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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Gas Prices
Showing posts 176 - 200 of 248, (reverse)
04/28/2006 05:17:56 PM · #176
The other longterm question is why more people don't live close to work. I live 3 miles from work. I was joking with Rikki that if I bought a Prius as my second car, I would use one tank of gas a year.

Message edited by author 2006-04-28 20:39:37.
04/28/2006 05:20:26 PM · #177
Originally posted by pidge:

If I buy a car, I'm buying a smartcar :D

One of my nieghbors down the street bought one a year ago, little 2 seater version, claims he get 50+ MPH with it. However he parks it in his garage at all times now, because some one decided it would be fun to try and roll it on its top:( But he only drives it on city streets because it takes it 20 seconds to reach 60mph.
04/28/2006 05:23:08 PM · #178
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

The other longterm question is why more people don't live close to work. I live 3 miles from work. I was joking with Rikki that if I bought a Prium as my second car, I would use one tank of gas a year.

That goes back to 'the American Dream' of having a house, and to have a house, you need space, which means moving out of the urban center and into the suburbs. This was encouraged post-WWII when everyone was coming home. If I recall, the government encouraged people to move out of the urban centers with great mortgage deals and subsidies. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

It's interesting how on the green front, urbanization is now being encouraged as opposed to shunned, as it means public transportation is a viable option for both the city and the commuter, and all necessitites are within walking distance. Other advantages include heat savings (stand alone houses are much more to heat than a condo in a complex due to heat escaping)
04/28/2006 05:24:11 PM · #179
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

The other longterm question is why more people don't live close to work. I live 3 miles from work. I was joking with Rikki that if I bought a Prium as my second car, I would use one tank of gas a year.
Actually the Prius gets around 43-46MPG from the customers I know that have them. Infact my one customer has put on 150,000 miles on his 2003 Prius, the transaxle was starting to go so he traded it on a new one.
04/28/2006 05:24:22 PM · #180
Originally posted by MQuinn:

However he parks it in his garage at all times now, because some one decided it would be fun to try and roll it on its top:(

They were probably jealous it fit in such a small parking spot ;)
04/28/2006 05:35:50 PM · #181
Originally posted by Givemeashot:

I dont know if this has been posted... but the other day i was sayin i know we have the Tec. to make a car Run on just the Solar energy but you know its all about the all mighty $$ and if that happens then i think alot of people would loose alot of money.....But im sure in the Heck Dont want to pay $60,000 for a new car! Hybrids are nice! but who wants to pay more money for a dang car just to save money on gas that you will end up paying back in your freakin car payments and APR %'s... any ways... i Can Feel it... Flying Cars are comming LOL.....Hello Jetson's!!

Dear god, I hope flying cars aren't coming! Most people can't drive in two dimensions on a road worth a damn, the last thing I want is Suburbans falling out of the sky around me. Here's to making it harder to be allowed to fly your own whatever...
04/28/2006 05:52:42 PM · #182
Here's our "new" car.
04/28/2006 06:02:21 PM · #183
Originally posted by greatandsmall:

Here's our "new" car.

Great car! Please tell me its a manual though, the automatics (01M,096)had Alot of problems.
04/28/2006 06:12:48 PM · #184
Originally posted by OdysseyF22:

Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

It's only in times like these that alternative fuel sources are seriously being considered. Happened in the 70's too.

Well, it's probably good that oil prices are soaring, because it's about time things are done to help keep our air breathable.

Here's to $10/gallon gasoline :-P

Edit to add: If everyone would learn to make moonshine, you wouldn't be paying so much for gas or for drinking alcohol :-)

Some truth to this, sure. But the oil companies do whatever they can to supress alternative technologies. They don't want to stop making their insane profits. If someone came up with the new, petrol-fuel-less engine, do you really think the oil companies would let him market it? Or would they buy him off and hoard it themselves? We know we could be fuel-independent within five years, with a good technological push. Why aren't we doing it? Because the oil companies have bought enough people to keep it from happening.

Exactly. And this is why I'm not a big fan of capitalism. Unless something's profitable, it probably won't get done. This is also why I'm opposed to most IP (big corporations that use patents to suppress technology, etc.), but that's a topic for another thread...
04/28/2006 06:18:45 PM · #185
Originally posted by MQuinn:

Originally posted by greatandsmall:

Here's our "new" car.

Great car! Please tell me its a manual though, the automatics (01M,096)had Alot of problems.

Thanks! We had one before, and it got wrecked. We've been searching for a couple of years and drove to NJ to pick it up.

Manual, absolutely. The only way to go.
04/28/2006 06:19:13 PM · #186
I hate when I'm driving 70 on 55 Speed limit highway and get blown away by 6000 lbs Monster SUV's doing 80 or 85( at 8-10 miles/gallon)...

10 $ a gallon is fair price and I will not see many of them .LOL !
04/28/2006 07:35:47 PM · #187
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

The other longterm question is why more people don't live close to work. I live 3 miles from work.................

That is a very good question. It is only logical. However at this point in time inexpensive fuel of the past has designed urban areas in a particular way and created jobs far from where people live. Driving a minimum of 30 miles to work is not uncommon. I am not sure if it is entirely true but if you think about the numbers, low/minimum wage workers must now pay a full days wage to fill their tank. It would be quite awful to have to fill your tank several times a week just to get to the job and have only a empty gas tank to show for your effort.

04/28/2006 08:34:50 PM · #188
Talk about a long commute!
04/28/2006 09:46:12 PM · #189
Originally posted by greatandsmall:

Talk about a long commute!

Geez, I thought I had it bad! 370 mile round trip, that's insane.
I did a 208 mile round trip for four years. Quit that job last fall, now I'm *down* to a 164 mile round trip, LOL.
04/28/2006 09:56:33 PM · #190
down under in Australia I am paying $1.44AUD a liter, converted to us gallons and us dollars thats $4.13USD a gallon. you have nothing to worry about.
04/30/2006 02:16:30 AM · #191
04/30/2006 02:26:36 AM · #192
In Hawaii its $3.19 for regular.
04/30/2006 02:30:43 AM · #193
Just paid $3.25 today in LA, which is considered cheap...

saw another place that wanted $3.45 for regular. Crazy!!

Message edited by author 2006-04-30 02:32:58.
04/30/2006 02:45:19 AM · #194
Those thinking that Ethanol is the way to go you need to read this.

04/30/2006 08:28:40 AM · #195
Early last week I was paying $2.92 a gallon here in town, but last night I noticed that the stations had just about all had come down to around $2.79 a gallon. I guess that's pretty cheap compared to the rest of the nation...however, a report came out the other day that said north Texas has the highest gas prices in the state right now. How I long for the days when I was paying $1.69 a gallon and crying about how expensive it was. ;)
04/30/2006 09:03:41 AM · #196
2.95 in maryland. Just found out that maryland does not have a price gouging law.

On another note, Delmarva power will be increasing everyones electric bill by 31% as of june first. And BGE will be increasing by 71%. It seem to be that our govenment is trying to eliminate the middle class. Its really pissin me off.

04/30/2006 09:38:18 AM · #197
One thing people that have E85 flex fuel vehicles may not understand is this. The fuel mileage on these vechicles on regular fuel is some times as much as 40% higher. SO the price difference between fuels actually is a wash.As an example, Most FFV Ford Taurus Vehicles will get 340 miles per tank on regular fuel, on E85 the mileage is around 200 miles per tank. The only real difference between using E85 is the fact that you are supporting Midwest farmers instead of the greedy oil companys. Who are making record profits while the world is struggling to pay higher fuel prices.

05/01/2006 10:09:42 AM · #198
I think we can start complaining when gasoline reaches the $5-$7 per gallon that it is in Europe.
05/01/2006 10:12:14 AM · #199
Originally posted by MattO:

One thing people that have E85 flex fuel vehicles may not understand is this. The fuel mileage on these vechicles on regular fuel is some times as much as 40% higher. SO the price difference between fuels actually is a wash.As an example, Most FFV Ford Taurus Vehicles will get 340 miles per tank on regular fuel, on E85 the mileage is around 200 miles per tank. The only real difference between using E85 is the fact that you are supporting Midwest farmers instead of the greedy oil companys. Who are making record profits while the world is struggling to pay higher fuel prices.


can you show us some documentation on this ?

Also there was a thing on TV last night talking about how gas could be 4-5 dollars by 4th of july weekend
05/01/2006 11:39:53 AM · #200
Originally posted by Spazmo99:

I think we can start complaining when gasoline reaches the $5-$7 per gallon that it is in Europe.

One big difference between those kind of prices in Europe and USA would be how much of the money goes to the oil compamies in the form of profits and how much goes to the government in the form of taxes. Tax money gets passed along, however inefficiently, to all the citizens in the form of government services while oil company profits are passed along only to the shareholders, with the parallel inefficiency being the enormous compensation paid to corporate execs.
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