Author | Thread |
05/08/2002 03:09:40 AM · #1 |
Just thought I would log in, and explain the picture I currently have in the challenge anonymously... becuase I have a feeling people are voting me down big time, becuase they've never seen the advertisement that I've done a parody of... The origional ad is below.
It seems like my score has been highly effected because people don't understand.. it wasn't for shock value, despite some of the nasty comments I've recieved.. it was simply the parody of an ad in a magazine..
Keep in mind this site goes internationally.. I don't know that you've had this particular advertisment there.. so you may not recognize it.. but I've never heard of or seen advertisements for "Snuggle Soft" or "Skoal", but I'm not going to mark you down for it..
* This message has been edited by the author on 5/8/2002 3:10:07 AM. |
05/08/2002 03:10:52 AM · #2 |
05/08/2002 04:02:02 AM · #3 |
I think the problem is that Snuggle soft, though it may not be a product you recognise the advert is pretty obvious what it shows.
Admitedly I assumed it was done for shock value but even now it doens't really advertise the product to me, if it helps I would probably have marked down the original too! |
05/08/2002 04:12:04 AM · #4 |
i assumed it was done for shock value as well and said so...probably not as nicely as i could and given the circumstances now, i apologize profusely...however, given the internationality of this site i expected to see adverts for products i had never seen before but i still see no advert for a product...
05/08/2002 05:35:58 AM · #5 |
Why don't you just deal with getting a crappy score like the rest of us. ;)
There are alot of different people on here and no matter how much you explain your picture there is still going to be a lot of people that won't understand it or will give it a lower grade.
Just for whinning I feel like lower your grade. ;)
05/08/2002 05:39:16 AM · #6 |
Originally posted by anonymous: it wasn't for shock value, despite some of the nasty comments I've recieved..
This I don't tolerate. Wait until after the contest and write those individuals, and POLITELY let them know that everyone at DP Challenge would prefer that they didn't leave a comment unless it was appreciative or constructive.
I did that on my last challenge.
05/08/2002 05:48:05 AM · #7 |
Originally posted by anonymous: Keep in mind this site goes internationally.. I don't know that you've had this particular advertisment there.. so you may not recognize it.. but I've never heard of or seen advertisements for "Snuggle Soft" or "Skoal", but I'm not going to mark you down for it..
I think that even more then the voters, the photographers have to keep in mind that it is an international site especilaly when making a parody of something. I've never seen the original advertisement before, so your picture made absolutely no sense to me at all.
Now that I've seen the original advertisement (which doesn't make any sense to me either), I think your picture is pretty funny. Nevertheles I voted it low, because it doesn't sell a product unless you want to sell hairy soap. But according to your title that was not your intention.
And like Chariot said, you should have waited till the challenge is finished. |
05/08/2002 05:49:13 AM · #8 |
I may get hated for this but the fact is that the challenge was to make a product appeal to the audience and if I don't know what your advertising you have, in my eyes failed.
I know in the "real world" advertising can be very effective if it is subtle, and a little confusing, some of the best ads run for weeks without telling you what they are advertising and then spring it on you weeks later but this isn't the real world, we don't have the luxury of surprising the 'viewer'. Its got to be done all in one picture.
May sound harsh but if you have to start a thread explaining your picture then the picture has failed to achieve that in its own right.
I know you are simply trying to recreate an existing ad but unfortunately you chose and obscure one that doesn't advertise it very well.
I think we will all learn form this though. sometimes we have to be obvious with our choice of picture, the voter bafflement zone is always close by!
Don't let us put you off photography, what do I know anyway? B#####ks to me, take pictures of what you like but don't expect us to "get them"
05/08/2002 06:11:07 AM · #9 |
I've learned the hard way, as have others here. If you are after high scores, go mainstream. If you are after comments, go with 'artsy'. Combine the two concepts and you will win. |
05/08/2002 06:45:20 AM · #10 |
I took a chance with my ad as well and I am paying a price in some ways..which I sorta expected. I added an element that is sometimes discussed in the ad world which was my main interest in producing the ad. The product was not as interesting an element but I still had to make sure the product was well represented because I pretended the company that made the product was paying me to advertise his product and not to screw around with my psychosis. ;-)
Anonymous, I apreciate your attempt. I think I voted it low only because I could not tell what you were advertising even though you had the name of x-box in the title. I think it was said that the title sin't supposed to be able to save your ad. You needed to have a small x-box logo somewhere in the ad perhaps.
I don't mind people talkng about their ads right now. This is a learning site, we don't give prizes and I am here to talk about photography..not worry about whether I get an electronic ribbon :-)
I am trying to defer to the admins because they want the voting a certain way but we all forget about the photos of the last challenge as soon as a new challenge starts which means we sorta get less participation in discussions which, in a way, defeats some of the purpose of the site.
05/08/2002 07:09:32 AM · #11 |
Originally posted by hokie: I took a chance with my ad as well and I am paying a price in some ways..which I sorta expected. I added an element that is sometimes discussed in the ad world which was my main interest in producing the ad.
I'm really looking forward to finding out what your entry is and what this mystical element is that shortredneck already found :)
05/08/2002 07:34:14 AM · #12 |
I know's KILLING me not to talk about it in greater detail. I actually thought I would see dozens of the same thing but interestingly enough I think I may be the only one in my genre.
I won't even mention the other similarly oriented ads I loved because I don't want to point my way to much by process of elimination.
I will tell all come next Monday.
05/08/2002 08:05:08 AM · #13 |
You just have to know where to look for subliminal messages. I won't give anything away but if you check out some of the classic methods used in subliminal advertising, you will know one of the key target areas to look at. I thought hokie's idea was very clever. I had already given him a 10 because it was an excellently executed ad even without the little addition.
Originally posted by GordonMcGregor: Originally posted by hokie: [i]I took a chance with my ad as well and I am paying a price in some ways..which I sorta expected. I added an element that is sometimes discussed in the ad world which was my main interest in producing the ad.
I'm really looking forward to finding out what your entry is and what this mystical element is that shortredneck already found :)
05/08/2002 08:11:47 AM · #14 |
Originally posted by anonymous: Just thought I would log in, and explain the picture I currently have in the challenge anonymously... becuase I have a feeling people are voting me down big time, becuase they've never seen the advertisement that I've done a parody of... The origional ad is below.
It seems like my score has been highly effected because people don't understand.. it wasn't for shock value, despite some of the nasty comments I've recieved.. it was simply the parody of an ad in a magazine..
Keep in mind this site goes internationally.. I don't know that you've had this particular advertisment there.. so you may not recognize it.. but I've never heard of or seen advertisements for "Snuggle Soft" or "Skoal", but I'm not going to mark you down for it..
Thanks for the explanation, I had made a comment about the X-box relation, but I had never seen the add. |
05/08/2002 08:13:45 AM · #15 |
From the site rules:
"A person may only hold one DPChallenge account and may submit only one photograph per challenge. "
It seems to me that doing a parody of an ad that nobody's seen or recognizes is the problem here. I think this was a failure on your part, not on the part of the voters.
But more importantly, our other photographers don't create anonymous accounts to discuss their photos in the forums -- they either wait until the challenge is over or talk about it without giving away what picture it is. It's only fair that you should do the same.
Drew |
05/08/2002 08:45:13 AM · #16 |
Originally posted by drewmedia: From the site rules:
"A person may only hold one DPChallenge account and may submit only one photograph per challenge. "
It seems to me that doing a parody of an ad that nobody's seen or recognizes is the problem here. I think this was a failure on your part, not on the part of the voters.
But more importantly, our other photographers don't create anonymous accounts to discuss their photos in the forums -- they either wait until the challenge is over or talk about it without giving away what picture it is. It's only fair that you should do the same.
Thank you, Drew! Well said. |
05/08/2002 10:44:52 AM · #17 |
I agree with Remie and several others on this matter. Really you should of waited till Monday. Not to worry it's just a photo! :) Move on down the line and knock everyones socks off the next round.
HEY! I got a crit this time from someone that thought my shot looked too much like an ad!!! LOLROTFLOL
Originally posted by Remie: Originally posted by anonymous: [i]Keep in mind this site goes internationally.. I don't know that you've had this particular advertisment there.. so you may not recognize it.. but I've never heard of or seen advertisements for "Snuggle Soft" or "Skoal", but I'm not going to mark you down for it..
I think that even more then the voters, the photographers have to keep in mind that it is an international site especilaly when making a parody of something. I've never seen the original advertisement before, so your picture made absolutely no sense to me at all.
Now that I've seen the original advertisement (which doesn't make any sense to me either), I think your picture is pretty funny. Nevertheles I voted it low, because it doesn't sell a product unless you want to sell hairy soap. But according to your title that was not your intention.
And like Chariot said, you should have waited till the challenge is finished.[/i]
05/08/2002 01:06:35 PM · #18 |
no way, kee. that is just beyond the beyond!!! well, that is definitely one I wouldn't take personally ;) ..
Originally posted by kee: [i]HEY! I got a crit this time from someone that thought my shot looked too much like an ad!!! LOLROTFLOL
05/08/2002 01:08:25 PM · #19 |
anonymous, i know that feeling of seeing your picture getting hammered unfairly. people picking out things that shouldn't even matter.
but most people don't even read the forums. so even if your picture was the one special case that should be advocated for in the forums, chances are it wouldn't really affect the main voting population.
05/08/2002 01:12:44 PM · #20 |
This has happened before... I think that if you revisit the rules, it clearly states that the photograph should stand 'on it's own' and not require any special explanation or interpretations. When I saw this photograph, I had no clue what was being advertised either.. Someone earlier said something about doing a parody on an unfamiliar advertisement and I would have to agree that this was not a good idea.
05/08/2002 05:31:43 PM · #21 |
* This message has been edited by the author on 5/8/2002 5:34:44 PM. |
05/08/2002 06:09:41 PM · #22 |
I'm quite new to this site and enjoy the postings but I don't understand a lot of the abbreviations and IAGVPOFF about this - any chance of somebody listing these with explanations?
05/08/2002 06:13:03 PM · #23 |
Vin, please don't GVPOFF'd :)
05/08/2002 06:19:22 PM · #24 |
Originally posted by jmsetzler: Vin, please don't GVPOFF'd :)
Ok, I'll try not to be!
05/08/2002 06:48:03 PM · #25 |
Are you talking about LOLROTFLOL? That just stands for Laugh Out Loud Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud. I guess the extra LOL at the beginning was to show that the person was REALLY laughing out loud :) |
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