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Showing posts 2176 - 2200 of 3159, (reverse)
03/21/2007 04:56:13 AM · #2176
The thumbnails for Cross Dress and Image Grain are now posted. Let me know if I have forgot anyone.
03/21/2007 05:21:44 AM · #2177
New interview.
03/21/2007 05:22:53 AM · #2178
Congrats Jeb & Catherine! Wonderful shots! Woohoo!!
Congrats Svetlana! Are you healing?

Message edited by author 2007-03-21 08:16:04.
03/21/2007 08:04:14 AM · #2179
Everyone please note that Svetlana had a PB with her awesome cross-dress shot, too. Congrats, silverfoxx!!! And more importantly, hope you are feeling better!
03/21/2007 09:43:02 AM · #2180
Hi all,

I am very sad to report I may not participate in any more DPC challenges. I have been crying for nearly an hour, but need to buck up and keep in mind this is only an online contest - I guess it has become very real for me.

I have submitted my proof file for Grain II (anything in the top five has to be validated). My file is exactly as-is from camera, has never been touched or even rotated. I was told it is not adequate because I viewed it using PS Elements. I have no other way of uploading photos, and have no clue how else to submit these files. The worst thing is that I submitted this as a ticket prior to the challenge to make sure it met the basic editing criteria - and got the green light. I am extremely upset and frustrated, especially because other people will now think I cheated when I most assuredly did not.

I tried one last resort - to copy the file on my hard drive and submit it without opening - and maybe it will get accepted. Otherwise, I'm afraid my days here are done, as I don't want to go through this emotionally again.

Much worse is that I got news yesterday afternoon that I did not make it into the Charleston farmer's market. Guess I'm not good enough. Well, maybe next year, although I'm not keeping my fingers crossed.

It's been really fun - I have come to think of you guys as a family, and wish everyone the best.


03/21/2007 09:48:06 AM · #2181
Originally posted by noraneko:

Hi all,

I am very sad to report I may not participate in any more DPC challenges. I have been crying for nearly an hour, but need to buck up and keep in mind this is only an online contest - I guess it has become very real for me.

I have submitted my proof file for Grain II (anything in the top five has to be validated). My file is exactly as-is from camera, has never been touched or even rotated. I was told it is not adequate because I viewed it using PS Elements. I have no other way of uploading photos, and have no clue how else to submit these files. The worst thing is that I submitted this as a ticket prior to the challenge to make sure it met the basic editing criteria - and got the green light. I am extremely upset and frustrated, especially because other people will now think I cheated when I most assuredly did not.

I tried one last resort - to copy the file on my hard drive and submit it without opening - and maybe it will get accepted. Otherwise, I'm afraid my days here are done, as I don't want to go through this emotionally again.

Much worse is that I got news yesterday afternoon that I did not make it into the Charleston farmer's market. Guess I'm not good enough. Well, maybe next year, although I'm not keeping my fingers crossed.

It's been really fun - I have come to think of you guys as a family, and wish everyone the best.


First of all, you're not leaving. That's the end of that.

Second, I think if you shoot in raw (not in the raw) your original file cannot be changed so that makes it perfect for validation purposes.

Third, you're not leaving.

edit: Now aren't you glad that's settled?

Message edited by author 2007-03-21 09:51:01.
03/21/2007 10:04:07 AM · #2182
catherine - bob's right. you're not leaving. so there.

pick up a card reader. that way the data goes straight from the camera to the computer, no translation program.

shoot raw. ooo, yeah, baby.

that really really really sucks. on all counts.


if you still enjoy the process, then that's what counts. after all, it's only a little internet contest, eh?

those charleston guys don't know nuthin' 'bout art!

we loves ya, baby. stick around. you wnat to see how it all turns out, right?
03/21/2007 10:09:44 AM · #2183
Catherine, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you anyway! and I am sure everyone is.
I can't agree more with Bob: you are not leaving!

if they gave you green light before they can't change their mind now! it's unfair!

I remember crying and promising I would never enter those stupid challenges when I got DQed the third time.
my Dh said it's ridiculous and if I can cry becasue of a silly thing like this I should quit DPC. but I chose not to pay much attention to those DQs. I made my best shots not for the challenges. my life and photography has actually nothing to do with them. after all it is my own growth that is much more important. it is your growth as a photographer that is more important.

please do not take it so personal!
I don't know what the Charlston farmer's market is but somehow I am sure it is not the last place on earth. there are much more places!

03/21/2007 10:09:51 AM · #2184
Originally posted by noraneko:

Hi all,

I am very sad to report I may not participate in any more DPC challenges. I have been crying for nearly an hour, but need to buck up and keep in mind this is only an online contest - I guess it has become very real for me.

I have submitted my proof file for Grain II (anything in the top five has to be validated). My file is exactly as-is from camera, has never been touched or even rotated. I was told it is not adequate because I viewed it using PS Elements. I have no other way of uploading photos, and have no clue how else to submit these files. The worst thing is that I submitted this as a ticket prior to the challenge to make sure it met the basic editing criteria - and got the green light. I am extremely upset and frustrated, especially because other people will now think I cheated when I most assuredly did not.

Edit: Glad I fooled so many people with CrossDress! lol!

I tried one last resort - to copy the file on my hard drive and submit it without opening - and maybe it will get accepted. Otherwise, I'm afraid my days here are done, as I don't want to go through this emotionally again.

Much worse is that I got news yesterday afternoon that I did not make it into the Charleston farmer's market. Guess I'm not good enough. Well, maybe next year, although I'm not keeping my fingers crossed.

It's been really fun - I have come to think of you guys as a family, and wish everyone the best.


Poor Noraneko...how can they give you a hard time if they already approved your pic is beyond me...as for the Charleston FM they clearly don't know talent when they see it.

Please don't leave, you're a wonderful photographer and a great mentor for me - and you always leave great comments.

And there's always a silver lining. If I can illustrate...

I bailed out of Colour Portrait II because, as my pic was anything but pretty - I was crying my eyes out at the time, then perversely thought hey how'd THIS do in Colour Portrait, so I shot it - and I got one, searingly nasty comment from someone (not a Sucker)generally renowned for useful comments, that just tore me wide open. I decided I didn't need a week's worth of nasty comments, though my score was starting to rise, albeit no more comments turned up.

So I self-DQ'd. Later on that day I got an email from Alamy (I'd requested a list of what kind of pics they want) and frankly, my Colour Portrait may well help me get in the door with them as it is so emotionally raw.

Anyway, hope this helps you buck up a bit, noraneko. Please stay.

Message edited by author 2007-03-21 10:24:11.
03/21/2007 10:27:03 AM · #2185
Whoah, whoah, whoah, Catherine.

No one will think you're cheating. Please, please, please don't take it that way. Just put a mea culpa in your comments section (didja know you can edit it even after the challenge?) explaining what happened, thump yourself for a goofy mistake, and forget about it.

People have lost ribbons because of worse mistakes. Everyone understands file-handling goofs - you didn't do any editing that was illegal, and you didn't try to sneak anything under the radar.

Trust me on this - I have my own DQ for a non-editing reason. As does Svetlana, actually.

I swear, this IS NOT a personal integrity issue. You have 8 favorites already. I'd bet none of them will withdraw that even if you're DQ'd.

Now, for the future - as Christian says, get a card reader, copy the files manually using Windows Explorer, and never ever ever open them. Open copies only.

As for Charleston, you can't quit because of one setback. Really, buck up - you've produced some terrific photography, and you'll produce a lot more.

It sucks, no doubt, but please don't think anyone will think less of you.
03/21/2007 10:43:08 AM · #2186

As someone who had a dq on a personal best, it was painful and upsetting. I cried and was all depressed about it. Soon after that, I viewed the dpchallenge as a place for practice and not the end result.

We need you here - your support and encouragement for team members is invaluable.

03/21/2007 10:43:16 AM · #2187
Sorry to say, Catherine - but Bob is right. You are not leaving. Not going to happen.

File handling goofs happen. Everyone understands. So, give yourself a kick in the rump, hard one if you must, and realize that nobody is questioning your integrity here.

03/21/2007 11:27:18 AM · #2188
Do you still have the original on the camera's memory card? if so get a card reader ASAP and use windows copy/paste to your computer.
03/21/2007 12:08:42 PM · #2189
Originally posted by snaffles:

So I self-DQ'd. Later on that day I got an email from Alamy (I'd requested a list of what kind of pics they want) and frankly, my Colour Portrait may well help me get in the door with them as it is so emotionally raw.

Just the latest example of DPC challenges having their own meaning, but being far from the definitive response to any picture.

I hope you'll post your shot in your portfolio!
03/21/2007 12:13:03 PM · #2190
Originally posted by noraneko:

Hi all,

I am very sad to report I may not participate in any more DPC challenges. I have been crying for nearly an hour, but need to buck up and keep in mind this is only an online contest - I guess it has become very real for me.

Much worse is that I got news yesterday afternoon that I did not make it into the Charleston farmer's market. Guess I'm not good enough. Well, maybe next year, although I'm not keeping my fingers crossed.


No reason to leave, you must stay. Your one of the foundation blocks for the group.

I don't look at DPC as a contest, just a forum for a bunch of photographers looking at each other's work and looking at ways of improving. The whole contest thing is just a side product.

Not sure what the "farmer's market" is. Is it your typical farmer's market where you just sell things, or is their an art exhibition? Either way, I wouldn't worry about it. If it were so easy then quality would be diluted. Who wants photography to turn into modern fiction writing?

Kidding aside, your work is wonderful, better some I have seen in hanging up. You are actually an inspiration to my own work!


03/21/2007 12:27:07 PM · #2191
noraneko I hope that by now you've caught on to the fact that your thoughts about leaving have no valid meaning here. You see, we will not accept that way of thinking by one of the family members. Besides that, we need someone to complain about because they always get 6's. Next thing you know it's going to be 7's.

Do I think that you got the shaft? Absolutely! However, what would Catherine tell us?

I would really think about shooting in RAW. I just started a few months ago and I will never go back. The nice thing is that the original never gets affected. If they ask for validation, you just send them the RAW file. It takes more processing time but it is well worth it.

Soooooo, shut-up, sit down, and start getting your next shot ready!!!
03/21/2007 12:29:57 PM · #2192
I think I'm getting ahead of myself - I have a 3rd "client" set up already.

A little one-year old boy and his mama. At least this one will be slightly easier for me - they are coming to me.
03/21/2007 12:32:46 PM · #2193
Originally posted by kashi:

I think I'm getting ahead of myself - I have a 3rd "client" set up already.

A little one-year old boy and his mama. At least this one will be slightly easier for me - they are coming to me.

Don't forget to tell me how you set up that cross-dressing challenge. I would like to know how you did the lighting and background.
03/21/2007 12:33:39 PM · #2194
Originally posted by bmartuch:

I would really think about shooting in RAW. I just started a few months ago and I will never go back. The nice thing is that the original never gets affected. If they ask for validation, you just send them the RAW file. It takes more processing time but it is well worth it.

Hmm? I shoot in JPG and it never gets affected either as I move it from the camera to the computer. My photos validate just fine. I even live dangerously and *gasp* open them without making a copy first, then save as PS files, then export as JPGs.
03/21/2007 01:00:51 PM · #2195
Originally posted by levyj413:

Originally posted by bmartuch:

I would really think about shooting in RAW. I just started a few months ago and I will never go back. The nice thing is that the original never gets affected. If they ask for validation, you just send them the RAW file. It takes more processing time but it is well worth it.

Hmm? I shoot in JPG and it never gets affected either as I move it from the camera to the computer. My photos validate just fine. I even live dangerously and *gasp* open them without making a copy first, then save as PS files, then export as JPGs.

I would like to say thank you so much to Team Suck members who have posted with supportive e-mails. You are all a truly wonderful group of people, and I realize that this is a very minor drama compared to real-life situations like Jeanne and Svetlana's accidents, for example.

Jeffrey, please take caution about being so cavalier about your validations. It is very hurtful. I will also add that I think the process of getting a validation before or during a challenge due to someone questioning editing is not as "invasive" for lack of a better term. My Image Grain photo WAS validated prior to the contest by a site council member, as I was concerned about the editing. I would also caution you to be sure you make a copy first, as I would truly hate the same thing to happen to you. My JPEG photos go straight from card reader to camera and are never altered except for me to look at them to chose which to edit - and then they are only amended using the "save as" function. They aren't even rotated.

Again, thank you TS for your support. Site Council is trying to help me figure out how to avoid this in the future, so I may participate in future challenges if it gets ironed out. I still can't figure out how my entry could be invalid, however, so am unsure.
03/21/2007 01:33:05 PM · #2196
Originally posted by bmartuch:

I would really think about shooting in RAW. I just started a few months ago and I will never go back. The nice thing is that the original never gets affected. If they ask for validation, you just send them the RAW file. It takes more processing time but it is well worth it.

Originally posted by levyj413:

Hmm? I shoot in JPG and it never gets affected either as I move it from the camera to the computer. My photos validate just fine. I even live dangerously and *gasp* open them without making a copy first, then save as PS files, then export as JPGs.

Yeah.....I only shoot in RAW any more except in Minimal Editing, which makes me nervous.

There's a whole thread from an administrative announcement that talks about transfer software and the damage some of it does to the original file.

I don't really understand how the whole mess works, but now I download differently and I'm not sure I'm even going to enter Minimals any more 'cause I don't feel like trying to figure out how to safely transfer a jpeg.

Originally posted by noraneko:

I would like to say thank you so much to Team Suck members who have posted with supportive e-mails. You are all a truly wonderful group of people, and I realize that this is a very minor drama compared to real-life situations like Jeanne and Svetlana's accidents, for example.

Oh, pshaw!!!!

Team Suck was supportiver to the max at my last rant/drama/pout/tantrum. I was encouraged and supported 'til I got over my manic episode and here I am.

You are talented, kind, knowledgeable, considerate, compassionate, strong, and just an all around outstanding humanoid.

If they won't let a wack-job, bi-polar fruitcake like me quit, you're stuck withm Suck.....too bad about your luck!

Seriously, stick around.......we know what that shot is for you and us, we don't need any validation to see what a true artist and fine person that you are.

Somehow, this will work out.

Take care....
03/21/2007 01:54:17 PM · #2197
Bah ... I don't even understand this problem ... My camera only CAN shoot in .jpg format and I just cut and paste them to a directory on my hard drive (usually named by subject and/or date) THEN muck with em. I usually call the first stage of editing save of my photos something that includes the camera number designation of the shot for future reference. Just copy your entire card onto your hard drive as if it is copying from ANOTHER hard drive and there should be NO problem ...
03/21/2007 01:56:22 PM · #2198
Originally posted by bmartuch:

Originally posted by kashi:

I think I'm getting ahead of myself - I have a 3rd "client" set up already.

A little one-year old boy and his mama. At least this one will be slightly easier for me - they are coming to me.

Don't forget to tell me how you set up that cross-dressing challenge. I would like to know how you did the lighting and background.

I just emailed you.
03/21/2007 02:13:06 PM · #2199
Originally posted by noraneko:

Originally posted by levyj413:

Originally posted by bmartuch:

I would really think about shooting in RAW. I just started a few months ago and I will never go back. The nice thing is that the original never gets affected. If they ask for validation, you just send them the RAW file. It takes more processing time but it is well worth it.

Hmm? I shoot in JPG and it never gets affected either as I move it from the camera to the computer. My photos validate just fine. I even live dangerously and *gasp* open them without making a copy first, then save as PS files, then export as JPGs.

Jeffrey, please take caution about being so cavalier about your validations. It is very hurtful.

Sorry - didn't mean it to make light of your situation. My intent was to say that I don't think that shooting RAW vs. JPG has anything to do with validation, as I've had several JPGs validated.

On a side note, I've often asked for validation beforehand, but keep in mind that most such requests are about editing, as was yours. I doubt they bother checking the EXIF for such requests. Also, even for editing questions, pre-challenge checks are just the opinion of a few SC members who respond. It's not binding; if a majority of the SC disagrees with the initial ok, you're still on the hook.

For example, in my circles entry, I considered cloning out the chain below the last lamp, down to the bottom of the image. I asked for validation, and was told that 4 SC members thought it was okay and one was on the fence. That was shaky enough for me that I didn't do it.
03/21/2007 02:35:49 PM · #2200
Noraneko, it's a damn shame that they don't make a cursory check of the EXIF when a person submits for pre-approval. If they did, I bet it would help a lot of people, especially given the recent crack-down on image transfer methods. Good luck - I hope your alt file is enough for them.
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