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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Addiction !!!!!!!!!!!
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09/13/2004 08:37:15 PM · #1
I have tried to stop but I just can't.
Now, I understand how hard it is for a depend addict. That is why, once you become an adicted, you are addicted for life.....
Every corner I turn, I see it. It's like, I am being haunted or punished for ever starting. I know, some of you say, it could never happen to me. But before you know it, you too have become a victim. Every where you turn, there is a potential photo oppotunity.
09/13/2004 08:45:41 PM · #2
Doesn't stop there...soon you'll see $25 float out of your wallet and you will then realize that the addiction has only begun. I think we should have a rehab group here...
09/13/2004 08:47:13 PM · #3
LOL...for minute there I thought you were gonna confess your addiction to some illegal substance or worse. I agree with you. I can't just go somewhere without taking my camera or cursing myself for having lost THAT chance.

09/13/2004 08:53:31 PM · #4
Originally posted by chiqui74:

LOL...for minute there I thought you were gonna confess your addiction to some illegal substance or worse. I agree with you. I can't just go somewhere without taking my camera or cursing myself for having lost THAT chance.


I was in the carwash today, and...it was there! The multi-colored wax running down my windshield. I ...I had to take a picture.
09/13/2004 08:59:05 PM · #5
Originally posted by Tranquil:

I think we should have a rehab group here...

To say the least!!!
09/13/2004 09:00:04 PM · #6
The counselor is in....
09/13/2004 09:01:32 PM · #7
Originally posted by laurielblack:

The counselor is in....

Okay...okay...I took two, maybe it was three!
09/13/2004 09:04:55 PM · #8
Ahh, yes, the joys of DPC Addiction...

- Update Button fixation
- You have a bad back from lugging 10kg of photo gear
- "L disease" means your camera bag is worth nearly as much as your car
- You've started to use TLAs* for photographic terms in everyday conversation
- You can't look at a magazine withougt critiqueing the photography
- You have dreams about your score going up... and up.
- You wake up in a cold sweat from nightmares about your score going down... and down!
- The Update Button calls out to you, audibly
- You get withdrawal if you haven't logged in for 24 hours
- You'd consider a 12-step program but your co-dependent, DPC-member friends dissuade you every time
- As you compose each photo, you find yourself thinking "will this fit the chellenge?"
- You spend valuable time typing drivel like this

*TLA: Three Letter Acronym
09/13/2004 09:11:36 PM · #9
Originally posted by kirbic:

Ahh, yes, the joys of DPC Addiction...

- Update Button fixation

Aaahh, yes...the Update button.

As a rookie, it hasn't taken me long to see how screwed up I am because of that thing.

I have no need for a clock anymore...the current time is always right beside "Updated 09/13/04 _________"!

Message edited by author 2004-09-13 21:13:02.
05/23/2005 01:36:59 PM · #10
Rather than starting a new one, I tried to find a thread on addiction and here was one...

Does it ever happen to any of you that you want to find something on the internet because of your work or something else, you start the browser, the DPC comes up (yep, that's my default home page), you glance at the newest forum posts, go to check one out, a link to another one, criticise a photo or two, post a reply etc. and then you close your browser and find the reason why you launched that web browser in first place.

(Here I go again, I've reopened it to find something and I'm typing this instead. I'll close it now and come back to it tonight...)
05/23/2005 01:38:35 PM · #11
Kinda like a DPCer anonymous club
05/23/2005 01:41:29 PM · #12
lol my sister has told me that I need help cause of my addiction. I take to many photos and cant stop
05/23/2005 01:44:22 PM · #13
Originally posted by Tranquil:

I think we should have a rehab group here...

Better yet I think there should be a support group for our families LOL...

FOPA = Families of Photographers Anonymous :-D
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