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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> I got in a car crash (long post)
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 77, (reverse)
03/17/2007 12:57:12 PM · #26
Wow, I'm so glad to hear you're ok. I wish you a lightning fast recovery.
03/17/2007 01:09:56 PM · #27
Best wishes to you, Svetlana. This stuff is never any fun.
03/17/2007 01:10:40 PM · #28
Be glad you were driving a Land Cruiser and not some smaller car. Those things are built like tanks. Take it easy, best wishes for a speedy recovery.
03/17/2007 01:12:28 PM · #29
OH my God! That is so scary. I'm really glad to hear you are ok. Get well soon missy!
03/17/2007 01:45:12 PM · #30
Oh my God Svetlana, I am so glad you pulled through the crash even if your car didn't - please please be careful, let your bones heal properly. You are far too talented a photog to lose! *big hug*
03/17/2007 02:11:08 PM · #31
wow, what a story. glad to hear you are ok. I know exactly what you mean about thinking the car would explode. I was in an accident with 2 friends of mine about 20 years ago. I was in the back seat and hardly even felt the impact other than some pain in my shoulder a few days later. But my friend up in the front seat had his right leg broke in 2 places and a pretty extreme hip fracture. However in the moment he thought the car was on fire he crawled out of the window and ran on his broken leg and hip and made it at least 100 feet before he even realized that he had pain thats when he passed out. There were no Seat Belt laws in place back then and I can not remember if anybody had one on or not. I always wear one now.
03/17/2007 02:21:25 PM · #32
Svetlana, I am so sorry for you. Working in the hospital we see people all the time injured in motor vehicle collisions. It sounds like you are very lucky to have only sustained the injuries you did. You are young so you should heal fast. Take care and follow doctors orders.
03/17/2007 02:40:06 PM · #33
Svetlana, I am so sorry about your car accident! How frightening! I will be praying for you to heal quickly. Hugs, Cecilia
03/17/2007 02:49:02 PM · #34
Glad to hear you're OK (except for a couple of broken bones) - what a scary, scary thing!! Please take good care of yourself and keep in touch here so we know how you're doing.
03/17/2007 02:51:07 PM · #35
Svetlana, I am so sorry about the accident, but so glad you are okay!!! We will be thinking lots about you. Please let us know how you are doing!
03/17/2007 03:11:00 PM · #36
Yikes! Sorry to hear that happened to you. but hopefully the bones heal quickly. and your nose too. :) get well.
03/17/2007 03:15:18 PM · #37
OMG! I had a really bad car crash in 2002 and was also fortunate enough to survive. It is a terrifying experience and I'm so glad to hear that you are recovering well. It is sad about your car, but it is replaceable, your life is not, so the most important thing is that you are alive. Take care of yourself and don't rush the healing process, it can be slow. Keep us up to date on your progress.
03/17/2007 03:15:58 PM · #38
Oh my, oh my, oh my ... This story made me cry. Heal well and soon, Svetlana. I am SO SO glad you were not hurt worse but still very sorry for your injuries ...

03/17/2007 03:34:23 PM · #39
Glad you're ok. Makes you realize that anything can happen at any time when driving. I still worry about driving in the hill country during deer mating season. The bucks go crazy at that time and two years ago I hit one when it ran onto the road while I was driving 55. It was a good thing I had no time to swerve and hit the deer head on as doing anything else would have probably made things worse where it happened. Afterwards you just feel powerless like a comet just fell from the sky and hit you. Hopefully when you are back on the road you can regain your confidence in driving.
03/17/2007 03:48:56 PM · #40
Oh my god, close call mate! Glad you are in one piece and wish you a speedy recovery. It's amazing what the body can do when it's in survival mode and doesn't yet realise it's been injured. I hope you heal well, we don't want those dancer's legs getting spoilt. Or the nose come to that!

I've been in a few myself over the years, such is the danger of riding bikes. One of my ankles is a bit bendy to this day and one shoulder and hip don't operate quite as they should. So I can empathise with your pain and the difficulties you will face over the coming weeks.

My fingers will be crossed for you. Good job you have a fine hobby to keep you occupied. Still lifes for a while though eh ; )
03/17/2007 04:46:53 PM · #41
you are so wonderful! thank you so very much!
yes, I was lucky to drive a tank:)

Richard ( yanko, I am sorry about the deer:(
yes, hopeless, but you probably always think you could have done more but didn't do much:(

oh, Alicia ( redjulep, I hope you are well now!!

Brian bugzeye and Vicky trinity_12_12, i'm sorry about your accidents:( glad you were and are well!

Ian jagged I can't imagine how you drive bike:) they look so unstable, you are so fragile driving them! I am sorry for your accidents:(

now back to sleep:)
03/17/2007 04:49:50 PM · #42
Svetlana - even in a trying time you still maintain a cool stoic attitude. I think you can survive almost anything. Glad, though, to hear you are on the mend and survived. I wonder if you might have any photo opportunities in hospital.... always thinking of a location ;-) Get well soon.
03/17/2007 04:53:19 PM · #43
Svetlana.......thank god you're ok *big hugs*.

Get well soon
nother (((((((big hug))))))
03/17/2007 04:57:55 PM · #44
Get well soon Svetlana.
03/17/2007 05:38:49 PM · #45
Oh Snap!!! :-O

I'm glad you're OK, wow, and OUCH! Take it easy and let those bones mend. I suppose you'll be going through a lot of physiotherapy afterwards as well. Yikes! That all must have been such a shock to you.

Get well soon.
03/17/2007 06:16:59 PM · #46
Sorry to hear about your bad luck, but glad you are a live. I know its bad loosing your car, i lost my house and all its contents 10 years ago to fire and the one thing i learned is the important thing is life. I am so glad you are alive and hope you heal quickly i am looking forward to more of your great photos. Take care of yourself
03/17/2007 06:26:25 PM · #47
Svetlana, I'm so glad it wasn't worse. With your positive attitude I'm sure you'll be fine really soon.

As for the seat belt thing, there have been some well known people killed in car accidents because they haven't been wearing seat belts, so that advice is really important. I can never understand why so many people can't be bothered to wear them.
03/17/2007 06:41:02 PM · #48
Wow... what a story. Something you're sure to tell the grandkids (off in the distant future, I am sure). Just glad to see you're still around. Hopefully your shutter button finger isn't one of the broken bones. I love your work, so get well quick! :-)

03/17/2007 07:07:00 PM · #49
Oh Svetlana you poor thing, how terrifying that must have been. I'm so glad to hear you're OK, take it easy and heal well.
03/17/2007 10:04:43 PM · #50
Hope all is well, Svetlana.
I thought drivers in Scandinavia, well at least Norway are supposed to be some of the safest in the world?
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