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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> 100% comments club
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06/07/2007 12:19:37 AM · #1
I laid down the challenge in this thread to see who would complete the 100% comment challenge in the Free Study. This challenge had 600+ entries.

I have been following the thread and the following people took up and completed the challenge.


Congratulations. You two have done a fantastic job and deserve more than a pat on the back.

So I decided to take this challenge one step further and make this an ongoing challenge....with an award for all those who succeed.


You must comment on all but your own entry in one challenge.
Please copy and paste your commenting stats (if possible) from the challenge to this thread.
You MUST leave individual comments. No copying & pasting allowed...unless you expand on each comment individually.
If you notice somebody leaving replicate comments please do not harass them privately or publicly...instead notify myself via a PM and I will look into the situation.
Anybody who doesn't make the expectations of this challenge will receive a good try ribbon and will receive a PM from me explaining why and how they can improve.
Anybody that is found to be breaching these rules will not get a ribbon from this challenge thread.

Here are the 600+ comment awards. Joe and Adriane...you can choose between the Sparkle and Non-Sparkle version to display on your portfolio page.

I have designed two awards per every 100 comments. You can view them all here. 100% Comment Ribbons These look distorted but I will pass on the right code for the winners so they look normal.

If you know anyone (or it might even be yourself) then you can nominate them here and let everyone know the great job they are doing. Those wonderful commenters can then choose between the Sparkle and Non-Sparkle awards for that comment category.

And for the real adventurous...there is always the race to get all the ribbons onto their portfolio pages...hehehehe!!!


So far, the following people have received awards.

Lowcivicman99 - 600+
abranton - 600+
KarenNfld - 200+, 100+, 200+
bassbone - 600+, 200+
JJWoolls - 200+
ClubJuggle - 100+, 100+, 100+
Judi - 400+, 800+
Shadowi6 - 200+
jonfrommk - 400+
Hot_Pixel - 300+
pamelasue - 300+
karmat - 300+
Monique64 - 300+
magenmarie - 300+
Sheryll - 200+
okiesisi - 300+

That means that close to 7000 comments have been given out with only 400 of those being prior to this club starting...great work folks.

Now let's keep going.

Message edited by author 2009-03-09 00:03:26.
06/07/2007 12:23:28 AM · #2
What a great idea Judi.....

I have been there in the past, many many times, and hope to do so again in the future, when my brace is finally taken off.

Thanks for doing this, as I really do think it is a great idea, and a small reward to those that achieve these goals.....
06/07/2007 01:40:42 AM · #3
Thanks Shez...hopefully the member list of this club will grow....rapidly!!
06/07/2007 02:11:42 AM · #4
Good idea Judi. Maybe I can knock off one of my goals to comment 100% in a challenge and then get one of the sparkly thingys. ;)
06/07/2007 04:25:46 AM · #5
Originally posted by mpeters:

Good idea Judi. Maybe I can knock off one of my goals to comment 100% in a challenge and then get one of the sparkly thingys. ;)

That would be great....let me know when you do it.
06/07/2007 04:30:20 AM · #6
wow really nice! Solutions like this and the reaction club are a great way to spread comments!
06/07/2007 04:48:31 AM · #7
Well I'm up to 30! :P I envy you guys for getting through each and every one. Unfortunately, I don't think I could ever do that. It takes me a while just to get one comment down after it goes through my "nice filter". I could probably do it if I just let each thought go as soon as it came to me but I don't think most people would be ready for those comments. :P Anyway, just wanted to say what a great job you did Judi and to the others who have taken on the task.
06/07/2007 08:32:33 AM · #8
Well thanks so much Judi! I like the sparkly one of course :)
06/07/2007 09:34:28 AM · #9
Retroactive? :-) Like Shez, I've done 100% comments in more than one challenge in the past. Though for FS I think I only left 150 or so.
06/07/2007 09:51:46 AM · #10
Awww Thanks Judi, I just may comment even more now.

I'll take the sparkle as well.
06/07/2007 09:58:03 AM · #11
Originally posted by Melethia:

Retroactive? :-) Like Shez, I've done 100% comments in more than one challenge in the past.

Me too.
06/07/2007 10:41:46 AM · #12
Thanks Judi. This effort by you is one of the better things I've seen on DPC in awhile. Quite refreshing!
06/07/2007 10:48:51 AM · #13
I don't remember if I had but I sure will try harder in the future because I want one of those sparkly ones.

Message edited by author 2007-06-07 10:49:06.
06/07/2007 10:52:45 AM · #14

Good on yer!!!

I may never win a ribbon on DPC (although I have been frighteningly close to the brown on a couple of occasions) but there is absolutely no reason why I cant proudly display one of these on my profile page. I am probably too far off and with too little time to nail the May Free Study but I will commit to having one before the June Free Study is over

Great idea

06/07/2007 11:08:23 AM · #15
those are pretty. :)

i like commenting, just don't do enough of it.
06/07/2007 03:14:10 PM · #16
Hey it is great to see the enthusiasm...that makes me proud. Whilst the front page ribbons may take a while to greet portfolio pages...these ribbons are available for all...and we all win from it.

So let me know when you achieve the levels folks.

Lowcivicman99 and abranton, please check your PM's.

06/07/2007 03:18:43 PM · #17
The last one I did 100% of was the DPL album cover, but that was only 150 or so entries. I'll do it again one of these days. I think I've done about four challenges so far at 100%. I highly recommend it, by the way - everyone should try it at least once. You really get to see each entry rather than zipping on by.

Many thanks to you, Judi, and those who followed your lead!
06/07/2007 03:22:38 PM · #18
Originally posted by Melethia:

The last one I did 100% of was the DPL album cover, but that was only 150 or so entries. I'll do it again one of these days. I think I've done about four challenges so far at 100%. I highly recommend it, by the way - everyone should try it at least once. You really get to see each entry rather than zipping on by.

Many thanks to you, Judi, and those who followed your lead!

Hey Debbie....did you post in a forum thread somewhere your commenting stats for that challenge. As that is what we need to show here to finalize the achievement.

I realize many can just type it in...but this is about honesty...and if we can show those stats...then that is enough for me.

I would love to be able to give you an award today.
06/07/2007 03:29:19 PM · #19
I don't think I made a point of that one, no. I just commented on all of 'em. I know you can't see it, but I checked by opening that challenge and sure enough, I have comments for every entry. But I'll make sure I note it the next time, since I will do it again.
06/07/2007 03:31:24 PM · #20
Originally posted by Melethia:

I don't think I made a point of that one, no. I just commented on all of 'em. I know you can't see it, but I checked by opening that challenge and sure enough, I have comments for every entry. But I'll make sure I note it the next time, since I will do it again.

Please do...I would love to be able to see as many of these as possible on peoples portfolios.

Be proud of making comments...everyone can do it...but not everyone does.
06/07/2007 03:38:41 PM · #21
This is a great idea! I wonder if something like this could be incorporated into the site so that one is automatically added to your profile when you earn it?
06/07/2007 03:39:41 PM · #22
Originally posted by EBJones:

This is a great idea! I wonder if something like this could be incorporated into the site so that one is automatically added to your profile when you earn it?

That sounds like a wonderful idea...!
06/07/2007 05:24:31 PM · #23
Lowcivicman99 and abranton are now proudly displaying their 600+ ribbons...well done you two.

So who is next?
06/07/2007 05:45:32 PM · #24
Found the thread where I said I commented on all of the photos, it was "Holy Places". 3rd last post:


06/07/2007 08:10:36 PM · #25
Originally posted by KarenNfld:

Dated - 05/12/2006 12:25:40 PM - Challenge Holy Places

Done. Some of them were difficult to comment on.

You have rated 248 of 248 images (100%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 248 images (100%) in this challenge.

Well....it seems we have our first 200+ ribbon going to KarenNfld. Congrats girl...let me know which one you will want. If you choose the sparkle then use the quoted text from this post...do not use a thumb method to post in your portfolio as it is a gif and will go blotchy. Whereas keeping it as an original image shows its true effect.

Message edited by author 2007-06-07 20:11:11.
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