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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> I got in a car crash (long post)
Showing posts 51 - 75 of 77, (reverse)
03/17/2007 10:17:49 PM · #51
wow Svetlana
your a fit young chicken so i'm sure you will have a speedy recovery :)

03/17/2007 10:30:28 PM · #52
Originally posted by jaysonmc:

Hope all is well, Svetlana.
I thought drivers in Scandinavia, well at least Norway are supposed to be some of the safest in the world?

Ice is an equal opportunity wild card.

It doesn't care where you learned to drive.
03/17/2007 10:45:04 PM · #53
Glad to hear you are ok Svetlana. Take care and heal fast!
03/17/2007 11:42:19 PM · #54
Svetlana, I feel like I've been punched in the stomach, I feel so bad for you. I have the feeling from seeing your photos that you are a trained dancer. I hope your beautiful leg heals perfectly, and that you will be running, dancing, and playing tennis again soon.

Message edited by author 2007-03-18 12:15:47.
03/18/2007 12:08:12 AM · #55
Wow! Such news! I am glad you have just some broken bones to heal and it wasn't any worse considering the damage to your vehicle. Heal well and soon!
03/18/2007 02:15:24 AM · #56
Glad you are still here with us. Best wishes for recovery.
03/18/2007 02:32:09 AM · #57
Svetlana, glad to hear you're okay. Take care and get well soon!
03/18/2007 09:19:13 PM · #58
Just a bump to say hello and see how you're doing.


How are you doing?......8>)

Thinkin' 'bout cha!
03/18/2007 11:50:37 PM · #59
So very glad this wasn't a worse accident, hope your bones and all other ouchs heal quickly. Get better soon.

btw...you might have thought the car was going to explode because you smelt smoke, this was most likely from the deployment of the airbags. I have helped at accidents in the past where the car smells of burning stuff only to realize it's coming for the steering column. Since you were hit mostly on the side of the front the chance of fire was very very slim. One of the best things you can do is immediately turn off the car and stay where you are unless you are in immediate danger (cause of fire, drowning, etc). I know you can't always tell but it is far safer to sit in the car then to run from it and risk getting hit by another car, breaking more bones or even worsening a neck injury (and a neck injury could be VERY serious). You may think you feel good enough to get out and walk around but it really isn't a good idea.
03/19/2007 05:30:12 AM · #60
hello Jeb!:)
hello everyone:)
I am fine, eating painkillers and sleeping all the time, I feel like a hamster :P oh well

Scott ( sabphoto), yes, I even saw the black smoke. I know it was stupid to go from the car. I promise not to do it next time. hmmm :/

could someone please tell me if it is really safer to drive a car where you sit high? only because you sit high?
I've been reading crash tests a lot yesterday and toyota corolla won the safety prize but it is such a small car!
03/19/2007 05:54:12 AM · #61
As long as you are okay girl. Please take care of yourself now.
03/19/2007 05:55:06 AM · #62
I'm glad you are ok. You'll be able to play tennis in no time :)

I've been through a car accident myself. The car was completly ruined , I got off with a few scratches and no broken bones, but really scared!! Yeah, it wasn't funny, the car "slipped" on a wet road, went over the board, flipped over and landed upside-down.
It was a good car though, 'cause it didn't crashed us inside (me and my boyfriend). Good ol' Opel corsa!

And yeah: ALWAYS wear the seat belt. Saved our lives too!

Message edited by author 2007-03-19 05:55:23.
03/19/2007 06:02:26 AM · #63
Glad to hear you okay. Never a fun thing to be in an accident.
Hope the pain goes away soon and you heal up as good as new!

03/19/2007 07:24:14 AM · #64
I'm glad you're ok.

my family too (i was driving), met a similar accident barely a month ago. I was driving a van (too bad not our Landcruiser)-- that's why I could relate with your experience. A Landcruiser is higher and safer than the van.

here's a quote from the post from the D200 Thread

we met a vehicular accident last Friday, I was driving and my whole family (wife and 4 young kids) with me in a van. When another vehicle, an old passenger jeep from the opposite lane rammed on us, head-on. It was a near-fatal one. Praise God our lives were spared.

We have just spent the weekend in the hospital. My wife and 2 daughters have fractured bones and one had to undergo plastic surgery on the face.

we're all at home now since yesterday. I regret not being able to communicate earlier... and i'm sorry for not entering a challenge for the week.

Please continue to pray for our fast recovery esp. the children.

Here's are photos of our van and the jeep. I managed to snap some shots amidst the terrible happening.

That's our Van and the jeep that smashed on us.

I was on my lane and the jeep came from the opposite lane. The man was a passenger of the jeep. He was rushed to the hospital after this shot was taken. Fortunately, alive.

(end of quote)

God bless and recover soon!
03/19/2007 07:33:06 AM · #65
What a terrible thing, Svetlana. But thank God nothing serious happened.

And Dave, I didn't know this. How are the kids doing? I hope everyone and everything is alright. God bless.

03/19/2007 08:24:42 AM · #66
David that is some bad accident! I wish you and your family a speedy recovery.


03/19/2007 08:53:22 AM · #67
Hope that you'll recover soon and well silver!!

Take care ! hugs

And david, take care aswell and hope you and the rest of the family will be recovered soon!!

Message edited by author 2007-03-19 08:55:54.
03/19/2007 09:18:43 AM · #68
oh my David, it looks so horrible!! poor por girls and your wife:( I hope they are better now! I wish them fast recovery!
I am really sorry for you, I really shouldn't complain about anything, I know I was quite lucky:(
03/19/2007 10:54:07 AM · #69
Hey Svet! So SORRY to hear what happened!

I am with you and always wear a seatbelt! Glad you had yours on :)

SOSOSOSOOSSOOOOO happy you are okay! It would be a crushing blow to the artistic world if anything were to happen to the CEO of Silvervoxx Inc :)
03/19/2007 11:06:29 AM · #70
Wow, what a crazy accident that sounds like. Hope you recovery quickly :)
03/19/2007 11:26:34 AM · #71
What awful stuff you people have been through! Wishing silverfoxx and davidus & family a speedy recovery to full health.
03/19/2007 11:46:50 AM · #72
Svetlana - glad to hear that you are recovering. Thank goodness for pain killers, yes? Sleep is good - helps your body heal.

Davidus - SO sorry for your experience. It's one thing to be in an accident yourself, another to have your family involved. Looks like someone took the windshield with their head. I hope everyone recovers well, without complications.

03/19/2007 12:07:10 PM · #73
Originally posted by silverfoxx:

oh my David, it looks so horrible!! poor por girls and your wife:( I hope they are better now! I wish them fast recovery!
I am really sorry for you, I really shouldn't complain about anything, I know I was quite lucky:(

hi silverfoxx, i hope you don't mind me posting some photos on your thread. I just thought sharing my experience with you will make you feel that you are not alone.

I blogged my whole story here and with pictures:

Guys, be blessed with our testimony. (Long Read but hope it will be worth it.)

Part I
Part 2
Part 3 and 4

I thank God for His protection for all of us. Take care and get well soon.


Message edited by author 2007-03-19 12:09:21.
03/19/2007 12:32:07 PM · #74
yes, it's good with painkillers and good to sleep a lot:)

hi David! thank you so very much, sure I don't mind, thank you for sharing! I don't feel I am alone anymore.
but I just couldn't open your blog:( maybe it takes too long time and it didn't want to open?
03/20/2007 02:35:40 PM · #75
Hi Svetlana, you're doing the right thing by sleeping a lot and taking painkillers - hope you have someone around to run errands for you etc. Do take your time healing, we want you up and dancing and playing tennis and taking pictures again! *hugs* Susan
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