Author | Thread |
10/07/2002 02:18:57 PM · #26 |
Christians can't stand people making fun of them. :) They always cry wolf.
I think next week's challenge is interesting. Think of the vast amount of stuff you can do on bashing religion. You know, the Inquisition, Witchcraft trials, etc. as it relates to the 7 deadly sins, which is yet another Judaeo-Christian thing.
* This message has been edited by the author on 10/7/2002 2:18:43 PM.
10/07/2002 02:22:10 PM · #27 |
Now that everyone has used their knife to disect lets just not talk or belittle others or their religious beliefs. If you don't like it then keep it to yourself. It is just like the trolls in here that give bad comments that are offensive. The same is true about photos. We can all make excuses, but does it really make a wrong a right. Take a second look at the photo. Maybe they are saying something else. Give it the benifit of the dought and if all else fails, DQ it. I am a religious person (Southern Baptist) and proud of it. :) It is good for the soul!! |
10/07/2002 02:24:22 PM · #28 |
Originally posted by myqyl: "But Christians aren't very popular this year, so I guess it's ok to bash them. Right?" [/i]
This year? My faith has been bashed for years. Christians have never been popular and get blamed for lots of stuff that's wrong with the world. Whatever religious tag you wear, it's not the religion to blame, it's the state of the individual's innermost being (aka heart) that attacks another. When I was in college, my socialogy prof constantly picked on Christian beliefs, accusing them of being close minded. I finally wrote an essay and pointed out to him that he was being extremely narrow minded. All the while I never once persecuted is very evident homosexual agenda. Btw, I haven't seen the image in question yet.
10/07/2002 02:24:35 PM · #29 |
This discussion is about a photograph making a religous statement and should not be used to further opinions for or against religion. If you don't have something to say about this photograph as it relates to the site, let's keep this discussion from turning sour. To each his own.
Drew |
10/07/2002 02:31:53 PM · #30 |
Originally posted by Gekker:
But Christians aren't very popular this year, so I guess it's ok to bash them. Right?(oh man, didn't do that quote somebody else thing right, I'll work on that)
The "quote someone else thing" is easiest with the Reply button :) Practise makes perfect :)
Um, I really don't think that pic is bashing Christians, I think every OTHER religion is being bashed. My interpretation anyway
I don't think that photo is bashing anyone actually, Christian or otherwise. I was just replying to the post that suggested it's ok to do so.
It's getting harder and harder to stay on this thread and not discuss the photo, but I'd nominate it for "misunderstood shot of the week". |
10/07/2002 02:33:03 PM · #31 |
About misunderstanding a picture...we really must be careful NOT to jump to conclusions. I entered a picture in the childhood without children challenge and it was terribly misunderstood. As unfortunate as it is to be misunderstood, I did learn a valuable lesson. Ultimately it is MY responsibility to express clearly in my image, or roll with the punches. In retrospect I can see how my picture was misunderstood. When I posted it though, I had tunnel vision, and should have thought it through better. Actually I was embarrassed at how people viewed my "Shedding of Innocent Blood" picture.
* This message has been edited by the author on 10/7/2002 2:33:00 PM.
10/07/2002 02:39:54 PM · #32 |
Originally posted by myqyl:
...It's getting harder and harder to stay on this thread and not discuss the photo, but I'd nominate it for "misunderstood shot of the week".
I would second that nomination. (practice DOES make perfect)
* This message has been edited by the author on 10/7/2002 2:38:21 PM. |
10/07/2002 02:40:10 PM · #33 |
Actually, it is a Catholic thing, the 7 deadly sins are not mentioned in the Bible as far as I have read it. The New Testament states that there is only 1 deadly sin. If anyone knows what chapter:verse the 7 deadly sins comes from, please share.
Originally posted by paganini: Christians can't stand people making fun of them. :) They always cry wolf.
I think next week's challenge is interesting. Think of the vast amount of stuff you can do on bashing religion. You know, the Inquisition, Witchcraft trials, etc. as it relates to the 7 deadly sins, which is yet another Judaeo-Christian thing.
10/07/2002 02:42:17 PM · #34 |
I thought your photo was awesome but i assumed it had a dark side :-) Frankly i am sort of tired of looking at happy photos. There just are not enough dark or politically sensitive images on this site, partially because people know they'll get their scored lowered purely on that merit.
But, like I said,, Dpchallenge is a lot like Britney Spears. Just because people like Britney Spears and listen to her a lot more than Beethoven, doesn't mean Britney Spears is better than Beethoven :)
Originally posted by Gracious: About misunderstanding a picture...we really must be careful NOT to jump to conclusions. I entered a picture in the childhood without children challenge and it was terribly misunderstood. As unfortunate as it is to be misunderstood, I did learn a valuable lesson. Ultimately it is MY responsibility to express clearly in my image, or roll with the punches. In retrospect I can see how my picture was misunderstood. When I posted it though, I had tunnel vision, and should have thought it through better. Actually I was embarrassed at how people viewed my "Shedding of Innocent Blood" picture.
10/07/2002 02:56:27 PM · #35 |
Originally posted by Zeissman: Actually, it is a Catholic thing, the 7 deadly sins are not mentioned in the Bible as far as I have read it. The New Testament states that there is only 1 deadly sin. If anyone knows what chapter:verse the 7 deadly sins comes from, please share.
This link gives a fairly accurate account of the history of the seven deadly sins. The site also refers to the seven deadly sins that Ghandi preached about, but since the 'traditional' ones were put in the challenge wording, I guess we are stuck with those. |
10/07/2002 03:08:30 PM · #36 |
Can anyone please everyone all the time?
What's wrong with shock value?
Freedom of expression?
Do all of us really want to go for "nice" instead of "You've got to see this!"?
10/07/2002 03:11:01 PM · #37 |
Great link!! Thank you for sharing that. I think it will help a lot of people figure this out. For example, if someone posted a picture of a goat in the 7 sins challenge, I wouldn't have gotten it, now I understand that one of the sins is represented by the goat. (sloth) So thank you thank you thank you!! I hope everyone read this!
10/07/2002 03:13:38 PM · #38 |
what would have happened if this controversial photograph had been disqualified? none of us would have had to face an ugly thing. it would've been convenient! none of us would have had to be compelled to reach out to our fellow human beings. none of us would have had to share anything. none of us would have had to struggle with the perspectives and experiences that make us individuals, or go through the laborious work that's involved when we reach out to each other.
every time we obscure the fact that evil and hatred and misunderstandings still exist, we get further away from a time and place where they do not.
i'd rather know what evil lurks within the hearts of men than not, only to one day be taken by surprise. how many of us are photograph away from being racists and murderers? i would like to know. let the evils of our world be exposed, that we may struggle against them.
hope everybody's having a lovely day.
10/07/2002 03:14:13 PM · #39 |
Originally posted by hbunch7187: Great link!! Thank you for sharing that. I think it will help a lot of people figure this out. For example, if someone posted a picture of a goat in the 7 sins challenge, I wouldn't have gotten it, now I understand that one of the sins is represented by the goat. (sloth) So thank you thank you thank you!! I hope everyone read this!
I'll start another thread to discuss alternate visions of the challenge once my wife is done dragging me through stores :) |
10/07/2002 03:14:14 PM · #40 |
Originally posted by hbunch7187: Great link!! Thank you for sharing that. I think it will help a lot of people figure this out. For example, if someone posted a picture of a goat in the 7 sins challenge, I wouldn't have gotten it, now I understand that one of the sins is represented by the goat. (sloth) So thank you thank you thank you!! I hope everyone read this!
I'll start another thread to discuss alternate visions of the challenge once my wife is done dragging me through stores :) |
10/07/2002 03:24:35 PM · #41 |
My point was photos should not insult nor put down people and/or there beliefs. When you start down that road it is very hard to turn back. I would hope no one takes that road. We would all be troubled. It is easy for me to take my ball and leave if I don't like it. What we are really looking for is where the Administrators stand. Should we keep pushing the line. And will the administrators tell the community when the line has been crossed not just the crosser. Administration can not set up a page where you can see what is not allowed.
Is a photo of a school teacher and a 13 year old student in a class room setting starting to take of her cloths with perfect lighting offensive? It would fall under lust? Would a man standing holding a phone and a cigar while a female unzips his pans be OK? You see my point. Lets keep this a positive site. Where we will find more ooos and aaas as all our picture taking improve and uplifts us with time.
* This message has been edited by the author on 10/7/2002 3:23:07 PM. |
10/07/2002 03:43:26 PM · #42 |
Originally posted by hbunch7187: Great link!! Thank you for sharing that. I think it will help a lot of people figure this out. For example, if someone posted a picture of a goat in the 7 sins challenge, I wouldn't have gotten it, now I understand that one of the sins is represented by the goat. (sloth) So thank you thank you thank you!! I hope everyone read this!
Wouldn't sloth be represented by a...well...sloth?? ;-)
10/07/2002 03:50:29 PM · #43 |
Originally posted by kathleenm: Originally posted by hbunch7187: [i]Great link!! Thank you for sharing that. I think it will help a lot of people figure this out. For example, if someone posted a picture of a goat in the 7 sins challenge, I wouldn't have gotten it, now I understand that one of the sins is represented by the goat. (sloth) So thank you thank you thank you!! I hope everyone read this!
Wouldn't sloth be represented by a...well...sloth?? ;-) [/i]
Don't think there have been any in Europe/Middle East in historic times; I suspect perhaps in this case, the (English) name for the animal came from the sin... |
10/07/2002 03:50:51 PM · #44 |
Originally posted by Milton: My point was photos should not insult nor put down people and/or there beliefs. When you start down that road it is very hard to turn back. I would hope no one takes that road.
The examples you cite might offend me (and clearly do you) and yet by thinking of and citing your examples you are doing exactly the same thing the artist (probably) intends -- to use an image to convey information and elicit emotion and (hopefully) thought in the viewer, and perhaps to provoke discussion. Yet I would not DQ any of thm for violating site rules solely on the descriptions you give.
I myself prefer to try and use positive images when I can, but recognize that negative images have their place. As a practical example, I believe that cigarettes packaged for sale in Canada come complete with color images of diseased lungs and other body parts printed on the outside of the package (could our Canadian comrades confirm?). |
10/07/2002 03:51:55 PM · #45 |
Well mygyl you've gone and done it. Now I've got to get rid of the damn goats and be careful of snakes. |
10/07/2002 03:53:18 PM · #46 |
Eventually everyone gets insulted by anything in the art world. Where do you draw the line? Censorship? Is that what we have become? I think as soon as this site starts to censor content, a lot more people would leave than to push the envelope.
No one is advocating child pornography. Usually it's the Christians that automatically cry wolf (they're picking on us!) and then started to talk about how obscene the photographs could get.
I have people coming to my door at 8 am in the morning telling me that i was going to hell unless i join their church. NOw that's in your face annoying. No one forces you to look at the photo. if you don't like it, set it to 1 and move on! After all, this site is all about subjective rating.
Originally posted by Milton: My point was photos should not insult nor put down people and/or there beliefs. When you start down that road it is very hard to turn back. I would hope no one takes that road. We would all be troubled. It is easy for me to take my ball and leave if I don't like it. What we are really looking for is where the Administrators stand. Should we keep pushing the line. And will the administrators tell the community when the line has been crossed not just the crosser. Administration can not set up a page where you can see what is not allowed.
Is a photo of a school teacher and a 13 year old student in a class room setting starting to take of her cloths with perfect lighting offensive? It would fall under lust? Would a man standing holding a phone and a cigar while a female unzips his pans be OK? You see my point. Lets keep this a positive site. Where we will find more ooos and aaas as all our picture taking improve and uplifts us with time
10/07/2002 04:01:07 PM · #47 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: As a practical example, I believe that cigarettes packaged for sale in Canada come complete with color images of diseased lungs and other body parts printed on the outside of the package (could our Canadian comrades confirm?).
Yes they do. Very graphic thank goodness.
* This message has been edited by the author on 10/7/2002 4:02:41 PM.
10/07/2002 04:13:19 PM · #48 |
I for one relish the opportunity to be provoked and unsettled by art. And if there's anything that provokes me, it's the insistence that people restrict themselves to 'uplifting' subject material. That's why I'm reading (and posting to) this thread! :)
I hereby volunteer to be torn down, to have harrowing, unsavory images thrust upon me, and be pushed into thinking about the unpleasant side of life.
10/07/2002 05:54:50 PM · #49 |
OMG it's Mousie. All hail the second coming.
10/07/2002 06:04:38 PM · #50 |
Originally posted by Mousie: I hereby volunteer to be torn down, to have harrowing, unsavory images thrust upon me, and be pushed into thinking about the unpleasant side of life.
Turn it to CNN, CSPAN or FOX..they make a career out of this >:-D
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