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Showing posts 1801 - 1825 of 3159, (reverse)
03/12/2007 03:13:14 PM · #1801
Circle II

Votes: 32
Views: 56
Avg Vote: 4.7188
Comments: 1

it's gone up a whole point today. good. so the grumpy people have been slightly outweighed. one nice comment, even if they compoletely missed the point of the pic. ah well - that's my fault for being tangential.
03/12/2007 03:16:43 PM · #1802
I just posted a new thread. I hope it'll take off so if you fit the description, please post! :-D
03/12/2007 03:25:33 PM · #1803
Originally posted by Melethia:

I know we have different levels of participants here, and there's a nice core of "them" - the folks who always do well, have very clean, crisp, well presented images. Sometimes it irks me a bit when one of "them" bemoans their sub 6.9 score and says something like "Well, I guess 7th isn't bad since I didn't really do much for this anyway" or "I didn't really like the shot but figured I may as well enter it". I realize it's all relative and has no affect on me whatsoever, but it can be just the teensiest bit irritating sometimes. Steam mode off. :-)

I'm with you Deb. When I got my one 6, I was so freakin happy I almost couldn't contain my joy. I hate the ones(not in team suck) that say "It was 5 minutes before deadline so I just through something together quickly" and they get a 7.5. I could name a name but I won't.

If some of these people had to leave their CURRENT LOCATION, they wouldn't be able to hold a candle to some of the team suck members. And I could name several of those team suck members.
03/12/2007 03:37:43 PM · #1804
I'm gonna guess that CURRENT LOCATION is code for, say, Iceland. :-) But to be fair, lots of the really good folks from CURRENT LOCATION are also very very good at what they do. Doesn't hurt that they have gorgeous people and places, of course. Were I to go there and shoot? Mid-5s. :)
03/12/2007 03:37:49 PM · #1805
My .02 on scores: think they're all relative. For example, I know that if I enter a sharply focused, pretty wildlife shot, I will likely get a 6 plus on it. I do it sometimes just to make myself feel better, I admit it. But am I really growing from taking those shots? Probably not. I've been trying to force myself to avoid the wildlife and try new venues and ideas in the challenges, though I admit I've got lots of wildlife in the PAD Minimal Editing side challenge.

I was a lot happier that my furniture entry scored in the low 6's than I am with my red entry, which is at 6.3, because I really stretched myself for the furniture entry, and the red entry isn't such a stretch for me. Neither my time nor my circles entry is wowing voters, but I again stretched my limits and got out of my comfort zone. Yea!

I suspect that some of the photogs on TS could easily score a lot higher if they entered the type of shots they're best at all the time. Jeffrey, for instance, could easily bust 6.0 on every FS with his night monument shots. But he chooses to try new things. Christian's a professional photog, and her control of lighting, etc. is amazing. Instead of going with the simple 'wow factor' she enters stuff that makes us think. That's the kind of stuff that makes TS great and why I'm glad to be a part of it.
03/12/2007 03:41:45 PM · #1806
I kinda agree with what you're saying, Catherine, but I have nothing I can shoot that will "likely get a 6". I've even tried copying tried and true formulas (simple, plain black background, even light from a cloudy day, etc, etc) and still can't find a formula I can count on to "work". So does this mean I "stretch" or that my comfort zone is blah? :-)
03/12/2007 03:50:20 PM · #1807
Originally posted by Melethia:

I kinda agree with what you're saying, Catherine, but I have nothing I can shoot that will "likely get a 6".

Deb, you are an amazing photog - your stuff is creative and frankly pretty consistently high score-wise, too. I have a very good lens for wildlife; without it, I would not consistently get good scores on it, believe me.

What I was really trying to say, and didn't get out too well, is that everyone has different skill levels and comfort zones. Some people get very good at certain types of photography and stick with it because most of the time it'll pan out. But it doesn't really make you grow to do that.

I have yet to produce an image that really "wows" people, high scores aside. That's my real goal: to take images that make people pause, see the world differently, etc. etc. It may never happen. But I love TS 'cause it gives me the confidence to try and get there.
03/12/2007 03:53:11 PM · #1808
Originally posted by Melethia:

Were I to go there and shoot? Mid-5s. :)

Sorry Deb, you're just plain WRONG. If you stepped into a place where the scenery was one of the best spots in the world, I think you would do very very well. Lets face it, if you were to take 50 shots at that CURRENT LOCATION, do you honestly believe you couldn't hit 6. You're too good to have that happen. Look how good your scores have been lately and you're NOT at that location.
03/12/2007 04:01:39 PM · #1809
I have to agree that the CURRENT LOCATION can produce some stunning environmental images. However, that's only part of the puzzle. A lot of the time when I see an(other) aurora photo, it will have to go a long way to really impress me, because, to be honest, it's just there. Anyone who happens to be someplace like that where spectacular images are literally on their doorstep has to pull something really special out of the hat to turn that natural scene into a truely great photo.
03/12/2007 04:02:33 PM · #1810
I will say that my current location (lower case, ie not Iceland, but Germany) is a whole lot more scenic and photography friendly than my most recent location (also lower case, ie Texas). I'm pretty happy being a middle of the road photog who has a background in engineering (which reminds me, I owe Louis a thank you email for some cool things he mentioned) who pretty much needs order to my chaos, one lucky bird shot notwithstanding. My sister got all the artistic genes, I suspect. Me, I just get regular jeans, preferably in petite so I don't have to roll 'em up. Mind you guys, I'm not complaining - I like what I do. Sometimes I want other people to see it, too, and it does happen - usually after a challenge. Timfy noted to me today that I sure do get a lot of comments AFTER challenges. I told him it was a lovely side benefit of being on Team Suck. :-)
03/12/2007 04:03:10 PM · #1811
I have to play devil's advocate for a minute on some of the photogs who live in Iceland (although I do agree that Deb, and Bob too, for that matter, would shoot 6+ photos there, and not simply because of the lovely scenery). I have a feeling that if Larus moved to Charleston, everyone would be saying, "Oh, if I lived in Charleston, I'd win challenges all the time too." But then again, Charleston IS very picturesque. Right now I'd hate to be Bob up in frozen Michigan, I admit it. :-)

Bottom line? I live in an extra-picturesque spot and still can't win any challenges. Sheisse. :-)
03/12/2007 04:14:56 PM · #1812
quote=noraneko] Right now I'd hate to be Bob up in frozen Michigan, I admit it. :-)


Catherine, I wish I could use that as an excuse, look how good some of hipychik's shots are. Flint Michigan is really no different from Saginaw. They are only 30 miles apart. They are both very urban cities with some rural.

But if the people from Iceland came here, they would still be good photographers but I think their scores would not be consistantly as high.
03/12/2007 04:15:38 PM · #1813
No question that Larus could still win even if handicapped with shooting in the most undesirable of locations AND with one hand tied behind his back. He just happens to be that good. I'd hate him, but he seems like such a likeable guy. And every now and then he shares a pic or two of his kids, and you realize that he's just somebody's dad. :-)
03/12/2007 04:27:25 PM · #1814
Well, some of us at TS may never ribbon - we may just have to 'settle' for helping each other become the best we can be. Not such a bad consolation prize, really :-)
03/12/2007 04:47:36 PM · #1815
Ok, I need some CS2 help. I was doing a curves adjustment, (IMAGE | ADJUSTMENT | CURVES). When I make my adjustment and select OK, it just reverts back to where it was. I can't seem to get the adjustment to stay. H E L P !
03/12/2007 05:09:36 PM · #1816
Hi everyone

Yea gads, finally got online - damn time change always makes me grumpy for a day or two- can't wait to fall back again!

Circle score at 4.7ish, ditto Alt Med. Just in for Crossdress as some may have guessed ;-) Disappointed in b/f cause he wouldn't let me put lipstick on him for an ECU of his mouth - think of the shot of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs, where he's doing his lips. Oh well.

Sorry nothing interesting to say today apart from had a young horse rear with me today...nobody hurt, woohoo, nice view from his back, but I always feel sorry for the poor owner who watched!

Congrats to Mary, glad Jeanne is being put back together again, and really have no thoughts on the critiquing issue. Maybe I'll go take up nitting...

Going back to sleep now...zzz....
03/12/2007 05:12:59 PM · #1817
Originally posted by bmartuch:

Ok, I need some CS2 help. I was doing a curves adjustment, (IMAGE | ADJUSTMENT | CURVES). When I make my adjustment and select OK, it just reverts back to where it was. I can't seem to get the adjustment to stay. H E L P !

The only thing I can think of is are you working on a layer that's underneath another layer? You need to be working in the topmost layer or it doesn't show up - at least that's what I've noticed. Other more knowledgeable PS gurus may be by (hopefully) to lend a hand.
03/12/2007 05:13:51 PM · #1818
Originally posted by noraneko:

Well, some of us at TS may never ribbon - we may just have to 'settle' for helping each other become the best we can be. Not such a bad consolation prize, really :-)

Beats the heck out of a ribbon, if you ask me. Besides, there are a whole lot of Suckers who are doing really amazing things in the Land Beyond DPC. That's a whole lot more important!
03/12/2007 05:27:17 PM · #1819
Originally posted by bmartuch:

Ok, I need some CS2 help. I was doing a curves adjustment, (IMAGE | ADJUSTMENT | CURVES). When I make my adjustment and select OK, it just reverts back to where it was. I can't seem to get the adjustment to stay. H E L P !

hmmm. I am not a guru:) but I create a new layer for every adjustment I make, so a new layer for curves and voila. maybe you can't see the result becasue the layer is invisible? I don't have any other answers, sorry:( and my cs2 gets crazy almost every day so I have to restart pc from time to time to make it work properly. maybe it would help?
03/12/2007 05:29:50 PM · #1820
Colour Portrait - makes me wish I'd taken this photo a day later !

03/12/2007 05:33:20 PM · #1821
Originally posted by Melethia:

Originally posted by noraneko:

Well, some of us at TS may never ribbon - we may just have to 'settle' for helping each other become the best we can be. Not such a bad consolation prize, really :-)

Beats the heck out of a ribbon, if you ask me. Besides, there are a whole lot of Suckers who are doing really amazing things in the Land Beyond DPC. That's a whole lot more important!

Team Suck is the greatest. I love being here with such a group of really neat photographers. I don't need no stinkin ribbon!
03/12/2007 05:40:58 PM · #1822
Did you get the PS problem figured, Bob?

Question - can anyone recommend a good software program I can use to create a slideshow and set it music then record it on a DVD? I'm thinking I'll go back through my stuff for the past year or so and create a compilation for my family. And keep creating them to show them Europe. And I may get to shoot a friend's wedding in June (though I told her I'd do it for free and she'd better hire a professional, too!) and I'd want to put a disk together for her as a present.

Oh, and Kelly? WONDERFUL new thread you started!! Definitely in the spirit of Team Suck and a very supportive thing to do!

Message edited by author 2007-03-12 17:44:08.
03/12/2007 06:23:50 PM · #1823
Originally posted by Melethia:

Did you get the PS problem figured, Bob?

Question - can anyone recommend a good software program I can use to create a slideshow and set it music then record it on a DVD? I'm thinking I'll go back through my stuff for the past year or so and create a compilation for my family. And keep creating them to show them Europe. And I may get to shoot a friend's wedding in June (though I told her I'd do it for free and she'd better hire a professional, too!) and I'd want to put a disk together for her as a present.

Oh, and Kelly? WONDERFUL new thread you started!! Definitely in the spirit of Team Suck and a very supportive thing to do!

What is this new thread?
03/12/2007 06:24:59 PM · #1824
Ok, I went and did it! I entered a shot for grain that I love so let the floggings begin.
03/12/2007 06:42:39 PM · #1825
deb, i had a look at ProShow Gold. it's pretty easy to get a very good result. they also have proshow standard as well, for less money.
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