank you for pushing me away from the open forum to try and increase my skills as a photographer. Perhaps when there is a better way to keep the comments in check, or when the maturity level raises with the people posting here, I will come back.
I am sorry that I am not as good of a photographer as some of you. Obviously I won't receive any critique here that is helpful.
Just to give you people a little background here, I work for a nationwide company who not only sells but also repairs cameras, and offer printing and proofing for companies all over the world. I know every technical aspect there is to know about photography, however, I know absolutely nothing about getting a photograph that doesnt look like a home snapshot. I was hoping I could change that by coming here and getting some tips. Oh well.
Good luck to all of you out there who are trying to get into this field with no experience; apparently if you cant insult someone's photograph here, you arent supposed to post a comment.
EB |
08/17/2002 04:41:41 PM · #2 |
Unfortunately, what you say can be true here at times. I am sorry to hear that your comments have been this way as a majority. This site is open to the public and the maturity level is broad as well.
I hope that you will decide to brush off those comments and stay around with us :)
08/17/2002 05:04:55 PM · #3 |
Usually the first thing folks have to get used to at any photography web site they may submit photos to is that most people don't see things exactly like they do.
This is especially true (and painful) when receiving comments on an idea you may have spent some time and effort on.
Opinions are know..everybody has one.
Just hang out...take what you can use and try to get a bit of a comfortable rythm. You might be surprised that once in a while you find something that is interesting.
And be thankful your photo was interesting enough to look at that 15 people felt compelled to write something :-)
* This message has been edited by the author on 8/17/2002 5:04:09 PM. |
08/17/2002 05:42:08 PM · #4 |
Hang in there and keep working at it. A lot of the help you can get here comes from the forums, tutorials and even some from comments. I have participated for quite awhile and have had a lot of fun even if I didn't get the score or comments that I might have expected. It is best to enter for the fun of it and hang on for the ride. If you get a photo that catches on the rewards make up for the slump of the so-so pictures. Good luck. Autool |
08/17/2002 05:49:51 PM · #5 |
EB....awwww c'mon...give this site a little more time and another chance. The voting public can be cruel, I know, but just chew on the meat and spit out the bones. I know if you stick around you will grow as a photographer, as I hope I am. My skin has had to get a little thicker here but you really will get some great tips here. I have an idea! Upload some of your pictures, not the one in this challenge though, to and then post the link in the forums. Ask people for honest critique. I'll be willing to critique a few for you. I promise I will be gentle, but honest, with the sincerest wish to be a help. Hang in there EB!
My Photo Galleries
08/17/2002 07:17:12 PM · #6 |
I think someone had their pride hurt. |
08/17/2002 08:05:27 PM · #7 |
Originally posted by Zeissman: I think someone had their pride hurt.
Well I guess we all must know what that feels like. I sure do! I just try to follow the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have others to do unto you." Another golden nugget helps guide my comments too. "A soft answer turns away wrath." If we want to help and be helped here or anywhere, we'll choose our words carefully to avoid hurting rather than helping. My photo galleries
08/17/2002 09:11:39 PM · #8 |
The following is an example of a perfectly balance criticism, wish all were like that:
Portrays something new perfectly. It's not very pleasing to look at though cause of all the ... Kind of takes away from the.... The lighting is great, no distracting shadows. Not too bright and not too dark. Congrats and good luck with the challenge.
Originally posted by gracious: Originally posted by Zeissman: [i]I think someone had their pride hurt.
Well I guess we all must know what that feels like. I sure do! I just try to follow the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have others to do unto you." Another golden nugget helps guide my comments too. "A soft answer turns away wrath." If we want to help and be helped here or anywhere, we'll choose our words carefully to avoid hurting rather than helping. My photo galleries [/i]
08/17/2002 09:32:08 PM · #9 |
i am glad that youve come to this conclusion. hopefully, all of the other weak-willed people on this site will stumble down the same path. |
08/17/2002 09:38:35 PM · #10 |
Well, like I said, it was just a rant. I am over it. I just know I am not going to post any more pictures. It has nothing to do with "take it in stride", it has nothing to do with "thicken your skin", but it has everything to do with simply not wanting to be insulted for no reason other than because someone enjoys being mean. The only reason that any of this even came up was because it simply was insulting and rude. I can get over the "this doesnt look new to me", and the ones telling me that I need to adjust my lighting or what have you. However, I cant get over the "this picture sucks". It is simply rude. Like I said, I thought that this was a place where adults worked together to better ourselves. I mean, I know that if I somehow managed to win the contest, I wouldnt gain anything from it, other than the chance to get some critique to help better myself. So where does someone get off insulting me or my subject when it gives them nothing but the opportunity to be mean and get their jollies off on that? No, I do NOT need to thicken my hide, no I do NOT need to take it in stride, simply because I shouldn't have to.
Anyways, I just posted this comment to let everyone know that I was not going to be submitting any more. I will still vote, and I will still enjoy all the pictures. However, I have much better things to do with my time, than be insulted by people with the mentality of a 10 year old.
And Heather, I got your email, however, I didnt respond. I doubt it was your comment. Dont stress it. It doesnt matter anyhow.
EB |
08/17/2002 09:54:55 PM · #11 |
And one more thing: If I see one more person comment "remember the rule of thirds", I am going to scream! :-)
EB |
08/17/2002 10:01:39 PM · #12 |
If people keep using the rule of thirds as the ultimate rule for everything it's gonna end up being cliche.
The rule of thirds is a GUIDELINE. An interesting composition can occur outside the rule of thirds. Can't make a name for yourself by following the rules and being like everyone else. |
08/17/2002 11:54:41 PM · #13 |
I have been told by the moderators that I should not take offense to some of the comments I have received, so I guess I won't. I suppose, since my subject was something that was involved in a very hateful hate crime recently, I was fairly emotional regarding what the comments meant, and I apologize to all for being so offensive and pouty in my rant. So please all forgive me for acting like a baby. I apologize for taking some of your comments out of context.
EB |
08/18/2002 12:37:29 AM · #14 |
Originally posted by evilbunnee: I have been told by the moderators that I should not take offense to some of the comments I have received, so I guess I won't. I suppose, since my subject was something that was involved in a very hateful hate crime recently, I was fairly emotional regarding what the comments meant, and I apologize to all for being so offensive and pouty in my rant. So please all forgive me for acting like a baby. I apologize for taking some of your comments out of context.
No big deal!! I actually posted a "baby" post awhile ago too. I have a way you can make it up to us. Post a photo for the next challenge and try to make as many comments and votes as possible. I think we would all be happy with that. :) Whatta ya say guys? My first 2 weeks here, I did nothing but observe, and in those 2 weeks, I read comments, checked out past challenges and read the forums. I got a good feel as to the people here and I was pleased. I think you will be too once you get the feel of everyone. You'll learn their personalities and find out that they are truely decent people. Good luck with everything, and I think I speak for everyone when I say that we hope to see you stay with us. ~Heather~ |
08/18/2002 01:55:32 AM · #15 |
Would people receive bad comments if there were judges standing around in a room voting on photos? Do you think they would say "this sucks" and move to the next photo? I don't think so. They stand around saying, "well the lighting is a bit bright and they could have framed the photo better and so on...." of course I am not the best judge. That is why I don't comment on a whole lot of photos. I think if you are going to submit or just vote it should be monitered. If someone gets out of hand they should be warned. Second offence, they should be banned for awhile. Something needs to be done, because there are a lot of folks who are offended by the bad comments. You can see that by looking in the forums. Just a thought. Sonja :)
Ps Sorry evilbunnee you have to deal with this kind of talk. Keep submitting. Your photo skills will improve. I know from personal experience. |
08/18/2002 02:26:52 AM · #16 |
Originally posted by Sonifo: Would people receive bad comments if there were judges standing around in a room voting on photos? Do you think they would say "this sucks" and move to the next photo? I don't think so. They stand around saying, "well the lighting is a bit bright and they could have framed the photo better and so on...." of course I am not the best judge. That is why I don't comment on a whole lot of photos. I think if you are going to submit or just vote it should be monitered. If someone gets out of hand they should be warned. Second offence, they should be banned for awhile. Something needs to be done, because there are a lot of folks who are offended by the bad comments. You can see that by looking in the forums. Just a thought. Sonja :)
Ps Sorry evilbunnee you have to deal with this kind of talk. Keep submitting. Your photo skills will improve. I know from personal experience.
Remember, you dont have to be a "judge" to comment on photos. A simple "I like the lighting" boosts peoples spirits and lets them know they are doing something right. Then, as you are looking at the lighting, you may notice somthing else, like "I like the lighting and the focus is really cool". If you like the lighting, but the focus is off, mention that too. There really is no bad judge, as most comments are based on opinion anyway. However, there ARE bad ways of presenting it. Ok, if the photo "sucks" and you're going to give it a 1, then say that "it's not a pleasing photo because..." explaining your reasonings makes it a lot better for everyone. If you think you shot a great photo, and you are only getting positive comments, but you have a low score, you are going to want to know WHY. Also remember that IF someone does have the blatent rudeness to just say "this sucks" remember, that it isn't nessasarily the PHOTO that sucks, but maybe the person hates dogs, or whatever the subject happens to be, and just doesn't have the manners to explain themselves in a nice way. I agree too that the comments should be monitered (which I believe they are) There are lots of moderators floating around. However, unfortunately, they actually have to commit the offense before being warned and then the damage is really alredy done, so knowing that there are idiots in the world and expecting them to drop in your lap some day is the best way to prepare, and THEN we'll kick them in the butt. lol Most of all, have fun and if YOU like the photo then poo on everyone else. Someone also suggested to NOT post your favorite photos. Keep those to yourself and don't let stupid people ruin your own vision of a photo that is perfect in your mind. I think I am stepping in that pool for the pencil challenge. it's my second submission and I'm proud as a new mommy at this photo. however, I'm expecting it to get torn to shreds. (just do it nicely) :) Gotta go, 2 year old fell asleep on the couch, and if I don't want a wet couch, I'd better take him to the potty and get him in bed. lol. Night all! 22 hours till monday!! yeah! ~Heather~ |
08/18/2002 03:04:52 AM · #17 |
Hi there Evilbunnee Please persevere, I know at times it isn't easy. I am also a new photographer and I was crucified at my first attempt,I still am. Don't take all the cricisim to heart, remember they aren't professional critics, its just their opinion although you might not always agree with them. (For example that so many people say the opposite of what the previous person has commented) But a lot of the criticism does make sense and one can learn from it, I feel that I am as I make lots of blunders all the time that I didn't see at the time and that were pointed out afterwards, so the next time I submit I try to remember what not to do wrong. You can't please everyone! (Even the winning photos have scored 1's) Just the other day one of the very talented photographers - Karen Bryant was hopping mad because of a comment left next to her picture and she's a winning photographer. I have learnt so much in the 2 months since I have been a member and I love every moment of it. It is a wonderful site, wonderful people and its lots of fun. Just don't give up! Work your way to the top and we will all be looking out for your winning picture. Good luck. |
08/18/2002 03:31:13 AM · #18 |
Evilbunnee, I am sad to hear that you recieved such harsh critisism. I am also have a very technical background and I struggle with asthetics (what makes things look good) even after two years at Design school. My first post (only a few weeks ago) atracted numerous comments and 90% of them are of no use to me, other than to tell me that someone likes/dislikes my picture. The other 10% have really helped my photography... But then I had taken well over 2000 digital photo's before joining this group.
Once the contest is over I will critique your photo... I would love to have the time to critique everyones photo's but I just have to stick to the ones that I can give realy usefull advise too and I wish some people would do the same and learn when to shut their mouths!
Please consider posting again... honestly, I know what critisism can be like, I went to design school and some teachers/students take out there grudges at critique time! I almost garantee you will get better comments next time...
Also on a side note... It helps (at least for your first few submitions) not to submit photographs that you have some emotional attachment too. I have many pictures that I just wouldn't consider letting other people critique because I know that I will take it personally.... even with my "armor plated" skin! |
08/18/2002 08:50:33 AM · #19 |
* This message has been edited by the author on 8/19/2002 10:25:22 AM. |
08/18/2002 08:57:36 AM · #20 |
If I and others cannot convince you to post photos in upcoming challenges in the next week or so (or even month), I hope you will be able to post them again in the not so distant future. Others have suggested here to post some px on pbase or something, and link it in a thread. I've done that many times, too. Sometimes I get lots of cheers, and other times I don't get too many return comments. I just have to say... "Oh. Well, I guess I like it, but it's not interesting to the public." Just the other day I submitted 2 photos to photosig.... and quickly deleted them after rec'ing a few metsa comments - or none!!! ;-)
Check out people's profiles and the comments they rec'd on their first photos, and see how they progressed thru time and improved. It shows that the system does work, and the site is really great. There are 3000 members to this site now (though I don't know how many are actually voting) from all walks of life, experience, and, yes, even maturity level. Please don't let a few bad apples spoil the rest of the bunch - make a pie with the good ones! ;-)
08/18/2002 10:21:54 AM · #21 |
It's definitely a shame that you feel this way. I'd like to see your comments in order to judge for myself whether they're really insulting. I have just so rarely seen any comments that are insulting like that. It's hard to imagine your photo has managed to elicit 15 of them in one week.
Definitely please keep on posting/voting and submitting. Like many others I would be happy to critique your work as constructively as I can.
John |
08/18/2002 10:41:23 AM · #22 |
Originally posted by KDJohnson: Why not just wait till after the her comments...and kick the person out who left the "this sucks" comment? Why keep condoning this type of thing? Why should decent people have to endure this and I can't believe the moderators are asking her to endure this type of insult. You all are just prolonging this type of behavior. I've quit posting in these forums and I've just about stopped reading them as well. Only because I know I can't keep my opinions silent. But allowing this type of thing is just something about the ones who make comments like that..set an example...stand up for something, for God's sake.
I would like to go on the record as a moderator and say I don't believe anyone should have to put up with this kind of rudeness. I know in the past we have had some members suspended for this type of behavior. I am not aware of any changes in this policy. I will be looking at evilbunnie's submission and comments tomorrow myself before I pass any judgement though. If someone literally said "this picture sucks", then I think some action does need to be taken. It is possible that the comments were true critiques that need to be taken with a grain of salt. In short, since we don't know the whole story from both sides, let's not be quick to judge the way this situation is being handled.
08/18/2002 11:21:16 AM · #23 |
As soon as this thread was started, I checked all of the comments on the image to take necessary action against anyone being insulting or blatantly rude. There were no comments that did this. There is also no comment that uses the phrase "this sucks". I'll leave it at this and let you make your own conclusions after midnight tonight :)
Drew |
08/18/2002 11:25:07 AM · #24 |
Thanks Drew. Any of us who have submitted more than a few times knows how this works. You MUST learn to take the good with the bad, and trust that in the end the Admins will do the right thing. Im intrested to read the comments EB recieved, and Im also intrested to see how many of those who commented have actually submitted their selves.
08/19/2002 12:59:38 AM · #25 |
Wow. Evilbunnee, I'm at a loss to see how those comments could be interpreted as harsh. Most were encouraging, and I certainly didn't see a "this sucks" anywhere in the bunch. I'd say you really need to become a tad more objective about your work. (yes it's hard and yes it stinks when people aren't enthusiastic about your photo)
This is a great place to learn and better your photography as long as you are willing to sift the wheat from the chaff. My advice would be to stick around and observe for a while, then try again! |
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