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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Woo Hoo! Done it! Finished commenting on all 185!
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 29, (reverse)
08/23/2002 09:32:30 AM · #1
I have just finished commenting on the last few pictures in the Pencil challenge!

I hope that people will find some of my comments useful, and that no one will be upset or offended by my comments.

If you notice a comment that I have made that upsets you (I sign them) please let me know, I would be happy to review it and delete it if appropriate.

If anyone would like to Private Message me about anything I have said in my comments, please feel free to do so from this moment onwards. My voting and commenting are complete.

There is only one picture where I have said that I'd review the vote if I get further information back.

I'd also like to say that the photos in this challenge are just incredible and I've really enjoyed looking at them, and thank all submitters for sharing them.

Lastly, I've often asked questions in my comments, about whether certain things were intentional, or how something was achieved or such. I'd really appreciate if the photographers in question would answer those questions, either by PM, or better still, by including their answers inside their own comments, made on their own photos after the challenge.

I have noticed that some people do this, but many don't and it's shame that so many questions asked in the comments go unanswered. It's like once that challenge is over interest in that photo has gone.

Anyway, woo hoo hooooooooooooooooo!

08/23/2002 10:10:31 AM · #2
Congradulations! That's quite an accomplishment!

I'm lucky if I have the time to comment on 10 or 15 shots... And I, for one, found your comment insightful and helpful... Thanks...
08/23/2002 10:27:25 AM · #3
:) I am glad it was helpful...

I should be working. This working from home with remote access is a DANGEROUS thing. AND my husband reads this site and will no doubt moan at me when he gets home about not working. (I'm too honest to bill the client for hours I don't do so it is naughty to waste a few hours here in the daytime).

Someone somewhere was discussing vote distrubtion and bell curves and all sorts of things.

For this challenge my votes fall as follows:


Average vote = 5.32

* This message has been edited by the author on 8/23/2002 10:41:31 AM.
08/23/2002 11:38:27 AM · #4
You sign ALL of your comments? If so, I didn't receive one... I would love a non anon comment (say that ten times fast). Not that I am going to attack any negative comments (I've received none so far, all constructive)... I want to explore further....
08/23/2002 11:52:07 AM · #5
"5"? Are you crazy!? I didn't take 30+ shots of my submission for you to casually vote me "5" :-)

Frankly, I find this all very funny (in a good way) and fun.

* This message has been edited by the author on 8/23/2002 11:51:24 AM.
08/23/2002 12:03:32 PM · #6
Thanks for your comment on mine (I think I already said that in another forum). I got a 6 from you and you detailed your thinking about my picture and that's great.
08/23/2002 12:06:54 PM · #7
I am sorry my score upset you, but it would still have been 5 whether I let you know what I'd scored or not!

Below are my own criteria for scoring. As I've said before, my votes are based on my personal opinions, how a photo strikes me and may therefore not agree with the photographer or even the majority. There have been photos which hit the top 3 which I didn't like at all, not just down to subject matter, but as a whole. There are others which scored low which I think are the bees knees.

But I am sorry if my vote upset you. And it brings up a question. Would you have felt better getting my comment as it was, my comment, signed but without score, or my comment, anonymously with no score?

BTW I sign all comments, but am only including scores where 5 and above, just because I don't think it's necessarily very nice to see a low score in black and white. I figure if it's a shot many voters agree is poor (and it may not be) then it's hard for the photographer to deal with the low average score without seeing it in the comments too.


10 Absolutely L O V E it and technically very good/ clever/ appealing

9 Love it but tecnically not quite as good or technically very good but donĂ¢€™t love it quite as much

8 Still up there in my top favourites, a level below 9 and 10

7 Photos I like, that attract me, nicely taken, interesting subject matter

6 Photos that hold some attraction, reasonably taken, somewhat interesting subject matter

5 Reasonable photos, hold a little attraction for me and are more than just photos of something/ anything

4 DonĂ¢€™t attract me but arent bad photos per se

3 DonĂ¢€™t grab me at ALL, composition/ photo quality ok, not great

2 Poor technically or really really dull

1 Photos I really donĂ¢€™t like and/or totally donĂ¢€™t fit the theme for me, even when giving some leniency

* This message has been edited by the author on 8/23/2002 12:13:25 PM.
08/23/2002 12:08:31 PM · #8
Originally posted by MarkRob:
You sign ALL of your comments? If so, I didn't receive one... I would love a non anon comment (say that ten times fast). Not that I am going to attack any negative comments (I've received none so far, all constructive)... I want to explore further....

Huh. Weird
Maybe I missed it but my votes page shows I commented on everyone so maybe I just missed out signing my name to it.
If you can message me about which photo is yours I can check. I will not change score nor comment, but can add my name to it if I missed it out.
08/23/2002 12:16:32 PM · #9
Originally posted by focus:
"5"? Are you crazy!? I didn't take 30+ shots of my submission for you to casually vote me "5" :-)

I promise it wasn't casual. I spent HOURS on the voting, and really considered it very carefully and then another lot of HOURS on the commenting...

08/23/2002 12:20:00 PM · #10
Looks like I got below a 5 from you, Kavey. I am SHOCKED AND APPALLED.

No, I'm just kidding. I congratulate and thank you for taking the time to vote and comment on all the photos. It's people like you that keep this site fun and interesting.

Take care.
08/23/2002 12:23:56 PM · #11

Sorry, sorry sorry... :)

I'm actually very warm and fluffy (ask Ganders or Floyd) and I would really like to be better at giving more constructive advice on the photos I don't like.
I've found something I like in _nearly_ every photo (certainly in this challenge) and made sure to include it in my comment as well as the things I don't like.
Hope my comment wasn't deflating.
Thanks for your nice comment above.

WoW I've just followed your username link to your page and the photos are stunning, the nude is awesome. I am wondering which photo is yours and what I didn't like this time around...

* This message has been edited by the author on 8/23/2002 12:23:54 PM.
08/23/2002 12:30:19 PM · #12
I voted on all the photos but only commented on 67 so far. Sometimes I just can't find the words, or the photo doesn't really give me anything worthy to comment on. Does this happen to you? What do you say if a photo really doesn't talk to you?

You can PM me if you don't want to post an answer here.....
08/23/2002 12:42:39 PM · #13
Originally posted by syamjonimi:
I voted on all the photos but only commented on 67 so far. Sometimes I just can't find the words, or the photo doesn't really give me anything worthy to comment on. Does this happen to you? What do you say if a photo really doesn't talk to you?

You can PM me if you don't want to post an answer here.....

In this challenge I've only found a handful which I found it harder to comment on, and that wasn't so much because I didn't have thoughts on the photo but more because I found it hard to articulate them. Sometimes I know the composition doesn't work for me but can't think what to advise to change (assuming the photographer is even interested in trying different variations).

Sometimes all I put is what I see - "Simple composition, clean lines, clear colours and lighting." Mostly I try and put more such as "Nice idea, and like how pencil shaving sits in pool of light. Would like it with only table as background, not any of the gate/ ground etc which we can see....Very atmospheric idea which makes me think of... on holiday." (edited cos is a current comment).

Occasionally it is hard because I think the photo is particularly poor but just don't want to post a wholly negative comment, firstly, it takes a lot of guts to submit (which I don't do) and secondly, I think positive comments are more useful and also, for all I know someone is new to photography and I don't want to post a comment which might make them think it's not worth continuing. But this isn't a problem very often because I think there really is something to find in each picture.

* This message has been edited by the author on 8/23/2002 12:41:55 PM.
08/23/2002 01:13:28 PM · #14
Hey Focus
I've been thinking about whether I'm a low marker, (I mean overall as of course I am sure I mark some winners low and some low rankers high). I checked my profile for my average vote and it's just below 5. I think yours is just below 5 too. Looking at other profiles most are about the same, with a few with higher average votes.
Just for info. But I _am_ sorry I didn't "see" the effort you put in. Maybe I did but just didn't find the result appealing on a personal level. SORREEEEEEEEEEEEE!

* This message has been edited by the author on 8/23/2002 1:12:44 PM.
08/23/2002 01:33:08 PM · #15
Originally posted by Kavey:
Hey Focus
I've been thinking about whether I'm a low marker, (I mean overall as of course I am sure I mark some winners low and some low rankers high). I checked my profile for my average vote and it's just below 5. I think yours is just below 5 too. Looking at other profiles most are about the same, with a few with higher average votes.
Just for info. But I _am_ sorry I didn't "see" the effort you put in. Maybe I did but just didn't find the result appealing on a personal level. SORREEEEEEEEEEEEE

I think you either missed the smile face that was in Focus' comment, or forgot to add some to yours. I didn't feel that there was reason for retaliation on Focus' comment, as I felt it was made in good humor. Note the smiley face at the end. Anyway, maybe just a misunderstanding??
08/23/2002 01:34:12 PM · #16
In the past I have been able to vote on all the pictures and comment on a handful of them. I just didn't have the time to do both. My time has become even more constrained now that I work full time and go to school part-time and a half.

My question is this: Given that I can only do one or the other, would most people prefer that all the pictures are voted on, thus giving an emphasis to the contest and a "winner" per say, or would everyone prefer that some of the photos receive insiteful comments, consequently favoring the idea of dpchallenge to help improve ones photography skills? Obviously it takes more time to comment than vote, and that has to be considered.
08/23/2002 01:37:54 PM · #17
Originally posted by kindon:
In the past I have been able to vote on all the pictures and comment on a handful of them. I just didn't have the time to do both. My time has become even more constrained now that I work full time and go to school part-time and a half.

My question is this: Given that I can only do one or the other, would most people prefer that all the pictures are voted on, thus giving an emphasis to the contest and a "winner" per say, or would everyone prefer that some of the photos receive insiteful comments, consequently favoring the idea of dpchallenge to help improve ones photography skills? Obviously it takes more time to comment than vote, and that has to be considered.

I think that you should do whatever suits *you* the best. Comments are always nice, but then again, so is voting on all the photos.

If time constraint was a larger problem for me, I would probably vote on as much as I could and save the commenting for last...
08/23/2002 01:40:04 PM · #18
Personally, Kavey gave my photo a 6, and that is exactly my average vote right now, so I think she hit it right on the head. Her comments were also very nice and politely worded.

As for tha comment about weather we would rather more votes, or more comments. I personally would like more comments. You never know who's photo you are voting or comenting on, so the total answer is up in the air, but I would prefer more comments.

Thanks again Kavey for your vote, and I viewed your photos at your site and they are beautiful. I will return and make some comments when i am done with everyone here.
08/23/2002 03:05:42 PM · #19
Originally posted by hbunch7187:
I think you either missed the smile face that was in Focus' comment, or forgot to add some to yours. I didn't feel that there was reason for retaliation on Focus' comment, as I felt it was made in good humor. Note the smiley face at the end. Anyway, maybe just a misunderstanding??

No didn't miss his smiley, I was (attempting to) respond in kind: friendly and considered. I just don't tend to litter my posts with smileys all the time, I rely too much on people assuming my posts are friendly because they pretty much always are!
In my response there was no retaliation (war words! :-) intended at all, just information to explain my thought processes and voting. If it didn't come through that way, sorry. Hard to get nuance across in writing.

And THANKS for your words on my photos... Mostly they are holiday snaps but I try and take each one as a good photo too.

* This message has been edited by the author on 8/23/2002 3:09:33 PM.
08/23/2002 03:21:45 PM · #20

My comment was meant all in jest. I have no problem with your honest opinion. I'm not thin-skinned like others I've read here. One "beauty" about this site is the judging is made without knowing who the photographer was, so there is no way a voter could be biased.

I don't agree with the votes some have made (and I am not just referring to the evaluation of my shots). In fact, especially with regards to photos done by others, I find the voting populous here can be both harsh and overly casual. I have seen some excellent shots that I can tell a lot of work went into and yet others judged them very poorly.

So, with regards to my personal work, I take everything in stride and realize that the evaluation I receive here is not necessarily a statement of my ability or success as a photographer. I really feel there are many here that need to use a more careful eye in examining and voting. I have seen comments for various pictures (mine & others) that are totally unfounded.

But in general, I believe this "community" (PDC) to be a friendly and supportive group.

Bottom line, I did not take any offense at your posting. I was just kidding around with you.
08/23/2002 03:26:35 PM · #21
Then the misunderstanding was mine. I apologize. I have saved your photo galleries in my favorite places and will try to get to them this weekend. I lose a day because we are having a birthday party for my son's "Build A Bear" dog Ruffy this Saturday. LOL. He came with a birth certificate, so I guess I can live with having a birthday party for it. LOL. What we did is we got him some new clothes and excessories. You can check them out at buildabear.com (I think that's it, if not, let me know and I'll look it up) if you want. They are really cool presents. I got a love bear for Valentines day. Anyway, I'm babbling again.
Take care.
BTW, I really liked the photos of the sheep.
08/23/2002 03:41:02 PM · #22
Thanks Kavey, you gave me a 7! ...im soooo happy!! Thanks again!
08/23/2002 03:45:15 PM · #23
One day I am going to give everyone 10s just for the hell of it. Actually that won't work, the auto thingummy jiggy would take it out! Well, hey, the thought is there!

Honeybunch (sorry I know it's not Honey, I saw the other thread but it's so niiice) don't feel you have to comment on the pics anytime soon. I just wanted to share, and will value your thoughts whenever they come, this week, next week, next month. I'd particularly like to know which shots you like the best, and why and which ones you think are really not good. There are some which are there for the memories but mostly I like most, there are a few I love.

Should I post the links here?
08/23/2002 04:03:25 PM · #24
Heather, I just got your comment on my photo.

Your comments rock. The amount of time and effort you put into them is incredible and I really hope they pay off in your own photography.


08/23/2002 04:32:46 PM · #25
Originally posted by ClubJuggle:
Heather, I just got your comment on my photo.

Your comments rock. The amount of time and effort you put into them is incredible and I really hope they pay off in your own photography.


Hey thanks.Funny, I get more comments on my comments than I do my photos. lol. Oh well. Unfortunately, my actual photo taking skills really lack. I know what I see, know what I want, and know how to do it...just can't. It's really frusterating. I got 41st place last week and I was really proud of that, but I also got some great comments and this week, it seems to be paying off. If the challenge ended today, and was scored the same as last week. I'd be in about 23rd place! I've got a couple of helpful comments on this weeks photo, however, the thing people seem to be commenting on was actually done on purpose. Live and learn, right?
I'm even prouder of my submission to the childhood challenge, though I know it wont score high cause it was something from my OWN childhood. i'll probably get a lot of "doesn't meet challenge" comments. Oh well. I'm going for the technical comments anyway, not score.
Again, glad you liked the comment. I was worried about my comments today cause it's rainy and really crappy weather. I pulled the curtains and hoped for the best. LOL.
Take care.
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