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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> where's waldo
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 29, (reverse)
02/10/2003 01:29:06 AM · #1
this was a tough challenge. I took maybe 5 different shots that I thought might be worthwhile but now looking through the entries, I'm glad I decided that none of them were worthwhile. None of my shots would have been worth the time to look at them (based on an average hourly wage of $5p/hr).

good luck to everybody who did enter.
02/10/2003 01:39:00 AM · #2
This was a tough challenge. I estimated a 5 or so, I'm sitting in the mid 3 range. Yikes! Tough crowd this week! ...

EDIT: It's late Monday night and I've gotten over 4.0! Woohoo!!

Message edited by author 2003-02-10 22:27:41.
02/10/2003 04:01:52 AM · #3
Is it just me, but a lot of the entries don`t even meet the challenge.(hide a person in your otherwise person-less photo!)
02/10/2003 05:07:50 AM · #4
Wheres waldo is harder than i thought...a little dissapointed as my idea was shared by others....sigh!

Message edited by author 2003-02-10 05:10:01.
02/10/2003 08:12:15 AM · #5
where's waldo turned into 'shoot whatever you want'


02/10/2003 08:16:52 AM · #6
I've just finished scoring and this week is definitely the lowest scoring week I've ever done last week was easily the highest
02/10/2003 08:35:06 AM · #7
Wow, looks like I'm doing great. Started at 5.63 now I'm at 4.96. I had fun shooting it, so I'm happy. Heck, I've even got three comments so far; 2 good ones and one "OK" (verbatim). lol.

02/10/2003 08:36:15 AM · #8
i got the 'ok' too. same person im guessing.. :P What a 'giver.'
02/10/2003 09:35:38 AM · #9
Originally posted by magnetic9999:

i got the 'ok' too. same person im guessing.. :P What a 'giver.'

I guess they either haven't gotten to mine, or it's not "OK" :)
02/10/2003 10:52:27 AM · #10
yeah. wow. people dont seem to have followed the rule at all. I thought only a handful of entries met the challenge and only a handful of those were actually good looking pictures. Also, I don't consider anything that is not a person a person. In regards to rule following, it seems that spot editing was definetely allowed (unless a lot of people broke the rules). I didn't know this (and wish I had!). Where was that stated? I didn't see any changes to the challenge rules but I must not have been looking in the right place.
02/10/2003 11:09:22 AM · #11
Originally posted by JasonPR:

yeah. wow. people dont seem to have followed the rule at all. I thought only a handful of entries met the challenge and only a handful of those were actually good looking pictures. Also, I don't consider anything that is not a person a person. In regards to rule following, it seems that spot editing was definetely allowed (unless a lot of people broke the rules). I didn't know this (and wish I had!). Where was that stated? I didn't see any changes to the challenge rules but I must not have been looking in the right place.

If you see pictures that you feel are spot edited, please request that they are disqualified and we will look in to it. At the same time, please vote as if they were actually legitimate entries. Thank you.
02/10/2003 12:58:09 PM · #12
It was a tough challenge, indeed. I didn't submit a picture because I couldn't come up with an achieveable idea.

I agree that most of the pictures do not meet the challenge. Personally, this is the most important rule of all. That's why there are different challenges. It is not a photo gallery. It's a competition.

02/10/2003 01:33:59 PM · #13
It was a tough challenge I submitted something I was hoping might be good enough but now I am finding it was a mistake.

Ok, now I am going to refocus and see what I can do with yellow. Is it just me or are the challenges getting tougher each week?

How many still life's of bananas will there be next week?
02/10/2003 01:49:26 PM · #14
wow again, all those picture are gone already. good job. and i didnt even request them to be disqualified (i cant find it in my heart to do so, but im glad someone did). I also think the challenges are getting harder and harder. I think they are better that way but the only problem comes in the judging of them. People are all looking for entirely different things. I currently have only 2 comments on my waldo picture and both of them imply that the person is hard to find. I thought it was quite obvious and I'm dying to send them personal messages to explain my photo but that would jeapardize my anonymous post and I dont know if thats allowed. I though mine was one of only a few in which the person was hidden at first but impossible to miss after you found them and the composition of the picture helps you find them. I don't know. I'm ranting. I just wanted someone other than me to like my photo, I thought it was pretty good!
02/10/2003 01:53:40 PM · #15
No half as many entries as lemons. Heck I might try it myself.

Originally posted by PHOTOCHlX:

How many still life's of bananas will there be next week?

02/10/2003 02:23:21 PM · #16
Originally posted by Jacko:

No half as many entries as lemons. Heck I might try it myself.

You know what they say when life gives you lemons make lemonade. =o) Now I am rethinking my entire idea on this challenge.
02/10/2003 06:15:31 PM · #17

One person commented on my photo that he liked the photo but would have liked it better without the person in it.

That one confused me. ;)
02/10/2003 06:54:48 PM · #18
I think the problem with this challenge is that half the people aren't looking hard enough and are giving people low scores because they can't find the person (even if there is a person) and the other half are giving low scores if a person is too easy to find - that means we all get low scores! The person in my photo is kind of hard to see but they are definately there. I think it was a pretty good shot but maybe people can't find the person?
02/10/2003 06:58:02 PM · #19
krets: that might have been me. I made statements like that on a few photos. I think its a very straightforward statement. Remember, not all of us care about the magnificent challenge. I (if it was me) was stating that the picture would be better without the people if disregarding the challenge. I found a lot of pictures like that. people took nice pictures and then threw people in ugly places where they didn't belong. Part of the challenge to me was in placing a person in a natural position but in a way that they are camoflagued. Remember that your rating on this challenge is not as important that you have a good photograph. cheers!
02/10/2003 07:21:48 PM · #20
Originally posted by magnetic9999:

i got the 'ok' too. same person im guessing.. :P What a 'giver.'

Yup. I think I did the right thing. I couldn't come up with anything for this challenge so I didn't submit.
02/10/2003 07:28:23 PM · #21
Well... ...I haven't voted yet so maybe I will be able to get it. :-)

Originally posted by JasonPR:

wow again, all those picture are gone already. good job. and i didnt even request them to be disqualified (i cant find it in my heart to do so, but im glad someone did). I also think the challenges are getting harder and harder. I think they are better that way but the only problem comes in the judging of them. People are all looking for entirely different things. I currently have only 2 comments on my waldo picture and both of them imply that the person is hard to find. I thought it was quite obvious and I'm dying to send them personal messages to explain my photo but that would jeapardize my anonymous post and I dont know if thats allowed. I though mine was one of only a few in which the person was hidden at first but impossible to miss after you found them and the composition of the picture helps you find them. I don't know. I'm ranting. I just wanted someone other than me to like my photo, I thought it was pretty good!
02/10/2003 08:39:19 PM · #22
People are funny. I've had a couple of comments about the person in mine being too obvious, then one that says "a personless photo". Are they looking at the same thing?

I had to choose between a photo I really liked where the person was too obvious or one that was below par, where the person was really quite difficult to find. I think I made the right choice by going with the former. Meeting the challenge isn't good enough - the photo has to be good too.
02/10/2003 09:16:08 PM · #23
Originally posted by Gina Rothfels:

Meeting the challenge isn't good enough - the photo has to be good too.

Here, here. There are a lot of photo's this week that meet the challenge but fail (in my opinion) to be an interesting photo. I often consider the question "would someone (not necessarily me) hang this on their wall?"

Of course I realise there is a lot to learn my submitting and receiving feedback but as someone said "this is a challenge".

Having said that, there are one or two gem's this week. Congratulations to those people for coming up with a brilliant idea and executing it brilliantly from a fairly tough topic.
02/10/2003 09:28:42 PM · #24
Originally posted by sparky_mark:

I often consider the question "would someone (not necessarily me) hang this on their wall?"

If I see a photo that I would hang on my wall, I can't bring myself to give it a really low score even if it is slightly off the topic. That question is definitely one that influences my voting. Of course in a challenge like this, I have to score clever ideas well even if as some have referred to, the picture would be better without the person.
02/11/2003 03:43:37 AM · #25
How do you guys know your scores as you go along. Can you see something I am missing.
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