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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> My First Show - July 2010
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 53, (reverse)
07/03/2010 12:01:31 PM · #26
Congrats Neil! Hope that this and the other shows are a great success!
07/03/2010 12:02:25 PM · #27
Originally posted by SteveJ:

Another thought, Neil. Have you considered making one of the prints a limited edition with a run of perhaps 200? Certificated and numbered is always tempting to buyers:)

Many times, but I'm not really sure how to do that "properly".

And does that include "all media"? Or 200 Canvas Prints, 200 10x15's, etc.?

As I sit here and think about it more, I am sure you are right about the prices. At least I should post prices of the lustre prints...they are low enough that someone may say, "hey, for $30 I can get a print of this!"

If Starbucks allowed it, I would have put a box of prints there shrink wrapped for sale. But they said they don't do that.

Message edited by author 2010-07-03 12:03:40.
07/03/2010 12:07:28 PM · #28
Originally posted by nshapiro:

Originally posted by SteveJ:

Another thought, Neil. Have you considered making one of the prints a limited edition with a run of perhaps 200? Certificated and numbered is always tempting to buyers:)

Many times, but I'm not really sure how to do that "properly".

And does that include "all media"? Or 200 Canvas Prints, 200 10x15's, etc.?

As I sit here and think about it more, I am sure you are right about the prices. At least I should post prices of the lustre prints...they are low enough that someone may say, "hey, for $30 I can get a print of this!"

If Starbucks allowed it, I would have put a box of prints there shrink wrapped for sale. But they said they don't do that.

If it was limited edition, I would do the canvas prints(the most expensive)items:) I would make the other sizes available on an unlimited basis.

I would have imagined Starbucks won't allow any independant commercial ventures on their premises, as you reap the profits without the overheads?
07/03/2010 12:45:03 PM · #29
Originally posted by SteveJ:

Originally posted by nshapiro:

Originally posted by SteveJ:

Another thought, Neil. Have you considered making one of the prints a limited edition with a run of perhaps 200? Certificated and numbered is always tempting to buyers:)

Many times, but I'm not really sure how to do that "properly".

And does that include "all media"? Or 200 Canvas Prints, 200 10x15's, etc.?

As I sit here and think about it more, I am sure you are right about the prices. At least I should post prices of the lustre prints...they are low enough that someone may say, "hey, for $30 I can get a print of this!"

If Starbucks allowed it, I would have put a box of prints there shrink wrapped for sale. But they said they don't do that.

If it was limited edition, I would do the canvas prints(the most expensive)items:) I would make the other sizes available on an unlimited basis.

I would have imagined Starbucks won't allow any independant commercial ventures on their premises, as you reap the profits without the overheads?

They have a monthly exhibit; you are allowed to sell and show prices, but they want nothing to do with it. It's only a "side attraction" to the shop for them.

It would have been fine for them to ask a percent royalty. Certainly galleries charge a lot.

Sounds like a good idea on the canvas...but where do I write the numbers... on the back? Do I need to do something else to prove it?
07/03/2010 12:46:46 PM · #30
Not being a big facebook user...I created that event, and then just invited a bunch of people on my friends list (mostly locals).

Hope that doesn't brand me a facebook spammer! I rarely post on facebook (except about my son's developing theatre career), and so I'm such a noob.
07/04/2010 08:58:29 AM · #31
Neil, I hope your show is going great. I had to laugh when I read what I wrote about the show at the museum. It sounds so lofty and it wasn't like that.

I spent 7 months photographing a lagoon located in the heart of the city and they staff saw some of my prints of the little beasties that live there. They wanted to promote the lagoon so the Museum of Natural History asked me to show my work - it isn't even close to the excellence of your work - funny how things can come across when you just have words to write and you're in a hurry. Just wanted to clear that up - I wouldn't do it again as only a few things sold and it cost me a fortune. I am going to be putting my stuff at a beauty spa and expect to sell a more there.. I know a few photographers who did that and sold a lot of prints.

After this show you might want to check out local wineries and the like - your beautiful canvasses would do well in a high end wine tasting room - it's good to have another venue lined up when you have work left over.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Wishing you the best.
07/04/2010 11:18:33 AM · #32
Wow, missed this thread when you first posted it :-P
Looks great Neil. You should get a great response form this. I like your idea of going with all gallery-wrapped canvas. I think the look is clean and focuses on the images.
07/04/2010 11:42:01 PM · #33
Thanks Fritz and Maggie.

Maggie, I don't think it was overstated: I still think hanging a print or multiple prints in a museum is a big deal :)

No sales yet, but I did get a nice email today from someone who is either a photographer or advanced hobbiest; they asked about the canvas printing but also said very nice work several times. They said the quality was superb but I don't know if they were talking about the printing or the photography at that point :)

I don't think we have wineries around here--though there are many in Western NY. I'm still hoping someone from the art community will notice and offer me a show or a part of a show.

07/05/2010 04:29:42 AM · #34
Congrats Neil
It's always a buzz to see your own stuff displayed. Well done.
I think people are right about displaying prices - I think it makes people think about it while they are looking at the print - therefore more likely to act on it.
I hope the roll continues for you.
07/06/2010 04:55:10 PM · #35
Originally posted by Tajhad:

Congrats Neil
It's always a buzz to see your own stuff displayed. Well done.
I think people are right about displaying prices - I think it makes people think about it while they are looking at the print - therefore more likely to act on it.
I hope the roll continues for you.


I'm finally getting a bit of new website traffic now; not a lot, but it's still early in the month

But I still think the prices are a good idea. I just have to make a new sign!
07/09/2010 03:34:46 PM · #36
Well, it's been just over a week. No sales yet unfortunately.

I'm going to go there today and hang one more canvas on a different wall, as they said I could do.

This time, it will be my Water Colors photo. (Awesome in canvas...)

And I updated my sign per your suggestions. So I'll go hang that, with prices. Maybe they will see the prints are affordable.

Here's the revised sign:

I'm going to print it shortly, so let me know if you see something wrong!

07/09/2010 03:51:30 PM · #37
That's awesome news. I hope you do well. I myself will have my work hung in a local business for the first time in August for a 1 night art and wine show that is pretty large in my town. It is very exciting to think that people will be drinking and critiqueing. LOL You have given me some great idea's that I may incorporate in my showing.
07/09/2010 04:18:07 PM · #38
Wow, very reasonable prices you've got.

I'm definitely inclined to think that showing prices will increase the chances of sales. The vast majority of the time I'm looking at an item, I'll abandon any thought of purchasing it if I can't easily determine the price, unless I need or really, really want it.

Good luck!
07/09/2010 08:02:53 PM · #39
Went there and hung the new work and sign.

The barista said that people have been raving about them. Also funny: he said that someone from a local bookstore was interested, but he thinks they were interested in selling my bookmarks! Well it's not quite the same as a sale of some photos, but they are very cool. I'll have to get in touch with them and see if they are interested for real.

FYI--the bookmark is this one:

Per my daughter's suggestion: I would probably need to remove the ad text and put something like an inspirational phrase on it.

Message edited by author 2010-07-09 20:04:07.
07/11/2010 08:54:36 PM · #40
For other's considering a show like this, trying to eventually go for gallery space, there's a good article in Double Exposure about it.

See //www.doubleexposure.com/BrianTremblay.shtml

Note it has some nude illustrations, so not work safe.

At least it gave me some confirmation that Starbucks, and the way they manage the shows, was a good initial step.
07/11/2010 10:37:56 PM · #41
Your bookmark and calendar are exceptional.. especially the calendar. Are you going to offer it here (DPC) too? Please pm me if I can buy one from you. I just re-read your posting and I am not sure where I thought I saw something about a calendar. Sheesh.

Forgive me if you answered this before but where do you get your bookmarks and prints printed? If they look this good web-sized, they must really be something in real life.

Message edited by author 2010-07-11 22:39:59.
07/30/2010 01:46:02 PM · #42
Originally posted by Saker:

Your bookmark and calendar are exceptional.. especially the calendar. Are you going to offer it here (DPC) too? Please pm me if I can buy one from you. I just re-read your posting and I am not sure where I thought I saw something about a calendar. Sheesh.

Forgive me if you answered this before but where do you get your bookmarks and prints printed? If they look this good web-sized, they must really be something in real life.

Sorry for not replying sooner....I meant to. There's no calendar (though that's a good idea). I just made some bookmarks as promo items. I think I understand though--the promo page I made (below) to hang at starbucks does look like a calendar back (which summarizes the image). I may just do that though--and I'll let you know when I do.

07/30/2010 02:09:01 PM · #43
Just noticing this thread. Congrats on the public views, but it does somewhat confirm for me that these ideas are great for Starbucks (free artwork on their walls) and nobody else. Your landscapes are as good as anybody else's and if they aren't selling it's likely because people don't go into a coffee shop thinking about buying a $250 print.

Maybe it's because your photos lack "substance"... ;D

Message edited by author 2010-07-30 14:09:51.
07/30/2010 02:22:20 PM · #44
Originally posted by nshapiro:

Here's the revised sign:

I'm going to print it shortly, so let me know if you see something wrong!

Sorry, only three weeks late! On my display, there's what looks like a small vertical line by the word "Geometry ..." in the photo titles -- hope it's just a display glitch on my old computer!

I like the sign, though if those prices are for straight unmatted prints, I think I need to consider quadrupling mine ... :-(

What size are you printing those bookmarks? Someone recommended to me that I try and sell some of my panoramics as bookmarks, but they're cheapest if printed 6" long -- I don't know if that's really long enough ....
07/30/2010 02:42:29 PM · #45
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Just noticing this thread. Congrats on the public views, but it does somewhat confirm for me that these ideas are great for Starbucks (free artwork on their walls) and nobody else. Your landscapes are as good as anybody else's and if they aren't selling it's likely because people don't go into a coffee shop thinking about buying a $250 print.

Maybe it's because your photos lack "substance"... ;D

An interesting point...
Personally, the only thing that has kept me from buying several pieces of art from coffee shops has been my pocketbook. None were photos, but that's really only because none of the photos I've ever seen at a coffee shop have tickled my fancy enough.
Having said that, I have wondered myself how often pieces sell, as I rarely see changes when they're on display.
07/30/2010 03:04:54 PM · #46
@Paul: Thanks...LOL...the "|" next to the G is because what I posted was a screen capture. The sign is a PDF, and I just grabbed the screen to post it here.

The print prices are my standard print prices--the only variation is on some sites I add $5 because shipping must be included in the price. I have sold on DPCPrints at those prices (or close to them; some of my DPC prices may vary; a while back I posted a card on my office wall to make sure I always used the same pricing when I offer on various websites.)

And the $250 prints are all canvases (mostly 16x24), cheaper than I originally offered them at $350 (I lowered them for the show).

The bookmarks are like 2.5x7" (or whatever the standard "long" format is on WHCC).

I've actually printed my second set, in preparation for my next showing in October. This time I printed the Manhattan Lights bookmark.

again they came out great! WHCC is the best.

@Jason: Well, they say repetition is the key to sales. I have two more shows lined up in the fall. So if at first you don't succeed, try try again!

07/30/2010 03:45:50 PM · #47
Originally posted by nshapiro:

@Jason: Well, they say repetition is the key to sales. I have two more shows lined up in the fall. So if at first you don't succeed, try try again!

Well, I really do hope you generate a ton of sales, but if you don't let us all know. I get tempted now and then by these offers, but I don't get a lot of stories where they paid off for anybody but the restaurant.
07/30/2010 04:51:21 PM · #48
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Originally posted by nshapiro:

@Jason: Well, they say repetition is the key to sales. I have two more shows lined up in the fall. So if at first you don't succeed, try try again!

Well, I really do hope you generate a ton of sales, but if you don't let us all know. I get tempted now and then by these offers, but I don't get a lot of stories where they paid off for anybody but the restaurant.

Would you say "no" to a museum showing, where the images were not for sale, but they provided contact information in case someone wanted to buy something later?

I look at a cafe show more as an "open mike" for visual arts than actual gallery -- where people come specifically to look at/buy the art -- you get public display space to advertise your work, and they get free interior decoration ...

@Neil: Thanks for the bookmark info. I'm trying to keep them at 6", because the cost basically doubles going to 7" or 8" ... :-(

How much do you think a bookstore or card shop would sell them for, and at what split? I'm estimating the materials cost at between $0.15-0.20/each (bookmark plus tassel) ...
07/30/2010 05:15:04 PM · #49
I think of it from the business angle. The restaurant is risking nothing and gaining decoration for the walls. You are risking the cost of the canvases (which isn't minimal) for the potential to gain sales. Unless you are pulling the canvases off your own walls or you were going to purchase them anyway, that is a cost. All the buzz in the world doesn't matter from a business point of view UNTIL it translates into sales.

It's obvious to me why restaurants are happy to enter into this deal. I'm not saying it is bad or wrong, I'm just giving a bit or warning to new people who may have to fork out $500 to print and frame their work and then never see a dime in sales. Neil's case so far seems to enhance that warning. Starbucks gets traffic and Neil's work is good. It seems, on paper, to be a winning combination yet here we are a month in and nothing to show for it.

Message edited by author 2010-07-30 17:16:27.
07/30/2010 05:40:13 PM · #50
Actually, I still consider it a good opportunity/experience. It was my first multi-works show in a public place. It didn't cost me extra for the canvases--I keep a (growing) inventory of samples anyway. These indeed are my samples, off of my walls, and the real inventory ones are still in boxes (waiting to be sold--I used to buy two of each, one for a sample, one for selling, but lately I've been ordering one-of's their discounted samples).

I'll use most of these canvases for my shows this fall. I have one at a different Starbucks, and one at Professor Javas. So the audience will be different.

I've looked into local galleries, but most are cooperatives, and not only do they cost me money to display, they cost in time, as you need to commit volunteer time. The library is of course another opportunity...we called one of the bigger ones here, and there's a two year waiting list!

But meantime, they are still for sale via the web. I just need to keep finding ways to get them exposure.

I didn't post it here before because I didn't want to contaminate my site statistics with viewers from other sources, but tomorrow it won't matter any more and I'll post the gallery I was sending them too. I prefer it to my usual website for sales, though it's less uniquely branded (Actually, I did post it here "indirectly" (and for all I know my visitors were DPCers.) The traffic counts there were 57 visitors for the month of July, 300 images were viewed.

ETA: I guess my biggest cost were the bookmarks and business cards. The bookmarks are .40 a piece! Business cards significantly less.

Message edited by author 2010-07-30 17:40:54.
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