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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Anyone know where to purchase Eclipse in person?
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07/19/2006 09:02:09 PM · #1
No time to ship it, leaving for vacation on Saturday AM, my bottle wasn't closed properly and it evaporated. And my sensor is NASTY. help?

edit to add: I'm in central California.

Message edited by author 2006-07-19 21:02:28.
07/19/2006 09:05:13 PM · #2
Do you have a Calumet Photo nearby? I know they stock it.
Their Website/Server seems to be down at the moment though.
07/19/2006 09:05:26 PM · #3
Where are you going on vacation?
07/19/2006 09:05:57 PM · #4
Originally posted by BradP:

Do you have a Calumet Photo nearby? I know they stock it.
Their Website/Server seems to be down at the moment though.

Funny as I was just checking to see if there was a Calumet near her :)
07/19/2006 09:21:05 PM · #5
We're going to Morro Bay, in southernish CA, near San Luis Obispo but still three hours from LA. It's driving me bananas because I know there must be SOMEWHERE I can buy it, but I just don't know how to find out. I've tried the major photography store in Fresno, and they don't stock it. (Boot's). The next nearest stores are going to be in San Francisco and I just can't drive over there for that, it's a three-hour drive. grr.
07/19/2006 09:41:28 PM · #6
Check your local phone book for camera shops and start calling.
07/20/2006 12:47:05 AM · #7
Originally posted by faidoi:

Check your local phone book for camera shops and start calling.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Trouble is that to get ANYWHERE with a camera store entails at least a 70-mile drive. And since online yellow pages really lack, I'll probably have to, I dunno, go to the library? to look at actual paper-and-ink directories for nearby cities. How TOTALLY 1991 this all is. ;) I thought maybe our little studio/1-hour photo/print store in town might have it, but no dice.
07/20/2006 12:58:54 AM · #8
Eclipse is manufactured by Photographic Solutions Inc. and you can reach them by phone at 508-759-2322; they probably can tell you the nearest retailer of their product. Oddly enough, they are only 35 miles or so from me.


Or email David M. Stone: david@photosol.com

Message edited by author 2006-07-20 01:02:35.
07/20/2006 01:06:22 AM · #9
Calumet is back online, and see they have stores in:
Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco, CA
Santa Ana, CA
Escondido, CA
Santa Barbara, CA
07/20/2006 01:13:45 AM · #10
Originally posted by rachelellen:

We're going to Morro Bay, in southernish CA, near San Luis Obispo but still three hours from LA.

You should go to Montana De Oro state park in Los Osos. Just alittle south of Morro Bay. I went to school in San Luis Obispo. It has sand dunes right to the beach or built into bluffs that drop off about hundred feet right to rocky beaches of the coast. I love that place, I wasn't taking photos then but it is amazing. Next time I go back it will be a place I'll go back to. Sorry no help on the eclipse though.
07/20/2006 01:14:03 AM · #11
Did you try HORN PHOTO

07/20/2006 01:35:18 AM · #12
Samy's Camera
07/20/2006 02:01:37 AM · #13
HENLEY'S PHOTO INC 661-324-9484
2000 H ST

ACTION CO 661-861-8101

18.7MI from Bakersfield

46.1MI from Bakersfield

73.1MI from Bakersfield
07/20/2006 02:05:56 AM · #14
07/20/2006 02:25:43 AM · #15
Bakersfeild isn't much closer than San Jose, if you are driving straight down 41 to SLO.

You might call Jim's Campus Camera
766 Higuera St
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 543-2047

07/20/2006 11:36:12 AM · #16
Originally posted by BrennanOB:

Bakersfeild isn't much closer than San Jose, if you are driving straight down 41 to SLO.

You might call Jim's Campus Camera
766 Higuera St
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 543-2047

Yeah, Bakersfield's way out of the way. I swear, every day of my life I'm glad I live where I do and not in a major city, but this has really put that to the test. ;) I'm going to try a couple of places in Fresno and Modesto once business hours commence, and beyond that I'll just order some when I get back and try to use wide apertures and Photoshop to my advantage in the meanwhile. grr.

Thanks very much everyone for your help.
07/20/2006 11:46:41 AM · #17
One other alternative. Contact a chemical supply house and ask for a high-purity reagent grade methanol. Specify that it needs to have less than 5ppm residue on evaporation. You'll need to buy a 500ml (half-liter) bottle and it should cost about $30. That will keep you in "eclipse" for years. Just be *very* sure to keep it tightly closed or it will absorb water from the air. And store appropriately, it's a very flammable liquid.
07/20/2006 11:56:06 AM · #18
Camera center in Modesto may carry it, there is also supposed to be a great camera repair shop in Stockton--but i'm not sure what the name is...but the pro shooters I know in Modesto all go there.
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