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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> Slice of Life - July 2008 - The Images
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06/30/2008 03:28:14 PM · #1
Post your images in this thread.

Details about the challenge can be found here.
06/30/2008 04:48:03 PM · #2
OK.......it's already July here in Australia, so here goes....

This is Titchy, my daughter's last birthday present. We had no idea he'd turn out to be such a character. Our family just wouldnt be the same without him. He is on his playground in the lounge for this photo, taken on Sunday night.

I've had so many colour space issues, so I hope this turns out ok. Please feel free to criticise.

06/30/2008 08:35:51 PM · #3
this is my daughter ali getting out of the car this morning when i dropped her at macarthur square train station .. 'dont take my photograph mum, its embarrassing' ..!!..:)

06/30/2008 09:56:53 PM · #4
I probably won't do too much shooting until my dSLR comes (on FRIDAY!!!) because neither of my p&s cameras really work...

But here's my image for July 1 (b/c June 30 is just July 1 in disguise :) ). My sister and I went to Michigan yesterday and were clambering around on Warren Dunes. Smudge in the bottom right is b/c of fingerprints on the lens. Was much more smudgey.

(I'm planning on buying a membership when my slr comes, lol, so not too many of these links...)

eta: awww thanks for the comments guys! Totally wasn't expecting any.

Message edited by author 2008-07-02 21:40:46.
06/30/2008 09:59:32 PM · #5
I will be back later today with my image.....

Here it is.....

Day 1 -

Message edited by author 2008-06-30 22:58:11.
07/01/2008 04:26:17 AM · #6
Day 1
07/01/2008 08:37:48 AM · #7
Day 1

07/01/2008 10:06:50 AM · #8
07/01/2008 10:51:02 AM · #9
Day One


07/01/2008 11:49:28 AM · #10
Where's our fearless leader?

07/01/2008 01:12:31 PM · #11
Day 1:

This morning I had to drive my dad to the airport, so, since I was already half-way there, I decided to head out to Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge. It ws about 6 am, and I thought I'd see if I could get a few good shots for the rural landscape challenge, and maybe finally get a Great Blue Heron shot. Well, several hours and over 350 frames later, I have a new problem. I have 48 shots that I want to post, and I have to pick just one! So ... in honor of Canada Day, how about a few Canada Geese:

OK. That was three, not one, but I'll start another thread for the other 45!

The other photos are here.

Message edited by author 2008-07-01 13:50:51.
07/01/2008 01:20:32 PM · #12

Anyone want a sign???
07/01/2008 01:45:57 PM · #13

Day 1
07/01/2008 03:39:03 PM · #14
07/01/2008 05:00:59 PM · #15

I was invited to a birthday party for this little boy, he was turning 4. He spotted my gift and would not put it down, he dragged it around for over an hour. When he had worn himself out, he fell asleep on the couch, but still did not turn loose of the gift. He is my new favorite subject.

Message edited by author 2008-07-01 17:01:23.
07/01/2008 05:04:28 PM · #16

Day 01 - Smurf on door

Exactly 1 year after my first side challenge, this one had to be square
07/01/2008 05:21:17 PM · #17
Today was my first day of the summer session and I am transplanted to a functional classroom with 11-12 year old kids with IQs of 70 or below. It's challenging to be switched (based on need) to another location and a different population. Here's who I met today, my class:
Joey Marc

Reggie Seth

Group shot

Descriptions posted on the notes
I am a special education teacher. Classrooms are small 6:1:1 6 kids a teacher and an aide. We offer a 6 week summer session to maintain structure and routine. I have always been particularly moved by these kids.

Message edited by author 2008-07-01 21:19:41.
07/01/2008 06:55:52 PM · #18
these photographs were taken last night while i was waiting for ali coming home from work on the train .. combined two photographs ..

07/01/2008 07:48:59 PM · #19
Some great photos coming in and i will be baxk later to comment of them. Just got up, as I had a bad night.
07/01/2008 10:50:26 PM · #20
Looking forward to this.....haven't done a side challenge in a while.


I have a real thing for lilies.
07/01/2008 11:19:03 PM · #21
Here's my day 1. Sorry I couldn't post anything better!
07/01/2008 11:30:10 PM · #22
Since I work 11 hour days, it felt only appropriate to post one of me at work.

To clear up confusion: I sell recreational vehicles and this is a kitchen in one of the 5th wheels that we have for sale.


Message edited by author 2008-07-02 01:26:54.
07/01/2008 11:32:03 PM · #23
Day 1 - Imperfect Flower

07/01/2008 11:35:52 PM · #24

Happy (belated) Birthday, Angie

Message edited by author 2008-07-01 23:38:38.
07/01/2008 11:46:23 PM · #25

My sisters new puppy. Puppies always make me happy. This one is part wolf hound and has huge feet...quite clumsy, and rather funny to watch.
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