Author | Thread |
03/16/2007 05:46:04 PM · #2026 |
Originally posted by Melethia: Or instead of sending that stuff to Jeff in a PM, post it with your image and then more people can comment, too. |
Sure thing. I just might not notice it. Not saying my comments are worth any more than others', just saying I'll be sure to see it in a PM. :)
03/16/2007 06:00:35 PM · #2027 |
I got a constructive, honest critique on one of my minimal editing side challenge photos from Melethia today. I appreciate that sort of frankness, as it helps me see what works and what doesn't for those viewing the photo. Thanks! |
03/16/2007 07:03:42 PM · #2028 |
Originally posted by levyj413: I'll comment on anything anyone asks for, provided you do a little work yourself. Send a PM telling me:
1) What you wanted to achieve
2) What reaction you hoped for in the viewer
3) What challenges you faced taking it, which you overcame, and how |
These are excellent questions that would be helpful for anyone to answer before they submit or even take a photo. I'm going to keep them handy in my notes. |
03/16/2007 07:13:59 PM · #2029 |
Originally posted by levyj413: Posthumous, after the grain challenge is over, I'd love to know whether you thought my shot was affected at all, good or bad, by the noise. I'm really having trouble deciding. I wasn't sure looking at the first grain challenge when grain helped, and I'm still not sure. |
I'll make a point to do that for all the Team Suckers in grain. |
03/16/2007 07:42:12 PM · #2030 |
... Great ... maybe you can tell me why my Grain entry is stuck at 4.2 ... ROFL!
03/16/2007 10:37:00 PM · #2031 |
I wasn't going to say anything, but we seem to be dancing around it so I will.
Some of the Grain shots are IMNSHO, abysmal.
I think that the effort is there, and the actual shots are good, but the grain either doesn't work right with the composition, or as I have seen in a couple instances, completely destroys an otherwise decent shot.
Clueless me, it never even occurred to me that you could ADD noise effectively, so I actually shot subject material that had grain and that grain could only help.
My score seems to indicate that it did.
I want to vote most or all of the challenge, but I'm having trouble staying with it because it makes me literally queasy after a while. I'm fairly nearsighted, have been all my life, and a lot of these shots are what the world looks like if I take off my glasses.
That is *NOT* good!
The funny thing me they are all pretty much one way or the other.....I haven't really seen much in the way of average, most affect me strongly.
Unfortunately, I have found all too many that are so gonna kick my a$$ that I don't think that Catherine and I are gonna get into the top offerings with our high 6s.
THAT sucks!......8>)
And yes, Don, I'd like to see our Grain shots reacted to even though you already left a comment on mine.
I'd love an in-depth, across the board review.
Like I get every time I ask you guys!
Oh, and to whomever, it escapes me right now, that talked about which entry they were waffling about.....I had two Grain entries, all PPed and saved for Web and I ended up asking my girls which one to use.
I'll show you guys the other when we're done.
BTW, twelve inches, still falling, Jaws kicked my a$$, I'm taking four Advil and going to bed.
Message edited by author 2007-03-16 22:40:41.
03/16/2007 11:32:07 PM · #2032 |
I gotta agree with Jeb that there was a wide range in Grain between utterly abysmal (at least to my way of thinking) and utterly untouchable (the ones that will kick my @$$ even with a score of approx 6.9 uness it tanks). There are about ten that are just oustanding. And about ten more that are nearly as good. The competition is going to be fierce for those three ribbons and two honorable mentions. I agree Jeb and I will be lucky to make top ten. Although I'd love this to be my first (and quite possibly only) ribbon, I'm pretty sure it won't be so. |
03/16/2007 11:34:34 PM · #2033 |
Originally posted by noraneko: I gotta agree with Jeb that there was a wide range in Grain between utterly abysmal (at least to my way of thinking) and utterly untouchable (the ones that will kick my @$$ even with a score of approx 6.9 uness it tanks). There are about ten that are just oustanding. And about ten more that are nearly as good. The competition is going to be fierce for those three ribbons and two honorable mentions. I agree Jeb and I will be lucky to make top ten. Although I'd love this to be my first (and quite possibly only) ribbon, I'm pretty sure it won't be so. |
What really pisses me off is that many of these shots would get punnished in any other challenge because of grain. Most voters look at it as a major flaw. Screw em, I'm going to continue to use it occassionally. |
03/17/2007 02:02:03 AM · #2034 |
Hi everyone,
I've been playing around with my Paint Shop Pro tonight. I 'created' a night scene from a daytime shot. Anyone care to tell me what they think about the editing? My kids say the night scene looks too fake. I kinda like it.
Shot taken on bright, sunny day.
My edited version.
Have a great weekend!
03/17/2007 05:25:42 AM · #2035 |
A slight cool (blue) tint will make it look more like a night shot ... at least that is what I do ... ;)
This shot ... was actually taken in daylight.
Message edited by author 2007-03-17 05:27:53.
03/17/2007 07:02:13 AM · #2036 |
cecilia, the night shot looks great. lovely shot to begin with,a nd the day-for-night works very well. only one little problem - if the moon is that bright, the stars wouldn't show!
here's a shot from my real estate shoot onthursday. the agent loves it, and will be using me for all her porperties! woohoo!
03/17/2007 07:50:08 AM · #2037 |
Originally posted by xianart: ... here's a shot from my real estate shoot onthursday. the agent loves it, and will be using me for all her porperties! woohoo! |
Congratulations Christian !
You're in Canada, aren't you ? Do you use a particular lab for prints ? Something a little more pro-scale than Costco is what I'm looking for - but I'm at a loss as to how to find something.
03/17/2007 08:13:05 AM · #2038 |
actually, i use photolab, with superstore/loblaws for anything 8x10 and under. anything over i use dpc.
03/17/2007 08:26:37 AM · #2039 |
So I'm havin' a good morning!
Fresh bagels, a fresh pot o' coffee, blue sky over the fresh foot of snow that'll prevent me from going anywhere 'til at least tomorrow....I guess I just have to lounge around and do nothing.....
My scores are pretty decent.....Circles is certainly challenge-driven, mediocre, and therefore not doing great, but better than I expected, really....
Circle II
Votes: 110 Views: 156
Avg Vote: 4.8000
Comments: 3
Now, my Time entry is IMHO, a really nice shot, but the voters don't agree......the Hell with 'em, I say!
Time II
Votes: 147 Views: 200
Avg Vote: 5.4150
Comments: 4
And my Grain entry that is doing just SPIFFY!!!!
Image Grain II
Votes: 134 Views: 235
Avg Vote: 6.6940
Comments: 6 Favorites: 1
With that one, I'm kinda hoping for that last minute rally to drive it up for a beat my truck.
03/17/2007 08:26:44 AM · #2040 |
I haven't tried the Superstore Lab - I got an 11x16 print from Costco the other day that looks awesome though. Too bad the frame I had at home was an 11x14 though. Oops. I can't post what photo yet though - it's going to come up in a challenge !
03/17/2007 08:40:48 AM · #2041 |
Christian xianart congrats!!! Really nice interior shot. You've been getting lots of 'press' and jobs lately it seems? Way to go! |
03/17/2007 08:41:40 AM · #2042 |
Circle II
Votes: 116
Views: 161
Avg Vote: 5.2241
Comments: 1
** I thought this would do better - I had it pegged for a 5.4 **
Votes: 279
Views: 493
Avg Vote: 5.1111
Comments: 13
** About right - I thought I'd sit around a 4.9 or 5.0 **
Time II
Votes: 136
Views: 228
Avg Vote: 4.7353
Comments: 4
** The voters are being very generous - this doesn't deserve anything higher than a 4.0 I don't think **
03/17/2007 09:56:41 AM · #2043 |
I have been playing with HDR (type techniques) again. This was from a VERY VERY contrasty day. The entire right bank is almost black in the original ... What you think?

Message edited by author 2007-03-17 09:58:21.
03/17/2007 11:15:57 AM · #2044 |
Apparently TS members are still breaking things! See this thread Silverfoxx
03/17/2007 11:29:11 AM · #2045 |
Originally posted by xianart: cecilia, the night shot looks great. lovely shot to begin with,a nd the day-for-night works very well. only one little problem - if the moon is that bright, the stars wouldn't show! |
Uh, yeah, they would, actually. :) See my highest-scoring shot:
If the air is clear enough, and your angle is wide enough, you can even get the moon and stars in the same shot, because the rest of the sky won't be blotted out by the moon. But to see the stars, you have to use a long exposure (I used 15 seconds), so the moon will be completely white - no detail.
Originally posted by xianart: here's a shot from my real estate shoot onthursday. the agent loves it, and will be using me for all her porperties! woohoo! |
Message edited by author 2007-03-17 11:37:47.
03/17/2007 11:33:23 AM · #2046 |
Our lovely little Team Suck tsarina was in a pretty bad wreck last night....see: //
She survived with a few broken bones and other injuries, and she sounds good, but I know how the residuals from a wreck can sneak up on you.
Send wishes, people!
03/17/2007 01:05:17 PM · #2047 |
Can team Suck use some good news ?
I'm nervous as hell - I've got my first "client" shoot next weekend. A portfolio-building session only. No fee for my time, but she's paying for prints.
2 kids, girls, 6 and 8, in their home.
I'm thinking of what I need to take.
- Model release forms
- Copyright release form
- My camera
- Extra battery
- flash
- Backdrops (I've got a tie-dye sheet, and a black blanket)
- Reflector of some kind.
I don't have any lighting though - so I hope it's good light. Well, I've got a set of 500watt work lights from Canadian Tire, but the light from them is a horrible colour
03/17/2007 01:41:41 PM · #2048 |
Left our tsarina a get-well wish...omg what an awful thing to happen to anyone, glad she got out in as few pieces as possible.
Go Kashi go! Do your best!
Re the TS Reaction club...I wouldn't mind having a go at it, but just don't know if I really have the breadth of knowledge/experience yet...
Still have no comments for my 4.8 shot of CircleII, while Crossdress continues to draw many comments, 4.1 range.
Just entered Colour Portrait II. Didn't plan to, nor did I plan to use my ugly mug yet AGAIN, but this morning I was just kinda...raw. So I thought I'd try to make lemons out of lemonade. That's all I'm gonna say on that!
Might enter multiple light least I own lights, whereas I am such a technopeasant I don't even own a cellphone.
Edit: typo
Message edited by author 2007-03-17 13:46:31. |
03/17/2007 01:59:53 PM · #2049 |
Originally posted by snaffles: Re the TS Reaction club...I wouldn't mind having a go at it, but just don't know if I really have the breadth of knowledge/experience yet... |
Susan: do you have emotional responses to anything, ever? Not "to everything, every time," but "to something, some of the time"?
If yes, you're qualified. :)
03/17/2007 02:43:51 PM · #2050 |
Originally posted by xianart: cecilia, the night shot looks great. lovely shot to begin with,a nd the day-for-night works very well. only one little problem - if the moon is that bright, the stars wouldn't show!
here's a shot from my real estate shoot on thursday. the agent loves it, and will be using me for all her porperties! woohoo! |
Congrats! That's awesome!
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