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Showing posts 2201 - 2225 of 3159, (reverse)
03/21/2007 02:45:27 PM · #2201
This came directly from the Transfer Software Guidelines. This is one reason I prefer to use raw.

If you shoot in RAW:
Transfer software does not affect the original image data of a RAW file. Therefore, RAW files moved by transfer software are valid originals. Note that you must submit a RAW proof file when requested. A JPEG saved from the original RAW is not sufficient.

If you shoot in JPEG + RAW you may submit either version of the file when requested. However, the JPEG must not be altered by any transfer software. RAW files are always preferable if they are available.

Remember that RAW files are never valid originals for challenges using the Minimal Editing ruleset.
03/21/2007 02:49:13 PM · #2202
So we've established you're not going anywhere, right? OK. Good.

Next, here's the bright side (there is one) - with a DQ, if it ends up that way, you'll get TONS of views and a lot of new favs. Why? We all look at the DQs - it's another method of learning here. Someone will learn from what you did and avoid it. AND they'll get to see an awesome photograph and learn how that was done, too.

Edit to add that I, too, view all my pictures in PhotoShop CS - I didn't even know that was disallowed for a validation file, so I've learned something new, too. I do shoot RAW+jpeg, but will have to keep in mind for minimum editing challenges that I'd better copy that jpeg before I even open it in PS, huh? And here I thought if you viewed it but then closed it before doing anything, it was OK.

Message edited by author 2007-03-21 14:52:18.
03/21/2007 04:03:50 PM · #2203
The site council told me that even having the JPEG files tranfered onto my computer by a Photoshop transfer software (I didn't even know it was a transfer software until this morning - I thought it was the only way for my files to enter my computer) invalidates the JPEG files, as it evidently alters the EXIF data. I don't know enough about EXIF data to know how that takes place. So my advice, for those who like or have to use JPEG, is to not use one of these "transfer" softwares at all. Evidently when the files come in on your card reader, you can opt to save them all to your hard drive. Having never done it, I'm not sure how, but I guess you ignore the transfer software popup, copy all the files once you find them on your hard drive, then only open the copies. Seems like RAW is indeed just a whole lot easier.

The good news is that my free study entry, which was alreay in, was shot in both RAW and JPEG. So I guess it is valid. I'm still really bummed, but realize it would be pretty stupid to let something like this keep me from my favorite hobby. I admit I will be sad not to have that "honorable mention" icon on my profile page, though :-(

I am more bummed about the Charleston artists/farmers market. I spent a lot of time putting my profile together and not a small amount of expense. I realize not everyone can get in, and probably everyone goes to a lot of effort and expense, but seniority seems to play a big role here (I'm not saying that seniority kept me out, as I'm sure people a lot more talented than I have been rejected.) I was bummed to go to the website and discover that one of the photographers - who has evidently been there forever but has grossly skewed horizons, lots of OOF shots and odd color temp choices - is still in the market. Makes me think the jurying is little more than a formality, as I suspect there are a lot of really talented photographers in the Charleston area who could better represent the beauty this area has to offer. Again, not trying to denigrate this particular photographer or make excuses for why I didn't make it in, just surprised that this photog is still there given the talent pool in this area. It is frustrating because I would LOVE to sell at that market - it is a great opportunity - but I'm not sure I could get in even if I were Annie Liebovitz (or Joey Lawrence, LOL). Well, maybe Joey Lawrence.

I'm sorry about all the ranting and long posts. It is out of my system now. Thanks for listening :-)

Message edited by author 2007-03-21 16:09:51.
03/21/2007 04:45:54 PM · #2204
I'm sorry to hear that, noraneko - but it ain't gone yet. Maybe they're still deliberating...? I hope so! On the topic - I use Canon Camera Window (came with your camera) to load my images from a card reader or from the camera, and then Zoombrowser to mark which ones I'll work up in PS. I get DQ validation requests A LOT and it's always passed. Most recent one was my Time challenge entry and this was after the crack-down on transfer methods.

I'm surprised that work of your caliber didn't make the Charleston Farmer's market. The competition must be super-duper stiff!

Anyway, glad to hear you're not giving up. I smell a ribbon in your near future :)

Message edited by author 2007-03-21 16:47:13.
03/21/2007 05:19:45 PM · #2205
Catherine, as with most things in life, the "good ol' boy/girl" network is indeed probably heavily in play in the Farmer's market. Since you already went to the expense of preparing your work, can you think of other places you might try? Small restaurants in the tourist areas? Small bookstores? These places might like the addition of "tourist attracting" items to pull in clientele. You could offer a percentage of any sales you make to the establishment, of course.

As for transferring pictures. Put the card in the card reader, ignore the pop-up, go to My Computer, find your card, click on it, select all, drag to a file folder on your computer. Or use skewsme's method. :-)

And thank you for hanging around. It really is like family here and we quite enjoy your company!
03/21/2007 05:21:37 PM · #2206
Noraneko, I'm so sorry you have to go through all this. I hope they end up being able to validate it.
This is how I do it, I plug my card reader in, when the transfer software box comes up, I get rid of it. Then I go to "MY COMPUTER", then (on mine) my card reader is "removable disk J" I open that and view my files. (this is how I used to do it on my other camera that didn't shoot in RAW).

I hope this way is OK...I've never had to have an entry validated.

I think the photo you took is absolutely beautiful so if it doesn't get validated, it's still a VERY beautiful photograph.
03/21/2007 05:50:34 PM · #2207
OOBIE here and YAPPIE there. Check it out.

Don't forget to nominate next week's OOBIEs and YAPPIEs in this thread.
03/21/2007 06:11:15 PM · #2208
Catherine, I don't think you're unethical. I don't even think you're "goofy." The transfer rules are impossible to understand. Some software is okay, and other software is not. I'm sorry I didn't comment on your photo, but I thought it was lovely and gave it a 7.
03/21/2007 06:49:55 PM · #2209
oh... and just to cheer up klstover, did you notice that I liked Larus's photo but that I saw a *technical* problem with it?? hahaha and he even agreed with me in his comments!! You gotta love it.
03/21/2007 06:57:45 PM · #2210
Originally posted by Melethia:

Catherine, as with most things in life, the "good ol' boy/girl" network is indeed probably heavily in play in the Farmer's market. Since you already went to the expense of preparing your work, can you think of other places you might try? Small restaurants in the tourist areas? Small bookstores? These places might like the addition of "tourist attracting" items to pull in clientele. You could offer a percentage of any sales you make to the establishment, of course.

As for transferring pictures. Put the card in the card reader, ignore the pop-up, go to My Computer, find your card, click on it, select all, drag to a file folder on your computer. Or use skewsme's method. :-)

And thank you for hanging around. It really is like family here and we quite enjoy your company!

Hit the nail on the head, Deb. Catherine, I've lived in small towns for the last several years and I know exactly how incestuous those communities can be, esp when it comes to things like letting people in. I'd follow Deb's advice and seek out places like art galleries, PRIVATELY OWNED coffee shops, etc and exhibit there.

Just submitted a pic for Langdon, hope he likes it. Don't give a f**k what the trolls say. I got a seriously horrible troll comment on Colour Portrait II and was going to PM person responsible and give her a piece of mind - but she's not worth it. Now I'm mad at myself for self-DQ'ing. Oh well.

I don't know what to shoot for Still or Spinning...hey Jeb,any backwoods stills in your area? I could use a vacation!

EDIT: addendum

Message edited by L2 - Forum Rule #11.
03/21/2007 07:59:52 PM · #2211
Originally posted by posthumous:

oh... and just to...

03/21/2007 08:42:20 PM · #2212
Oops! Broke Rule #11.
03/21/2007 09:01:13 PM · #2213
Originally posted by posthumous:

Catherine, I don't think you're unethical. I don't even think you're "goofy." The transfer rules are impossible to understand. Some software is okay, and other software is not. I'm sorry I didn't comment on your photo, but I thought it was lovely and gave it a 7.

I have a thought.

This transfer issue is a big deal.....there was a long thread and the bottom line was that if you're unsure, you should try to validate/verify/ask before submitting your entry....which would really cause a backup if everyone started to do that and then it would never get done.

Not to menmtion that not everybody knows about this arcane fact about transfer software.

Here's the thread: //www.dpchallenge.com/forum.php?action=read&FORUM_THREAD_ID=549682

My point is......this is something that is not necessarily sent out in a note to all participants, I dunno that it isn't in the rules, but SC made a big point of going over it not too long ago.

Catherine didn't know......

I only knew 'cause I'm nosy and I poke around everywhere.

There shoud be some way to throw a flag before there's a violation that snags someone like Catherine.

I would love to know if it's in the basic rules, and I had even mentioned the possibility of a DPC tutorial for dummies.

I got a reply that there was just too much to have to teach to be able to do something like teach everyone how to do their software.

They missed my point entirely.

There are a few basic things that IMNSHO need to be stated on a regular basis, and a newbie set of guidelines that people are steered towards to learn some requirements that make this kind of heartbreak unlikely.

So......maybe we could put something together, and give it to SC, or just have it as a Team Suck bennie, or whatever, but it's just wrong to have something like this happen.

So.....has anyone ever read all the stuff on the FAQs page? The About page? Site rules?

I know I didn't find out about validation 'til I got a red ribbon and then I almost had a coronary because I had no clue about validation.

My fault, but if it wouldn't have been my first ventutre into RAW, I would have been screwed.

I will help.

I will do work.

I don't have time to head it up, unless it's a long term thing, but I also think if this should come to fruition, this newbie primer, we ought to elicit all the help we can get.

Anyway....I think we ought to poll TS and see how many here understand the transfer rules for real and go from there.

I'll start.....I think they're vague and unclear and that I'm only safe shooting in RAW.
03/21/2007 09:35:30 PM · #2214
Originally posted by snaffles:

Hit the nail on the head, Deb. Catherine, I've lived in small towns for the last several years and I know exactly how incestuous those communities can be, esp when it comes to things like letting people in. I'd follow Deb's advice and seek out places like art galleries, PRIVATELY OWNED coffee shops, etc and exhibit there.

I have gotten much praise and interest here in the local area.

I'm something of note here, odd as it seems to me, but this little journey through the gauntlet every week has really sharpened my skills and being a member of Team Suck has put a real world perspective on how I view this passion and my own skills.

I'm a good photographer, and I have a good eye and pretty decent skills.

I've learned to feel that way because of the support here and the reaction of people here at home.

This second high rated DP Challenge effort has helped confirm that the first wasn't a total fluke.

Catherine, everything you had on your profile page was a better than 6.0 shot BEFORE the Grain entry.

You're good. Period.

To attach any significance to a DQ at this point over a technicality is not being fair to yourself.

YOU know you didn't falsify anything, I know.....show of hands?????

Yeah, I thought so.......it's unanimous.

We could make a big stink and probably make SC back down, or just be a total nuisance if they didn't, but we're above that so how about let's see what we can do to help this NEVER happen to anyone else.

Originally posted by snaffles:

I don't know what to shoot for Still or Spinning...hey Jeb,any backwoods stills in your area? I could use a vacation!

All kinds of good stuff!

Hey, that's an open invite! I can make arrangements, nobody in their right mind woould saty with us....we just don't have the accommodations, we have a dog and seven cats.

But there are nice and reasonable places, and I can drive you all over everywhere and show you my world!
03/21/2007 10:44:49 PM · #2215
Okay, I'm not going to enter anything for Langdon's birthday. I even have ideas, but I want to go watch a movie instead. This will be my first missed challenge in 2007. I'm having some withdrawal symptoms. :)

Message edited by author 2007-03-21 23:24:25.
03/21/2007 11:18:12 PM · #2216
I got Langdon a present! I'm very happy about it. I have no clue what score I will get these days, but I do hope that Langdon likes it.

It's Perfect, IMNSHO!!
03/21/2007 11:58:13 PM · #2217
========THIS WEEK'S RESULTS=============

RED=====TEAM NOVICE====6.105533333
YELLOW==TEAM ENTROPY===6.041033333
QUAD====TEAM MINUS=====5.473433333
PENT====THE OOFERS=====5.4712

Butterflies win again, yawn, and the highest scorer is silverfoxx whose Momentary Lapse of Sucking requires her to grace us (or at least me) with her comments!

Catherine, you led your team to the red ribbon this week and whether or not your DQ goes through, your well-deserved score will always be reflected in these standings.
03/22/2007 03:08:50 AM · #2218
yay! :P

I got Langdon a present, too. no one understands it. oh my, I thought it is so simple, just put "even if" or "no matter what" there... what a simple message. ah, whatever.

all our scores are getting higher and higher:)

good morning!

Message edited by author 2007-03-22 03:09:41.
03/22/2007 04:40:58 AM · #2219
Originally posted by noraneko:

I am more bummed about the Charleston artists/farmers market.

The Charleston Farmers' market doesn't know hay from a bull's foot, apparently. They must have totally goofed out.
03/22/2007 06:03:00 AM · #2220
Originally posted by silverfoxx:

I got Langdon a present, too. no one understands it.

If it is the one I think it is, I understood it ... and commented on it ... and gave it an 8.

My Langdon's present is hanging around 5.7 ... at least that is better than my average of 4.9 (Bleh!)
03/22/2007 06:18:26 AM · #2221
Originally posted by posthumous:

Catherine, you led your team to the red ribbon this week and whether or not your DQ goes through, your well-deserved score will always be reflected in these standings.

Hear, hear!

I misted up, dude!.....8>)
03/22/2007 09:11:47 AM · #2222
Originally posted by raish:

The Charleston Farmers' market doesn't know hay from a bull's foot, apparently. They must have totally goofed out.

wow:) hay from a bull's foot and goofed out:)! I'll try to remember it, I've never heard these expressions before:)

spasibo Greetmir:) but you are not supposed to recongnise me!!:) only the idea is important:)
03/22/2007 11:19:32 AM · #2223
Originally posted by raish:

The Charleston Farmers' market doesn't know hay from a bull's foot, apparently. They must have totally goofed out.

Originally posted by silverfoxx:

wow:) hay from a bull's foot and goofed out:)! I'll try to remember it, I've never heard these expressions before:)

I guess that you never heard the expression,"I'll be tee-totally cow-kicked by a bull-pup tied to a root, by gum!" either?....8>)
03/22/2007 11:23:22 AM · #2224
Now this is a nice changen - Langdon's birthday is off to a promising start! And all nice/useful comments, trolls don't do birthdays I guess.

Votes: 43
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Avg Vote: 5.1860
Comments: 3

Hey Svetlana! How's the leg coming along? Are you in traction, or a cast?

Catherine, another place to approach to see if they may hang your pictures is one of my favourite places - the local library. I've seen all manner of crap for sale at Farmer's Markets over the year; I've rarely if ever seen really magnificent photos or artworks at an FM (sole exception being Salt Spring Island, the place is TEEMING with amazingly talented artists. Robert Bateman lives there. Not that he exhibits at the FM, lol).

Anyway to get off my segue...I'd expect to see pictures like yours in a setting that flatters them. And some places/organizations refuse to take more than one member from any field of business, just to avoid competition.

OK gonna go see what Langdon got for his birthday! :-)
03/22/2007 12:32:57 PM · #2225
Langdon's Birthday

Votes: 51
Views: 79
Avg Vote: 6.3725
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 03/22/07 12:27 pm


Langdon's Birthday

Votes: 56
Views: 85
Avg Vote: 6.4286
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 03/22/07 01:22 pm

Better yet!

Message edited by author 2007-03-22 13:24:46.
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