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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> March SideChallenge - POSTING THREAD
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Showing posts 176 - 200 of 305, (reverse)
03/17/2019 02:40:57 AM · #176
so i'm putting something out there ..
i have been thinking about GRATITUDE ..
and how its a wonderful thing to improve your state of mind .. especially when you are struggling ..
when you switch on and notice the things that you could be grateful for .. you then tend to see even more things ..

i was thinking that taking photos of those things .. or representing them somehow in a photo .. could be a great project for me ..
then i wondered if anyone here would be interested in a side challenge that focused on gratitude ..

i'd love to get some feedback and suggestions ..
i'm going to start a thread .. but i'm putting this in here .. because some of you might be keen .. :)
the thread asking for feedback
03/17/2019 03:51:27 AM · #177
Originally posted by roz:

so i'm putting something out there ..
i have been thinking about GRATITUDE ..
and how its a wonderful thing to improve your state of mind .. especially when you are struggling ..
when you switch on and notice the things that you could be grateful for .. you then tend to see even more things ..

i was thinking that taking photos of those things .. or representing them somehow in a photo .. could be a great project for me ..
then i wondered if anyone here would be interested in a side challenge that focused on gratitude ..

i'd love to get some feedback and suggestions ..
i'm going to start a thread .. but i'm putting this in here .. because some of you might be keen .. :)
the thread asking for feedback

I̢۪d be up for this.
The word gratitude is maybe not the word I̢۪d use but words are words so I̢۪d be ok with that.
To truly appreciate what is there is no gratitude, all these wonderful diverse appearances don̢۪t need me to appreciate them to be wonderful and divers, if I say I̢۪m grateful of them, then I̢۪m applying that they are wonderful because I appreciate them, when in fact they are wonderful whether are not I̢۪m even there to be grateful of them. Photographing something you are grateful of is only photographing something that falls into the what I like and does me good categorie, when in fact all appearances are perfect as they are even if they are not in our grateful category. So I would be shooting for this as if everything Is perfect and whole and unconditional.
Shoot as if you were not there.
03/17/2019 04:04:56 AM · #178
Originally posted by jagar:

Originally posted by roz:

so i'm putting something out there ..
i have been thinking about GRATITUDE ..
and how its a wonderful thing to improve your state of mind .. especially when you are struggling ..
when you switch on and notice the things that you could be grateful for .. you then tend to see even more things ..

i was thinking that taking photos of those things .. or representing them somehow in a photo .. could be a great project for me ..
then i wondered if anyone here would be interested in a side challenge that focused on gratitude ..

i'd love to get some feedback and suggestions ..
i'm going to start a thread .. but i'm putting this in here .. because some of you might be keen .. :)
the thread asking for feedback

I̢۪d be up for this.
The word gratitude is maybe not the word I̢۪d use but words are words so I̢۪d be ok with that.
To truly appreciate what is there is no gratitude, all these wonderful diverse appearances don̢۪t need me to appreciate them to be wonderful and divers, if I say I̢۪m grateful of them, then I̢۪m applying that they are wonderful because I appreciate them, when in fact they are wonderful whether are not I̢۪m even there to be grateful of them. Photographing something you are grateful of is only photographing something that falls into the what I like and does me good categorie, when in fact all appearances are perfect as they are even if they are not in our grateful category. So I would be shooting for this as if everything Is perfect and whole and unconditional.
Shoot as if you were not there.

i do truly believe that we can agree on something even tho our words might indicate otherwise ..
as words are so open to interpretation .. the word gratitude to me .. might mean something entirely different to you .. or with subtle differences ..
but i agree .. whatever it is .. is wonderful whether i think its so or not .. my categorizing it is only as it affects me ..

i have found .. that when i become aware of .. and focus on .. something in my life that is helpful, good and positive .. rather than the opposite ..
then i am raising my vibration .. it might sound cliche .. but it is a real thing ..
when i concentrate on the negative .. then its like i become a magnet for all sorts of things that bring me down .. it could be as simple as stubbing my toe .. or something major ..
when i'm in a positive frame of mind .. which is helped along be being grateful .. then i become a magnet for more positive things .. crazy and unrelated things happen that elevate me ..

we are all different .. and we all have different beliefs and ideas ..
so it will be interesting to hear what other ppl have to say about this gratitude thing .. ;)

edit to say .. i'm going to copy and paste this into the thread i started .. anyone interested in a side focusing on gratitude..
and ask anyone who is interested to comment in there .. thankyou .. :)

Message edited by author 2019-03-17 04:10:18.
03/17/2019 04:12:18 AM · #179
Yes, words are just words and can only be dualistic in nature.

I think a side challenge with the title Gratitude would be a terrific idea, we can define that word how we want and shoot for it accordingly.
Good idea Roz.
03/17/2019 04:14:50 AM · #180
Originally posted by jagar:

Yes, words are just words and can only be dualistic in nature.

I think a side challenge with the title Gratitude would be a terrific idea, we can define that word how we want and shoot for it accordingly.
Good idea Roz.

thankyou John .. very much appreciate your feedback and 'enthusiasm' .. ;)
03/17/2019 02:18:14 PM · #181
I recently watched a YouTube video that covered Hurricane Michael's devastation of Mexico Beach, FL last October and it really made me stop and think how lucky I am to have a home. Those poor people will never recover their homes and that whole area will never be what it once was.

That said, your idea of Gratitude for a SC might be what we need to realize what we're truly grateful for in our lives. If nothing else, it will give us pause for thought.
03/17/2019 02:24:28 PM · #182
Originally posted by marnet:

Originally posted by GinaRothfels:

Black and white minimal

It seems this side challenge is turning into a technical exercise. For this set I was experimenting with lighting using ambient light, a small flashlight (not used for any of these 3) and ring flash. Fortunately my plastic model is very patient.

Is Frankie short of daughter of Frankenstein? They are all scary ;)

That's right. The name on the box is Frankie Stein.

I also have Dracula's daughter, but she's still in the box, so she doesn't want to pose for me :)
03/17/2019 02:59:28 PM · #183
Got a bit busy last week - hope to post and comment more this week.

The work I'm doing in retirement is supporting a very small school district in Santa Barbara County, which is struggling financially and will likely need cease operation and consolidate with an adjacent district to serve kids. The school is named Vista de Las Cruces (View of the Crosses). Although, I think in this case "Las Cruces" refers to the crossroad of State Highways 101 and 1. Couldn't help thinking of this when I happened to look out the office window and saw...

Message edited by author 2019-03-17 15:00:58.
03/17/2019 04:34:49 PM · #184
Swan (Outside only)
03/17/2019 08:33:34 PM · #185
03/17/2019 09:17:31 PM · #186
square yard or smaller
The original version was submitted two days ago. Henry suggested going b&w with it, so I brought it into Silver Efex and played around.
This new version does seem, to me, to be a better image, satisfyingly abstract. If one of those crazy "if you had to do one or the other" choices were put to me, as in "delete one or the other for all eternity", I'd keep the color version because that was the one that appealed to my eye one afternoon.

and the original

03/17/2019 10:19:35 PM · #187
my theme ..
taking photos and doing stuff to them .. more or less ..
and maybe experimenting a bit ..

i added a water overlay .. which do ppl prefer ..

Message edited by author 2019-03-17 22:26:19.
03/18/2019 11:49:58 AM · #188

03/18/2019 12:41:46 PM · #189

(Cell phone capture and edit)
03/18/2019 02:58:13 PM · #190
Theme: Food and eating - Kitchens

03/18/2019 03:59:24 PM · #191
Good morning (Outside only)
03/18/2019 09:13:48 PM · #192
square yard or smaller

03/19/2019 12:30:44 AM · #193
03/19/2019 01:20:23 AM · #194
Theme: Old or wrecked cars or parts thereof.

03/19/2019 02:03:27 PM · #195

I am a little behind. I spent 3 days shooting the USA Gymnastics State meet for Maine. 29 hours of shooting bar routines and listening to the same floor music (some of it was different). My brain and my hands are FRIED!!!!!
03/19/2019 02:23:13 PM · #196
Minimal in camera B&W

03/19/2019 02:36:04 PM · #197
Originally posted by GinaRothfels:

Originally posted by marnet:

Originally posted by GinaRothfels:

Black and white minimal

It seems this side challenge is turning into a technical exercise. For this set I was experimenting with lighting using ambient light, a small flashlight (not used for any of these 3) and ring flash. Fortunately my plastic model is very patient.

Is Frankie short of daughter of Frankenstein? They are all scary ;)

That's right. The name on the box is Frankie Stein.

I also have Dracula's daughter, but she's still in the box, so she doesn't want to pose for me :)
OK, I didn't know, it was a scary shot in the dark ;)
03/19/2019 02:37:49 PM · #198
Originally posted by roz:

my theme ..
taking photos and doing stuff to them .. more or less ..
and maybe experimenting a bit ..

i added a water overlay .. which do ppl prefer ..
Both look scary, a bit too serious for a little kid
03/19/2019 03:48:07 PM · #199
Safe place (Outside only)
03/19/2019 03:53:42 PM · #200
On the job.

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