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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> East Coast DPC Get Together!
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 101, (reverse)
06/04/2003 11:43:09 AM · #26
Woohoo! Great responses here! Alright... I'm going to set the weekend now... we just have to decide the day (Saturday or Sunday) and I need definite responses on who's going to be there... right now for yesses I have...



e301 (and other half?)

So who else is in. We are now deciding between SATURDAY JUNE 14TH OR SUNDAY JUNE 15TH. More opinions and ideas? Thanks guys... this has only been up for like less than 12 hours... this is awesome!
06/04/2003 12:57:34 PM · #27
anytime after 4pm on june 14th is the best for me... i'll already be in midtown anyway.
06/05/2003 11:30:52 AM · #28
Alright... I'm setting the date...

Saturday June 14th... mark your calendars... we'll figure out time and place later... WHO'S COMING?
06/05/2003 11:39:52 AM · #29
I'm a Left Coaster that will be up in Boston for business near that date... I might be able to make it if you don't mind a California tag-along...

Not positive I can make it, but I can look at it... Sunday is Father's Day and my wife isn't happy that I'm leaving town. It might be over the top to leave early :) But I'll see...
06/05/2003 11:42:03 AM · #30
Your East Coast GTG sounds like fun. Too bad I'm soooooo far east, I might join you too. I shot this about 45 mins. from where I live. Lots to shoot here if anyone would like to visit sometime.

06/05/2003 11:44:52 AM · #31
Owen, my wife spent a year in newfoundland and she raves about it. Says it unbelieveably beautiful and rugged coastline. We are planning to go to St Johns some time in the next year or so.
06/05/2003 11:48:44 AM · #32
Originally posted by RiderGal:

Alright... I'm setting the date...

Saturday June 14th... mark your calendars... we'll figure out time and place later... WHO'S COMING?

I'm coming.

06/05/2003 01:19:02 PM · #33
Wow - I was rather surprised to see my name mentioned in the original post :)

This is something I'd *love* to do, but NYC is a good 6-hour drive from here. I'm not afraid of a long drive as much as I am of my wife, who would surely amputate my head if I suggested making another trip.

In the past two months, I drove to Miami (a 2,300 mile trip) and to Winnipeg, MB, (3,030 miles)... my poor little Saturn is wracking up the miles!

Since Pittsburgh has been mentioned a couple times, I'd certainly love to invite anyone within earshot to stop by. It really is a great place to shoot, and I sometimes take it for granted. One view of our city was just named as the 2nd "Most Beautiful View in America" by USA Weekend magazine.

There really is a lot of great stuff to shoot here -- I'd love to get together with some DPCers for a Saturday (or whatever) of shooting. Say the word!
06/05/2003 01:42:40 PM · #34
I think it is a great idea. Count me in.
06/05/2003 06:46:56 PM · #35



e301 (and other half?)

06/05/2003 06:47:24 PM · #36
Albright1 and I would sure like to come, if y'all would have us :).

Actually a good friend of mine is in the band 'ps' there, they may even be having a show that night!
06/05/2003 08:38:03 PM · #37
Yeah -- that could be a lot of fun. I want in too!
06/05/2003 09:03:55 PM · #38
I would love to go...but my back has been out for several weeks now, so I'll have to play it by ear.
Do give me the where and what time....
06/05/2003 09:12:12 PM · #39
I should jump in my car and join you guys. Only 9 hours drive.

06/05/2003 10:45:07 PM · #40
JACK! Do it!

And count my roommate in, in case he wants to videotape NY.
06/05/2003 10:55:52 PM · #41
Some smaller town between NYC and Phily would be better for folks outside of NYC, much easier to find things arround and cheaper hotels!
Something like Atlantic City ....
06/06/2003 12:19:23 AM · #42
Originally posted by RiderGal:




e301 (and other half?)


Adding these people...


Mavrik's Roommate


Jacko (you know you want to!)
TerryGee (If your back feels ok we'd love to have you!)

Pitsaman... I agree a smaller town would be easier for folks outside of NYC... However.. and I guess this is purely selfish... as a 19 year old living in the city by myself without a car it would be virtually impossible for me to go anywhere... also seeing as how I'm only in NYC for the summer, I wanted to get a chance to meet some people.... so I came up with this based on Kavey's London GTG. I hope you understand... plus if I get to know somebody, maybe on the next GTG we could make it somewhere else and others could help me get there... but for now, I'm afraid even though I'd like everyone to be able to make it only those who can come to the city for that day can meet :-( sorry...

Those who need to get a hotel for the night... I would offer that you could stay at my place, but since I don't know anyone I'm not sure thats a good idea... for safety reasons... however my guess is you could get a very good deal on a hotel in say NJ and take the NJ transit over to NYC for I believe less than 5 bucks and same getting back out depending on where your coming from. For those who are considering driving, I really hope you decide to come... meeting in a group setting like this makes it safer and also you'll get to meet all these people you've been talking to and seeing parts of their lives for so long! It's going to be fun :-) Allright.. lets get some more people!

06/06/2003 12:44:17 AM · #43
I wish I could make it but military obligation will keep me away this time. Please let me know if anyone decides to hold another later on. Thanks.
06/06/2003 12:59:07 AM · #44
Wow, this sounds good. Wish I could be there. :( If anyone decides to do it again with a couple of weeks notice before the date I'd be happy to take a saturday off from work!

Message edited by author 2003-06-08 13:31:39.
06/06/2003 12:50:14 PM · #45
06/06/2003 01:10:14 PM · #46
Whatever way we come, we'd like to utilize some of the parking in front of your building. Is it a lot or little or...? What? We'll likely show up to NYC fairly early.

06/06/2003 02:46:16 PM · #47
I didn't get a chance to read every post, but count me in! I've been waiting for this, thanks Ridergal for suggesting it, i think it will be fun!

06/06/2003 03:53:38 PM · #48
Ooh I feel famous! Slightly. OK, not at all! LOL

Sounds like this is gonna be such a party - I wish I could just win the lottery and hop on concorde (before it's put to pasture) and join you all!

Hope you have the bestest time and share photos after. If there are going to be quite a number of you it may be worthwhile talking to Drew and asking if he'd set up a special GTG Speed Challenge just for you all - we were going to have him do that for us but in the end I think there really weren't enough of us to justify the work involved. But your group looks bigger and it would be fun!
06/06/2003 08:49:36 PM · #49
Originally posted by mavrik:

Whatever way we come, we'd like to utilize some of the parking in front of your building. Is it a lot or little or...? What? We'll likely show up to NYC fairly early.


The parking in front of my building and within a block of here is quite nice, on the weekends, it is totally free, and you can pretty much park anywhere (where the signs tell you) it just depends on if there is a spot free when you get here... but there almost always is on the weekends in my experience... it's really really nice. I am also located one block from Broadway and 116th (1/9 subway) pretty nice!

Good idea Kavey... Idefinitely something to think about but not really sure if it's necessary, as I feel it's just to get together and go out and have fun and meet people... but maybe others feel differently anyway... it's time for THE LIST


Mavrik's roomie


e301 (and other half?)

Maybes... let me know when you get a chance! Also Yes people... what do you want to do? where do you want to go... etc. LMK.. you can email me at Photography_by_talya@yahoo.com aight.. ttyl

06/07/2003 03:01:03 PM · #50

I'll try to make this the last bump... sorry
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