Author | Thread |
05/02/2007 12:27:05 AM · #1 |
For a challenge with over 300 entries what a great scoring effort by all, with only 1.463 between the first 100 Photo's, way to go everybody.
05/02/2007 12:29:29 AM · #2 |
Totally agree with that comment above.....
Some really great entries in this challenge.....
Message edited by author 2007-05-02 00:30:03. |
05/02/2007 01:12:58 AM · #3 |
I got a 4.98 on the Rule of Thirds challenge. 305th of 374.
Three voters actually gave me a one. And fifteen voters
gave me a three. . These voters should be shot.
and I don't mean by a camera either. I hope they all
own a DSLR and have it break into a thousand pieces soon.
This is so freaking ridiculous. I didn't vote in this challenge.
Because I had an entry in this challenge. That would be
a conflict of interest. I don't know why we still allow entrants
to vote in challenges they are entered in.
05/02/2007 01:31:20 AM · #4 |
Originally posted by Fairfield20: I got a 4.98 on the Rule of Thirds challenge. 305th of 374.
Three voters actually gave me a one. And fifteen voters
gave me a three. . These voters should be shot.
Relax, its just an internet challenge. I understand your upset, but really death over an internet vote seems a bit much. Don't ya think? |
05/02/2007 01:52:19 AM · #5 |
YAY I got a new personal best! |
05/02/2007 01:53:39 AM · #6 |
Originally posted by Fairfield20: I got a 4.98 on the Rule of Thirds challenge. 305th of 374.
Three voters actually gave me a one. And fifteen voters
gave me a three. . These voters should be shot.
and I don't mean by a camera either. I hope they all
own a DSLR and have it break into a thousand pieces soon.
Relax dude, instead of killing people, maybe, you should take some time and think what you did that voters didn't like. Don't take it so hard, it's not that serious. After all is just in your computer. Even the ribbons disappear when you turn it off.
Come on man, laugh and go get some photos for the next challenge. |
05/02/2007 02:13:21 AM · #7 |
Originally posted by Fairfield20: I got a 4.98 on the Rule of Thirds challenge. 305th of 374.
Three voters actually gave me a one. And fifteen voters
gave me a three. . These voters should be shot.
and I don't mean by a camera either. I hope they all
own a DSLR and have it break into a thousand pieces soon.
That's a stupid attitude man, but shoot me, I gave you a three. If you want a detailed critique, PM me.
BTW, my shot came in 4th and I also have 1 and 3 votes that probably prevented me winning a ribbon, but I don't bother. |
05/02/2007 02:18:08 AM · #8 |
Originally posted by Fairfield20: I got a 4.98 on the Rule of Thirds challenge. 305th of 374.
Three voters actually gave me a one. And fifteen voters
gave me a three. . These voters should be shot.
and I don't mean by a camera either. I hope they all
own a DSLR and have it break into a thousand pieces soon.
This is so freaking ridiculous. I didn't vote in this challenge.
Because I had an entry in this challenge. That would be
a conflict of interest. I don't know why we still allow entrants
to vote in challenges they are entered in. |
3 things:
1) Rather than blaming the voters, think about what you could do to change you photo to score better. Every person who entered got the same batch of voters - why did your photo fare worse?
2) Remember that voters here react to a certain kind of quality; it is not the only kind and should not be taken as a univeral condemnation of your work.
3) Some people are going to score you low. Shrug it off. Two of my four scores to date are under five, and they deserve to be. One of them got 10 ones. So what? I've got two more scoring now under 5; one I think deserves it, one I don't. But I'm not entitled to a score - I have to earn it, if I want it, and that means thinking about what the voters will react to.
On a happier note, I blew away my personal best by 0.7 points! |
05/02/2007 02:43:21 AM · #9 |
Mate.Stop the whine. You sound like a jet engine, they keep whining long after the have stopped. I came in 357 out of 374. But unlike yours, mine, was a crap photo and got what it deserved. I didn’t take it out on anyoneâ€Â¦did Iâ€Â¦I just kicked the bloody cat out, and the dogâ€Â¦I call him Engineer, he immediately made a bolt for the door! C’mon, give me a smile. Life’s too short. |
05/02/2007 02:44:02 AM · #10 |
Originally posted by eamurdock: Originally posted by Fairfield20: I got a 4.98 on the Rule of Thirds challenge. 305th of 374.
Three voters actually gave me a one. And fifteen voters
gave me a three.
This is so freaking ridiculous. I didn't vote in this challenge.
Because I had an entry in this challenge. That would be
a conflict of interest. I don't know why we still allow entrants
to vote in challenges they are entered in. |
3 things:
1) Rather than blaming the voters, think about what you could do to change you photo to score better. Every person who entered got the same batch of voters - why did your photo fare worse?
2) Remember that voters here react to a certain kind of quality; it is not the only kind and should not be taken as a univeral condemnation of your work.
3) Some people are going to score you low. Shrug it off. Two of my four scores to date are under five, and they deserve to be. One of them got 10 ones. So what? I've got two more scoring now under 5; one I think deserves it, one I don't. But I'm not entitled to a score - I have to earn it, if I want it, and that means thinking about what the voters will react to.
Don't do it! Shoot for you, not for them!
Taking photographs for the "unwashed masses" might put food on the table but it dose little to feed the soul. *grin*
I joined DPC for the inspiration, the advice (I'm learning how different shooting digital can be compared to film), and weekly challenges to help me build a new portfolio, winning a challenge would just be gravy.
For the record I noticed voting seemed a little off when I first signed up on DPC. I even noticed some folks said they only enter Member's challenges because they felt the voting was more in tune with their expectations.
I admit I fell into the "5-6 is average" range of voting myself at first, and that includes the image in question, in hind sight I would have given it at least a 7.
Now I approach voting from a 100 point scale, which makes 50-60 an "F-D" on the grading scale (and I see very few "F"s in most of these challenges) and I know very few people who are comfortable giving or getting a "D" or an "F" as an acceptable grade unless it us really deserved. I have started giving photos a letter grade first and then voting with an appropriate number:
A+ = 10
A = 9
B = 8
C = 7 (this to me is your average DPC challenge photo)
D = 6
F = 5
I comment when I just love something about an image or when have a suggestion that might add another tool to that photographer's tool box for future challenges.
I posted this on another thread but it seemed appropriate here too. Sorry for the cross posting but you may see this one again if I see another opportunity to offer my approach to voting.
Message edited by author 2007-05-02 02:49:22.
05/02/2007 10:45:58 AM · #11 |
well, I got three ones as well. I busted my hump on this photo, but I'm not calling for the heads of the low voters.
People bring their own baggage with them when they view a photo. It means something different to everyone, and it won't be everyone's cup of tea. Stop trying to please everyone, and worry about pleasing yourself. you'll be happier in the long run.
6.6149 for my fist challenge. Considering the totals of the top shelf photos for this challenge, I'm quite pleased with myself, but not satisfied. Just means I'll have to work harder next time, and I'm not afraid of doing that. |
05/02/2007 11:07:41 AM · #12 |
OK, I think I got you all beat.....I got eight ones and even one one with zero comments. I scored a 5.1429 which I don't mind but the comments are what I look for when 'judging' the quality of my photo and what areas need to improve. I knew it wasn't a high scoring photo but I was looking more for the technical aspect and appeal. |
05/02/2007 11:26:35 AM · #13 |
Originally posted by AzCKelly: OK, I think I got you all beat.....I got eight ones and even one one with zero comments. |
Well, I just gave you a bit of feedback. I think everyone should get some feedback on their work if they take the time to do the work in the first place.
05/02/2007 12:00:15 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by Efergoh: ...
Well, I just gave you a bit of feedback. I think everyone should get some feedback on their work if they take the time to do the work in the first place. |
Thanks Tony, appreciate the comment. |
05/02/2007 12:17:16 PM · #15 |
It's always fun to find out how good my photo is once people start voting â€Â¦ otherwise I might have to make that judgement. That's just one score i can't give â€Â¦Ã‚ right? Can I get a vote on that? Will you people tell me if I'm right? If 50% or more agree than I'm right â€Â¦ tie goes to the facetious one.
Seriously â€Â¦ my advice: Select a picture that you like for a challenge. Submit (this must be done at least one day before the due time). The next day (or better yet two days later, take another look. Do you still like it ? If so, that who cares what others think.
Originally posted by Fairfield20: I got a 4.98 on the Rule of Thirds challenge. 305th of 374.
Three voters actually gave me a one. And fifteen voters
gave me a three. . These voters should be shot.
Message edited by author 2007-05-02 13:15:49. |
05/02/2007 12:52:51 PM · #16 |
The overall quality of the images is very high in this challenge and that probably explains the close scoring and above average score given.
Continued complains about a few fringe low votes is completely unjustified. In the vast majority of cases the number of 1s given an image is within expectations for a standard bell curve, but people continue to complain anyway.
The problem isn't low votes, it is the low overall average scores given at DPC that is the REAL voting issue. The quality of submissions into DPC challenges has improved dramatically over the years, but NOT the scoring. It has not went up to match the quality of the submissions.
05/02/2007 12:58:40 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by stdavidson: The quality of submissions into DPC challenges has improved dramatically over the years, but NOT the scoring. It has not went up to match the quality of the submissions. |
Perhaps the expectations have risen as well. If more quality images are being submitted then that becomes the new norm. Makes it more challenging for photos to rise above the average. |
05/02/2007 01:23:09 PM · #18 |
Definitely. Would you have it any other way? - we've all seen what the best photos are now so we've adjusted our minds to match â€Â¦ take a look at the ribbon images from 2002 / 2003 - IMO the quality is much better now)â€Â¦ but the scores are just about the same: 6.8-7.X for the ribbon winners.
Originally posted by glad2badad: Originally posted by stdavidson: The quality of submissions into DPC challenges has improved dramatically over the years, but NOT the scoring. It has not went up to match the quality of the submissions. |
Perhaps the expectations have risen as well. If more quality images are being submitted then that becomes the new norm. Makes it more challenging for photos to rise above the average. |
Message edited by author 2007-05-02 13:24:33. |
05/02/2007 01:27:47 PM · #19 |
Originally posted by metatate: Definitely. Would you have it any other way? |
Nope, but my response was to an opinion that may want in the other way. (Tate - I presume you weren't addressing the "Would you" to me specifically - perhaps rhetorically?). :) |
05/02/2007 01:43:01 PM · #20 |
yes. rhetorical figure of speech â€Â¦ I was agreeing with you â€Â¦further, just saying that we certainly would never want an image to be a 9 or God-forbid something in the realm of 10-ism ;]
Originally posted by glad2badad: Originally posted by metatate: Definitely. Would you have it any other way? |
Nope, but my response was to an opinion that may want in the other way. (Tate - I presume you weren't addressing the "Would you" to me specifically - perhaps rhetorically?). :) |
05/02/2007 01:43:48 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by Fairfield20: I don't know why we still allow entrants
to vote in challenges they are entered in. |
An interesting idea, a totally fair approach to voting, however with up to 650 entries in a Free Study, who would be left to vote?
05/02/2007 01:46:49 PM · #22 |
Originally posted by Fairfield20: I got a 4.98 on the Rule of Thirds challenge. 305th of 374.
Three voters actually gave me a one. And fifteen voters
gave me a three. . These voters should be shot.
and I don't mean by a camera either. I hope they all
own a DSLR and have it break into a thousand pieces soon.
This is so freaking ridiculous. I didn't vote in this challenge.
Because I had an entry in this challenge. That would be
a conflict of interest. I don't know why we still allow entrants
to vote in challenges they are entered in. |
I am confused. You had no prblem with this score a few days ago, what changed your mind. I am not trying to start anything I just wonder what happened? Personally, I gave your shot a 7.
From the scores page...
"Votes: 50
Views: 70
Avg Vote: 5.0400
Comments: 3
For me barely over 5.00 is actually okay. I don't
have high score expectations here. I know that the voters
here at DPC are strict. They don't give away eights or above unless
it's truly great. Or at least very very good."
Message edited by author 2007-05-02 13:48:09.
05/02/2007 01:59:34 PM · #23 |
I definitely wasn't thinking 63rd place when looking at my nearly 6.2 score. DPC has once again nonplussed and enthralled me.
05/02/2007 04:57:33 PM · #24 |
Originally posted by Fairfield20: I got a 4.98 on the Rule of Thirds challenge. 305th of 374.
Three voters actually gave me a one. And fifteen voters
gave me a three. . These voters should be shot.
and I don't mean by a camera either. I hope they all
own a DSLR and have it break into a thousand pieces soon.
This is so freaking ridiculous. I didn't vote in this challenge.
Because I had an entry in this challenge. That would be
a conflict of interest. I don't know why we still allow entrants
to vote in challenges they are entered in. |
I gave yours a 3, i was feeling generous that day.
If my camera broke into a thousand pieces it would still take a better photo than that one :)
05/02/2007 05:06:57 PM · #25 |
Originally posted by glad2badad: Originally posted by stdavidson: The quality of submissions into DPC challenges has improved dramatically over the years, but NOT the scoring. |
Perhaps the expectations have risen as well. If more quality images are being submitted then that becomes the new norm. Makes it more challenging for photos to rise above the average. |
I believe the REAL reasons DPCers vote the way they do are:
1-The average DPCer votes most images in the low 5s because most of their submissions are scored in the low 5s.
2-DPCers gear their vote to match all previous DPC voters.
This is why the scoring average has remained static from the very first challenges right up to the current time. That is also why most DPCers cluster their votes in the middle with few votes at either the top or bottom end of the scale.
K-12 grading scales are probably the only uniquely shared experience that all DPCers the world over can use for evaluating images. DPC scoring is low compared to ANY country's K-12 standard no matter their culture or location. That includes England's which has the lowest average standard in the world.
DPC scoring is incompatible with the praise DPCers verbally give to overall image quality.
Message edited by author 2007-05-02 17:09:08.
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