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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Dead silent, scores.
Showing posts 101 - 125 of 205, (reverse)
01/29/2009 10:06:49 PM · #101
Votes: 107
Views: 180
Avg Vote: 3.6075
Comments: 3

I don't know about y'all, but I have never bombed so badly. Even my snapshot of my dad on the ground that I put in last Novembers free study did better. I'm not surprised though. I kinda knew that everyone would do that. Although I did think i would get above a 3.6075.
01/29/2009 10:43:49 PM · #102
116 votes and NO comments. I'm not going to comment any more until I start to get some in return.

I gerenally make 4-5 for every one I recieve, if only everybody did the same....
01/30/2009 07:30:46 AM · #103
Votes: 122
Views: 190
Avg Vote: 5.5082
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
01/30/2009 07:53:24 AM · #104
Votes: 125
Views: 192
Avg Vote: 5.3760
Comments: 3

The 3 comments tell me what could be better and I agree... So I'm satisfied...
01/30/2009 07:59:58 AM · #105
Originally posted by mikeee:

116 votes and NO comments. I'm not going to comment any more until I start to get some in return.

I gerenally make 4-5 for every one I recieve, if only everybody did the same....

I understand your point, without the comments we can't improve... I have a comment from you (thanks so much) and I did not make any comments yet, and probably will not do any... Nowadays I rarely have time to enter a challenge, to vote and comment is almost impossible...
01/30/2009 12:01:32 PM · #106
Votes: 118
Views: 195
Avg Vote: 4.4746

This is my first ever challenge submission, so I'm not completely devastated. I actually wasn't expecting more than a 4 anyway. I'm a little disappointed that I've only received two comments so far though. I voted on all of them and it seems like there are quite a few nice shots, so I'm satisfied I suppose.

Message edited by author 2009-01-30 12:02:05.
01/30/2009 12:05:22 PM · #107
Votes: 119
Views: 190
Avg Vote: 5.1008
Comments: 5
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 01/30/09 12:02 pm

Three commenters really liked it! The other two are like "....? silence...?"

01/30/2009 12:22:05 PM · #108
Originally posted by Jessi:

Votes: 119
Views: 190
Avg Vote: 5.1008
Comments: 5
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 01/30/09 12:02 pm

Three commenters really liked it! The other two are like "....? silence...?"


OK people, I am not voting cause I'm in this challenge. Many members here consider my comments good cause I do point out the good stuff along with the flaws. I try to make tough but fair comments. So if you want, pm me the title of your entry and I will gladly comment on it and give you an idea of what I would I have given it if voting.
01/30/2009 02:29:54 PM · #109
Okay, since this is my first challenge, I'm curious how everyone goes about the voting process. I've voted in two challenges now--Ansel Adams and Silence (which is the one I entered). For the Ansel Adams challenge, I considered a nice, but uninspiring photo a 5. A "Hmm, I like it" as a 6, "that's great" a 7, Wow! an 8, Awesome a 9, and Boy I wish I took that shot as a 10.

It was harder in the silence category. I voted after I had received about 55 votes, and I ended up basing my votes on what I had received. thus I ended up lowering the middle of the range votes. Pictures that I didn't like as well as mine, I voted lower than what I had received. (realize that I knew mine wasn't fantastic--I had only found the site the night before the deadline. I just wanted to enter something. I did give about 70 pictures a higher score than mine because they were as good or better.)

How do you avoid letting your score affect your judging? Or do you let it affect your judging? Or is that why two of you aren't judging this round?

Thanks! Just trying to figure things out here...
01/30/2009 03:40:01 PM · #110
Hi Wendy! Welcome to the craziness of dpc. Basically it's up to the individual voter; there really is no protocol. Anyone can vote, based on their criteria, though over the years I've learned to look not just at the artistic side but the technical stuff too.

I recommend a trip to the Community link in the toolbar, then pulldown menu to Forums, then go all the way to the bottom of the forums and look for the Welcome Centre. That really is the best way to learn the basic etiquette of this site.
01/30/2009 05:07:51 PM · #111
I've thumbed through the welcome stuff. I was more curious on how you guys handled it. Do you vote before or after you start watching your scores? And does it affect how you vote?

It's been fun watching this thread. I'm dying to look everyone's pictures up when the voting is over!
01/30/2009 05:15:53 PM · #112
@135 votes

staying around this mark it seems

Votes: 135
Views: 208
Avg Vote: 5.2889
Comments: 3

Message edited by author 2009-01-30 17:16:17.
01/30/2009 05:40:14 PM · #113
Originally posted by vawendy:

I've thumbed through the welcome stuff. I was more curious on how you guys handled it. Do you vote before or after you start watching your scores? And does it affect how you vote?

It's been fun watching this thread. I'm dying to look everyone's pictures up when the voting is over!

Speaking solely for myself, I choose to start voting whenever I feel like it :-) whether or not I am entered in that challenge. I believe in karma. If I'm in a bad mood, I won't vote. I'll vote when I'm in a good mood despite my score... if I'm following it(you can turn it off in your preferences.)

If my score is doing poorly I read the comments to try and see what's turning people off. IMHO if at least 50% of the comments say the same thing, ie 'blurry', 'oof' etc...they're probably right. So in my case I got a tripod which helped eliminate many such comments.

But do I spread around shitty scores? Nah-ah. Never. Doesn't matter if my score is at 4.1 or 6.5, I try to play fair and give everyone's pic a fair criticque. Karma, baby. If you give shitty scores, people get pissed off, guess what, I believe they are more likely to distribute crap scores too, cause now they're pissed off. So it's not worth it.

I try to judge each photo on its individual merit. However, as is the case with this challenge (several entries show people with duct tape over their mouths) I WILL compare them to each other, cause you're doing so subconsciously anyway. The best of the lot, if I am commenting, I will tell them so.

You probably already understand what a troll is, and what the vote scrubber does and how it acts. So don't vote down everyone thinking that nobody will notice. The vote scrubber will likely eliminate your scores.

Hope this helps!
01/30/2009 05:53:51 PM · #114
Originally posted by vawendy:

I've thumbed through the welcome stuff. I was more curious on how you guys handled it. Do you vote before or after you start watching your scores? And does it affect how you vote?

It's been fun watching this thread. I'm dying to look everyone's pictures up when the voting is over!

My score has nothing to do with the scores I give other images. I don't think, when an image pops up, "Hmmm, I think my image is better than this one and I have a 5.2 right now, so I'll give this one a four." The score value of the image I submitted has absolutely no relationship to the scores I think other images deserve. I learn other ways of presenting the challenge topic when voting, but, at any given time, I have no idea what other voters think about the same image.

Say I go to a pot luck dinner and bring my version of spaghetti. Other people bring variations of food. Only a few people eat my spaghetti (for a dozen different reasons), and maybe one or two comment on how they liked or disliked it. Does that keep me from trying other dishes? Do I compare the other dishes to mine and find them lacking? Do I not let people know of food I particularly enjoyed? Do I get angry at few people eating my spaghetti and everyone eating someone else's food? It all kind of sounds silly, doesn't it?
01/30/2009 06:00:06 PM · #115
Votes: 129
Views: 207
Avg Vote: 5.1395
Comments: 6
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 01/30/09 05:54 pm

Doing the slow upward creep...if I'm lucky, I'll end up at like 5.2. That would be...nice...I guess...meh. At least it's not a 4!

I used to vote...now I don't. It's hard to disassociate myself emotionally from my photograph when I'm trying to vote on a challenge I've entered.
01/30/2009 06:07:28 PM · #116
I just voted in the single tree competition, and it was so freeing just voting and not thinking about where I place in the scheme of things. From now on, I'm just going to vote before I look at my score, so it can't even enter my mind. The only reason it did in the first place, was because I score relatively high. I'll just keep with my high scoring and hope someone is kind and optimistic with mine!
01/30/2009 06:18:40 PM · #117
Originally posted by dahkota:

Say I go to a pot luck dinner and bring my version of spaghetti. Other people bring variations of food. Only a few people eat my spaghetti (for a dozen different reasons), and maybe one or two comment on how they liked or disliked it. Does that keep me from trying other dishes? Do I compare the other dishes to mine and find them lacking? Do I not let people know of food I particularly enjoyed? Do I get angry at few people eating my spaghetti and everyone eating someone else's food? It all kind of sounds silly, doesn't it?

What? I lost you after comparing your dish to other dishes...

I always compare my entry to the ones I vote on, but not so it affects my voting. I compare mine to yours to learn, and to see how all of you choose to solve the same challenge I did. And that's healthy. For me it is.

When it comes to this challenge, I wish I didn't enter...
01/30/2009 06:36:16 PM · #118
Oh, I'm sorry that you're not having fun with this challenge. I'm finally ripping myself away from this addictive site and going to make asiago cheese bagels. do you want one?
01/30/2009 06:41:47 PM · #119
140 votes and not a single comment.
01/30/2009 06:59:10 PM · #120
Originally posted by vawendy:

Oh, I'm sorry that you're not having fun with this challenge. I'm finally ripping myself away from this addictive site and going to make asiago cheese bagels. do you want one?

*raises hand* yes please! :-)
01/30/2009 07:00:09 PM · #121
Originally posted by mikeee:

140 votes and not a single comment.

Mikee, read this thread, starting page 5. Then pm name of your entry to me and I'll comment.

ETA: Many entries in this challenge have a common title. If your entry in a challenge has a name share by other entries, then PLEASE give me some idea as to what elements are in your pic so I can comment on yours and not everyone else's!!

Message edited by author 2009-01-30 19:03:21.
01/30/2009 07:18:34 PM · #122
Votes: 140
Views: 204
Avg Vote: 5.3214
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

First pic I have posted in DPC in more then 2 years. Welcome back to the DPC Madness of DNMC. Decent picture, not my best by anymeans, kinda a last minute see how it does. The comments I did get are spot on. I hope in the end it doesn't effect my average that bad.
01/30/2009 07:18:52 PM · #123
Originally posted by snaffles:

OK people, I am not voting cause I'm in this challenge. Many members here consider my comments good cause I do point out the good stuff along with the flaws. I try to make tough but fair comments. So if you want, pm me the title of your entry and I will gladly comment on it and give you an idea of what I would I have given it if voting.

Hi Susan, I got your comment. Thanks for the nice/constructive comment.
01/30/2009 09:19:13 PM · #124
Votes: 139
Views: 215
Avg Vote: 4.9065
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 01/30/09 09:14 pm

Okay, the contest is on for who can get the most votes without any comments... :)

At least I'm not getting any comments on technical flaws... See, I'm the glass is half full kind of guy :)
01/30/2009 11:19:33 PM · #125
Originally posted by Sirashley:

Votes: 139
Views: 215
Avg Vote: 4.9065
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 01/30/09 09:14 pm

Okay, the contest is on for who can get the most votes without any comments... :)

At least I'm not getting any comments on technical flaws... See, I'm the glass is half full kind of guy :)


i know how to win this game. i'll have to go and comment on every one else's pic.
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