Author | Thread |
02/11/2004 04:59:40 PM · #1 |
Letting Go - "Capture a feeling of letting go in your photograph."
My pic captures a FEELING of letting go. It is not literaly letting go of an object. People are voting my pic down for not literally letting go of something.
I just want type the word FEELING again.... for those of you who have no creativity or imagination.
Vote my photo down for sucking, or having bad lighting, or anything but don't vote it down for not being literal.... the challenge says "capture a FEELING" !!!!
02/11/2004 05:02:41 PM · #2 |
We are photography robots, we are able to have these things you call 'feelings'...
Seriously, I voted higher for 'feeling' shots than letting things go shots.
Message edited by author 2004-02-12 08:33:26.
02/11/2004 05:04:44 PM · #3 |
I FEEL your pain ....
Message edited by author 2004-02-11 17:04:51. |
02/11/2004 05:13:20 PM · #4 |
My image is the same. I captured or tried to capture the regrett of letting go... I did an OK job, but some people did not do such a good job of capturing that feeling. And this is comming from someone who did the same thing.
If nothing else, maybe this will be a learning experience...
02/11/2004 05:18:23 PM · #5 |
Originally posted by crabappl3: We are photography robots, we are able to have these things you call 'feelings'...
Seriously, I voted higher for 'feeling' shots then letting things go shots. |
I appreciate and thank you for voting 'feeling' pics fairly. I hope others do aswell.
02/11/2004 05:21:24 PM · #6 |
FEELINGS are also rather personal, and if someone doesnt have the personal reference of having a loved one die, a marriage fall apart, or the other FEELING shots then they may not FEEL the shot as much as those who do have the personal reference. Some people also see FEELING shots as emotional blackmail by portraying something to invoke a FEELING from the viewer and react negatively towards it. Finally, some people just like pretty colorful pictures.
And just because someone doesnt like a photograph or interpret a shot differently than the photographer does not mean they have no creativity or imagination either. Maybe they just dont like it.
02/11/2004 05:22:53 PM · #7 |
I would certainly hope that people aren't voting down for either the literal version or the emotional version of the challenge description ... Really, in a challenge such as this, open-mindedness is the key. There are so many interpretations here that you couldn't possibly narrow it down to one thing. I agree that photos should be judged on quality, technical aspects as well as how the picture expresses, either literally or otherwise, the feeling of letting go.
I, personaly, am open to all of them and couldn't begin to mark down for one interpretation or the other. Some may be a little deeper and hard to connect, but if you have the time, take it to spend on these to try to see what the photog is trying to convey.
I don't have a photo in this challenge, due to time, had many ideas both literal and emotional. Wish I had cause it seemed like one that would've been interesting to shoot. |
02/11/2004 05:23:37 PM · #8 |
Originally posted by JoelHSmith:
Vote my photo down for sucking, or having bad lighting, or anything but don't vote it down for not being literal.... the challenge says "capture a FEELING" !!!! |
02/11/2004 05:23:45 PM · #9 |
Crabappl3: lol... photography robots, indeed. :) That made me feel better after reading the comments people have been making about my submission. Totally off topic but related, IMHO - I gave someone a DVD of Bjork videos because I love Bjork so much I wanted to share the music and, even better, the imagery she comes up with for her videos. I got a thank you note that said 'well, some of the music is okay but boy is she ugly!'. Now, that's something I never could have even imagined as a response to Bjork but, as I always say and am reminded in here 24/7, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It just goes to show you, though, that just because people don't get what you're trying to do, it doesn't mean you can't be successful enough to be famous. My friend doesn't like Bjork but then I don't like the majority of musicians topping the charts. Each to his/her own. We all submit photos to challenges from time to time which seem like they couldn't possibly offend anyone or get anyone's dander up but, lo and behold, it finds a way to happen. Such is life. :)
02/11/2004 05:23:56 PM · #10 |
I think there are enough 'FEELING' shots in this challenge to indicate that the people here understand non-literal compositions. I could pick out the meaning in most of those myself, but there were a few where I could not see the connection or felt it was really reaching to fit the photo/title into the challenge.
Maybe the meaning that is clear to you, just isn't clear to a large number of viewers? Are they leaving comments saying there is no connection or is that your interpretation?
I hesitate any more in leaving such comments myself because I usually get back a PM telling me I'm too dense to understand someone else's artistic genius.
Whichever, try not to take it too hard.
(Breathe in....breathe out. Repeat) |
02/11/2004 05:24:26 PM · #11 |
I feel the pain too. I got my subject from google searching for letting go until I saw this poem that contains letting go, feelings and my subject. I thought I'll do better here but oh well, I see its really hard for everyone to understand what I had in mind. 4.4 and still going down.
Message edited by author 2004-02-11 17:25:44.
02/11/2004 06:46:21 PM · #12 |
*sigh* Yep. This is my first challenge here and I'm rather underwhelmed by the creativity. On the other hand, it's fair to note that a lot of these submission are too personal for everyone to understand. (My own included.) I liked the contest idea, it just seems a tough topic for people to work evenly on.
Here's for textures! ;) |
02/11/2004 06:54:42 PM · #13 |
I tried to work both on action of letting go and the feeling of letting go.... but anyway my score is 4.8 and going down.... sigh*! What the heck! Let's continue shooting and improving....
I see in my future lots of high scores and also low scores, I see ribbons and rough comments, I see pictures many people like and also shots even I won't like.....
Such is life!!! |
02/11/2004 07:16:37 PM · #14 |
I'm feeling that cat/bug/kid lovers are leting go my score down to toilet,started at 6.5 now is down to 4 something!
BTW how many photos have name that starts with "Leting go " ?
Message edited by author 2004-02-11 19:26:42. |
02/11/2004 09:21:33 PM · #15 |
My second challenge and I am quite prepared for some others to not "get" my connection to "letting go." For this particular challenge, I'm really more interested in the commnents from those who may understand it from a similar point of reference as my own. If you understand the idea behind the photo, then did I do a good job of presenting it?
02/11/2004 09:43:23 PM · #16 |
I am sympathetic to those watching their scores going down (4.7, and holding). I will also say that I received 6 comments where people were genuinely trying to provide constructive feedback (the same suggestion no less) and they were recomending that I "fix" the exact thing that I worked hard on to generate. OK, clearly, my sense of how to show that emotion is different than the mainstream.
Then I tallied my own voting. It isn't quite gaussian, but it is close, and centered around 4.8 (I aim for between 5 and 5.5.)
Where did all that leave me?
I think this is by far the best picture I have taken for these challenges, the feedback was well meaning and appreciated. So, I'm OK with the scoring. I'll need to go back and adjust some scores I gave slightly after I finsh scoring to fix the average, but basically, I am concluding that collectively, we didn't do a very good job on this challenge.
Must be time to start thinking about the Four Elements and Textures.
Bill |
02/11/2004 10:29:25 PM · #17 |
Well, I think the challenges are a lot more fun if my score stays above 4.0 LOL.
I tried for both the literal and figurative meaning (comments range from "okay" to candidate for the lowest scorer!) Looks like I'll have to take my own advise and "let it go" - I hate when that happens!
It's comforting to know there are others that are experiencing this challenge along with me. Tomorrow I'll turn my energies to 4 elements and textures.
02/11/2004 10:57:37 PM · #18 |
Originally posted by moodville: FEELINGS are also rather personal, and if someone doesnt have the personal reference of having a loved one die, a marriage fall apart, or the other FEELING shots then they may not FEEL the shot as much as those who do have the personal reference. Some people also see FEELING shots as emotional blackmail by portraying something to invoke a FEELING from the viewer and react negatively towards it. Finally, some people just like pretty colorful pictures.
And just because someone doesnt like a photograph or interpret a shot differently than the photographer does not mean they have no creativity or imagination either. Maybe they just dont like it. |
Another FEELING of letting go could be getting away from, an escape. Not just feelings of sorrow, remorse, and pain. My immediate interpretation of letting go was more optimistic - like a vacation, or letting go of reality and the absurdity of everyday life in society. Not a feeling of letting go of past memories.
So we all had our own interpretation. I honestly voted anything with a viable emotive connascence high, and the literal entries fairly low. |
02/11/2004 11:04:35 PM · #19 |
My entry, like everyone elses is lower than I expected. Its at 4.8 right now. My submission is different from others, and in my opinion original. I think people are scoring me low because they don't think I met the theme of the cahllenge. Oh well, good luck to everyone. |
02/11/2004 11:17:12 PM · #20 |
Originally posted by JoelHSmith: Letting Go - "Capture a feeling of letting go in your photograph."
My pic captures a FEELING of letting go. It is not literaly letting go of an object. People are voting my pic down for not literally letting go of something.
I just want type the word FEELING again.... for those of you who have no creativity or imagination.
Vote my photo down for sucking, or having bad lighting, or anything but don't vote it down for not being literal.... the challenge says "capture a FEELING" !!!! |
Heh...didn't we have a conversation about this fact, before the challenge started? If it's not a very literal interpretation, it ain't gonna fly.
At least you took the profanity out before you posted here. :-)
02/12/2004 02:28:55 AM · #21 |
Originally posted by pitsaman: I'm feeling that cat/bug/kid lovers are leting go my score down to toilet,started at 6.5 now is down to 4 something! |
I know the feeling. My photo started out really great this AM, declined steadily till mid-afternoon, and now it seems to be climbing slowly again. I think it's going to be a roller coaster of a week watching my score!
I had quite a few ideas, and actually spent more time than usual on this particular challenge, so I hope the photo gets a nice finish. We shall see... |
02/12/2004 03:00:27 AM · #22 |
I have to admit that I didn't see a lot of really great shots in this challenge. It was as if people were confused about what was meant by "letting go". To some, it meant releasing something while others felt that it meant letting go of a loved one. There were also other pictures that I felt had little to do with the challenge. |
02/12/2004 03:01:09 AM · #23 |
After a few shots I quickly looked thru everything and abandoned voting :(
02/12/2004 08:13:35 AM · #24 |
Originally posted by leskataus: ..It was as if people were confused about what was meant by "letting go". To some, it meant releasing something while others felt that it meant letting go of a loved one... |
Are not both of those subjects capturing letting go? Unless we want to clamp down on creative thought and provide a full disertation on what the challenge is and what the TRUE definition of the words being used are, there will always be room for interpritation...
AND, if we did that, everyone would be whining about how they are all the same. I think there is always a great deal of creative thinking for each challeneg and I see many different interpretations or presentations of a thought.
My complaint about this challenge was that everything seemed so quick and low quality and poorly planned. Most pictures, probably even including mine didn't have that huge pizazz...
Although, I think my image would be doing much much better score wise, if so many others didn't stick-a-la-pue! For once I thought I had that artistic shot that others would just "get", and vote high on...
Message edited by author 2004-02-12 08:15:10.
02/12/2004 08:24:11 AM · #25 |
Originally posted by tarique: After a few shots I quickly looked thru everything and abandoned voting :( |
This thread is interesting. I looked at and voted on all the photos and, in fact, gave some pretty high scores. The lower scores came more often from the photo not being very well done than for not meeting the challenge. I LOVED the varied interpretations of the challenge. From "letting go in grief of a loved one" to "letting go and flying free". It made each photo that much more intriguing than if everyone had interpreted the challenge the exact same way.
I don't think y'all are photography robots at all...perhaps a few VOTING robots.... ;-) |
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