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Showing posts 2251 - 2275 of 3159, (reverse)
03/23/2007 12:58:56 AM · #2251
Originally posted by griz210:

Hi fellow suckers.
Just got home from our local camera club meeting tonite and wanted to tell everyone that Elaine (aka Chaimelle) won 1st place in both color print and Black and white print in our frist quarter club contest.
Congrats Elaine!!!

Hooray Chaimelle! Isn't it nice when real-world recognition comes along? Beats online votes from random people on the Internet. :)
03/23/2007 03:15:20 AM · #2252
Jeb, COngrats on the work,
Elaine congrats on the 1t place,

Good morning all, was out in Howth last night. nothing challenge worthy comeout of it but i was not there to shoot for a challenge in any case. Just pottering around more than anything. I will post some links later.

hope your all set for the weekend
speak soon D

Ohh reading back a page or two i saw the post from noraneko. Please dont go, you have some great stuff as already pointed out. its sucks big time what happend but have a think about your next move and i hope that will be submitting more work on here.

Photos Added

all comments welcome


Message edited by author 2007-03-23 05:37:40.
03/23/2007 05:44:37 AM · #2253
Originally posted by levyj413:

Hey, I just saw one of the best portraits I've ever had the pleasure of admiringl it's on another site. Everything about it speaks to me, from the lighting, the sepia, and the composition to the beauty and expression of the model. My first thought of who I wanted to share it with was this group, so here you go. :)


Nice shot Jeff. Beautiful!

How do you like this shot? I took this a few days before color portrait started. Just my luck cause I'm quite sure this would be doing better then my current entry.

This is my youngest granddaughter, Lela. Her first birthday.

Message edited by author 2007-03-23 05:48:32.
03/23/2007 08:06:26 AM · #2254
Has anyone looked at the cell phone challenge yet. People Do Not read the instructions. There should be a ton of DNMC's. The instructions say:

This week capture an interesting photo of a person using their cellular phone.

I'm surprised they're not DQ'd
03/23/2007 08:23:44 AM · #2255
DNMC's are never DQ'd ... It is up to the voters to decide if they are and punish them with their votes. DQs are for technical rules violations.
03/23/2007 08:24:05 AM · #2256
Originally posted by bmartuch:

Has anyone looked at the cell phone challenge yet. People Do Not read the instructions. There should be a ton of DNMC's. The instructions say:

This week capture an interesting photo of a person using their cellular phone.

I'm surprised they're not DQ'd

Not meeting the challenge is not grounds for disqualification, unless specifically stated as an additional/special challenge rule. :)
03/23/2007 08:36:23 AM · #2257
Reading instructions is overrated. Besides, DNMC, should be banned from the Suck vocabularly.
03/23/2007 08:52:08 AM · #2258
Originally posted by bmartuch:

Has anyone looked at the cell phone challenge yet. People Do Not read the instructions. There should be a ton of DNMC's. The instructions say:

This week capture an interesting photo of a person using their cellular phone.

I'm surprised they're not DQ'd

ALL photos should be DNMC'd because of the inherent contradiction of the challenge wording (contradictory words highlighted below):

This week capture an interesting photo of a person using their cellular phone.

03/23/2007 09:05:24 AM · #2259
Well I have to say, I have people, I have cellphones, I have people using cellphones, I have a 5.1....Actually it has gone up. It started at 4.1
03/23/2007 09:21:23 AM · #2260
i have to say that i agree that most images should be DNMC as they did not follow the stipulation in the rules?
03/23/2007 10:11:36 AM · #2261
Originally posted by JuliBoc:

Catherine, if you really think about it, do you want to spend your weekends this way?

Now, more about this DQ issue. after reading this image transfer thread, I think that all of the entries I have submitted so far would be DQed if I made it to the top 5. I know I transfer them properly (copy from card to hard drive using Windows file copy function), and I view them using Windows Picture & Fax Viewer (still ok), but then I sometimes rotate them while viewing (BIG NO NO), and also I open the original file in PS and "save as" another file (WAY BIG NO NO).

I think from now on I will copy from card to hard drive, view with Windows Picture & Fax Viewer (never rotating the original). Then for the files I want to work on, I will make a copy using Windows copy file function, and open the copy in PS. Does this sound like a safe bet?

If so, a big thanks to Noraneko for paving the way and saving me from the same heart break!

Hahahaha! Very well put Juli, I spent many a Saturday doing just that, and gawd is it ever BORING! (Plus you have to set up, tear down, and get someone to man your stand if you have to go on a potty break or if you're sick, etc.)

BTW my pressie for Langdon also going up:
Votes: 97
Views: 144
Avg Vote: 5.3196
Comments: 4

I sure would like to have this one on my homepage!

Message edited by author 2007-03-23 10:14:55.
03/23/2007 10:23:20 AM · #2262
Originally posted by quiet_observation:

Reading instructions is overrated. Besides, DNMC, should be banned from the Suck vocabularly.

Sorry, but I disagree. Anyone putting a landscape into the pop culture challenge is going to get a DNMC from me, unless it's of a landscape painting on black velvet. I do try to give wide latitude, but I love that we're given specific shooting instructions. Not rules, and I agree that DNMC shots shouldn't be DQd most times (technical challenges should carry specific additional rules).

In the particular case of the cell phone challenge, I am voting higher for shots with people in them. It wasn't a challenge to take a product shot, but a people shot.

On another topic, I want to be clear that the link to the portrait I posted isn't mine! It's just so great I wanted to share it.
03/23/2007 10:42:15 AM · #2263
Hehehehe...having a happy day...

Votes: 99
Views: 147
Avg Vote: 5.3333
Comments: 4

I see your point, Levyj, but in cellphone I'm looking for a creative use of a cellphone rather than as something plastered to someone's ear. If I owned one I'd probably have taken a pic of using it as a doorstop or a miniature TV mounted inside Octopussy's litterbox so he has something to watch while he's in there.

Ok gonna go vote now!
03/23/2007 10:50:54 AM · #2264
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Originally posted by Melethia:

Julianne - your best bet is to view them in PS's Bridge utility. It doesn't (as far as I know) alter the file's exif in any way. Windows viewer I just don't trust. Though I do have a question to the effect of viewing in PS that hasn't been answered yet... I shall go bump that thread and get back to you.

I think the issue is more fundamental than that.

I believe we're talking about the files getting modified by software downloading them from your camera.

You have to go into "My Computer" and open the files in camera and load them into their own dedicated folder manually.

Even though I shoot in RAW, that's how I do it any more, and then the files are completely untouched.

Then you can just send a copy to wherever, and process it.

I believe that opening it without making an original copy to voew and process creates a file modification that shows up in the EXIF info.

Jeb, you have jumped in a bit late on this discussion. I had already stated that I was using Windows to copy my files from the card to the hard drive, and I use Windows Picture and Fax Viewer to look at them. The question was whether or not the file would be changed by opening it in PS and then saving with another file name.
03/23/2007 12:28:40 PM · #2265
Originally posted by JuliBoc:

Jeb, you have jumped in a bit late on this discussion. I had already stated that I was using Windows to copy my files from the card to the hard drive, and I use Windows Picture and Fax Viewer to look at them. The question was whether or not the file would be changed by opening it in PS and then saving with another file name.


Still, I believe that unless you download straight to the computer and then work from a copy, you will modify the file even viewing it.

Just trying to be helpful, which probably clouds things as I know so little about how files are modified throughout the process.

I use RAW. Period.

And am seriously considering not entering ANY Minimal Editing challenges.
03/23/2007 12:55:21 PM · #2266
Hmm - I don't know if this is the "right" way or not, but I seem to end with a file with intact EXIF data.

I plug my USB cable into my camera, my computer sees the camera as an external drive (E)

I open the E: drive (camera) from "My Computer"
I cut all files to an "originals" folder, then copy all and paste them in a "copies" folder.

I then open and work on the images in the copies folder.

The only time I touch the originals is to get the EXIF data for enteries (EXIF reader or Nikon Viewer now).

But I have recently discovered RAW, and I am loving it.

03/23/2007 01:13:59 PM · #2267
Originally posted by kashi:

Hmm - I don't know if this is the "right" way or not, but I seem to end with a file with intact EXIF data.

I plug my USB cable into my camera, my computer sees the camera as an external drive (E)

I open the E: drive (camera) from "My Computer"
I cut all files to an "originals" folder, then copy all and paste them in a "copies" folder.

I then open and work on the images in the copies folder.

The only time I touch the originals is to get the EXIF data for enteries (EXIF reader or Nikon Viewer now).

But I have recently discovered RAW, and I am loving it.

I do it exactly the same way you do Lea. I don't even have a card reader. Everything that I have read says that you shouldn't do it that way (without a card reader) but I've had my D50 for a year and have copied 6000 pictures that way and haven't had any problems. Knock on wood.

I also use RAW and I love it.
03/23/2007 01:16:50 PM · #2268

What code do I use to get the YAPPIE sucker in my profile?
03/23/2007 01:21:43 PM · #2269

Replace { with [ and } with ]
03/23/2007 01:38:35 PM · #2270
Originally posted by quiet_observation:


Replace { with [ and } with ]

03/23/2007 02:00:06 PM · #2271
Originally posted by bmartuch:

I do it exactly the same way you do Lea. I don't even have a card reader. Everything that I have read says that you shouldn't do it that way (without a card reader) but I've had my D50 for a year and have copied 6000 pictures that way and haven't had any problems. Knock on wood.

I also use RAW and I love it.

I've got a card reader, but it doesn't fit well with the way my tower is positioned (USB ports are on the side of the tower, and the tower is in a little "cubby" with precious little space to the sides.

I've only had my D50 for something like 2 weeks or so - and have copied well over 1200 pictures without issue so far.

Did you get my email ?
03/23/2007 02:11:07 PM · #2272
All of those ways are fine - card reader or plugging the camera in. Doesn't matter. Using the operating system to copy files across is safe.

There are also other methods that are equally safe, including viewing the files in various software programs, but it depends on the specific programs. So if you want the absolute, lock-down, 0% chance of problem answer, it's to copy and paste.

I think the discussion of card reader vs. camera really centers on other issues. For example, my computer doesn't even see one of my cameras when I plug it in for some reason. It sees the other one, but the transfer speed is MUCH slower than my card reader. On the other hand, some people are worried about bending a pin in their camera's card slot by taking the card out. Another discussion point is that it takes battery power to download from your camera, vs. using a card reader.
03/23/2007 02:33:48 PM · #2273
Originally posted by kashi:

Originally posted by bmartuch:

I do it exactly the same way you do Lea. I don't even have a card reader. Everything that I have read says that you shouldn't do it that way (without a card reader) but I've had my D50 for a year and have copied 6000 pictures that way and haven't had any problems. Knock on wood.

I also use RAW and I love it.

I've got a card reader, but it doesn't fit well with the way my tower is positioned (USB ports are on the side of the tower, and the tower is in a little "cubby" with precious little space to the sides.

I've only had my D50 for something like 2 weeks or so - and have copied well over 1200 pictures without issue so far.

Did you get my email ?

Yes I did get it. Thanks a lot. I would like to start doing some portraits but it's hard to find willing participants.
03/23/2007 08:16:51 PM · #2274
MAN ... I am sure glad that I did not enter the multiple light source challenge. There are SO SO many good images in there. I cannot BELIEVE the number of 8s and 9s I gave out for that one ...
03/23/2007 10:21:05 PM · #2275
Hey, uh.....

I would just like to tip my hat to Catherine in particular, and TS in general, for the civilized and mature way that Catherine's DQ was handled.

Catherine, you are a class act, and Team, well, I just choked up with the way you all rallied around Catherine to help her when she needed you the most.

I am truly humbled to be amongst this august group of decent and honorable people who are so intent on making this passion of ours better for everyone they come in contact with, and for proving that really good people are not so rare in today's world.

It's truly a wonderful thing.....

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