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Showing posts 2576 - 2600 of 3159, (reverse)
03/30/2007 02:33:12 AM · #2576
Originally posted by Melethia:

I did add later that...

Yeah, I really think your comment with everything added was so much nicer than some of the other ones.
03/30/2007 02:34:30 AM · #2577
Originally posted by bmartuch:

Here is another comment that I received. Does anyone know what this means?

this may be a photograph for a top ten but the realization is bad

Huh! I have no idea. I'd PM the person (either now or after the challenge ends, whatever you prefer) and ask. I've gotten a PM that was like thanks for the comment, but um what are you talking about? and I was very happy to be given the chance to clarify.
03/30/2007 02:38:24 AM · #2578
My guess is the comment means "it's a good idea, but not well-executed" or something along those lines. Good opportunity to later ask what the commenter thought could be done differently to make it better.
03/30/2007 05:40:05 AM · #2579
Originally posted by mist:

Okay. Take a moment and calm down.

I AM CALM!!!!! LOL!!!

Originally posted by mist:

Whatever the comment is, remember -

It's not worth raising your blood pressure over.
It's someone else's opinion.
Your photos enter these challenges to be judged - don't be surprised when they are.

and, finally, and most important -

Lots of people don't leave any comments, and still trash your photo (they give it 1,2 or 3 in voting.) At least this person wrote out what he was thinking, even if "wrong".

And I notice that you're qualifying "wrong", too.

First, I'm okay.

A little exasperrated at the gall of someone who doesn't participate that would make pointed comments. I even thought about the comment before mentioning it here which is why I didn' just PM the guy and trash him. I mean, the comment isn't hateful.....here....

Quote of comment and rebuttal removed - Forum Rule #11

Actually, I think that the [Edited to remove comment] is probably worse, it's just that I'm sort of miffed that some guy who's never participated has this to say about a shot that's been maintaining a low 6 in the challenge. Of course, he has no way of knowing that, I'm just offering that as an indicator that most of the other voters seem to think that it's an okay shot.

I guess I shouldn't grumble.......at least I'm getting a few comments.

I guess I just am so spoiled by people like TS who are always so positive, and of course, I got the obligatory, effusively nice SandyP glowing comment! LOL!!!

Message edited by L2 - Forum Rule #11.
03/30/2007 06:52:55 AM · #2580
well, jeb, i hate to say it, but i see nothing wrong with the comment. it's an honest, polite critique, giving straight reasons for the reaction. ok, [Edited to remove quoted part of comment] could be expanded on, but it's a valid comment. i guess coming from an art school background, i'm used to critiques (not criticism - a critique offers a way of improving) and, frankly, this is a mild one.

yes, the commenter doesn't participate, but does that necessarily mean he doesn't have an opinion. he may just love photography, but not be a photographer.

there are people here that truly trash and demean others' work. i think this may not be one of them.

sorry, lecture over....;-P

Message edited by L2 - Forum Rule #11.
03/30/2007 08:51:32 AM · #2581
Sorry, Jeb, I've got to agree with Christian on this one. It always feels a sucky to get less-than-glowing comments, but you can take it one of two ways - get steamed, or ask yourself, "what is it in this photo that the commenter sees as [Edited to remove quoted part of comment]? Is there merit in this comment? If so, what can I do to improve it next time?" It may be a stylistic difference of opinion, may be a monitor issue, or may be genuinely be something that can teach you how to improve. The same goes for the sharpness.

Like Christian, I may be more used to stinging commentary, as I've taken several art courses and my husband has an art degree and doesn't hesitate at all to tell me something sucks eggs, and precisely why it sucks eggs :-) One of the most helpful things I have done since getting serious about this hobby last October is to pay to have a professional photog critique ten of my photos. It hurt. Badly. But the real reward is that I am beginning to see on my own the things he pointed out when I did the critique in late December. I've also noticed that my scores here and at other sites have gone way up overall since that time.

You've got loads of talent, Jeb ~ hope you won't let temper get in the way of continuing to grow. (Eeeek, hoping not to get e-slapped here. You know I want nothing but the best for you, I hope!)

Message edited by L2 - Forum Rule #11.
03/30/2007 10:27:45 AM · #2582
Hi all

Been away for a couple days and the thread goes crazy!!!

Well now I have a tasty little cupcake on my homepage, happy happy! Pop Culture is wallowing at 5.02, and Spinning has a technical snafu, so it's barely clinging to 4. Bah.

Just entered Anachronism...it's an opportunistic snap, and I had about one minute to get the lighting right and shoot it as best I could...but I did what I could under such circumstances. Just as well because I was wondering what the hell I could shoot for that challenge.

Time to go vote and give pats on the back - well done Leah! Proof yet again that us Suckers don't always suck! And Jeb, don't get your knickers in a knot over some idiot comment - not worth it.
03/30/2007 11:14:59 AM · #2583
Originally posted by noraneko:

Sorry, Jeb, I've got to agree with Christian on this one.

Me, too. The person took the time to give you detailed feedback. MUCH more helpful than "good job!"

It's complaints like yours that stop people from commenting anything other than "OMFG what an AMAZING shot. You must be the smartest, cutest, richest, bestest at everything person in every way possible!"
03/30/2007 11:20:14 AM · #2584
Originally posted by levyj413:

Originally posted by noraneko:

Sorry, Jeb, I've got to agree with Christian on this one.

Me, too. The person took the time to give you detailed feedback. MUCH more helpful than "good job!"

It's complaints like yours that stop people from commenting anything other than "OMFG what an AMAZING shot. You must be the smartest, cutest, richest, bestest at everything person in every way possible!"

You can always tell me that I am the "smartest, cutest, bestest at everything person" and that my shots are AMAZING! :-) :-) :-)
03/30/2007 11:51:23 AM · #2585
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

A little exasperrated at the gall of someone who doesn't participate that would make pointed comments. I even thought about the comment before mentioning it here which is why I didn' just PM the guy and trash him. I mean, the comment isn't hateful.....here....

"..... a good subject for a photo, though I think your results are a bit drab. It would also be nice if the photo was sharper, as that would really say "still.""

I think actually that that is quite a reasonable comment. It's not far off the sort of comments that I leave. Unless there is more to it that you have not shown, I would be fine with a comment like that. It contains good elements of critiquing, and doesn't shy away from giving an opinion, which is, after all, the purpose of a comment.

03/30/2007 12:03:41 PM · #2586
Jeb, just my 2 cents worth here, I get those comments as well, of course I have entered some way "out there" shots in the past but even in a challenge where I got a comment to the effect of "ahh!! editing is BAD" (real helpful...lol) in the same challenge I got one that said "Woah, Trippy!!" I assume that was positive...all you can do is look at the image and decide if you agree or not, if you don't just blow it off. In my example above the Bad editting comment was right, it was pretty weird. I guess what I'm driving at is it's just one persons opinian, nothing more. I've looked through the comments on some of the ribbon winning shots on here and noticed that there is generally one person that doesn't like the shot that leaves a negative comment, don't let it get to ya. Thier mind just hasn't expanded to the point where they can fully appreciate your shot!! Good luck with your entry!!
03/30/2007 12:14:38 PM · #2587
Originally posted by WriteHeart:

Originally posted by levyj413:

"OMFG what an AMAZING shot. You must be the smartest, cutest, richest, bestest at everything person in every way possible!"

You can always tell me that I am the "smartest, cutest, bestest at everything person" and that my shots are AMAZING! :-) :-) :-)

Well, YOU are, of course. Did I mention "amazingest"? ;)

Message edited by author 2007-03-30 12:14:58.
03/30/2007 12:21:37 PM · #2588
Originally posted by jackal9:

I've looked through the comments on some of the ribbon winning shots on here and noticed that there is generally one person that doesn't like the shot that leaves a negative comment...

I've got to add that to my goals... to be that one person!
03/30/2007 12:21:51 PM · #2589
Speaking of comments, I've gotten 2 on my "still" entry that call it "spooky"
03/30/2007 12:24:10 PM · #2590
On this site, people can make whatever comment they want. If the comment is offensive, complain to the Site Council.

As a receiver of a comment, you also have the right to accept it or dismiss it. You can even whine about your comments and score a bit here but if you whine about it too much, I feel like I need to bring give out tranquilizers or self-esteem assignments.

It's Friday; move on, go out and photograph.
03/30/2007 12:24:11 PM · #2591
I received this comment in Spin: This picture is to blurry. I can't tell what or where it is.
100% true. And I'm glad the commenter left it - I figured this shot wouldn't appeal to very many people and I kinda figured this might be the reason. So this person was brave and kind enough to put in words what I suspected, confirming why I have a 5.2. That be a good thing. The fact that I KNOW it is as the commenter says and entered it anyway is beside the point, really. It's what I intended to submit, and it didn't make it across to very many voters. So be it.

And Don, you usually are that person, but in a nice way. :-)

Message edited by author 2007-03-30 12:25:03.
03/30/2007 12:28:43 PM · #2592
Okay.....I think a perspective check is in order here.

It wasn't so much the comment, as the point of reference that kinda bugged me.....I don't understand the motivation behind someone giving out critique, commentary, whatever, without being involved.....from that standpoint, if yopu don't wanna play, I don't really want your input.

What kind of a scale do I have for the validity of the comment if there's no participation?

And.....back to.....in no way was I even for one iota of a second going for flash, sharpness, WOW!!, or anything else that would normally be associated with a typical challenge.

As to [edited to remove quoted part of comment], I guess maybe, but the scene, setting, composition, is somwhat austere in its own right......

Hey, he's got a right to his opinion as much as I do, I just don't really see anything constructive whatsoever based on the photograph, setting, challenge, and the history of the commenter.

And that's just my two cents, for what that's worth.

Message edited by L2 - Forum Rule #11.
03/30/2007 12:37:05 PM · #2593
Originally posted by posthumous:

Originally posted by jackal9:

I've looked through the comments on some of the ribbon winning shots on here and noticed that there is generally one person that doesn't like the shot that leaves a negative comment...

I've got to add that to my goals... to be that one person!

ROFL, Yeah, I was that one person in one here a while back...
03/30/2007 12:50:20 PM · #2594
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

What kind of a scale do I have for the validity of the comment if there's no participation?

I'd say a comment is a comment and we all had to start somewhere. If you have a show, for instance, you have no idea what the background of the people coming to your show have. Whether they've ever even held a camera in their hands or not. But they may make comments. Just a thought!

I'd feel bad if I thought that someone who received a comment from me, looked at my portfolio and saw that I don't have that magic 6+ average, then dismissed what I had to say as irrelevant or not worthy of consideration.
03/30/2007 02:12:56 PM · #2595
Originally posted by Melethia:

I'd feel bad if I thought that someone who received a comment from me, looked at my portfolio and saw that I don't have that magic 6+ average, then dismissed what I had to say as irrelevant or not worthy of consideration.

Well.....I'm obviously doing a horrendously bad job of expressing myself about this whole thing.

This guy, among other things, is quite obviously not much interested in doing anything except critiquing others' work. He has no personal info, he doesn't seem to participate in the forums, AND......and this may be the key to my bad perception of him....average vote cast:4.4732.

Hey, I just got another comment from someone I know.....they said my entry could use a boost in contrast.

So perhaps this other person isn't too far off base, but I just don't see him having given me a vote that's consistent with the scoring and as I said, this isn't a positive, upbeat, participating member of DPC, in my whiny little perception.

So I'm going to pretend he doesn't exist......NYAAH!

Denial is NOT just a river in Egypt!
03/30/2007 02:28:20 PM · #2596
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

What kind of a scale do I have for the validity of the comment if there's no participation?

surely just the commenters presence here is participation? i'm sure i've siad this here somewhere before, but for the final crit in my BFA, we had a public critique. we each had to find a space in the town to exhibit our work, and it was up for a week, where the space was open to the public. then, a schedule was published (on bulletin boards, in the local newspaper) and anyone who wanted to could come along to the critique and make comments and ask questions. there would be a wide mix of art faculty, students, other faculty and students, artists, townspeople, and farmers. anyone could comment on the work, and the crits usually lasted about an hour. the only comments considered invalid were those that were specifically, purposefully hurtful to the artist. and there were those, sometimes. but, it was a trial by fire, and those who survived learned a great deal about themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, and their art. basically, we had to justify our existences in public.

so, regardless of who this person is, he has made a comment on work that is polite (unless there is more to the comment which is rude) and valid, as that is what is he saw. if it's not what you saw, can you mark it down to difference, or can you see a way to improve your shot as to make what you want to show easier to see.

i'm sure i've told the story of a prof of mine commenting on a painting of mine in passing. i was working on a series of paintings of larynxes, dealing with my stuttering. each work became progressively more abstract. so, he pauses in front of my most recent piece (not knowing what the series was) and said 'it's a giant dancing blue frog'. well, that was it. he'd ruined it for me. that was all i could see, i could no longer see my fauvist larynx, just a dancing frog. was he wrong to say that? no, as it made me work an different painting, that was less amphibian. i had become so caught up in the ideas of my work that i stopped what was actually there and was just seeing what was in head.

sorry, that was much more long winded than i meant it to be.

o, and it looks like i'm about to be DQed in spin. for everyone out there - vignette in RAW is not legal in basic. bugger.
03/30/2007 02:32:18 PM · #2597
o, and i half blinded myselt this morning shooting for contre jour. i don't think i've ever looked into the sun quite that many times in a morning. i'm still seeing little orange blobs...
03/30/2007 02:36:17 PM · #2598
Sorry about the potential DQ, Christian. :-( I tell you guys, stick to the Deb rules of editing. Levels, maybe curves, sharpen, resize, submit. Crop if necessary.

And your note about blinding yourself cracked me up.

And now for a completely unrelated aside: Dire Straits "Love Over Gold". If you've got it, fire it up. Never ceases to amaze me how good this album is.
03/30/2007 02:42:08 PM · #2599
Originally posted by Melethia:

Sorry about the potential DQ, Christian. :-( I tell you guys, stick to the Deb rules of editing. Levels, maybe curves, sharpen, resize, submit. Crop if necessary.

And your note about blinding yourself cracked me up.

And now for a completely unrelated aside: Dire Straits "Love Over Gold". If you've got it, fire it up. Never ceases to amaze me how good this album is.

Been listening to Dire Straits at work all day. Skateaway from Making Movies is one of their best tracks.
03/30/2007 02:45:50 PM · #2600
Does anyone remember if there has been a dpchallenge like "places that should have people but don't"?
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