Author | Thread |
06/13/2004 09:29:56 PM · #1 |
I've been trying to send a couple PMs (private messages), with copies to myself, and I'm not getting the copies. I also tried sending a regular message to myself, to see if that would work, and no luck. I have not changed any settings on my computer, and the address is correct. Is anyone else having problems?
06/13/2004 09:33:15 PM · #2 |
Ursula, I just sent you one with copy to myself...
06/13/2004 09:39:32 PM · #3 |
Originally posted by kirbic: Ursula, I just sent you one with copy to myself... |
Thanks! Did you get the copy? I have not gotten the message.
Message edited by author 2004-06-14 00:35:41.
06/13/2004 09:54:43 PM · #4 |
I sent you an email as a test. :o)
06/13/2004 09:55:43 PM · #5 |
06/13/2004 10:00:48 PM · #6 |
Thank you, Laurie and Ellen. I am NOT getting the messages. It must be something with my ISP. I wonder what. Weird. I guess I'll wait a little while and see what happens.
06/13/2004 10:03:06 PM · #7 |
I've been having the exact problem. See this thread:
After much investigation, my ISP told me the most likely problem was:
"The server company that dpc uses as it's host
also hosts for some notorious spammers and thus has
been blacklisted by many isp's and e-mail providers."
I e-mailed the admins but have not heard back yet.
Someone suggested to get an e-mail account at a free provider- such as Yahoo to fix the problem.
06/13/2004 10:07:20 PM · #8 |
I have not gotten the copies of messges sent either. I tried PMing myself (with copy) and got neither the PM or the copy. Somethin's fishy.
06/13/2004 10:11:53 PM · #9 |
Originally posted by kirbic: I have not gotten the copies of messges sent either. I tried PMing myself (with copy) and got neither the PM or the copy. Somethin's fishy. |
Or as Potato Head would say, "Something's screwy here!"
Hope it is all resolved soon. ;o)
06/13/2004 10:16:11 PM · #10 |
I sent you a PM and checked the box to send myself a copy. I use a hotmail address and usually get PMs but this time I didn't get the copy!
06/13/2004 10:20:21 PM · #11 |
OK, I got one of the messages, the one Ellen (THANKS, ELLEN!) sent. None of the others. Weird. Frisca, you're having problems also I see. What's going on?
Message edited by author 2004-06-13 22:21:15.
06/13/2004 10:23:03 PM · #12 |
Well gee, at least something is working right ;-)
Wonder why the others aren't going thru? Weird, indeed! |
06/13/2004 10:46:20 PM · #13 |
I sent frisca a PM and a copy to myself. I did not receive the copy. I have received several emails today, so I know that system works, but the PM obviously has a ghost in the machine somewhere. :o)
06/13/2004 10:59:46 PM · #14 |
OK, now I got Lauries. But something is not working quite right. I think though that it's not related to this site specifically. I tried sending a private message to myself from a different site (Betterphoto) and that one didn't come through either.
[ EDIT ] Is it possible the Internet is "slow" tonight? I just got one of my original PMs to myself.
Message edited by author 2004-06-13 23:01:06.
06/14/2004 12:04:09 AM · #15 |
Internet email is not necessarily immediate. If your ISP does any kind of email filtering (for spam or viruses) and they have received a high volume of mail today, it is possible they are backlogged.
Also, you may want to edit your email address out of your earlier post in this thread. Many spammers use "bots" that crawl random web sites harvesing email addresses... leaving it out there is basically an invitation to spam.
06/14/2004 12:07:25 AM · #16 |
After a couple hours now, I have not gotten any of the PMs, including the copies of ones I sent. I'm now wondering if my ISP has put DPC on the "blacklist".
06/14/2004 12:18:28 AM · #17 |
I have the same problem, not receiving any PMs. Sent one to myself about 2 hours ago, still haven't received it. Now I know why some of the people haven't replied! |
06/14/2004 12:37:22 AM · #18 |
Originally posted by ClubJuggle: Ursula,
Internet email is not necessarily immediate. If your ISP does any kind of email filtering (for spam or viruses) and they have received a high volume of mail today, it is possible they are backlogged.
Also, you may want to edit your email address out of your earlier post in this thread. Many spammers use "bots" that crawl random web sites harvesing email addresses... leaving it out there is basically an invitation to spam.
-Terry |
Thanks, I just did that (edit out the email address).
About ISP and backlogs, there are two things. (1) some messages are coming through, but only some; (2) this is happening to a number of people, not only me. It must be something else.
06/14/2004 07:16:35 AM · #19 |
I finally received the copy of the PM I sent to frisca at about 3 am central time...about 5 hours after I sent it. My email does have a little lag time, but it has never been more than an hour. I also receive the email from ursula at 3:25 am. I don't know if it's "us or them"... ;o)
06/14/2004 08:24:14 AM · #20 |
I haven't been receiving any private messages over the past week, while I had been expecting some. I changed my email-address to my other address with a provider that supposedly doesn't do blacklisting, and I still don't get any messages, not even those I sent to myself. Maybe the DPC-server is acting up?
Message edited by author 2004-06-14 08:24:34.
06/14/2004 08:28:21 AM · #21 |
I decided to do a test and sent myself a PM last night. I still haven't received it. They used to show up right away.
06/14/2004 10:52:34 AM · #22 |
this morning I see that I have gotten my copy of the PM to kirbic, one from laurie and one from ursula. That's some wicked bad lag!
06/14/2004 11:11:42 AM · #23 |
I also received all my PMs and copies this morning. The lag is very big. For example, one message sent about 10 pm last night is dated as received at around 6:00 am today. I just downloaded t now (about 8:00 am).
06/14/2004 11:34:42 AM · #24 |
Does anyone have any experience with using's free e-mail service? They have a free e-mail forwarding service - which means you can use them as an intermediary if DPC's server is blacklisted by your ISP.
(Set your e-mail in DPC to the address in bigfoot - and then it will get automatically forwarded to your real primary address.)
06/14/2004 11:51:56 AM · #25 |
The best free email service (IMHO) is available from // very minimal advertising, thanks to the fact that there are many members who do pay and subsidize the "free" part (just like here on DPC!)
Terrific web interface, IMAP access (so you can use a "regular" mailer), folders, you name it... (And for a small one-time payment, you can "upgrade" your free "guest" account to a "member" account and get even more features, with absolutely no ads...)
Message edited by author 2004-06-14 11:54:12. |
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