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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> Engagement photos Please tell me what you think
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06/22/2008 10:46:56 PM · #1
Hello everyone, I've never done engagement photos before and I would be interested in your thoughts. Please speak your mind as I want to learn so hit me with your best shot. I'm a big boy I can take it, that's why I'm on this site, to learn.

The couple are friends of mine and I wanted to do these for them as part of their wedding gift, so any advice would make me happy:)

Thank you in advance.

All the best to you and yours.


06/22/2008 10:52:27 PM · #2
You've captured some nice expressions, and the lovely OOF green background works well.
However, all the photos are VERY similar. Perhaps you could have another session, so you can vary the poses, the location, and perhaps even see them in another set of outfits?
06/22/2008 10:58:32 PM · #3
Originally posted by Beetle:

You've captured some nice expressions, and the lovely OOF green background works well.
However, all the photos are VERY similar. Perhaps you could have another session, so you can vary the poses, the location, and perhaps even see them in another set of outfits?

Thank you for the suggestion. We are doing that very thing as we were all pressed for time today we wanted to get out for a trial run and see how things went and unfortunately there wasn't enough time to change outfits or move around that much so we did this shoot and I suggested that I post some of the shots for feed back and ideas and we could give it another go soon :)

06/22/2008 11:00:56 PM · #4
Hi Max -

If these are finished, the first thing I noticed is the color looks off to me on many of them.

I find the shoulders-up horizontal format/crop a little repetitive. Was there a reason for this? If they are a little overweight, I could understand the crop, to make it a bit more flattering...otherwise I would try some vertical, since this is only two people.

Just some thoughts.


Edit: You may try getting them to interact with each other and catch candid type photos, so it looks more natural.

Message edited by author 2008-06-22 23:02:40.
06/22/2008 11:13:47 PM · #5
Originally posted by cbeller:

Hi Max -

If these are finished, the first thing I noticed is the color looks off to me on many of them.

I find the shoulders-up horizontal format/crop a little repetitive. Was there a reason for this? If they are a little overweight, I could understand the crop, to make it a bit more flattering...otherwise I would try some vertical, since this is only two people.

Just some thoughts.


Edit: You may try getting them to interact with each other and catch candid type photos, so it looks more natural.

Thank you Chris, you've hit the nail on the head. She is sensitive about her weight and she didn't want me to photograph her below the bust line. So this is reason for the repetitiveness of the shots. Try as I might to get her to warm up to the idea of some full body shots she wouldn't go for it. Not even when I suggested that she stand sideways and turn her upper body my way a little and I would put him in front to take peoples eyes away from her, she said "not on your life buster" and I had no other option but to continue on with the shot as it was first laid out "nothing below the bust line"

As for the colour these were just quick and dirty edits as I was pressed for time when I did them. I never even had time to touch up the faces a little and will have to do that soon.

Thank you again Chris.

06/22/2008 11:48:22 PM · #6
Hi Max,

I left you a comment on my favorite of the set. Also sent you a pm.
06/22/2008 11:54:26 PM · #7
Originally posted by jpochard:

Hi Max,

I left you a comment on my favorite of the set. Also sent you a pm.

Got it and just sent you a reply thank you for the comment

06/22/2008 11:55:17 PM · #8
I like them. But I agree with previous posters.

*Repetive...background and smiles. I try to make them laugh or get them to start talking about a funny story to get a *real* smile every once and again.
06/22/2008 11:58:14 PM · #9
[thumb]691111[/thumb] [thumb]691112[/thumb]

These didn't take long. You asked the steps - simply rotated, cropped, lessened the green level and desat just slightly to what I think is a bit more natural color. Then just removed color for the b/w.

I just wanted to show how you can even vary your shots by how you choose to crop or edit. I don't think this angle is too severe, but does give a little life to the shot imo. My .02 worth :)
06/23/2008 12:05:31 AM · #10
Originally posted by jpochard:

[thumb]691111[/thumb] [thumb]691112[/thumb]

These didn't take long. You asked the steps - simply rotated, cropped, lessened the green level and desat just slightly to what I think is a bit more natural color. Then just removed color for the b/w.

I just wanted to show how you can even vary your shots by how you choose to crop or edit. I don't think this angle is too severe, but does give a little life to the shot imo. My .02 worth :)

Thank you for the advice. I know that the shots all look repetitive and I think rotating and cropping a little closer on some of them will do a world of good as you have shown me here with your edit. Thank you again for the help.

All the best to you and yours.


ETA I have so much to learn about photography and photoshop. I'm glad it never ends

Message edited by author 2008-06-23 00:11:18.
06/23/2008 02:25:35 AM · #11
Hi Max,

I am finally here, and about to comment of your engagement images.....
Hang in there mate.....

love shez
06/23/2008 02:31:08 AM · #12
First things first. I wouldn't worry too much about having a million outfits. That's not a big deal. The only reason it was suggested in the first place is because of the repetitiveness of the images.

Do different angles. Have them sit. Tell them to talk to one another. Have them look at one another. Have them walk away from you, walk toward you, tell jokes to each other. Take the guy to the side, and tell him to pinch her butt when she isn't expecting it. Take her aside and tell her to whisper sweet nothings into his ear.

Interaction. The images are very static. Same pose, same crop. She might say "no way mister" but do it anyway. If the shot is amazing, she'll thank you later. Get down on your knees, shoot from different angles. Different focal lengths. Different settings. As the day goes on, just keep thinking to yourself different, different, different.

Level of comfort. If they aren't comfortable, it's going to show in the photos. Make her feel comfortable. Tell them jokes, give them directions, Interact with them. Tell her Chin up. Turn your head, don't slouch, etc. If she is super afraid of the camera, then get a Telefoto lens and shoot from a distance so that she isn't able to pay attention to you.

Hope this helps.
06/23/2008 02:38:58 AM · #13
First of all you did a fine job, as It is not easy to take photos in natural light like you have. Some pleasing comment to help you with processing these as well.

I agree with these comments, as I also feel the images are all to much alike.
I also like to see another location as well.

One idea it that I like to see a similar pose as one or the images, which you took with the male having his arms around his fiance and one can see his hands.
I like to see this reversed, so as to see the womans engagement ring on her finger, with her arms around him in different positions.

Also some close up of the two hand either hers or along with his together, with the ring. Another idea, one of her, with her hand up towards her face, with her engagement ring, the main focus.

These are just ideas that would give more variety and a little more personal.
I love to see these if you are able to take some more photos sometime. Also please contact me, if you do not understand what I have said, as I would like to help you in any way possible.

Originally posted by Beetle:

You've captured some nice expressions, and the lovely OOF green background works well.
However, all the photos are VERY similar. Perhaps you could have another session, so you can vary the poses, the location, and perhaps even see them in another set of outfits?

06/23/2008 07:35:53 AM · #14
Thank you all, I'm short on time today but I will post some of the but pinching shots and the sweet nothing moments soon, these are the shots that they picked from my P-3000 viewer and rated for consideration. I'll post some of the ones I like soon.

We are doing this again soon so please keep the ideas flowing. As for telling jokes and keeping them laughing, I'm a regular "Chuckles the clown" I'm Funny damn it!!

Thank you again Shez for the comments, you rock.

06/23/2008 07:36:17 AM · #15
(from a weight sensitive woman)
another point on the 'not below the bustline, mister'.....sometimes cropping it right at the bustline leaves the impression that what you don't see is wider.. Insist on trying to include more in the shot...an least to below the bustline....
06/23/2008 07:43:56 AM · #16
Very good point, and one I had not really considered before.

Originally posted by dassilem:

(from a weight sensitive woman)
another point on the 'not below the bustline, mister'.....sometimes cropping it right at the bustline leaves the impression that what you don't see is wider.. Insist on trying to include more in the shot...an least to below the bustline....

06/23/2008 07:46:03 AM · #17
Originally posted by dassilem:

(from a weight sensitive woman)
another point on the 'not below the bust line, mister'.....sometimes cropping it right at the bust line leaves the impression that what you don't see is wider.. Insist on trying to include more in the shot...an least to below the bust line....

Thank you, I've sent them an e-mail letting her know that I will be taking wider shots at the next session and that she has to get used to that now so she will feel more at ease when the real photographer takes her wedding photos next month, kind of like a practice run.

06/23/2008 07:49:55 AM · #18
Originally posted by Quigley:

Thank you again Shez for the comments, you rock. MAX!

Another thing to remember Max, is to look at portrait format for taking images and also for sroping whenever. It often helps to give people the impression of height.

PS; No, it doesn't work for me, as square crop framing suits me best, as I am nearly as wide as I am tall, these past few years.


Yes, I laugh at my own jokes now.

06/23/2008 08:04:11 AM · #19
Originally posted by sherpet:

Originally posted by Quigley:

Thank you again Shez for the comments, you rock. MAX!

Another thing to remember Max, is to look at portrait format for taking images and also for sroping whenever. It often helps to give people the impression of height.

PS; No, it doesn't work for me, as square crop framing suits me best, as I am nearly as wide as I am tall, these past few years.


Yes, I laugh at my own jokes now.

At times we are the only ones "SMART" enough to get them, Shez, as I also laugh at my own material:)

06/23/2008 09:55:22 PM · #20
evening bump
06/23/2008 10:37:41 PM · #21
I think I like 10 and 11 the best but the groom's eyes get lost behind his glasses.

I wonder if you could get him to take them off or maybe just slide them up on his nose a little also if you could get him to open his eyes wider it might help.

On my monitor the WB is a bit off. You could use the pre-set on a gray card and save some work on the post processing.

They do look happy together and that's really what you are going for.
06/23/2008 11:29:31 PM · #22
Originally posted by rcrawford:

I think I like 10 and 11 the best but the groom's eyes get lost behind his glasses.

I wonder if you could get him to take them off or maybe just slide them up on his nose a little also if you could get him to open his eyes wider it might help.

On my monitor the WB is a bit off. You could use the pre-set on a gray card and save some work on the post processing.

They do look happy together and that's really what you are going for.

Thank you and I'll suggest he wears contacts if he has them.

06/23/2008 11:46:20 PM · #23
Originally posted by Quigley:

Originally posted by rcrawford:

I think I like 10 and 11 the best but the groom's eyes get lost behind his glasses.

I wonder if you could get him to take them off or maybe just slide them up on his nose a little also if you could get him to open his eyes wider it might help.

On my monitor the WB is a bit off. You could use the pre-set on a gray card and save some work on the post processing.

They do look happy together and that's really what you are going for.

Thank you and I'll suggest he wears contacts if he has them.


or...you could get a eyeglass kit...and take the lenses out.

I like pics with my glasses in....cause that is how I am in real life. But that is a way to stop the glare. Just a thought.
06/24/2008 07:31:10 AM · #24
Originally posted by egamble:

Originally posted by Quigley:

Originally posted by rcrawford:

I think I like 10 and 11 the best but the groom's eyes get lost behind his glasses.

I wonder if you could get him to take them off or maybe just slide them up on his nose a little also if you could get him to open his eyes wider it might help.

On my monitor the WB is a bit off. You could use the pre-set on a gray card and save some work on the post processing.

They do look happy together and that's really what you are going for.

Thank you and I'll suggest he wears contacts if he has them.


or...you could get a eyeglass kit...and take the lenses out.

I like pics with my glasses in....cause that is how I am in real life. But that is a way to stop the glare. Just a thought.

Just a thought and a good one at that, thank you.

06/24/2008 03:23:49 PM · #25

I just looked at the engagement photo that I took for my son and daughter in-law way back in 2004 and it occurred to me that a pose similar to this may be flattering to your weight conscious friend.

Just a suggestion,

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