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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Are you happy with your life?
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08/17/2009 06:37:07 AM · #1
If so, what makes you happy..?

If not what would make you happy?

08/17/2009 07:30:02 AM · #2
Not happy these days. Confused so not sure any more what makes me happy over the long haul, but in the short run I will take a strawberry sundae.
08/17/2009 07:30:57 AM · #3
For years, I have heard people speak about how having faith in God can set you free. I never understood that... I always wondered free from what? We live in America, we are already free. I've recently learned to give up the everyday worries of life to God, and accept that He can and will be in charge of my life. I can not even begin to describe how much weight is lifted from my shoulders. I have a wife and three kids, we own a business, we have a home as well as a rental house, and I work full time as a project engineer. Many of these things come with a great deal of responsibility, and the potential for financial success, or financial failure... Being able to work hard each day, knowing that I am doing my best, and leaving the rest up to God brings a peace that I can not describe. Along with that peace and happiness, I accept what God might bring in my life, whether it be success or failure... Some people might think this sounds weak, but I have learned that it takes a great deal of strenght to live in faith, and the rewards are indescribable. I wish I had learned to live this way years ago (I am 44 now).

As for my family, we model our relationships after this bible verse, which is a description of true love, as God meant for it to be:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.

My wife and I have found that if we use this definition of love, we never have problems. We have been married for nearly 14 years. We still get on each other's nerves sometimes, argue sometimes, disappoint each other sometimes, but this definition alwasy grounds us in success, and it makes for great happiness.

08/17/2009 07:47:10 AM · #4
Originally posted by smellyfish1002:

I accept what God might bring in my life,

I dont really agree with that.. Because what ever I have had or done in life, Is what I worked hard for, what I choose to do.. But what ever makes you happy..

What makes me happy, is being fit, healthy, safe, loved, to have freedom and choices in life. I believe if we dont set us challeges in life we become bored and lost.

But thanks for having your input.
08/17/2009 07:50:34 AM · #5
Originally posted by CEJ:

Not happy these days. Confused so not sure any more what makes me happy over the long haul, but in the short run I will take a strawberry sundae.

you know what I get confused to..

but I do know strawberry sundae will just make me fat and that defently wouldnt make me happy.
08/17/2009 07:52:36 AM · #6
Originally posted by smellyfish1002:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.

1 Corinthians is one of my favs as well and perfectly describes what love should be.

In response to the original question: Yes, very much so. Faith in God does allow all the petty little stuff to fall aside. I'm in love with a great guy. My children are all healthy and safe. (Eldest just got back from a year tour in Iraq.) I'm doing what I enjoy career-wise. Making a lot less than being a CFO - but I look forward to work. Been smoke-free for 6 weeks and this time its permanent. Now if I could just get the puppy completely housebroken.....

And make mine a chocolate sundae, please.
08/17/2009 07:54:03 AM · #7
Goodness, my computer is spam-posting.

Message edited by author 2009-08-17 07:56:01.
08/17/2009 07:59:13 AM · #8
hahaha I love that.. Yeah puppys are a pain, this is why I gave mine to my mum hahaha.
08/17/2009 08:05:36 AM · #9
Originally posted by Digital_Susie:

Originally posted by smellyfish1002:

I accept what God might bring in my life,

I dont really agree with that.. Because what ever I have had or done in life, Is what I worked hard for, what I choose to do.. But what ever makes you happy..

What makes me happy, is being fit, healthy, safe, loved, to have freedom and choices in life. I believe if we dont set us challenges in life we become bored and lost.

But thanks for having your input.

God does give us free-will and you are expected to work for your rewards here. (Not for the ultimate reward - He took care of that.) A couple of years ago I went through some tough personal times. Can't get into it all here because this is, still, the internet and info about people who "wronged" me doesn't need to be brought up. Suffice it to say there was a lot of stuff thrown at me in a short period of time - the sudden and unexpected death of my mother, a divorce, my son leaving for the Army, a lump in my breast, yada, yada.

It got to the point my minister referred to me as a modern-day Job. But I leaned heavily on God during that time and got thru it. Had I only myself and my friends and family, it would have been much harder. I'm not here to preach to you. But I think if you let God introduce Himself to you, you might like Him a lot :)
08/17/2009 08:06:15 AM · #10
Originally posted by Digital_Susie:

hahaha I love that.. Yeah puppys are a pain, this is why I gave mine to my mum hahaha.

If she has some training tips for a stubborn puppy, let me know!
08/17/2009 08:32:37 AM · #11
Originally posted by Sioux:

Originally posted by Digital_Susie:

Originally posted by smellyfish1002:

I accept what God might bring in my life,

I dont really agree with that.. Because what ever I have had or done in life, Is what I worked hard for, what I choose to do.. But what ever makes you happy..

What makes me happy, is being fit, healthy, safe, loved, to have freedom and choices in life. I believe if we dont set us challenges in life we become bored and lost.

But thanks for having your input.

God does give us free-will and you are expected to work for your rewards here. (Not for the ultimate reward - He took care of that.) A couple of years ago I went through some tough personal times. Can't get into it all here because this is, still, the internet and info about people who "wronged" me doesn't need to be brought up. Suffice it to say there was a lot of stuff thrown at me in a short period of time - the sudden and unexpected death of my mother, a divorce, my son leaving for the Army, a lump in my breast, yada, yada.

It got to the point my minister referred to me as a modern-day Job. But I leaned heavily on God during that time and got thru it. Had I only myself and my friends and family, it would have been much harder. I'm not here to preach to you. But I think if you let God introduce Himself to you, you might like Him a lot :)

Thats all so terrible.. :( At the moment my life is pretty good, but Im also still quiet young. I think when people hit there mid 40's early 50s thats when bad things start happening. :(

My mum didnt really tame the puppy that much, its just an active dog. you just got to do heaps of exersice with them to burn all that energy. Though if you watch the dog whisper he has got some good tricks up his sleeve.

08/17/2009 09:36:10 AM · #12
I first read the thread title..."Are you happy with your WIFE?"

Talk about a possible flame war. LOL
08/17/2009 10:10:35 AM · #13
Originally posted by NathanW:

I first read the thread title..."Are you happy with your WIFE?"

Talk about a possible flame war. LOL

Happy doesn't begin to describe it... we are so happy we are fringing delirium. Together 30 years and still holding hands... we have to ... otherwise we might kill each other :O)

08/17/2009 10:25:30 AM · #14
I agree with smellyfish.

Before Christ caught me, I was miserable and heading no where.

I had looked for happiness in everything, from drugs, alcohol, occult (Clairvoyants etc...) to everything new age under the sun. The last thing I wanted to check out was Jesus. In fact, I thought everyone that was following Jesus were freaks and losers, somebody to be avoided at all costs.

When the Holy Spirit revealed to me in my spirit that Jesus is alive (I was in of all things a business meeting daydreaming). I can't explain it, but suddenly it's like, I was changed, something in me was different.

As I type this, I can say I have never ever been as happy as I am now. The joy I experience all through my being when I think of Jesus is overwhelming. I can't wipe the smile off my face or from my heart. You may be thinking life is going pretty well for me right now, ok... I have just been told my job is ending, my 2 month old camera has died and I have other things happening which I choose not to reveal, but through all of that, I know God is in control and that he will provide for me.

The high I experience when I'm in God's presence is better than any high I ever got from any drugs or anything I used to get myself happy. The happiness on those was temporary, and it doesn't even come close to the joy I experience knowing Jesus.

Jesus brings me indescribable joy. :-)

Knowing him and living for him is not a religion, it's a relationship.

I could never go back to living how I did. The joy and peace this world has to offer, doesn't even come close to the joy and peace that Jesus offers. What's even better is that Jesus gives eternal life to all those that live for him. :-)))

I hope this doesn't come across all preachy, just trying to share my experience.

Message edited by author 2009-08-17 10:28:10.
08/17/2009 10:32:20 AM · #15
Hmmmm...I'd have to say yes. I have my own place, my boyfriend is a relaxed and happy person (not to mention a very good photog too). My cats love me, I love my work. My car runs and gets me from point A to B with relatively little difficulty. I am healthy though not as fit right now as I should be, but that can easily be remedied.

I do not believe in a God, per se, but more of an encompassing universal force that acts as a giant mirror and reflects back to you and yours the good - or bad - you do in the world. Karma. And yes it's in the bible too, as 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'
08/17/2009 10:42:01 AM · #16
Originally posted by Digital_Susie:

Originally posted by Sioux:

Originally posted by Digital_Susie:

Originally posted by smellyfish1002:

I accept what God might bring in my life,

I dont really agree with that.. Because what ever I have had or done in life, Is what I worked hard for, what I choose to do.. But what ever makes you happy..

What makes me happy, is being fit, healthy, safe, loved, to have freedom and choices in life. I believe if we dont set us challenges in life we become bored and lost.

But thanks for having your input.

God does give us free-will and you are expected to work for your rewards here. (Not for the ultimate reward - He took care of that.) A couple of years ago I went through some tough personal times. Can't get into it all here because this is, still, the internet and info about people who "wronged" me doesn't need to be brought up. Suffice it to say there was a lot of stuff thrown at me in a short period of time - the sudden and unexpected death of my mother, a divorce, my son leaving for the Army, a lump in my breast, yada, yada.

It got to the point my minister referred to me as a modern-day Job. But I leaned heavily on God during that time and got thru it. Had I only myself and my friends and family, it would have been much harder. I'm not here to preach to you. But I think if you let God introduce Himself to you, you might like Him a lot :)

Thats all so terrible.. :( At the moment my life is pretty good, but Im also still quiet young. I think when people hit there mid 40's early 50s thats when bad things start happening. :(

My mum didnt really tame the puppy that much, its just an active dog. you just got to do heaps of exersice with them to burn all that energy. Though if you watch the dog whisper he has got some good tricks up his sleeve.

heh. my *bad* stuff all happened to me in the early 20s. The closer I get to 40, the better it gets. :)

And, yes, I'm very happy with my life, and like others in this thread, attribute it to my faith in Christ.

Message edited by author 2009-08-17 10:42:30.
08/17/2009 10:47:15 AM · #17
generally so....and am very happy 'today' as it is my Birthday!!
08/17/2009 10:51:44 AM · #18
Originally posted by dassilem:

generally so....and am very happy 'today' as it is my Birthday!!

08/17/2009 10:54:32 AM · #19
Those questions made me remember of a psychology technique, which the psychologist asks 4 questions:

-Do and like to do:

-Do and don't like to do:

-Would like to do but don't do:

-Wouldn't like to do and don't do:

I never tried, but it may be nice.
08/17/2009 10:58:59 AM · #20
What is happiness without unhappiness?
08/17/2009 11:00:13 AM · #21
Originally posted by Spazmo99:

What is happiness without unhappiness?

08/17/2009 11:26:40 AM · #22
I'm at work, it's not a photography job, and it's typical Monday.

"I'm so happy, I could just #*&t!!!"

But yeah, Ain't Life Grand!
08/17/2009 11:58:23 AM · #23
Happy most of the time. Life is really good for me, especially compared to most. I will be happier when we get moved on to some property so i'm not butted up against neighbors that are miserable themselves. And even happier when my hubby gets through in Afghanistan and comes home to me.
08/17/2009 11:59:10 AM · #24
life is what YOU make it
you can keep your personal crutches

my life is very good & the only person i can blame/credit is myself ;)
08/17/2009 12:11:08 PM · #25
I agree with ralph life is really what you make of it. There are things that can take your life off the tracks that you see it running on, there are also choices that we make that either give us joy or sadness. Then sometimes you just get hit with badness and have to make the most of it. That is where your believe system comes in and helps you through.
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