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DPChallenge Forums >> Welcome Center >> I\'m Steady Jaw, hello everybody!
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05/08/2014 04:06:07 PM · #1
I'm joining DPC because I love photography and I just can't stop thinking about it. Since I want to improve my skills too, this looked like the right way to go.
It looks like I chose the wrong time to join DPC since from what I see in the forums, seems like people complains that it is starting to die or something?

Anyway... I started in photography with a film camera (Nikon N65 with a 35-70 Nikkor AF lens).
It was so frustrating to not be able to see the pictures until the film was developed, and so Art suffered many assaults while I was trying to learn.
I had to bring a small notebook with me to write all the settings I was using for each shot XDDD.
I even went as far as to develop some positives myself. It was fun! I was stoned for the rest of the day after playing with so many chemicals XD
(Maybe that's why I don't remember anything of what I used to do to develop my pictures? XDDD)

Now that I have a digital camera (Nikon D60 this time) I wouldn't change it for anything in the world!

So I will be uploading a picture per day, or something like that, in order to improve.
Please feel free to leave any feedback if you feel like doing so and have the time.
Feedback is VERY well received, don't be afraid to be harsh or mean on me if any of my pictures makes your eyes bleed.
I may also ask for feedback on specific pictures. And of course I will give feedback too, from my still ignorant point of view =)


Message edited by author 2014-05-08 17:12:21.
05/08/2014 04:28:50 PM · #2
aaa hello from another D60 user! I love mine too, welcome to the crazy clan!

Just take the voting as a grain of salt and nothing against you personally!
People are great and so is the learning, I have learned so much in the few weeks I joined than 6 months on the other forums I belonged too.

Make yourself at home and look forward to seeing your pictures!
05/08/2014 05:04:22 PM · #3
High five D60 user!
We will rule the world, muahuahauhaHAhaha...

I'm trying to upload my first picture but it gets stuck forever with the message:
"Total: 511.21 Kb of 548.95 Kb"

I'll try again tomorrow.
Thank you for your warm welcome!
05/08/2014 05:18:12 PM · #4
Welcome -- This is the best place I know to improve your photography. Enter as many challenges as you can.
05/08/2014 05:21:08 PM · #5
Welcome!!!!! Happy to have you.

Now about those "we are dying" rumors, this should clear things up.
05/08/2014 05:53:32 PM · #6
Thanks man! I'll do! You have an amazing gallery, by the way!

LOL... Monty Phyton forevah!
I guess you're right, I've just posted and there are 3 replies already in less than half an hour!
BTW, do you have any clue about why I'm having problems uploading my first picture?
I'll try again tomorrow though.
05/08/2014 06:12:27 PM · #7
Originally posted by steadyJaw:

Thanks man! I'll do! You have an amazing gallery, by the way!

LOL... Monty Phyton forevah!
I guess you're right, I've just posted and there are 3 replies already in less than half an hour!
BTW, do you have any clue about why I'm having problems uploading my first picture?
I'll try again tomorrow though.

I think it's because you're a registered user and not a member.
05/08/2014 06:14:12 PM · #8
You have that many responses because none of us have an actual life.....but shhh, don't tell anyone that, especially that markwiley character! He'll inevitably take it badly and then everything'll start all over again... ;)
05/08/2014 07:15:46 PM · #9
Welcome to DPC!!!
05/08/2014 07:54:44 PM · #10
Originally posted by steadyJaw:

seems like people complains that it is starting to die or something?

I've heard complaints like that since I joined the forum in 2007. I do think membership was at its high point then.
05/08/2014 08:16:25 PM · #11
05/08/2014 08:21:56 PM · #12
Hi steadyJaw welcome to DPC, I like your honest approach, if you stay here long enough I'm sure you will improve, unless that is if you're already good, how do we know, looking forward to seeing your style.

BTW you can use the 2nd icon to the right to enter our user names instead of typing in @, and all the other icons come in handy as well :)

All the best.
05/09/2014 08:19:43 AM · #13
Originally posted by tanguera:

I think it's because you're a registered user and not a member.

Oh ok... well, in the meanwhile, I'll be around anyway, I really like the atmosphere of this site so I'll try to contribute!

Originally posted by pamb:

You have that many responses because none of us have an actual life... ;)

Hahaha... well that depends on what you consider life, after all, you're sharing time with friends here =)

Originally posted by cynthiann:

Welcome to DPC!!!

Thank you!

Originally posted by Yo_Spiff:

I've heard complaints like that since I joined the forum in 2007. I do think membership was at its high point then.

Yeah, I do see a lot of movement here too.

Originally posted by Jules1x:



Originally posted by Neat:

Hi steadyJaw welcome to DPC, I like your honest approach, if you stay here long enough I'm sure you will improve, unless that is if you're already good, how do we know, looking forward to seeing your style.

BTW you can use the 2nd icon to the right to enter our user names instead of typing in @, and all the other icons come in handy as well :)

All the best.

Yeah, I did it that way, but it didn't allow me to post because I am a new user and I can't paste links due to spam prevention =(
Anyway, thanks for your warm welcome!
I'm looking forward to sharing my time and pics with you here!
05/09/2014 10:21:00 AM · #14
Welcome to the circus!!
05/09/2014 10:31:44 AM · #15
You can do links, its the earth icon you just have to click it twice.. enter the url then if you wanted to say someting with it enter that but I just click twice and it will come through..

I had to post links for a lot of things before I became a member :-))

I just noticed my last link Icon just now.. LOL I am still learning
05/09/2014 12:47:26 PM · #16
Welcome aboard, sir. A steady jaw and a steely gaze should be useful hereabouts :-)
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