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04/22/2002 01:52:22 PM · #1
when do you think we will be able to see who is commenting on our pictures again so we can reply to the people and tell them how they are wrong with their comments

04/22/2002 01:53:44 PM · #2
As the admins said when they made the rules change, the same day we find out the winner.
04/22/2002 01:55:02 PM · #3
oh, i didn't see that.

my bad
04/22/2002 01:56:04 PM · #4
Originally posted by shortredneck:
As the admins said when they made the rules change, the same day we find out the winner.

judging from some of the stuff i have been reading in the forums since last night--i bet some people are going to have some pretty full mailboxes come monday!!:)
04/22/2002 02:03:40 PM · #5
Oh I could care less this time. I kinda wish somebody would like my photo though.
04/22/2002 02:22:24 PM · #6
Originally posted by shortredneck:
Oh I could care less this time. I kinda wish somebody would like my photo though.

If you like your photo, isn't that all that *really* matters?


* This message has been edited by the author on 4/22/2002 2:22:39 PM.
04/22/2002 02:34:09 PM · #7
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
If you like your photo, isn't that all that *really* matters?

It's the ribbons damnit! The ribbons!!

04/22/2002 02:38:31 PM · #8
Originally posted by langdon:
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
[i]If you like your photo, isn't that all that *really* matters?

It's the ribbons damnit! The ribbons!!


ooohhhh--there are ribbons? :)
how about a ribbon for the most consistently average photographer!!!:)

* This message has been edited by the author on 4/22/2002 2:38:52 PM.
04/22/2002 02:43:55 PM · #9
ya know, people always make a lot about the 'who are you making this art for/you should be making it to please yourself and to heck with everyone else' type of attitude, and to some degree, that's some good self-sufficiency type of advice. simply because if you can believe that, it makes rejection easier to deal with, esp when you hit the occasional snag.

but the reality is that human nature is to want to be praised, respected, loved, popular, appreciated, however you want to say it. and regardless of what people say, no one participates in a public sharing of work like this site without the hopes that they will find that. therefore, it's discouraging when you consistently don't receive any of that (I'm not talking about myself, just as a general thing, btw).

the thing to remember though is this: no matter how popular or liked one's work is, there are *always* people that think it's cr@p. By any measure, for example, Britney Spears is hugely successful, but a lot of people can't stand that stuff. THere are non mainstream bands who are loved with cultlike devotion by their fans but if joe average heard them he would say what is this trash???

There will always be bad with good .. That's my 'psalm' for the day :P

* This message has been edited by the author on 4/22/2002 2:46:31 PM.
04/22/2002 02:49:01 PM · #10
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
Originally posted by shortredneck:
[i]Oh I could care less this time. I kinda wish somebody would like my photo though.

If you like your photo, isn't that all that *really* matters?



Yeah, you are right. Thanks.
04/22/2002 03:15:21 PM · #11
If you like your photo, isn't that all that *really* matters? No, I definitely think there's more to it. Sure, you can be completely happy with one of your photos but I have a hard time believing that you would be involved with this site if you weren't curious to see what other people think of your work to see what possible changes could make it better, even to yourself. I guess I can only speak for myself here but whether I like to admit it or not, what people think usually matters to some small degree or another.

Tim J
04/22/2002 03:29:14 PM · #12
I think it's good to know what people think of your art. Even if it's bad. I'd rather see a lot of people telling me what's wrong with it than way too many people being fake and saying that it's good. I mean, yea, this is your art, as long as your happy with it that IS all that matters, but constructive criticism is a bit of a help to give you some suggestions on what you could do next time to perhaps enhance your photo.

The whole thing about being able to know who gave you what vote though I think is a terrible idea. It should remain anonymous. It's better to know what vote you got and what comment or con. crit. you got than to be angry with a certain some one. Because of that, the next time you see one of their images you'll probably want to give them bad marks because they did that to you.

* This message has been edited by the author on 4/22/2002 3:30:50 PM.
04/22/2002 03:32:36 PM · #13
I don't think seeing who voted what has ever been an issue, seeing who *commented* on your picture is what most of the current debate is about.
04/22/2002 03:36:05 PM · #14
I'll be the first to admit that my pic this week was pretty awful. I knew that going in, and I was fully prepared to be humiliated with some strong comments.

However, what I find when I come in to read my comments is a lot of "WTF". :) I guess that comment is as valid as any, but I, too, am looking forward to the challenge's end so I can at least explain "WTF" I was attempting :) I'm also looking forward to doing this in the hopes that I can draw more feedback out of people - something that I think will help me provide others with more useful feedback.
04/22/2002 03:47:18 PM · #15
Originally posted by amitchell:

ooohhhh--there are ribbons? :)
how about a ribbon for the most consistently [i]average

How about a brown ribbon for the lowest-rated photo each week? ;-)

04/22/2002 04:01:32 PM · #16
hey, everyone needs something to shoot for! er.. or something like that .. : P

Originally posted by clubjuggle:
Originally posted by amitchell:
ooohhhh--there are ribbons? :)
how about a ribbon for the most consistently [i]average

How about a brown ribbon for the lowest-rated photo each week? ;-)


* This message has been edited by the author on 4/22/2002 4:02:44 PM.
04/22/2002 04:02:39 PM · #17
Originally posted by magnetic9999:
ya know, people always make a lot about the 'who are you making this art for/you should be making it to please yourself and to heck with everyone else' type of attitude, and to some degree, that's some good self-sufficiency type of advice. simply because if you can believe that, it makes rejection easier to deal with, esp when you hit the occasional snag.

but the reality is that human nature is to want to be praised, respected, loved, popular, appreciated, however you want to say it. and regardless of what people say, no one participates in a public sharing of work like this site without the hopes that they will find that. therefore, it's discouraging when you consistently don't receive any of that (I'm not talking about myself, just as a general thing, btw).

the thing to remember though is this: no matter how popular or liked one's work is, there are *always* people that think it's cr@p. By any measure, for example, Britney Spears is hugely successful, but a lot of people can't stand that stuff. THere are non mainstream bands who are loved with cultlike devotion by their fans but if joe average heard them he would say what is this trash???

There will always be bad with good .. That's my 'psalm' for the day :

<sally field>You like me! You really like me!</sally>

Seriously, I'm here more for the learning experience than anything else. I've only recently reintroduced myself to my love of photography, and sometimes I want to experiment with something to see if it "works" or not. In this week's challenge, I did something specific with my shot to see what the reaction would be. As it turns out, most of the comments on my photo related to that aspect of it, and most viewers feel it didn't work. I don't feel bad about this, since I was looking for that information when I submit the picture.
04/22/2002 04:06:00 PM · #18
Originally posted by clubjuggle:
Originally posted by magnetic9999:
<sally field>You like me! You really like me!</sally>

--huge monty python foot comes down


oh definitely, totally meant to put that in: learning is really the number one reason to use a site like this! very good attitude!
04/22/2002 04:11:57 PM · #19
Originally posted by magnetic9999:
ya know, people always make a lot about the 'who are you making this art for/you should be making it to please yourself and to heck with everyone else' type of attitude, and to some degree, that's some good self-sufficiency type of advice. simply because if you can believe that, it makes rejection easier to deal with, esp when you hit the occasional snag.

There's another school of thought that would say anything popular is not likely to be good 'art'. As popularity would be meeting the likes of the lowest common denominator sample of people, rather than being something great.

I take pictures because I get pleasure out of it. If other people happen to like them that's great. I do put a lot of value in the comments and critisisms I get though, but only to try and make my pictures better. Often other people will be more objective (read pick at the faults) that I tend to ignore or not see.

04/22/2002 04:32:26 PM · #20
not being able to see who made a comment is bugging me - and it is all about me ;). I use the comments and the chance to ask about a technical comment. Usually - I can apply tips from the comments to what I'm currently working on for the next challenge. I can't do that now. Now I'll have to just go bug Mousie. Oh Mousie.... :)
04/22/2002 04:43:58 PM · #21
I've enjoyed and learned from the comments.
This is not to say my feathers didn't get ruffled a time or two,..ego. I agree with 98% of the negitive comments I've recieved. The longer my shot sits up there the more flaws I can see!!
04/22/2002 04:57:44 PM · #22
Originally posted by shortredneck:
Oh I could care less this time. I kinda wish somebody would like my photo though.

Which one is it I'll try extra hard.
04/22/2002 05:21:34 PM · #23
Thanks but I'm not telling anybody this time. Since I put that post up I got a couple of very nice comments and one that said he/she had the same idea but didn't go through with it. I got my ego stroked a bit so now I'm doing great.
04/24/2002 03:20:04 PM · #24
Originally posted by Reign:
not being able to see who made a comment is bugging me - and it is all about me ;). I use the comments and the chance to ask about a technical comment. Usually - I can apply tips from the comments to what I'm currently working on for the next challenge. I can't do that now. Now I'll have to just go bug Mousie. Oh Mousie.... :)

I think you just need to be patient. I think the point of voting on a picture is to let the judge react to the picture in his own way. If he doesn't understands it and gives you a bad grade, who cares, its not like you are competing for a million dollars. There are no rules for judging and everyone has a different opinion on what they like and what they don't like. If you don't agree with someones opinion of your photo then just move on to the next comment. I posted a picture that's downright ugly. And I've gotten poor grades for it but some people are great and really try to help me with why my picture is bad and for that I'm grateful. Some people leave me horrible comments like "Bah that's ugly" which to me is about as good as not leaving a comment. But do I care? No not really, I just move on to the constructive ones.

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