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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> The Team Suck Clubhouse
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Showing posts 501 - 525 of 3159, (reverse)
02/14/2007 09:06:28 AM · #501
I'm thinking it may be time for a more technical kind of challenge, though I think Street kinda fits that in a way. It's a different kind of shooting and definitely will put a lot of us beyond our comfort zones. On second thought, though, we just had motion panning not that long ago - that's a technical challenge. But I do like those. Makes you go try new stuff.

02/14/2007 09:51:53 AM · #502
Originally posted by Kelli:

We got less than an inch of snow, all sleet after that. Right now my windows are being pelted with ice balls. Sounds creepy! No school for the kiddies here today. It looks like a skating rink out there.

Tell me about ice balls? I just got into work and felt like I was being sandblasted by ice. And when I get here, the office is closed today because of the weather. So a quiet day-just wish I had a camera with me.
02/14/2007 09:58:11 AM · #503
Team Suck and Minus Logos



Copy and paste the above. Replace the { with [ and } with ] .
02/14/2007 10:06:13 AM · #504
Originally posted by quiet_observation:


Tell me about ice balls? I just got into work and felt like I was being sandblasted by ice. And when I get here, the office is closed today because of the weather. So a quiet day-just wish I had a camera with me.

They say sandblasting is good for the complexion! LOL. My dog got put out to pee. He peed off the porch, wouldn't step a foot off it. ROFLMAO watching him out the window. Then he came blasting in like the hounds of hell were chasing him! Yet, my son is out there playing in it. Of course he's wrapped up like that kid from "Christmas Story".
02/14/2007 11:31:14 AM · #505
Originally posted by bmartuch:

I wonder if I can guess the upcoming challenge titles.

Up and Down
In and Out
Left and Right
Hot and Cold
Hard and Soft (Oh, maybe we better not go there!)
Beavis and Butt head
Brick and Brack

I thought of a couple more.

Yes and No
Right and Wrong
Laurel and Hardy
Simon and Garfunkle
Bob and Tom

Let me know if I've missed any good ones.

Message edited by author 2007-02-14 11:32:14.
02/14/2007 12:22:56 PM · #506
Rolling stone and moss
02/14/2007 01:03:54 PM · #507
Originally posted by quiet_observation:

The Yappie awards are posted here. Sorry, misspelled jaysonmc in title of thread.

The OOBIE awards are posted here.

Go over and cheer!

Thank you to butterflies, alans_world and Blue Moon, for voting.

Mary, did you send PMs to the winners? I didn't know I'd won a yappie until I stumbled onto it, and I read most of the team suck thread. In one case, that was 6 weeks later.
02/14/2007 01:12:50 PM · #508
Originally posted by Melethia:

I'm thinking it may be time for a more technical kind of challenge, though I think Street kinda fits that in a way. It's a different kind of shooting and definitely will put a lot of us beyond our comfort zones. On second thought, though, we just had motion panning not that long ago - that's a technical challenge. But I do like those. Makes you go try new stuff.

The big question, is if I get a good shot which would work for both Street and the "Where I live" side challenge, where do I submit it? Suppose I've fallen a day or two behind on the subchallenge..

Decisions, decisions.
02/14/2007 01:17:30 PM · #509
Save it for the Street challenge then you can post it to the Where I Live thread after the challenge closes. Lots of folks did something similar when I did the 30 day self portrait thingie.
02/14/2007 03:19:19 PM · #510
Originally posted by meyers:

The big question, is if I get a good shot which would work for both Street and the "Where I live" side challenge, where do I submit it? Suppose I've fallen a day or two behind on the subchallenge..

Decisions, decisions.

Indeed. I'm considering pulling one of my "Where I Live" shots for the free study.
02/14/2007 04:48:51 PM · #511
The nominations are open for the YAPPIE and OOBIE here.
02/14/2007 05:57:22 PM · #512
!!!!!!!!!!WEEKLY SUCK RESULTS!!!!!!!

I am thrilled (and surprised) to announce this week's winners

BLUE======Team Novice=====6.0952
RED=======The Hoovers=====5.697666667
YELLOW====Team Entropy====5.5714
The S.Q.==Team Minus======5.535166667
The i.p.==Butterflies=====5.514566667
BROWN=====The OOFers======5.246466667

My hearty congratulations for an impressive thrashing of the rest of us by Team Novice, as led by the score of noraneko, winner of this week's Momentary Lapse of Sucking Award. I also congratulate Team Chasing Butterflies for at least pretending that they suck this week.

Team Novice, do us proud and actually vote for the OOBIE and YAPPIE nominees this week.
02/14/2007 07:49:24 PM · #513
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

I'm experimenting with space economy so I trimmed my signature area so I don't take up so damn much space.

Space economy is good. We are really ripping through these threads.
02/14/2007 10:55:24 PM · #514
I've lost track of who knows processing well and who's just beginning, but here's a terrific overview of curves and how it can help increase contrast and visual interest:
02/14/2007 11:00:05 PM · #515
Great link, Jeff. They have some good stuff on that site.
Now I just need someone to tell me the difference between darken,lighten,multiply, etc...
02/14/2007 11:15:27 PM · #516
02/15/2007 12:18:27 AM · #517
Originally posted by klstover:


Hey, that's great! I'll have to spend some time exploring it.

As for curves, at the risk of sounding like I think I'm some kind of expert: here's my day 14 shot for Where You Live plus the original and the rather slight curve I used to greatly enhance the contrast.

Whether you like the result or not, it doesn't take much to make large changes.

Day 14: Tree Tunnel



Message edited by author 2007-02-15 00:20:06.
02/15/2007 12:52:18 AM · #518

Message edited by author 2007-02-27 22:59:18.
02/15/2007 03:02:42 AM · #519
Very cute.
02/15/2007 06:52:19 AM · #520
What a great catch! I'd crop the bottom to get rid of the feeder and bring the attention more to the face (which I love). And then use the above curves process to make it pop. If you do any work on it, be sure to post the results. I didn't know the nostrils were under the beak either.

Message edited by author 2007-02-15 06:54:02.
02/15/2007 08:19:47 AM · #521
Originally posted by JuliBoc:

What a great catch! I'd crop the bottom to get rid of the feeder and bring the attention more to the face (which I love). And then use the above curves process to make it pop. If you do any work on it, be sure to post the results. I didn't know the nostrils were under the beak either.

Thanks! I will.
02/15/2007 10:38:46 AM · #522
Yay, I'm getting scores in F&V:
Votes: 107
Views: 147
Avg Vote: 5.2430
Comments: 5
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

And all nice comments too, so VERY happy about that, nobody bitching about technical issues.

Just finished digging out from 8 or so inches of snow here in Eastern Ontario. How's it elsewhere? (Sorry haven't read the thread yet)
02/15/2007 10:44:23 AM · #523
Originally posted by bmartuch:

Originally posted by bmartuch:

I wonder if I can guess the upcoming challenge titles.

Up and Down
In and Out
Left and Right
Hot and Cold
Hard and Soft (Oh, maybe we better not go there!)
Beavis and Butt head
Brick and Brack

I thought of a couple more.

Yes and No
Right and Wrong
Laurel and Hardy
Simon and Garfunkle
Bob and Tom

Let me know if I've missed any good ones.

Do you listen to Bob and Tom in the morning (with Christy Lee and CHick Magee) too? I LOVE that show!
02/15/2007 10:57:53 AM · #524
I've been trying to learn the photoshop elements 5.5 program. If anyone would like to take a look at the postproccessing folder in my protfolio and give comments it would really help me. Learning on your own can be okay, but sometimes it takes other eyes to see something you might be missing. I just started with one picture but with help would like to try more. I think elements is different then the photshop that everybody talks about as I don't see the things that other people talk about. Thanks in advance.
02/15/2007 11:00:19 AM · #525
I'll take a peek and see if I can offer any good advice. I use both Elements 1.0 and Photoshop CS 8.0. Elements is relatively pared-down, whereas PS 8.0 is quite complex.

You could try asking scalvert for help, he's a graphic designer by profession, and he's always been nice and helped me with my questions.
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