Author | Thread |
10/15/2003 09:55:22 PM · #1 |
Message edited by author 2015-12-27 14:34:05. |
10/15/2003 10:01:57 PM · #2 |
I think it's a good shot too but I also think there is room for a bit of improvement. I gave it a 5.
10/15/2003 10:06:26 PM · #3 |
I too gave the last place a "5".
10/15/2003 10:07:45 PM · #4 |
This was my comment on the shot: Not clear on how this meets the challenge at all. The dog is out of focus, the coloring is all off and really not sure what you were heading for here.
I never got a chance to go back and look at it again and offer possible ideas. I gave it a one but not because it didn't meet the challenge (it did lose points for that) but because I personally couldn't find anything about the shot I really liked except for the dog itself.
Looking at the photographer's profile the grainy, slightly out of focus shot seem to be one of her favorites (the At Rest entry was similar) and that is something to keep in mind in the future when voting on shots. Even though we have no idea whose shot is whose it just might be their style, just not a style that appeals to everyone.
If I had gone back I might have raised my score to a 3 for the dog :) |
10/15/2003 10:08:21 PM · #5 |
If it was it a beautiful photo of a sailboat on the middle of the ocean I woul'd give it 10 doesn't matter if is not meeting the challenge ,but the one you are talking about I didn't even see what is all about ,it is totally unclear dark blur of a dog!I rated it 2 for the effort! |
10/15/2003 10:14:22 PM · #6 |
I did make that comment, but the main reason I gave it a 3 is because of the quality. The reason I didn't give it a one is because I thought the pavement did, in a small way, express urban-ness. I even liked the color. Having taken a lot of pictures of my cats in low light situations, I guess I'm a bit jaded when it comes to shots like this one.
10/15/2003 11:30:35 PM · #7 |
I'm disappointed. I thought this thread would have a thorough explanation of why everyone can't quit being such wankers, rather than just more wanking. Especially having been written by someone interested in psychology. Too bad.
10/15/2003 11:44:59 PM · #8 |
We are all wankers because we don't like the same pictures that you do? What exactly does that mean anyway? |
10/15/2003 11:48:20 PM · #9 |
Too be honest, if this was my site, you would be banned DavidLevin.
Calling people Wankers and nut baggers is lame, immature
and (in my opinion) has no business on this site.
Message edited by author 2003-10-15 23:50:01. |
10/16/2003 12:22:06 AM · #10 |
I am glad that among all your homework that you still have time to participate here!
10/16/2003 12:28:08 AM · #11 |
Originally posted by Riggs: Calling people Wankers and nut baggers is lame, immature
and (in my opinion) has no business on this site. |
I agree. Maybe the age limit should be raised from 13 to 18?
David, for this last place photo, what do you mean "it wasn't too bad"? Do you mean it was good for a dog picture? Or do you mean it was good for an URBAN picture? Urban means cities, buildings, or something remotely related to that, not an under-exposed, blurry dog on a wooden floor!
Get a grip on yourself. I'd have given that shot a 3 simply because it has NOTHING at all to do with the challenge topic.
10/16/2003 12:47:09 AM · #12 |
I will admit I gave it a 2. First off all I could see where it did relate to the challenge but very very weakly. Then it was obvious the whitebalance was definately off, the dog wasn't in focus and had moved in the process. To put it mildly it looks like a snapshot taken by a small child. |
10/16/2003 12:48:20 AM · #13 |
I'm with ChrisW123... This photo had little to do with the challenge and I imagine for many people with monitors turned down slightly would have been very difficult to see. Something had to come last in the challenge.
To call people "wankers" on what is normally a very mature site is uncalled for and will never be received well. David would be well advised to apologise for his outburst and be more cautious in the future. Neither my opinions, nor anyone elses, have to agree with your own so you have no right to get upset if people view an image differently to yourself.
FWIW - I did see the idea behind the photo in question but I can understand that many people wouldn't have liked it and from a technical stand point it wasn't that inspiring. |
10/16/2003 12:59:44 AM · #14 |
Originally posted by ChrisW123:
Originally posted by Riggs: Calling people Wankers and nut baggers is lame, immature
and (in my opinion) has no business on this site. |
I agree. Maybe the age limit should be raised from 13 to 18? |
There is no such age limit on membership, only a limit below which the site is required to obtain parental consent for the minor's participation in order to comply with US Federal Law.
Isaac is neither 13 nor a wanker -- fortunately they haven't covered that term in first-grade spelling yet .... |
10/16/2003 01:49:35 AM · #15 |
I'd have given this photo a 1 myself.
It may not be a bad photo, but it does not meet the challenge, at least in my opinion. And since my vote should be accordance to my opinion, so I'd rate it anyway I see fit.
But just for the record, I didn't manage to vote on this pic, I didn't vote thru all the photos in this Urban challenge. My bad!
10/16/2003 02:17:13 AM · #16 |
If 71 people here think this is a 1, you gotta be thinkin', maybe you missed the boat on this one. I was one of the "1"kers that gave this a one. I personally thought this was an attempt to get a lock on last place and I was willing to help them achieve it. If it indeed was a serious submittal, my apologies for misunderstanding -- but that being said, this is still a one. If I could have given it a zero I would have.
But that's just me.... and 70 other "1"kers.
10/16/2003 03:05:29 AM · #17 |
Firstly, you have to save the colorful language for your school mates!
Secondly the image in question doesn't exactly fit the challenge well. However, as photography is a subjective art or whatever you wish to call it, one has to respect other peoples tastes.
For me this image is bad to the point of being binnable. You have to remember that although as I mentioned it is subjective there are standards of quality that others look for, this is natural as I thought someone with your obvious intelligence would realise and I'm sure you do.
I think that most of us are unhappy with the voting system and the fact that many images that win challenges get 1's but it is an open system and you will always get those that stray from the concensus both ways. 71 seems like a reasonable sample for me.
I reckon we should just put this one down to having a bad hair day. |
10/16/2003 03:57:29 AM · #18 |
First and fore most David I don't think there is any need to express your opinion of other people in such a distastful manner of others opinions !?!?!?!?!
Secondly, perhaps it is your artistic merit to think that entering a dog photo ( ghost effect for impact or something ) would somehow score very well ? O.K. I hear you stating you got 71 No.1 votes but c'mon please, it wasn't URBAN and it sure as heck wasn't a landscape ( well in format it was yeah ! ). Had it of been something a little more clear and a better angle on the subject perhaps even not being the subject matter that it would have ranked better than last I dont know.
At the end of the day some one will always have to come last whether or not that is me, you or a really good photographer... Who knows. Please dont stoop to such a level of calling us voters and fellow challengers such distasteful words as it only reflects your age and immaturity when you lose !
Good luck in the future.
OK Not Davids shot as pointed out below it is Xionja's I think
1 71
2 42
3 48
4 38
5 28
6 7
7 3
8 0
9 0
10 1
OK in Total it got 238 Votes , 71 of those were 1's so you still got 167 other votes which weren't 1's !
In my opinion I would be grateful that they weren't all 1's and you even got a 10 !!! Perhaps someone understood you i dont know ?
It is a voting system which is the same for everyones shots... It did badly becuase the majority didnt like it !
Message edited by author 2003-10-16 04:08:40. |
10/16/2003 04:02:05 AM · #19 |
Actually, it wasn't David's photograph ...
Anyhow, whilst I'm not one of those 1's, I certainly scored that shot low. If the process here involves us being given a challenge, then I think we should both shoot anf=d vote with that challenge in mind; or things should be changed so that one of the challenges is an Open Challenge every week. Else what is the point of the challenge subject?
10/16/2003 06:01:23 AM · #20 |
10/16/2003 06:03:38 AM · #21 |
Please don't paint all teens with the same brush. We have a number of teens on the site who continue to amaze me with their consistent maturity, wit and intelligence. To change membership admittance rules in a way that affects all of these members because of the behaviour of one is surely not necessary.
I agree that David's outburst is unacceptably rude but to assume it's all down to age is unfair.
He's 14, not 4, and I'm sure he knows as well as anyone here that attacking others (and using language like wanker and nut bagger)is not clever.
10/16/2003 07:41:22 AM · #22 |
hold up there cowboy. . .
are you telling us you have more than one account?
that's a big no-no.
did u take that pic for 'xionja'? also a big no-no.
time to come clean ..
10/16/2003 09:35:07 AM · #23 |
Originally posted by DavidLevin: it got last place because of too many of you nut baggers gave it 1's because of "I'm sorry, but this photo does not meet the challenge in any way so being im giving this a one (despite the fact that this shot might actually be really good, but still i always take off 9 points if it doesnt relate). 71 1's?????????????
Exactly. If I see a photo that obviously doesn't meet the challenge, it's getting a 1. If it's an excellent image, I might consider giving it a 2. But for me, if someone says "paint something red" and you paint something green, then you didn't meet the requirements. For urban landscape, I expected to see more than 1 building in every image. But in that case, if it had at least one building, I only scored it 1 or 2 points below the other images with multiple buildings. No building in your image? 1, maybe 2.
10/16/2003 10:22:58 AM · #24 |
Message edited by author 2003-10-17 04:40:31. |
10/16/2003 10:32:36 AM · #25 |
Why does everything have to boil down to age? Why can't some people just be nice, and some people just be not so nice, with no strings attached?
So far as this thread goes, I agree with the majority. A dark blurry picture wouldn't score too highly with me anyway, and the fact that it's a dog in an 'Urban Landscape' challenge makes it obvious that this photo isn't going to score well. If I'd voted in this challenge it would have got 72 1s.
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