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Showing posts 3026 - 3050 of 3159, (reverse)
04/06/2007 10:48:35 PM · #3026
Originally posted by bmartuch:

This is one of the new Star Wars mailboxes.

Wow! Only 400? I have one outside my office. :)
04/06/2007 11:45:13 PM · #3027
LOL!!! R2D2 is the greatest, and he always has been, but this is so ridiculously awesome!
04/06/2007 11:52:54 PM · #3028
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

The Fearless Leader Maketh Proclamation!!

In consideration of

A. The importance of OOBIE and YAPPIE awards to the well-being of DPC,
B. The General Goodness and Swell Feeling of receiving said awards, and
C. The already overworked nature of certain quiet observations, it is hereby decided that a committee shall be formed known as The OOBIE YAPPIE NOTIFICATION COMMITTEE (OYNC pronounced oink) with characteristics such that

A. levyj413 is the leader of said committee,
B. levyj413 is sole member of said committee until such time as he recruits additional members to said committee, and
C. said committee shall be responsible for PMing anyone who receives any award under the auspices of Team Suck.

Spread the news among the people. OYNC has risen! I will be expecting monthly status reports with charts.
04/07/2007 04:43:23 AM · #3029
OYNC = awesome.

levyjyaaaay!! :-D
04/07/2007 07:01:35 AM · #3030
woohoo! yay jeffrey!
04/07/2007 07:51:19 AM · #3031
hmmm...how much is the pay? :P
04/07/2007 08:25:54 AM · #3032
Congrats, Jeff! I've been known to PM recipients if they don't notice the threads right away. Nice to know it'll now be official!

All scores appear to be dropping at my end. That running average thingie keeps running in the wrong direction, darnit!
04/07/2007 10:02:33 AM · #3033
Congrats Jeff! Did you ever think you would be in charge of something pronounced oink :-) (Maybe I am the only one, but I thought that was funny). Thanks for heading the OYNC-ers.
04/07/2007 10:20:32 AM · #3034
Glad you said it WriteHeart and not me, lol!

Just entered Chains - down Steve, down! ;-) - and Fitness and Anachronism are still limping along around 4.2. Oh well. I come here to learn and have fun, I stopped taking this site so seriously about 4 months ago.

Aw dang my membership is coming due in May and have difficulties with Paypal last time. Hopefully I can figure out the snafu soon.

Good work Kashi! Go girl!

Oh yeah - just uploaded a new portfolio pic called Cyrus. It's a 2.5 year-old thoroughbred/saddlebred cross I've just started working with. Yes, he really is that tall and skinny, he's like an El Greco come to life.

Message edited by author 2007-04-07 10:25:33.
04/07/2007 11:28:00 AM · #3035
Originally posted by Melethia:

Congrats, Jeff! I've been known to PM recipients if they don't notice the threads right away. Nice to know it'll now be official!

Excellent! Thanks for joining OYNC, Melethia. You can be ... ummm ... Grand Psymoosetate, Department of Paplundus!

Any other suckers (in all meanings of the word) care to volunteer? Our charts will be boring if there's only two of us.

Anyone who can come up with a self-portrait like this is an automatic OYNCer:

Message edited by author 2007-04-07 11:29:04.
04/07/2007 11:40:25 AM · #3036
Here's a pic for you snaffles :

04/07/2007 08:29:34 PM · #3037
Well I just entered chains and bicycles. Time to step back into the world. I'm not sure about either one of them but I had fun taking pictures and I haven't had that feeling for a couple of months. I am also thinking that along with sucking on picking winning lottery tickets these pictures will be in the same vein.
04/07/2007 08:42:40 PM · #3038
Originally posted by cosprenks:

Well I just entered chains and bicycles. Time to step back into the world. I'm not sure about either one of them but I had fun taking pictures and I haven't had that feeling for a couple of months. I am also thinking that along with sucking on picking winning lottery tickets these pictures will be in the same vein.

Welcome anyway :-) As long as you had fun, that's what's important. I've been having a blast, but the challenges aren't scoring how I thought they would. I also entered a free challenge and boy, did that flop. Anyway, I am learning a lot from a lot of different people.

Hey, I also notice you are in Colo Sprgs. We might be doing a GTG in June. I am checking on dates now.
04/07/2007 09:28:23 PM · #3039
I picked up my camera again too; I took my son to the butterfly exhibit at the local nature museum, and I'm headed downtown to see if Chicago will give me a chance at a good night shot. The wind chill is up to 20F right now, but I think this will still be a quick trip.
04/07/2007 10:41:38 PM · #3040
Hi gang. I'm awash in ideas for chains but no way to shoot most of them. :/

For night shot, the weather needs to be right, and so far it isn't cooperating. I did get some good stuff the other night, though, so I'll have an entry even if I don't get to shoot again.
04/08/2007 12:04:39 AM · #3041
Hey! I already met my new goal! I have a (somewhat) negative comment on a blue ribbon!
04/08/2007 12:36:59 AM · #3042
lol, bravo! you have cool goals, btw. very creative :)
04/08/2007 12:44:48 AM · #3043
Originally posted by posthumous:

Hey! I already met my new goal! I have a (somewhat) negative comment on a blue ribbon!

You go!!! LOL
04/08/2007 12:49:22 AM · #3044
I guess I don't understand DPC yet. I did not think this would score this low. I know that it's not the best picture, but I didn't think it should be in the bottom 12% either :-)

Oh well, there are many other challenges to come. I'm sure that they will also assure my place on Team Suck.

Anyway, no comments necessary, I just wanted to vent. I am fine now. Thanks for lending an ear.
04/08/2007 01:19:03 AM · #3045
In the spirit of WriteHearts post I feel kinda the same way...I really thought this was a bit better than this...5.17, there I go thinking again!!! LOL.

This is an outake, with a small amount of Diffuse Glow that I liked better but...everytime I use the glow filter on here I get hammered so I didn't this time...

04/08/2007 01:22:47 AM · #3046
jackal9 and WriteHeart...

Welcome to Team Suck... again. If you think DPC voters want to see junkyards and tongues sticking out at them, you are mistaken. But keep taking pictures of them anyway! That's the team suck spirit!
04/08/2007 01:42:34 AM · #3047
Wow - did anyone else's score jump 0.1 at rollover?
04/08/2007 01:51:33 AM · #3048
Originally posted by posthumous:

jackal9 and WriteHeart...

Welcome to Team Suck... again. If you think DPC voters want to see junkyards and tongues sticking out at them, you are mistaken. But keep taking pictures of them anyway! That's the team suck spirit!

ROFLMAO, Yeah, I hear what you're saying for SURE!! and yes I intend to keep taking pictures of them...I have sold 2 copies of this print in a local gallery already so...Yeah!!! LOL. I will continue to take pictures of what I like and do it for me first and foremost, it would just be nice to be understood once in a while....ROFL, JUST KIDDING!!!!
04/08/2007 02:01:57 AM · #3049
Originally posted by levyj413:

Wow - did anyone else's score jump 0.1 at rollover?

No...mine actually dropped a bit...you got my lost points!!! That's where my score went!!! LOL. J/K!, and thanks for the advise on the Moon shots!!! I FINALLY got a decent (not great mind you but decent) shot of the moon!!! I am so happy!!! Thanks again!!
04/08/2007 02:14:01 AM · #3050
Originally posted by jackal9:

thanks for the advise on the Moon shots!!! I FINALLY got a decent (not great mind you but decent) shot of the moon!!! I am so happy!!! Thanks again!!

Great! Where is it? *goes off to poke through Jackal's portfolio*
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