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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> June free Study
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 34, (reverse)
07/05/2004 03:54:53 PM · #1
I recieved a comment about my recent entry in the June free Study contest. The comment was made by a user of DP challenge that hasn't yet entered a challenge.
The comment was "i wish there was a no score button"
I think people that are rude enough to make such comments shouldnt be eligable to comment on anyones entries.
Your a jerk, Tallan
07/05/2004 03:57:21 PM · #2
I don't read the comment you quote as 'rude' at all. Is there a larger context?
07/05/2004 03:58:44 PM · #3
I think a score of 1 for effort, is enough of an insult.
07/05/2004 04:10:21 PM · #4
Originally posted by majuicy:

The comment was "i wish there was a no score button"

There is, it is called the on/off button to your computer.
07/05/2004 04:32:52 PM · #5
your "turret view" photo is... interesting.
07/05/2004 04:44:00 PM · #6
While it may be brusque and completely unhelpful, it's not abusive or otherwise outside the site terms of use. Your best recourse if you receive one of these useless comments is to completely ignore them. If it is truly abusive, bring to the attention of the SC.
On the other hand, name-calling in the forums, no matter the provocation, does not reflect well on you, and is not considered appropriate.
07/05/2004 04:44:42 PM · #7
Originally posted by majuicy:

I recieved a comment about my recent entry in the June free Study contest. The comment was made by a user of DP challenge that hasn't yet entered a challenge.
The comment was "i wish there was a no score button"
I think people that are rude enough to make such comments shouldnt be eligable to comment on anyones entries.
Your a jerk, Tallan

You could inform the person that the "no score" button does exist. Just press one of the arrow keys at the end of the 1-10 range shown underneath the image.

But better ignore it. Don't let it get to you. It is just an opinion, and not a very helpful one.
07/05/2004 07:28:41 PM · #8
I agree with Kirbic that there is no need to be rude and offensive. I'm sorry that you have taken my comments to heart (both on this forum and in a private email), but then again maybe it will make you think before submitting photos which do not in any shape or form or in any stretch of the imagination match the challenge title!!!!

I wonder how many will agree with me when the voting is up and the photos can be seen.

And for your infomation I have entered two challenges both of which are still being voted on. I welcome any and all comments about my photography as long as it doesn't involve me being called a jerk.

PS Willem for your information not voting on a photo is not the same as giving it a zero score, and also in my humble opinion you can find helpful someone totally underating your work. Isn't that the whole point of this site?
07/05/2004 07:45:27 PM · #9
keep this thread on topic (ie. the June Free Study Challenge) or it will have to be moved to Rant.
07/05/2004 07:51:35 PM · #10
Your right. It was unnecessary to name calling. I appologize.
But I don't agree with unnecessary, unhelpful comments like that. I became a member of this site with hope of expressing my own creative views.
So far i've learned that in a free study, my creativy will be critised unfairly. If you dont like the picture, you dont have to rate it.
07/05/2004 07:56:32 PM · #11
so you can only vote or comment on a photo if you like it and are positive about it?????
07/05/2004 07:56:38 PM · #12
Soooo... how 'bout those June Free Study pics? What a nice group of shots. The bar is raised when 'anything goes' and you don't have to worry about meeting the challenge. Good luck to all.
07/05/2004 08:03:45 PM · #13
maybe it will make you think before submitting photos which do not in any shape or form or in any stretch of the imagination match the challenge title

Um, the appropriateness of the original comment aside, just how could a photo not meet the challenge title for the June Free Study?
07/05/2004 08:06:31 PM · #14
I'm really happy with my June Free Study entry, ...the commentors were kind enough to share specifics about what they'd like to see or where they think I could have made better choices.

... I saw the June Free Study as a good opportunity to enter anything I wanted and... I entered what I wanted just for the feed back....

I'm impressed with what others have chosen to enter. I look forward to finishing voting and adding my helpful comments!


edited: Because the smile was killing me. "..." indicate removed parts.
And, as other subsequently mention, I would like to know too how you can not meet the challenge.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff knew: Beware of trolls!

Message edited by author 2004-07-05 21:09:47.
07/05/2004 08:09:06 PM · #15
Originally posted by selectivememory:

... just how could a photo not meet the challenge title for the June Free Study?

Pay Per View ;-)
07/05/2004 08:11:03 PM · #16
07/05/2004 08:50:13 PM · #17
this thread is locked.

07/05/2004 08:54:24 PM · #18
I have the keys hehehehe
07/05/2004 09:02:32 PM · #19
Originally posted by tallan:

but then again maybe it will make you think before submitting photos which do not in any shape or form or in any stretch of the imagination match the challenge title!!!!

How can something not meet the June FREE Challenge?????
07/05/2004 09:44:04 PM · #20
Originally posted by stormy:

Originally posted by tallan:

but then again maybe it will make you think before submitting photos which do not in any shape or form or in any stretch of the imagination match the challenge title!!!!

How can something not meet the June FREE Challenge?????

Yes....please explain.
07/06/2004 04:46:05 AM · #21
Sorry everyone, I got mixed up between the july free study and the extraordinary challenge. I still stand by my original comment though.
07/06/2004 05:35:13 AM · #22
Originally posted by tallan:

PS Willem for your information not voting on a photo is not the same as giving it a zero score, and also in my humble opinion you can find helpful someone totally underating your work. Isn't that the whole point of this site?

What I ment with "not helpful" is that, saying a picture does not deserve a vote or does deserve a 0 vote, does not help the photographer in any way to improve. You could try to add some explanation of why you have that opinion, e.g. is it the general appeal, is it some technical aspect, is it the message it brings across to you etc.

I don't mind people being clear, or even harsh, I know I can be myself. One of the clear comments I received in the past was "let's try to be original next time", which was spot on. At least in contains an element of WHY the person did not like the image.
07/06/2004 05:50:52 AM · #23
So if in someone's eye your picture is so bad that even 1 is too big to score all of the sudden that's offensive? Quite honestly I seen some superbe shots in this challenge, but I also seen some that made me think "If this is someone's best photo during an entire month than that person should probably stop trying" even if there is no "meets the challenge" so I gave a few 1's and 2's and if there were a -1 I wouldn't of hesitated, and I wanned to comment my thoughts but my experience on this site has taught me to be more careful about being honest in sharing my thoughts, that's often taken as an offence here. And this thread tells me I whas right. So to all of you I gave 1's and 2's my comment is "throw away your camera, give it to someone as a gift, sell it, whatever".

PS. some shots are so bad they don't leave room for constructive criticism or improovement suggestions or stuff like that. They just wrong and that's all you can say about them. The only improovement possible is another picture.

Message edited by author 2004-07-06 05:53:16.
07/06/2004 06:02:28 AM · #24
Originally posted by frumoaznicul:

So if in someone's eye your picture is so bad that even 1 is too big to score all of the sudden that's offensive? Quite honestly I seen some superbe shots in this challenge, but I also seen some that made me think "If this is someone's best photo during an entire month than that person should probably stop trying" even if there is no "meets the challenge" so I gave a few 1's and 2's and if there were a -1 I wouldn't of hesitated, and I wanned to comment my thoughts but my experience on this site has taught me to be more careful about being honest in sharing my thoughts, that's often taken as an offence here. And this thread tells me I whas right. So to all of you I gave 1's and 2's my comment is "throw away your camera, give it to someone as a gift, sell it, whatever".

PS. some shots are so bad they don't leave room for constructive criticism or improovement suggestions or stuff like that. They just wrong and that's all you can say about them. The only improovement possible is another picture.

I actually find this comment quite offensive.
ART is subjective. Just because you do not like a shot and find it technicaly lacking, does not mean that someone else will. It is your perogative to award 1s and 2s but not to tell someone to give up potography. I have recieved my fair share of 1s and 2s (probably more than most people...), but i am learning with every shot and enjoying my photography. Your comments are hurtfull to some people, not me, water off a ducks back.
So to the people scoring low, DON'T give up because of peoples comment or votes. Remember why you take photographs, the main reason is not to win on DPChallange (although to come close would be nice!!!), it is because we enjoy expanding our knowlage and technical abilty in our hobby that we love.
frumoaznicul, i have just checked out your profile, some very nice shots there, but i think that you can still improve, and once you become the greatest photographer in the world, then you can tell people that they are not good enough to own a camera never mind use it.
Sorry for the rant, but i am here, like most people, to learn and have fun.

Keep up the good work DPC.


Message edited by author 2004-07-06 06:04:40.
07/06/2004 06:17:08 AM · #25
Ofcourse someone else could like what I don't, and what I'm refering to are not art forms I don't understand. I usualy rate those around 5 even if I don't like them. What I'm talking about are pictures that are wrong tehnicaly compositionaly and in any way. I don't think anyone would like those, but remember this whas supose to be "Your best image during an entire month." Some shots honestly really made me ask if this whas his best during a month period what in the world could of ben his whorse one?
About my work I know I have a looong way until I can even call myself a photographer, but I'm doing my best as you and everyone else to improove.
Ok maybe I oversaid it when I said they should stop shooting but atleast it's not necesary to submit in every challenge just because they payed for memberships. I skip lots of them whenever I have no good ideea and when I'm not satisfied with the results, and there are many I wish I didn't enter. With almost 400 images in this challenge I hope that's a fair thought. I'm here to have fun too, but to me fun doesn't mean I'm not taking photography seriously.

PS since you checked my profile I checked yours too, and I noticed on your images that almost any negative comments no matter how constructive they are are unhelpfull. For example in your "walking away from the light" a shot that scored really low, someone tried to explain what he saw wrong with it, "Just too blown out to really get a feel for the shot." It's curious why you didn't find that helpful since you said you are here to learn.

Message edited by author 2004-07-06 06:26:38.
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