Author | Thread |
02/16/2003 03:04:01 PM · #26 |
Originally posted by KarenB: I tried this once a few weeks ago... i.e. talk about the reasoning behind 1's and 2's to photos otherwise deserving. Marklane and I were basically jumped on for complaining. So, I will not begin this again.
Maybe just shrug, re-examine your photo, hang it up if you still like it, or reshoot it if the scores and comments urge you to.
I am with you. Do not get me wrong. It may never make sense to you or me.
But, I will only interject here to say that aggressively *inviting* people to participate in this thread, or in the forums in general, to admit to their low scoring and validating their opinions may not get you very far. |
Karen, I was wondering if you could resist the urge to get back into this arguement and lo and behold (bless you!) there was your name.
Love to get involved in this but I've got more rewarding things to do (like watching paint dry!)
Take care, Karen ;-) |
03/06/2003 06:02:00 AM · #27 |
Not sure if this has been touched on (imagine it has). What if anything less than a five (average photo) REQUIRED a comment? I could then see a bunch of "asdfasdfasdf" instead of nothing. (C:
03/17/2003 01:10:23 AM · #28 |
Alright. No comments on less than 5. How about 1 and 2's then. Require a comment as to why you think it is such a BAD photo. this would be helpful. My last bridge shot, was in focus, lighting well enough for an overcast, snowing day, and was on does it get a 1! And I already know what is happening with this weeks From Above picture of mine (since the score seems to be dropping by the minute), that it is not from above. Well, anything on the ground shot down is above...not much more above than that...unless I dig a hole, but I prefer the natural shots and not setting things up. I feel better!!!
03/17/2003 01:15:45 AM · #29 |
If 1's and 2's required a comment, then people simply wouldn't give them. 3 would slowly become the "lowest score" and people would wonder why they got so many 3's.
03/17/2003 01:20:04 AM · #30 |
Originally posted by hbunch7187: If 1's and 2's required a comment, then people simply wouldn't give them. 3 would slowly become the "lowest score" and people would wonder why they got so many 3's. |
I would hope that would not be true. If someone feels that wholeheartedly that the picture is that bad...they would have to leave it a 1. Unless people are that lazy...I cross my fingers they are not. Have that strong of an opinion on something, but will not back it up. Sounds like alot of other things going on this world. Too sad!
03/17/2003 01:25:49 AM · #31 |
It is pretty sad. I try to comment on every photo that I vote on, and go straight down the list, not picking favorites. It's hard for me NOT to leave a comment, and I'm not usually short winded. lol. When I quit my job again (hopefully in May) I'll be able to go back to being full time DPC and leave even more comments like before.
03/17/2003 01:27:16 AM · #32 |
I no longer worry about people who vote ones and twos...they are either deliberately distorted votes and will be purged by the vote calculator, or perhaps, given their obviously extreme esthetic, they are to be more pitied than censured... |
03/17/2003 02:00:53 AM · #33 |
GeneralE, are you saying that you feel this way about people who vote 1's and 2's on your photos or just in general? |
03/17/2003 02:27:57 AM · #34 |
Originally posted by kidyin: GeneralE, are you saying that you feel this way about people who vote 1's and 2's on your photos or just in general? |
I guess I mean people who vote that way on my photos, where I believe it is clearly "undeserved," by my own standard and that of a large proportion of the other voters.
Please note that I am NOT saying that all ones I get are undeserved -- almost all of my photos have received a pretty "accurate" score, and the ones are part of that too.
What I said was mostly about adopting a method of maintaining some self-esteem and sanity when faced with a seemingly incomprehensible response to my creation. Since we all (I hope) agree the "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" then, given a choice of considering myself or the aforementioned voter to be beyond the pale, instinct tells me to think myself the sensible one.
I'll defend anyone's right to vote a one on any photo, but they should have some rationale or justification, even if it's one I might not personally agree with. To submit ones irrationally or randomly is unfair and a violation of site guidelines.
Message edited by author 2003-03-17 02:29:12. |
03/17/2003 10:57:19 AM · #35 |
I didn't vote in this challenge, but if I did I probably would have given your photo a four. For one, there's cropping issues. Another problem is that there's clutter in the background where the tunnel ends. It fits the challenge well, but it just doesn't do too much to interest me personally -- however the colors and the detail are both well done and clear.
Overall you got a 5.59, which was a fairly average score for the challenge -- so it's not like the 1's and 2's hurt you too much. Also, most other pictures in the same range of yours (score wise) got about the same amount of lower scores. It's just part of the voting process. |
03/26/2003 04:45:07 PM · #36 |
4 possibly 3, for the issues that others have already pointed out. For all the unjustified 1s and 2s you got, there are some "over-rated" 9s and 10s as well. It all evens out.. |
03/26/2003 07:43:34 PM · #37 |
Mariomel - I gave you an 8 for this shot. I know exactly how you feel. I have left a number of comments after challenges asking the trolls to raise their heads long enough to at least discuss this issue. I've never bitten anybodies head off (even if tempted), but I too would like to know what the low scorer's are thinking (assuming they are thinking, giving a large benefit of doubt on my part!). I've done more than my share of less than understandable junk shots here (for my own fun - some days I don't care about the score), but I think I've done at least a few that were outstanding and still received more than a couple 1s and 2s.
I think I've handed out less than a dozen scores lower than 4.
(lots of ill temptered backspacing....)
Mariomel - I think we all have to just accept that this is an open forum. The site admins do their best to protect us from trolls, but the damn fools seem much more creative in avoiding troll traps than in being "good citizens". I wish you well. |
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