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Showing posts 1651 - 1675 of 3159, (reverse)
03/09/2007 06:47:12 AM · #1651
Welcome EMERKAZA! I'm new too. I love Team Suck. They are all so nice in here!
03/09/2007 06:50:46 AM · #1652
Originally posted by mist:

Originally posted by quiet_observation:

Please don't take the score thing too seriously. You belong on the Suck League as much as anyone else. If don't feel like taking photographs but still want to contribute, comment on other's photographs.



Good plan. I will do some serious commenting at the weekend to address low entry rates.

Please don't feel like you need to address anything. If could I would come over there and drag you outdoors with your camera. But I can't and commenting is the only thing I can think of to suggest right now.

I guess I'm in a weird mood. On my furniture entry, I received a comment so offensive that I've asked the SC to remove it. If they don't, I will withdraw the entry. The comment was so bad that I don't want anything like it attached to the my photograph. If I do withdraw it, I will post in in my portfolio and ask for comments after the challenge.

Well, I thought I would never say this - I could use a break from Iceland photographs - they all are starting to look alike.

Message edited by author 2007-03-09 06:54:19.
03/09/2007 07:33:27 AM · #1653
Mist please don't be discouraged, and please keep shooting! We haven't seen any of your work lately, and I for one miss your entries.

A couple of other things - Xianart I didn't comment on your Free Study yet, but wanted you to know that I loved it - one of your best yet IMHO. You have a real talent for capturing moods.

I am very nervous right now, as I submitted my packet yesterday to jury into the Charleston arts/crafts market that occurs every Sat here. There are a lot of great artists here, and a lot of very good packages that get submitted, I imagine. I purposely have been shooting a lot of photos that I would imagine would appeal to tourists in the past few months, hence all the birds, flowers, farm animals, Charleston-esque photos, etc. Though I would prefer to exhibit real "art" (if I were even capable of producing it, LOL) the vendors I talked to last year indicated that the birds and flowers really sell. There are already three or four photogs who specifically shoot Charleston architecture and night photos, so I decided to veer away from that arena for the time being.

Anyway, don't know if I have really any chance at all, and won't know until close to April. But please keep your fingers crossed for me!
03/09/2007 08:26:07 AM · #1654
Originally posted by noraneko:

Mist please don't be discouraged, and please keep shooting! We haven't seen any of your work lately, and I for one miss your entries.

Thanking you ;)

I may try for a circles shot this weekend. Got to say that neither cross dressing or grain fills me with any kind of inspiration. This weekend is meant to be full of rain, which may wash out a few concepts, we shall have to see.
03/09/2007 08:42:50 AM · #1655
Over at the Team Suck website, Bear_Music gave a suggestion about shooting at high ISO and low resolution .jpeg for grain so I might be trying that since it is the opposite of what I would normally do.
03/09/2007 09:40:45 AM · #1656
Afternoon, all! Welcome Cecilia - fun place to be. David, turn off scores and fret not. Catherine - BEST OF LUCK!!! That sounds like a really awesome opportunity and I'm really hoping you get a shot at it! Mary, I know exactly what you mean about the Iceland pics. They're gorgeous and whatnot, but they are beginning to look alot alike. Though to be fair, Larus still does it better than most and were I to go to Iceland, I'd shoot a wonderful 5.5 shot. The guy is good.

I shot some today as part of work. We went out to tour a facility that's being built, so I may have some stuff for a challenge, or I may not. And I'm in the minimal editing project, so I'll definitely have one for that, too. Because of that project, I was paying attention (most of the time) to how I was composing shots - trying to assume I wouldn't be able to crop. Really makes you think sometimes when you go to take a shot!

Oh, and earlier this week I actually shot stuff for work - I work for the military exchange service. No we don't exchange militaries - it's the Base/Post Exchange system - the stores that are on bases and posts that the military members and their families shop at. Believe it or not, it is a DoD organization and they do have some military members. Anyway, the "home office" puts out catalogs and flyers all the time - we here in Europe put out a flyer now and then that features only European merchandise and is meant only for the European exchanges. They get samples of the stuff. Someone in our local marketing section heard that I like to take pictures, so they asked if I'd shoot the merchandise for them. So I did - with no lights, no nothing. We had light if the sun was out, we didn't if it wasn't. It was interesting! Then they shipped my pictures back to the states to let the marketing guys there post process them and turn them into a flyer. I'll be interested to see how it all turns out! Oh, and I got paid twice my going rate, which still amounted to $0.00. :-)
03/09/2007 10:00:18 AM · #1657
welcome cecilia! you'll like it here.

congratulations, deb! i'm sure the stuff will look great. and, hey, now you'll have examples of your work, for product shots, so you could get more work.

i sold a dpc print yesterday! woohoo! i can block the sun with my hand. very exciting. i made a whole $4.08 profit. yes! ;-P

well, the man has just gone off to mail a cheque for an alarming amount of money to the company we are buying a franchise from. esciting, and very very scary. but, on a completely self centred note, when we're fully set up, i'll be able to get 5 foot wide prints of my work, basically for free!!!!!! how cool is that? but, first, the hard part - finding and remodelling a store, hiring staff, doing the training. i can't wait...
03/09/2007 10:04:39 AM · #1658
Welcome Cecila
this is a great place, I have been busy and havnt been active for the past couple weeks but its always fun when i do have time.
03/09/2007 10:08:33 AM · #1659
Christian - does the franchise thing mean your man will be staying home more? Or is this something you'll run? And can I hire you to do prints for me should I actually want prints? :-)
03/09/2007 10:10:33 AM · #1660
Originally posted by mist:

Originally posted by raish:

Nah, they're good 4.5s. It's not the number, remember?

I know this really, but sometimes it is demoralising. One of the things that attracted me to this area was that the focus was not on the scores. But lately I have noticed lots of high scores being posted in the thread just like all the scoring threads.

Maybe I am just being sensitive to it all because I am not shooting much.

I think people are just happy to get high scores, but I don't think that is the focus.
Here is a pick me up:

Free Study 2007-02 02/28/2007 4.6178
Low Key II 02/27/2007 4.6758
Trees 02/22/2007 4.7514

My last three challenges. Now those are some Team Suck scores. I actually like my shots from Free Study and Trees, so I just shrug off the score (though in the technical department they need some work).

Cheers Mist and don't get too discouraged. It's all about the ride and the learning experience.
03/09/2007 10:12:30 AM · #1661
Originally posted by quiet_observation:

Over at the Team Suck website, Bear_Music gave a suggestion about shooting at high ISO and low resolution .jpeg for grain so I might be trying that since it is the opposite of what I would normally do.

I was thinking about adding "selective" grain to a specific area/subject to the photo, than saw it was basic editing. Booo!
03/09/2007 10:14:52 AM · #1662
the franchise thing means the man will be STAYING HOME! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

o, and these won't be photographic prints, amde with an enlager, but will be from a stonking huge HP printer. i'll probably do huge ones for a show, then get some smaller ones printed properly to sell - 'cause i still like real photo prints, made with light and emulsion, rather than ink. but i also want to see my work huge. sooo.

heee hee hee. so excited, and absolutely terrified! we are ind DEBT now.

Message edited by author 2007-03-09 10:17:54.
03/09/2007 10:18:22 AM · #1663
Have to say that i like to get a high score, (thats just me though, very competitive!). My entry "NIC" for Acronyms just got a 5.0x but on other sites i got really good feedback but i really like to shot.

My nude entry was two away from a brown ribbon, by my own admission however i should never have put in in the challenge.

I guess it matters to you if your the type of person that likes to score well, If not pay no heed to the socre, listen to the comments that advise you on how to improve and then you scores will creep up anyway.

My scores started an upward curve only after i put some real effort into the shots i was taking. before then i was entering half heartedly. and funnily enough my scores started to rise when i started to actively post on the Team suck forum, so its a good luck charm for me to be here.


03/09/2007 10:20:53 AM · #1664
Welcome Emerkaza - I love that eagle shot you did for Ice, that is just astounding. Whereabouts in Alaska are you? The closest I ever lived to your neck o' the woods was Terrace in Northwestern BC. You'll have fun here...oh yeah my brownie recipe is I think on page 24 of this thread, if not PM me...

Sounds exciting, Christian! Get yer nose to the grindstone now so you can loll about at home later,lol...and 5-ft wide prints...maybe I could get you to do some giant Octopussy!'s for me?...

Deb, will take your advice and turn off scores, it's just so frustrating watching a good pic take a beating and a not-so-good shot escalate....

Oh yeah Kelli - The thread I found interesting was under the stock Photography forums, it's called 'When submitting on stock sites' and that's what got me thinking. True you have to *sacrifice* belonging to microsites (as per Photographer's Direct) to play with the big boys, but Alamy simply asked what microsites I belong to.

Off to cruise around Alamy now...they may only want stuff shot with a dslr of course so if that's the case, I'll hang with the microsites til I get a suitable toy.

Message edited by author 2007-03-09 10:30:23.
03/09/2007 10:33:05 AM · #1665
Originally posted by mist:

Originally posted by noraneko:

Mist please don't be discouraged, and please keep shooting! We haven't seen any of your work lately, and I for one miss your entries.

Thanking you ;)

I may try for a circles shot this weekend. Got to say that neither cross dressing or grain fills me with any kind of inspiration. This weekend is meant to be full of rain, which may wash out a few concepts, we shall have to see.

and without enough light! :) See this one ...

03/09/2007 11:11:45 AM · #1666
Originally posted by xianart:

the franchise thing means the man will be STAYING HOME! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was hoping that's what that meant. Very much HUGE congrats to you. HUGE! And being in debt? Bah. It's the American way. Just because you're Canadian doesn't mean you can't participate. :-)
03/09/2007 11:51:29 AM · #1667
Originally posted by quiet_observation:

I guess I'm in a weird mood. On my furniture entry, I received a comment so offensive that I've asked the SC to remove it.

I got a comment like that in my Alternative Medicine entry, but I'm not too worked up about it myself. I got some fantastic feedback from stdavidson on my free study image, which makes up for all kinds of bad to useless comments received elsewhere.
03/09/2007 12:45:21 PM · #1668
So much good news recently - Christian's business, Deb's doubling her going rate for pro pictures, Kashi's (and hipychik's?) new camera ...

What fun! :)

I've edited a few of my Disney pics, including animals human and otherwise. Catherine, I really appreciate the fave on the meerkat shot. I re-edited it a bit; hope you still like it.

03/09/2007 12:46:16 PM · #1669
Originally posted by quiet_observation:

Over at the Team Suck website, Bear_Music gave a suggestion about shooting at high ISO and low resolution .jpeg for grain so I might be trying that since it is the opposite of what I would normally do.

ROFL ... I quoted the wrong message ... let's try this again and see if it makes more sense ...

... and without enough light ... see this one, Mary ...

03/09/2007 12:50:21 PM · #1670
Hey suckers ... I had to beg on the "no comment pic" thread twice to get a comment on this totally off the wall departure from reality. Anyone here wanna give me an opinion?

03/09/2007 01:10:20 PM · #1671
I so want circles to start ! I actually really like my photo for it, can't wait to see how it does.

I've got an idea for the gender-bender challenge, though not sure if I can pull it off or not. Still learning the new camera, which adds to the challenge.
03/09/2007 01:11:02 PM · #1672
=========THIS WEEK̢۪S TEAM SUCK RESULTS==============

BLUE====Butterflies==== 5.7539
RED=====The OOFers== 5.7057
YELLOW=The Hoovers== 5.6956
S.Q.=====Team Minus== 5.5441
I.P.======Team Entropy= 5.3985
BROWN===Team Novice= 5.3747

And I do believe it is none other than noraneko suffering from a Momentary Lapse of Sucking this week with her tree.

Sorry for the tardiness of these results. It's a busy week for me.

(and thank you to skewsme for helping me get this done)

mist, I blame myself. If I posted my scores more often, yours wouldn't seem so bad.
03/09/2007 01:12:26 PM · #1673
Originally posted by Greetmir:

Hey suckers ... I had to beg on the "no comment pic" thread twice to get a comment on this totally off the wall departure from reality. Anyone here wanna give me an opinion?

Doesn't do much here...
03/09/2007 01:24:29 PM · #1674
I'd like to suggest that all team suckers get to vote on Yappies and OOBies.

Is anyone keeping track of how many times each team has won? It seems like Chasing Butterflies is the usual winner, but maybe I'm misremembering. Certainly that team is full of terrific shooters.

But wouldn't it increase participation if we could all vote on the weekly awards?
03/09/2007 01:25:27 PM · #1675
Are there any Suckers in Toronto ??

I'm taking the GO into the city tomorrow and heading to the Henry's outlet to snoop around, and hopefully get a couple of accessories for my new camera.
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