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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Self-portrait Uninspiring
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 54, (reverse)
06/25/2003 10:41:27 AM · #1
I confess (and sorry if I upset anyone here) that I'm dissappointed with the results of Self-Portrait. I rated the gallery from the viewpoint that a self-portrait should represent some CHARACTER of the individual. It should say something that can't be communicated with words and sound.

Generally, I think that a vast number of the shots were simply proficient photographs of faces (mostly using unimaginative, austere black and white!!), whereas I don't think this is the point of the exercise. I voted highly for images that demonstrated personality rather than just aesthetic composition, sentimental 'faux' emotion or vanity.

Images such as those at positions 11, 17, 19, 46, 56, 57, 70 and 101 (as well as no. 80!!!!) all surpass those in the top 3 (with perhaps the exception of the winner - although this is not as intriguing and humourous a shot as no. 112).

If you flick through at the gallery it almost looks like a stock-image library at times - not very inspiring!

Message edited by author 2003-06-25 10:43:09.
06/25/2003 10:45:29 AM · #2
My shot was boring. I was showing people who I was and what I like to do..but only maybe 3 got it. I love to dance! oh well now I know...
06/25/2003 11:18:51 AM · #3
My boring, shot says a LOT about me. I am in fact boring, shy and quiet. I'm not confident, and I'm quite simple. Not everyone is full of excitement.

I also took this shot. I like it, but it doesn't show ME as well as the other one does.
06/25/2003 11:23:14 AM · #4
I"m flattered you like my picture! I think most of the voters would have preferred to see my face though. I think there are many shots in the top 20 that deserve to be there. There were things i would have improved if I had the chance to reshoot my self portrait (and i might reshoot it still....) And while i feel my shot should have done like 30 places better than it did, I always think that ;)
06/25/2003 11:25:27 AM · #5
Originally posted by BigSmiles:

I"m flattered you like my picture! I think most of the voters would have preferred to see my face though. I think there are many shots in the top 20 that deserve to be there. There were things i would have improved if I had the chance to reshoot my self portrait (and i might reshoot it still....) And while i feel my shot should have done like 30 places better than it did, I always think that ;)

I also like your shot Bigsmiles. It was one of my favorites.
06/25/2003 11:45:01 AM · #6
Originally posted by hbunch7187:

I am in fact boring, shy and quiet. I'm not confident, and I'm quite simple.

Judging by the creativity in your photos I highly doubt your boring. Shy and quite maybe but not boring. Besides do you know what I would give to be more boring and quiet. The grass is always greener ya know. While I have been called adventurous I would say my life is more hectic then anything else and I wish I had quiet in me. Oh well ADHD will do that to ya.

Message edited by author 2003-06-25 11:45:21.
06/25/2003 11:52:36 AM · #7
This challenge marks my return to 'not voting highly for the stuff that everyone else thinks is the best.' :-> My vote breakdowns for the first twenty finishers:

9 8 7 8 6 6 9 7 8 6
8 8 5 7 7 6 7 8 7 9

See what I mean? All over the place. However, these shocked me worse:

23rd: 10
24th: 8
34th: 9
102nd: 9
112th: 10
174th: 10

Ohwell. With the off-center my votes tallied pretty well with what everyone else thought, so I guess I'm not a TOTAL weirdo. :->
06/25/2003 12:12:19 PM · #8
i agree with Jon.. everyday i rate photos, i think in EMOTIONS and FEELINGS.. in fact, sometimes i hate aesthetic photos if they are too perfect.. when i choose my pictures, i try to feel something =) and i have noticed that a lot of people like "perfect" photos.. but.. the beauty is not alone.. the beauty should be mixed with some kind of ugliness .. =)
06/25/2003 12:14:21 PM · #9
Yeah, but Jon, you didn't list mine- is it boring and normal because it's b/w? Or was it just unappealing because I took a risk? Or did it scare you away? lol

The thing with mine is there is a purpose beyond "a picture of me" and ONE person got it. ONE out of the 240+ who voted on it. Why bother to take those kind of pictures if people will spend 5 seconds on your shot anyways?
06/25/2003 12:14:55 PM · #10
by the way... i like the 1st place a lot, but the rest of photos i rate them different..
06/25/2003 12:26:02 PM · #11
Originally posted by mavrik:

ONE person got it. ONE out of the 240+ who voted on it. Why bother to take those kind of pictures if people will spend 5 seconds on your shot anyways?

Mavrik, your pic was great. I think more then one person got it. Besides, while everyone likes to be appreciated for their work, screw-it, if I walk away with a pic "I" am happy with that̢۪s all that matters. Personally I enjoy the taking of the picture more then the end result. I have hard-drives full of what could be good images, but I would rather enjoy taking them so unfortunately lots of them will never see the light of day. When I first started I got bummed by people not seeing or reacting like I hoped they would. Now its funny because the less time I spend thinking about what others will think about an image the more they like it. Who̢۪d of figured.

06/25/2003 01:51:38 PM · #12
The ones that had some kind of 'personality' definitely stood out among all the serious, straight faced ones. I loved the ones that made me laugh, either because of the pose, expression, or because of their original idea.

I was really surprised about the top ones. I mean they were well done, but not my top picks. Anyway, great job everyone! :o)
06/25/2003 01:55:52 PM · #13
Originally posted by hbunch7187:

My boring, shot says a LOT about me. I am in fact boring, shy and quiet. I'm not confident, and I'm quite simple. Not everyone is full of excitement.

I also took this shot. I like it, but it doesn't show ME as well as the other one does.

06/25/2003 02:14:02 PM · #14
I thought it was a popularity challenge... my mistake. ;)
06/25/2003 03:17:23 PM · #15
Originally posted by mavrik:

Yeah, but Jon, you didn't list mine- is it boring and normal because it's b/w? Or was it just unappealing because I took a risk? Or did it scare you away? lol

I actually voted on yours but I think I get some odd things happen, as I sometimes come back to voting only to find some pix that I rated listed as 'unrated'. [Anyone else have this?]

Anyway, I like your entry (and was going to do something similar [ironic I know!] where I wanted to get my face appearing ghost-like in a number of positions). The thing I liked about yours was the relative balance between the two 'exposures' of your face. Considering the time exposure the image was pretty sharp.

By the way, I don't hate black and white, per se - just the sombre use of it all over the place. You know the kind of thing - a downward look, a melancholy expression, the face lost in a sea of black, a sentimental title... it's a bit text book!
06/25/2003 03:28:45 PM · #16
Originally posted by Jon Lucas:

I actually voted on yours but I think I get some odd things happen, as I sometimes come back to voting only to find some pix that I rated listed as 'unrated'. [Anyone else have this?]

I have actually voted and commented on shots, only to see it right back in my list of ones I haven't done. Rather dissapointing especially after taking the time to comment on the image.
06/25/2003 03:34:46 PM · #17
Originally posted by mavrik:

The thing with mine is there is a purpose beyond "a picture of me" and ONE person got it. ONE out of the 240+ who voted on it. Why bother to take those kind of pictures if people will spend 5 seconds on your shot anyways?

You keep saying that. Do you mean only one commenter got it? Because I'm not sure how else you'd know what 240+ people got. Even if by "got it" you meant "gave it a 10" (which I don't think you do), that'd still be 4 people.
06/25/2003 03:39:01 PM · #18
Originally posted by Jon Lucas:

I rated the gallery from the viewpoint that a self-portrait should represent some CHARACTER of the individual.

Sorry Jon but you don't know me, how did you decide if my image showed any of my character?
06/25/2003 03:39:38 PM · #19
Originally posted by Jon Lucas:

I confess (and sorry if I upset anyone here) that I'm dissappointed with the results of Self-Portrait.

If you flick through at the gallery it almost looks like a stock-image library at times - not very inspiring!

I agree...
06/25/2003 03:42:10 PM · #20
I fixed it Brent. :)
06/25/2003 04:04:50 PM · #21
[quote=hbunch7187]My boring, shot says a LOT about me. I am in fact boring, shy and quiet. I'm not confident, and I'm quite simple. Not everyone is full of excitement.

Yeh well you have no reason not to have confidence your a stunning looking person.

06/25/2003 04:15:10 PM · #22
Originally posted by chinstrap:

[quote=hbunch7187]My boring, shot says a LOT about me. I am in fact boring, shy and quiet. I'm not confident, and I'm quite simple. Not everyone is full of excitement.

Yeh well you have no reason not to have confidence your a stunning looking person.

couldn't agree more ... ;-) also what you have here in DP is just fab

06/25/2003 04:15:21 PM · #23
I applaud everyone who entered this contest and was brave enough to allow people to rate their image. There are many shots that allow a personal glimpse of the artist (including yours hbunch7187, it is not boring at all)

I cant say too much because i chickened out, i was not one of the brave souls as I have could not find a way to take a picture of myself without breaking the camera.
06/25/2003 04:31:57 PM · #24
awww thanks guys. *blush* :)
06/25/2003 04:49:26 PM · #25
Hey thanks Jon for chosing my image as one of those selected (17) :)
I found the same thing though, it appears that many of the top photos were "safe shots". In fact, my top rated photo came in at 35th. Those that tried to be daring paid the price.
But I certainly can't be disappointed - I got twelve voters rate my pics a 10 and this was my first challenge entry too :)
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