Author | Thread |
03/16/2004 04:20:45 PM · #1 |
I know that many of us like to photograph eight legged creatures and here's a chance to enter a contest, made to order for spider enthusiasts.
Woodland Park Zook Creepy Crawly Spider Photo Contest
Have fun!
03/16/2004 05:21:05 PM · #2 |
03/16/2004 05:32:56 PM · #3 |
Thanks, I knew I was holding onto this pic for something. |
03/16/2004 05:45:38 PM · #4 |
Thats a coincedence, I just had a "spider shoot" the other night! |
03/16/2004 05:54:38 PM · #5 |
03/16/2004 06:11:44 PM · #6 |
Little jumper
Good thread - the often underappreciated spider pics get their showplace. :-) |
03/16/2004 06:23:46 PM · #7 |
I love spiders (arachnamania?). Any creature that can spin thread that is proportionately stronger than steel (and as yet unreplicable by man) has to be in my favourites list!
Nice shots in the thread too.
My two arachnid challenge entries:
and one from the same shoot above:

03/16/2004 06:26:50 PM · #8 |
I'm hoping this guy will come back this year. |
03/16/2004 06:33:21 PM · #9 |
Thanks for the link - I wish I had a better background on this one, but I still like it:
03/16/2004 06:40:55 PM · #10 |
This is still a personal favorite of mine. Thanks for the entry info.

03/16/2004 08:18:53 PM · #11 |
Found this gal on Antelope Island near Roy, UT.

03/16/2004 08:52:23 PM · #12 |
This was my pet for 10 years. RIP Rosie.
(Shot with old Nikon Coolpix 900)
Enlarge this pic
03/16/2004 09:10:47 PM · #13 |
That's a spider!! :) WOW. |
03/16/2004 09:15:10 PM · #14 |
I gave her a boyfriend as a present a few years ago. Got their mating ritual on video. Very interesting. They extend their fangs fully during the process. Those suckers are at least 2 inches long. No babies sadly though. At least she got some. More than most captive spiders can say.
03/16/2004 09:24:51 PM · #15 |
Mr friend and I found that in his yard. It looks poisonous. Anyone have any idea what that is? |
03/16/2004 09:30:51 PM · #16 |
Hard to positively say from that angle but it appears to be a common Yellow Garden Spider. They make the most beautiful webs. Here is some scalped info on it:
BTW - It isn't poisonous other than like any other common spider. Only the Black Widow and Brown Recluse will give you any health troubles.
Yellow Garden Spider
Argiope auranita Typical Orb Weavers, Family Araneidae
This distinctive spider is often noticed because of its large size and its habit of building webs in gardens and grassy areas near houses. It is most typically found in tall grasslands.
The small cephalothorax is tipped with silver hairs, and the slightly oval abdomen is patterned yellow (sometimes orange) and black. A black mid-stripe with four white spots in the center marks the top of the abdomen. The legs are black with yellow-orange stripes. The upper portion of the legs is more solidly colored orange-yellow. Females are much larger than males and can reach lengths of 19-28mm as compared to 5-8mm for males.
This spider can be found sitting head-down at its web's hub where a zig-zag silk band, the stabilimentum, extends vertically from the center. A variety of insects may fall prey to this spider, especially grasshoppers and katydids. Certain species of smaller spiders use yellow garden spider webs as their own and may feed on the tiny insects caught in the web.
Missouri distribution: presumed statewide in tall grasslands with tall herbaceous vegetation.
Message edited by author 2004-03-16 21:32:26.
03/16/2004 10:06:43 PM · #17 |
I'm new to the site and I was wondering how do you put pictures in the gallery with out entering them into a contest? |
03/16/2004 10:22:18 PM · #18 |
Originally posted by madman2250: I'm new to the site and I was wondering how do you put pictures in the gallery with out entering them into a contest? |
The Portfolio feature is specific to paid membership. One of the nice returns for the very small annual cost.
03/16/2004 10:25:02 PM · #19 |
Thank you very much. Once I try it out and what not, I may consider getting the membership. It really isn't that much. I just need to be sure that photography is something that I am going to continue to enjoy. |
05/28/2004 12:03:36 AM · #20 |
My lil' friend from Mexico
Body about 1", total length about 4" to 4.5" |
05/28/2004 12:09:22 AM · #21 |
05/28/2004 12:09:49 AM · #22 |
This is by Natator, I was admiring it in his porfolio yesterday.
 [/url] |
05/28/2004 12:14:43 AM · #23 |
yummy |
05/28/2004 12:20:49 AM · #24 |
This little guy measured approx. 1/8th of an inch, maybe. Check out that shallow DOF!!!! |
05/28/2004 12:30:02 AM · #25 |
Here's a Black Widow spider. I found this one under my doghouse and to get the pic I actually put the camera in Macro mode and finally worked up the courage to within about 3 or 4 inches away from it. The black body was about the size of a marble (maybe slightly smaller):
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