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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> I have my first wedding to do....I'm freaking out!
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06/15/2007 04:12:56 PM · #1
OH my....I just booked my first wedding and I'm freaking out. I know I can do this...I know I can but oh my. Good thing I bought the new lens and need more memory, probably a better flash, I have a good tripod, I think, batteries, God I need batteries...oh someone help me think what else I need!!!! Leroy...I need your input on this one!


06/15/2007 04:41:34 PM · #2
Me too! I have my first wedding (that I'm shooting) on June 21 and my second scheduled on July 23.

It's time to start cramming.
06/15/2007 04:47:51 PM · #3
Originally posted by yakatme:

Me too! I have my first wedding (that I'm shooting) on June 21 and my second scheduled on July 23.

It's time to start cramming.

Yes yes...Mine is July 7th!!! I'm excited!
06/15/2007 04:50:39 PM · #4
I hear you all with the craming.. I booked my first wedding for September so I thought i had lots of time... then 3 people called and now I have the 7th, 14th, and 28th of july booked too... lets see
d200... check
sb800 flash... check
18-55, 55-200, and 70-300mm lenses... check
more memory then I need... 3 4gb cards... (check ish???)
laptop for d/ling on the fly... check
more batteries then I could possibly need... check
big ass reflector for outdoor formals... check
more modest reflector for outdoor ceremony... check
wonderful wife to help with everything... double check
balls the size of new york for thinking I could do this all... check
fogetting 100 things... check I'm sure
06/15/2007 04:52:13 PM · #5
Scout out the location to determine the lighting. This will have the biggest effect on your shots.
06/15/2007 04:55:06 PM · #6
Calm down, it's gonna be fine :-)

Batteries... get batteries, especially AA batts for the flash. I usually have 4-5 sets to back up my two sets of NiMH batts. Not that I actually ever drain any of the sets, I just hate slow recycle times. They work great for other purposes later, such as remote controls and beard trimmers.

On the Rebel XT one battery is enough for a whole day, but I do carry a spare.

Print out the list of shots in my tutorial and get a good grasp of the flow.

Most importantly, show up for the rehearsal and shoot. If you make mistakes on those shots, you'll know what you need to fix.

06/15/2007 04:58:58 PM · #7
BTW, you don't need the world's best flash. You just need to be aware of it's limitations.
06/15/2007 05:37:01 PM · #8
A few pointers for your first time:
-Back-up everything:Always have a spare everything and you'll never need it- as long as it's there.
-Positioning and details: Now-a-days, with digital, there is so much post-editing you can do, if a hair got in the brides face, a dress out of wack... But try to keep everyone as natural and relaxed as possible let them goof around a bit and the photos will come naturally.
-Doin't be afraid to snap, snap snap away; yes it's more to go through later, but obviously, the more you take, the moments get captured, the opportunity for some wining photos!
-And most importantly, absolutely most importantly... Let yourself get involved in the emotion. I can't tell you how many straight faced, stiff bodied photographers I've seen that are emotionless. Don't be a grinch. Cry, laugh, get chills up your arms and those emotions will be reflected into the photos garunteed!!

How fun, good luck and most importantly learn!
06/17/2007 08:52:25 PM · #9
i have my first one august 31st, then yesterday was asked to do another one by a friend whos photographer cancelled this week on her (wow, professional) for the very next weekend after that one! AHHH can you say editing for 3 weeks straight?
06/17/2007 09:01:37 PM · #10
I haven't been booked for a wedding as such but I have taken photos at three weddings as a favour. The hired photographer always looks annoyed with me although I do keep out of his way, never set any shot up and just basically snap away from behind or from a completely different angle. When I give the couple their photos every one of them has said they use mine to display on their walls, show theirfriends and email them to friends over the internet. They regard the hired photographer as a waste of money....can't wait till I'm actually hired! Good luck to you all and my advise is check lighting, spare camera, spare memory, and take lots and lots of photos...even when you think you have enough.
06/17/2007 09:20:23 PM · #11
If you are shooting inside and especially if there are walls behind the subjects you will throw nasty shadows. Spend about $70 and get a extended flash bracket that raises the flash at least six inches above the camera. Don't aim the flashes at the subjects if possible, bounce off the on-board flash deflector or off the ceiling. Get there early and take some test pics. Even better go a few days early at the same time of day and take some practise shots. Know what settings you need. For me, I I use a lot of AV shots so I can control DOF, for dancing and movement use Tv. Don't be scared to increase the ISO to whatever it takes. A too dark photo is really hard to fix well. Not sure on your camera but with my Canon 20D and 5D I have no problem shooting at ISO of 800 inside or night. Adjust it for flash. Practise with all settings and equipment. Don't waste too much time changing lenses. You'll miss shots and won't look very professional. ALWAYS have a backup camera. If you don't have a good one borrow a body. I always take both the 20D and 5D but also take a point & shoot 8.2 mp that also takes great backups. Ya got to relax and have fun or you will be so worried the best shots will be misses. Don't over-fill your memory chips. Have plenty. Double check your camera settings. RAW vs JPS. Once you miss a shot becasue camera settings you've missed the shot and will be so nervous it will no longer be fun.
Have someone from the wedding party stay close by you to point out the primary players. This way you push some responsibility onto the party.
06/17/2007 09:48:21 PM · #12
hehe- you guys will do great I'm sure! :0)

Best advice I can give you is go to the rehearsal and take some test pics (as others have said!) They usually have it around the same time as the actual wedding and it really gives you a leg up on who the important people will be on the big day

Good Luck!!! :0D
06/17/2007 10:04:20 PM · #13
Hope you guys have backup gear!
06/18/2007 09:42:23 AM · #14
OK so wedding is two week away now. contract is signed, have information on family members and wedding party (names, etc), have a 'must have shot' list, and I know the general itinery for the day, plan on being at the rehearsal (even though it's several hours later int he day then the wedding will be), and I have lots of memory, lots of batteries, 2 bodies (d200 and d50), lenses of course, and my wife to assist... am I missing anything?
06/18/2007 09:47:54 AM · #15
Sounds like you are ready to me... It seems a little weird that the rehearsal is after the wedding though.
06/18/2007 09:49:24 AM · #16
Good luck dude!

I have my first as a sole photog in August. It is a friends Sister. Looking forward to that, but then in Sept, I'm being taken to Cyprus to shoot a wedding for someone I previously did kids portraits for!
06/18/2007 10:52:09 AM · #17
Originally posted by daboardergirl:

Sounds like you are ready to me... It seems a little weird that the rehearsal is after the wedding though.

no the day before... but later then the time of day the wedding will take place

BTW to any of you have good suggetions for encouraging residual sales from weddings. I know of one person who does a 5% rebate to brides from sales of wedding pics to others from that wedding. she say's it works well...

Message edited by author 2007-06-18 11:01:15.
06/18/2007 11:00:00 AM · #18
I'm pretty much ready myself. Thinking about ordering the new lens and better flash. I have to chat with the couple again and get all their needs straightened out. Contract is written and just needs signed. I'm very excited!! Thanks to all that gave out wonderful advise. I'm sure I will do just fine.
06/18/2007 11:37:17 AM · #19
Originally posted by Buckeye_Fan:

I'm pretty much ready myself. Thinking about ordering the new lens and better flash. I have to chat with the couple again and get all their needs straightened out. Contract is written and just needs signed. I'm very excited!! Thanks to all that gave out wonderful advise. I'm sure I will do just fine.

Don't let the wedding be the time when you figure out how to use your new gear. You should know it inside and out well in advance.
06/18/2007 06:51:03 PM · #20
Originally posted by Spazmo99:

Don't let the wedding be the time when you figure out how to use your new gear. You should know it inside and out well in advance.

True ... I rented the 70-200 2.8 VR for the weekend and it bit me in the butt a few times before I figured out how to properly use it -- among other things, it was my first time with a VR lens and I forgot that I needed to give it a moment for the stabilization to "settle out" before snapping the picture ... ended up with some blurry ones as a result (ironically).
06/18/2007 07:18:09 PM · #21
My advice is Have Fun..ain't that what photography is all about in the first place and digital= free do over so fill up those cards. I am not a pro but i play one in my mind.
06/18/2007 07:23:10 PM · #22
don't worry, you're not the only one! i'm shooting my first wedding in september, and it's my mom's boss!!! trust me, i'm nervous too!
06/18/2007 07:34:28 PM · #23
Off topic, but.....

Hey, photogeekwithasexybrain!

Where were you hiding during the user name challenge? That's a great username and would have been fun to do.

I apologize for the interruption. Please resume topic now. Thank you.

Message edited by author 2007-06-18 19:36:13.
06/18/2007 10:29:48 PM · #24
lol, i know! it would've been so sweet! but i just started doing the whole "dp challenge" thing, i actually just participated in my first challenge! sorry to get off topic, continue :)
06/18/2007 10:45:11 PM · #25
Originally posted by photogeekwithasexybrain:

lol, i know! it would've been so sweet! but i just started doing the whole "dp challenge" thing, i actually just participated in my first challenge! sorry to get off topic, continue :)

heh, you can thank me for her new found addiction.
thats my old lady

she's not old though
yeah...I'm in trouble
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