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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Where is your username from?
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12/09/2006 05:21:36 AM · #1
"smyk" is a polish nickname that is the equivalent to "scout" like in the book "to kill a mocking bird". When I was born and my took me into her arms, she looked at me and said "Oh, look at the little scout" (in polish obviously) and since then it has stuck. All of my close family calls me "smyk". Old family friends call me "smyk" etc.

So that's where my username is from.

Anyone else?
12/09/2006 05:27:54 AM · #2
Judi is from ...ummm....'Judi'...also known as 'Red'! I wish mine had some mystery to it...!
12/09/2006 05:31:54 AM · #3
I love foxes and especially silver foxes. once I registered at one website where the username silverfox (with one x) was already taken so I registered my as silverfoxx. I love the name! :) I can't write it now with only one "x":)
12/09/2006 05:37:03 AM · #4
one of my ex-girlfriends spent a week trying to think of a pet name for me...

she came up with sickdog...

kind of says it all really.
12/09/2006 05:52:45 AM · #5
Obsidian is lava glass and is the black substance caused by molten lava cooling (plus some other stuff I think). As a material it has been in use for thousands of years and old (i.e. prehistoric) finds show it used for arrowheads.

I took the name as I really like the material as a semi-precious gem stone and also in unprocessed form. Aside from plain obsidian there is snowflake obsidian and the rarer (in the UK) rainbow obsidian, which we are lucky enough to have a large piece of.

So there you have it!

Oh yeah! I would have used my birthstone - carnelian - as a user name but I think that had either gone or obsidian was kind of the name du jour for me at the time.
12/09/2006 06:26:15 AM · #6
A friend dubbed me Wildcard because he said he never knew what I'd do next, I liked it and have been using it ever since.
12/09/2006 07:00:37 AM · #7
in university, a friend carved xian on the back of oneo f my sneakers. xian - greek letter x - chi - used as contraction for christ, and the ian on the end.

stuck the art on the end a while ago because somewhere i was signing up for online already had xian taken.
so, there ya go. pretty basic, really
12/09/2006 07:10:25 AM · #8
Oscarmeyer - thats my name...

... Boring! : )
12/09/2006 07:12:53 AM · #9
sher from Sherryl, and pet from my husband Peter, which makes sherpet

Message edited by author 2006-12-09 07:13:08.
12/09/2006 07:20:38 AM · #10
"Tooohip" comes from one sad day in Northern Minnesota when I was dared to go waterskiing in my buddyĆ¢€™s, Parent's old bell-bottom jeans. Add to that, the fact that I had to wear a giant blow-up Minnesota Vikings helmet, then water-ski past two old-school fisherman with my bell-bottom jeans and big purple blow-up Vikings helmet, I earned a few nicknames that day. ;-)

One was "Fancy Pants Lance" (Lance being my real name). Another wasn't so much a nickname as a slip of words when describing me waterskiing with the bell-bottoms on. My buddy said something to the effect of the pants didn't fit and somehow his girlfriend said something about the hips when I was wearing the, buddy then said that's just too hip.

Bla bla bla, long story short. Fancy Pants sounds a bit too effeminate and too many folks have that username anyway, so toohip was my choice some years ago. Toohip with two O's was taken, thus the third "O."


Message edited by author 2006-12-09 07:21:23.
12/09/2006 08:16:00 AM · #11
Originally posted by smyk:

Anyone else?

I used to have a '78 Pontiac Firebird. Top speed 145 mph.
Someone beat me to firebird so I reversed the e to a 3.
12/09/2006 08:17:55 AM · #12
Long story short:

My aunt legally changed her name after years and years. We thought it was dumb, so I kidded her and made a funny elongated version out of it. Well it stuck, so she came up with something similar for my name. Sometimes my sister makes it sound French and says "Jutille." ha ha I'm thinking of getting personalized license plates. ;~D
12/09/2006 08:29:01 AM · #13
mine is boring ... it's my name ...
12/09/2006 08:33:51 AM · #14
Dakota was already taken so.....
12/09/2006 08:38:04 AM · #15
Originally posted by lakota:

Dakota was already taken so.....

HAHAHA...sorry...i thought it was funny, in a good way ;)
12/09/2006 08:47:59 AM · #16
Before moving to the US I lived in Helsinki, Finland for 3 years.

Salmiakki are salty licorice candies that are very popular in Finland and other parts of Scandinavia.

I hate Salmiakki! My Finnish friends used to joke with me that by the time I left Finland I would grow to love them. (WRONG!)

Well for me, You know you've lived in Finland too long when........you grow to like salmiakki!

Hence in fun I used it as my screen name both here and other places.

And usually it isn't one that has already been used!

12/09/2006 08:48:05 AM · #17
digitalpins..... the digital from the camera off course..lol and the pins from bowling, I am a bowler been doing a longtime
12/09/2006 09:27:05 AM · #18
My Name and how great I am..

12/09/2006 09:40:20 AM · #19
Originally posted by fir3bird:

Originally posted by smyk:

Anyone else?

I used to have a '78 Pontiac Firebird. Top speed 145 mph.
Someone beat me to firebird so I reversed the e to a 3.

Oh gosh, and all this time I've been reading your name as fir-bird! Oops!!
12/09/2006 09:42:32 AM · #20
Karen is my name and Nfld is short for Newfoundland, where I'm from. Boring!
12/09/2006 09:43:32 AM · #21
I'm surprised noone has linked the handfull of other threads with the same name.

Anyway the obvious: idnic=cindi=idnic=cindi
12/09/2006 09:47:25 AM · #22
My initials. TLM = TLeM = TLeMetry
Telemetry is the measurement of the speed data travels on a wire.
since the majority of my 'real' life is spent online I felt it was fitting. And I wanted something noone else has so I can have only ONE user at multiple sites without having to put the 235232 behind it everytime. ;)

12/09/2006 10:42:35 AM · #23
da for the first two letters in my real name
ga for the first two letters in my last name
lea is my middle name
and, the extra a on the end was added because someone else always had my original idea----> dagalea
12/09/2006 10:53:44 AM · #24
I started running out of ideas for user names, so whenever it's available, I just use my first name, which is pronounced Lewis -- I kind of hate Louie :).

Message edited by author 2006-12-09 10:54:21.
12/09/2006 10:54:32 AM · #25
Slickchik was my name when I'd play lazer-tag with friends in college and my handle when using the CB radio when traveling in groups (long before cell phones were practical to own--LOL).

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